11530 Special SCLOG ; Stevie G Birthday (31)
the Complete Player ..PLUS>>>>>>>>>
- OUR CUP & REFLECTIONS on barca mass-debate etc…
GERRARD; 31 today, captain of Liverpool and the most COMPLETE footballer in the WORLD! Without doubt! YNWA! Go pick up the EPL next year Stevie! complete the collection!
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GARRARD; 31 today, captain of Liverpool and the most COMPLETE footballer in the WORLD! Without doubt! YNWA! Go pivk up the EPL next year Stevie!
My feelings are that (being a fellow "GEM-ini" who also had success at a young age, and lusted for responsibility and achievements.) The "super-star" will become more "human" a he realises the most beautiful day of playing the game at the top level are being counted..I feel Stevie could play on for many seasons, but the approaching reality wont be lost on him, and he will want to make the most of that, and every aspect of his life , as one of the "lads" I wish you everything you wish for yourself, n19, ..and even 20 & 21..and a couple of Champions leagues too before you relinquish your playing crown, BUT dont be in a hurry to stop these will always be your BEST days NO matter if you " rule the world " thereafter... be well!
OUR CUP ; THe European CUP of Champions
LiverpoolFC - Champions of Europe (2005 Part 1
ChriS SmiTH i cant forget 77 either..I was on the old standing Kop on the last day when we won the league and at the final..we came close to the first "dream treble" that year.. I remember that year, a REd writing a poem..
" i dream of her skin as smooth as silk
,i dream of her lips as drinky as milk,
I dream of her breasts , as smooth as a pebble
-but MOST of ALL....
.........I DREAM of the TREBLE
i cant forget 77 either..I was on the old standing Kop on the last day when we won the league and at the final..we came close to the first "dream treble" that year.. I remember that year, a REd writing a poem.. " i dream of her skin as smooth as silk,i dream of her lips as drinky as milk,I dream of her breasts , as smooth as a pebble -but MOST of ALL..I DREAM of the TREBLE ..LOL YNWA!Vasilis Paraskakis, Emil Lfc Nea csu, Ilias Tsetsekos and 2 others like this.
- ChriS SmiTH had a smile as big as "Crazy Horse".; lad on the Kop in the Glory days ;)
- Quarry Wong
That was a truly amazing season. It was a kind of awakening for me. I had the privilege of seeing us beat Man City 2-1 fromthe paddock. I stood on a stool I think. Liverpool went from rivals of Leeds / Derby COunty to world power. One of the best things I remember was the power of the Kop that year. Average crowds of 47,000 ringing to "Come on ye mighty reds". Liverpool's growth coincided with my growth from nipper to youth, music, guitars, rock n roll.
- Quarry Wong And the wonderful Lol Coterell - was I one of the few that thought he was quite good?
- ChriS SmiTH tx for that Quarry, nice stuff...my own "realisation" was 3 years earlier at wembley in 74 when was a lad we demolished the "fancied" geordies and supermac was in tommo's back pocket.(sang YNWA in the middle of the game!) wembley bounced...Emlyn, my hero charging and Keegan finishing off an elongated "pass & move" for 3-0 that barca would be envious of..we arrived ..a combination of British, Shanks ass and move and "continental footy" for me that game (not only for the significance of Shanks last game) was the legacy that was relaised on the "world stage" 3 years later 77 in Rome..
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In my life - Istanbul
My "extreme story of 25.5.05..
I was living in the french/german region of the rhine river frontier , and without going into detail was having a "go" at the system, demos, revealing corruption by german "beamte" and a local politician etc on a free radio station, that was situated on the "german side" - the Thursday before Istanbul, I was stil planning to go to the game and have a "holiday" that week as 2 days before was also my birthday, and I had arrange d to meet my "estranged" daughter with her german mother, in a park near the "free radio" station, instead half a dozen plain clothes bizzies arrived (in the kiddles playground) and hauled me away for "helping the police with enquiries" - what they called investigative detention - what I called a violation of my rights to expose injustice! )
anyway…the next few days they kept me in "transit" where there wasn’t even a radio, and by Monday before the game I was denied outside contact and of course CERTAIN, I would miss the match..as I knew from my previous "activism" that it took the germans (deliberately) 3-6 months to "process" those who complain..and I complained..on a great scale..
Tuesday came, and after a day's "isolation" sweating on not even seeing or hearing the big match, they transferred me to a "colditz" style deportation building near the swizz border (as the "bus" passed certain signs I was reminded of Steve McQueen, riding around this hilly area on his motor bike in "the great escape"..surreal! …
WEDNESDAY 25.5.05; the day of THE match of the century; in the ONE hour exercise period (of 24hrs) that a man U fan from London (obviously) had a telly, so I managed to have words with him, on the way back to my " accomodation" (no bigger than the average bathroom) where I shared with an italian guy (who happened to be accused of murder!) I speak Italian, it helped! ..(no other brits in this place, and no outside/consulate contact yet) …
Luckily, we had an open door period for showers, and the TV was smuggled in (only a small screen..but..) well we all know what happened in the game , the drama, and memories which will stay in my mind and Lfc heart and my RED soul forever..a "funny thing" was...At half time the Italian "room-mate" who didn’t like Milan, luckily, said to me "you will win this"…and the "tradition" of banging doors when a goal was scored, became all mine in the 2nd half (there were a number of Italians & AC Milan sympathisers there) …I was made up, and some time late "escaped" when a journalist found out about my detention..but that’s another longer story,. ;)
LFC TV remember the glory of Istanbul with a countdown of 20 video clips relating to that memorable occasion
Rodolfo Borrell has revealed his great pride at following in the footsteps of some of Liverpool's greatest ever names after he was confirmed as the new reserve team coach earlier this week.
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the lads on St Vincent, enjoy it boyz - we need U tomorrow! |
and dont forget ...Kenny' s FIRST Season in charge back then...
On the 25th anniversary of LFC's historic double of 1985/86 we present a special themed edition of Most Wanted
- history has a way of being "re-cycled"
The highlights of CL 2005 set to Beatles' In my Life. Fantastic video from Sky (!)
with a brief history.
and a "fantasy" cartoon of Future REDS of a rawkite :
if U want to really "get into" the original feelings and culture of the "Shanks generation" and our mentality/culture/RedS society..theres not a better series (4) of short videos than ..."potemkin league"..watch right through them and I hope U understand...;) the reason I will fight anyone who betrays "Shanks Liverpool way" inside or outside y-OUR club.
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-Hiya Tony (need) a follow up to "potemkin league" ..(IMO NOT "the end") www.ursun.net/MyLFCLUB_2.htm ("under construction")
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barca for a couple of hours, tonight,then back to LIVERPOOL REd becase the future is OURS!! ...this is the end of the beginning of a new REd dawn :D
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- ChriS SmiTH"scousers all over the world"
- Ian CharlesLove it......
- Gillian M Edwardsrobbed it chris as u can see, hope u dont mind x
- ChriS SmiTH whats REd is y-ours, kid! :D
- Gillian M Edwardsta :D
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hype over barca is getting ridiculous..really OTT!
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The Lfc Alberto left bears no relation to now, hodgson-purslow never game him a chance,(didnt fir woy's hoof &... http://tinyurl.com/3vuvdax
its amazing how many of our ex-players (and the so-called "expert" pundits too) just dont "get it" well none o... http://tinyurl.com/3m9zhb6

@WeAreTheRedmen pse save me one Paul, I'll pay you when I come over. takes 2 months to get to Montenegro in the post + xtra handling costs!
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@LFC when the blues started singing "going down" at goodison - we replied, "so are we, so are we" :D (immediately comes to mind , funniest...)
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- SmiTH
The Lfc Alberto left bears no relation to now, hodgson-purslow never game him a chance,(didnt fir woy's hoof & hope "tactics") IMO Aquilani was looking good at the end of the previous season and fits into "pass & move" ..well we know the media & the ex-player "lobby" dont want him, but some of our supporters DO..!
Liverpool FC’s hopes of selling Alberto Aquliani to Juventus fade after Italians sign Andrea Pirlo - News - Liverpool FC - Liverpool Echo
- ChriS SmiTH
its amazing how many of our ex-players (and the so-called "expert" pundits too) just dont "get it" well none of them fancy us..so lets prove em wrong!
Liverpool FC boss Kenny Dalglish hits back at Danny Murphy over pressure comments - News - Liverpool FC - Liverpool Echo
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If you can meet with triumph and disaster
And treat those two imposters just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with wornout tools;
No, Karen, this is NOT another letter of congratulations..<SMILE>
Its an "Appeal" on behalf of other REdS…..
Dear Karen,
..Although I am somwhat "envious" of the position of "chair" ..I would have loved to have a go at that - sparks would fly..and yet I really and truly doubt if any one of that group have the knowledge and courage to challenge FSG/Lfc Direction on an "equal basis" (IF NEED BE) -I wont bang on about Supporters shares - my reason for contacting you now, and I am sure you are inundated with people who "want to know you" right now, other than the obvious relationship to the great man..
I have organised several "Balkan REdS" meetings ..in BAR, ("Monty") , sKOPje (Mac.) Stara Pazova (Serbia) and Tuzla (Bosnia-H) ..with various degrees of success, although for me any opportunity to get ANY RedS together from different geo/ethnic origins in this region, with its volatile history, is a "success"…
The "passion" is as high at least as most match going fans, despite the fact that 99% have never been the the "Anfield Mecca" or even seen an Lfc game live (you probably experienced this in Athens with their fan club) ..and with the average income being 200/300e p/month, with some requiring VISAs that wont be granted by UK, some being unemployed, or students living on pennies, their chances of seeing a home game are remote. Especially without the Europa league involvement.
AS luck would have it, there MAY be 2, 3 or even 4 Lfc PLAYERS in the English squad coming to Montenegro ("Monty") in October for a 2012 qualification match…and as none of the local fan groups have been granted "officlal status" so far, ANY appeals for player contact by them (or indeed by myself, who has a long term standing argument with the LFC "office") will likely be ignored.
This may seem cheeky at this time, but , considering you have good contact with the club, you might be able, if not to approach them, point us in the correct direction to obtain, even a "five minute audience" with whichever Lfc players comes to Podgorica, probably at the team hotel. The local REdS, (and even then not all can get time off to be there, so we are talking about a SMALL group of Fans), would be made up! If this can be done, without too much "fuss".
Personally, I wont attend, as I am simultaneously organising "LetS-BE-FAIR" a not - for - profit initiative (website "under construction" ; http://www.ursun.net/LetS-BFAIR_LAUNCH_TOO.htm
despite bugs in my system).. And my many challenges and complaints directly at Lfc or via SoS have caused me to be seen as "trouble" and I don’t want the locals (many young, poor, and some sick) to suffer from my own chosen "stance". (http://www.ursun.net/MyLFCLUB_2.htm )
I would (and they certainly would) appreciate any real assistance you feel able to give, in the circumstances
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