![]() |
FuTuREdS - hoping Kenny will trust them, money cant buy true REdS |
( that reminds me ..who is coming to "hamster new years party" ) ;)
11803 nicely hungover, from a great night, dancing & bevvies with 5 lovely lasses after 12 days of BS-infected life..we some moments in those days, but always the instinct that the smile wasnt genuine and her "info" contradictive, it was always there that something was wrong
…and again, sadly proven right by "H.L.M." who even contradicts the note she left behind with sad & abusive foul language messages!!
as the saying goes.." no good turn goes unpunished"
But every Good is always Beautiful.
Being Important is not always Good,
But being Good is always Important.
(and great to see/hear Kaja singing again)
Kevin "gormless" Gormley
Closely followed by
… Terry (Blue & white sh*te) White..
5 Times…()
Brendan Kingcommented on Liverpool Songs's link.
"Great night that was."
yesterday i bought external disc so i'll save my files from this laptop (i have a lot of things for work here too) but i'm afraid i'll save infected files too?
i don't worry, with every computer i have work with something went wrong, once a virus crashed disc. everything happend in a second. in that time i had more than 2000 viruses :)))
my cousin said: "how did you manage to that??! i have never seen this" :)))
i guess i have always been suspicious ;)
ChriS>the C1/A are blocking and infecting us, but they cant stop the big Red family ……… WE SHALL OVERCOME!

Alex invited you to The Starting Day of Barclay Premier League.
CS> I don’t need an "invitation" ;)
Лука Грчић commented on Liverpul Balkan's Wall post.
Лука wrote "I thought that maybe we can arrange a meeting in Belgrade this time. :)"
CS>just give me some advance notice , now my "guest" has left I can go almost anywhere, but would like to know in advance to avoid "clashing events" ..
EWE never walk alone too ;)
Subject: SClog (still) A...LIVE... R... Pool! ;)
18 July 13:20
Morning friends. Have three articles published today. Need 100 likes on each - easy with your help. Please kindly click the three links & like button beneath header... Enjoy :()
Ugljesa HB kings of come back! despite the BUG-ers! :))
18 July at 13:24 · Like
Ugljesa Hemuli Boljevic watching liverpool - 0%.. believe in kenny and team spirit - always 100%!
Pasted from <http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150274193325739&set=a.10150274193220739.379136.665480738&type=1>
18 July 18:56

CS>never mind what the "office" says, its now a busines franchise, just SUPPORT the global REdS , Kenny and the Team = WE ARE the CLUB!
- Linda McDermott Did you see the little boy Rhys with the genetic disorder , who got to meet the Liverpool team ? It had me bubbling ...
18 July at 18:59 · - ChriS SmiTH yeah, choked!
- Linda McDermott yes

- Donna M Ellis i was in Singapore for the weekend so i guess i was in the right place at the right time
- ChriS SmiTH ok Donna, "just popping over to singapore for the weekend" as we all do. ;) nice!
- Donna M Ellis it was easy to go to Singapore only a 90mins flight for me
- ChriS SmiTH when yr profile says "Phuket" i thought "yeah, maybe Donna set it up when Hicks & co were @ Lfc, " lol, bit different from Hull , eh?
- Donna M Ellis I love it here, Sun every day, Hull rain every day, What would you go for Chris?
- ChriS SmiTH MOnty!! (MNE) ..as spock would say "its life Jim, but not as we know it".. a banana republic smaller than Lp , but with sun, no bananas , but plenty of "nanas" ;) x
Pasted from <http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150263447693130&set=a.10150263446768130.343772.671708129&type=1>
20 July 20:38
Like here, the church, politicians, bankers, developers.....something has to give...soon
20 July 20:32
theres some cracks in "the Wall", the banking scandal, news corp, Murdoch exposed..the tory mess, the protests in Greece, etc etc...just maybe,,, ;)
20 July 19:58
tx Bob, dont have to fight, we have to live without it.. :D
20 July 19:48
Chris, I bet you feel better getting that off your chest. I enjoyed reading it and it made a lot of sense to me, but the old adage "You Can't Fight City Hall" rings true my friend. You are the most passionate of LFC supporters,
20 July 15:15
I have had many an argument with terry white over slagging rafa. i think rafa deserves a lot of credit and no liverpool fan should disrespect him.
20 July 13:05
Original post
20 July 10:25
To all True Reds ..
ChriS SmiTH sent a message to the members of KOP UNlimited : Shanks' "ARK."
Subject: Shanks Way
To all True Reds ..
And this is really only for those few of U,who I invited to the Universal REdS group, but as my dear old, departed, Ma would say, "well, if the cap fits,WEAR it"…

Very FEW people, even ex-players appreciate the "Liverpool way" because in reality it WAS "Shanks way"..
I am disgusted by some antics of fans, ex-players, "tv pundits" and former or current Lfc "officials" who seem to have NO clue as to what he meant..its not just "pass & move" or YNWA or a collection of his quotes put on witty banners carried around the world, or the songs we sang..(better than anyone)..of being " a bastion of invincibility" theres something about TRUE genius with IS "alone" because it gives so much and gets little reward..
MY greatest anger recently has been towards "my own fans" & especially the "S.o.S" UNION , who rejected my warnings and proposals to combine a supporters buy out/in with the formation of the Union 3 years ago..WE own the club, even if on paper, the yankers are the owners.
With Shanks , WE made it,..
(snipped & extracted ) From http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=183999854031
more BS by negative fans, we are still not playing a "first team" ..without SG, Pepe, Suarez & Agger against Hull and I love and trust Kenny BUT, if he lets Aquilani go because of media & fans stupidity it will be his first major error this year.. AA is by far the most cultured midfielder we have (fit) now..and has played MOTM performances in the EPL that the media & the english lobby choose to forget... but...most disturbing was seeing mY REdS wearing blue & white sh*te "standards corrupted" (t*rd kit) a bad day 4 Lfc! ..I have supported the REds since I first started kicking a ball 40+ years ago, and that kit shames OUR CLUB!
Read More http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/sport/other-sports/2011/07/25/hull-city-3-liverpool-fc-0-kenny-dalglish-disappointed-as-reds-crash-to-3-0-pre-season-defeat-to-hull-city-100252-29113407/2/#ixzz1T7fh3f9N
Hull City 3 Liverpool FC 0: Kenny Dalglish disappointed as Reds crash to 3-0 pre-season defeat to Hu
IT’S a well worn cliché that results in pre-season don’t matter.
25 July at 15:21 · Aqua wants our Chris..........wants to go back to Italy
25 July at 15:35 · Like
25 July at 15:35 · Like
- ChriS SmiTH who says?
- Marie Buckley Apparently he did before he every came back after loan...was most disappointed Juve didn't make a move when theyvcshowed interest.
- ChriS SmiTH sure, but considering he'd been loaned out by hodgson/purslow, he owed no loyalty to Lfc, if Kenny shows he is valued I am sure he will stay!
Pasted from <http://www.facebook.com/groups/URSUN?id=186718784725580>
madness, is currently our best (fit) midfielder, fool hodgson & purslow wrong to loan him out last season, and to do this now (and at a loss on his purchase price?) completely stupid..beyond words!!
- Anup Raundal i would love to see him at lfc next season, he is doing very well but i dont think commoli n kenny have any choice... already more than 10 midfielders we have... so meireless or aquilani wll be sold for sure.... but he never really got any chance to prove himself…
- ChriS SmiTH of course theres a choice , after Stevie hes our most talented current midfielder..
- Natha Abu Kheit stupid
- (if lfc do it!)

Hi ChriS,
Cecile Dorfling also commented on Liverpool Songs's link.
Cecile wrote "Watch out Ronaldo! Watch out Messi! Here comes SUAREZ!!!"
20 July 18:40
FuTuREds!! ... if we keep the first team door open for the kids..the future is REd!
David Moli hit a hat-trick and Adam Morgan grabbed a brace as Liverpool U18s continued their 100
21 July 03:33
Well we have good defenders but all of them were inured second part of the season leaving it to only Carra and Flanno. I was thinking more in terms of a true left back Brazilian school who also score a lot and attack. I am a big fan of Sktrel though and Fabio when he plays
Comment history
18 July 09:56
Defenders; Johnson, dAgger ; Skrtel; Carra; Ayala ; Wisdom ; Insua ; Flanno ; Robinson ; Kelly ; Soto & Fabio(?) not enough for U? lol ..i think Kenny can form a decent defence from those, dont U ? and anyway , IMO..theres not so many Quality defenders out there!! certainly cant see any outstanding players to buy! (better than what we have? i dont see it)
18 July 03:25
people are obsesses with Carroll, Suarez is the striker to watch for- Luis will score- so let's just watch out for them to come! King Kenny knows what he is doing- bringing someone on the left is important. I will just trust him to do his thing (KK). I am worried we are not getting anyone additional in defense I think we need some help there but otherwise- I think we are well set for the season- bring on the TITLE
5 July 16:35
Indeed Chris!
15 July 10:12
hope so, trust Kenny, who is "improving" ? Citech are buying, but that dont make them champions (necessariliy) 3 have 3 major signings..on topd of a squad that beat 3 of the top 4 this year, etc..anyway..enjoy the coming season, it wont be boring...whatever happens! ;)
15 July 00:33

14 July 12:05
23 July 18:29
Liverpool FC predictions/ NewsOn the 17.4.11 this group was created, we dont lie about any news. We get facts 1st and we do predict….(blah)
CS> <SMIL> ????? I PREDICT that one day ppl will realise (on FB especially) that LESS is more..
Barbara W wrote "Whatever I say, you'll just shout at me so I'm keeping shtum ,but I hope you feel calmer soon.Your blood pressure will be through the roof if you're not careful.X"
CS>:D just stop them idiots wearing the blue & white sh*te shirts
Friendly match: Hull vs LIVERPOOL
by: Liverpool Songs
Mikael Valfridsson It was a good training for us!We are not used to lose.. YNWA!
- Lorette Renshaw King Kenny's to sell shop team on display, 98% of those out there wil not be in the starting 11 lets hope some1 liked the way they played *Y*N*W*A*
- Liverpool Songs cursed blue & white sh*te shirts!
ChriS SmiTH sent a message to the members of E.L(s)S.U.N: "Balkan REDS" (Union of Reds Supporters) Global 24 July 12:12
Subject: no blue & white sh*te!
ANy member that encourages or wears the blue & white sh*te (CURSED 3rd kit) PLEASE withdraw from this group and from being my "friend" I have no wish for association with anyone who betrays our REd culture!
27 July 12:01
any one who wants to call themselves a lfc fan would have the same feeling about that shit kit whether they live in liverpool or malaysia. being a lfc fan is about being a family .every fan across the globe should learn what being a lfc fan means. its an insult for someone to use not living in liverpool as an excuse for not knowing we hate blue and will hate to see a lfc player in that shockingly sh*t kit
Comment history
27 July 07:56
AS someone who has formed new Lfc supporters & fan clubs all over europe, and formed the "Global REDS" (u.r.s.u.n.) network I am more away of our global fan base than ANYone, i am not answering to YOU, it is precisely that fans such as YOU, who should know better are not explaining OUR CULTURE to new fans.. being a RED (and NOT a BLUE!!) is as important as knowing what the "KOP" means , what YNWA or j4t96 is all about and who "Shanks" was and that it was his influence and "Liverpool way" (including the "RED army" culture) that was maintained throughout by core supporters (best example recently was h-t @ Istanbul 05 ..) it IS a shame that you and others think that you can just come along and bring some some of modern "footy franchise" into our club and destroy THE things that made us SPECIAL since 50 years!! ..a great injustice to all of us who fought to keep these things "sacred" /.kids who dont know can be forgiven (a bit) BUT ..YOU should be ASHAMED!!!
27 July 02:24
Never said you had to explain anything ChriS... but by the same token, not every Liverpool fan has lived as a kid in Liverpool, nor has grown up on the KOP as you put it. For good or bad the club has a worldwide following now and understandably the emotions aren't quite the same for us non-Liverpuddlian. This is the reason why I said I can appreciate your position... and thought I explained MY position in return... never said your perspective was wrong or in need of explanation. If you want to have a coronary over Liverpool wearing blue then that is your right :)
26 July 09:14
no Nigel if U ever lived in Liverpool or grew up on the KOP then U know the differebce between Red & blue colours , when U are a kid, its not a question of "do u like footy?" its a question of "RED or BLUE?" ..and really I am shamed to have to EXPLAIN that to anyone callign themselves a "LFC fan" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
25 July 21:26
You can say the same for the black and yellow, or the charcoal 2nd away kit... or the green before that... and the yellow. I appreciate what you're saying but at the same time I recognize it for what it is... a cheap marketing ploy to sell extra jerseys. If fans in Malaysia... or Mersey want to buy it, hey... God bless them, more money for player transfers. It's not for me though, I'll support by copping the occasional 'standard' kit. I wouldn't let it worry me too much if I were you ;)
25 July 19:36
twice is too many! ... anyone who mixes with evertonians knows how much they hated their pink away kit last year..we changed from them & became the REds its as much our culture as YNWA! ...what next ? do we call the stadium "goodison" and sing a different song? or will the yankers tear down Shanks statue & put up michael jackson like fulham? ;) .....
Anwar KopsLiv commented on your post in ♥ уOυ'LL ηєωєя ωaLк aLoηє ♥ JFT96
24 July 16:18
AweSoME reviews,Thank YoU ChRiS..jft96,YNWA!!...
Original post
23 July 11:10
pointed out something that hadn’t really been pointed out before – in those final weeks, months even, Liverpool was effectively run by two failed banks – the RBS, which had been part nationalised by the British government, and Wachovia, which had been part nationalised by the American government.
The only reason it was saved is because we are Liverpool, because we have this huge brand name across the world – someone was always going to come in and buy it. Had it been a team like Aston Villa or Newcastle, that didn’t have that worldwide name and investors could go ‘we can make our money here, it’s a big club’ – it would have gone under because the banks would not have put themselves on the line for it.
The RBS knew it could not let Liverpool fail because it is an iconic brand, an iconic club. Those Americans were not moving until they got their money. Liverpool was effectively saved by the fans and by its history.
With your insight, what would you say the effect was of all this on the pitch at Liverpool?
It had a big effect, the players – the likes of Carra and Gerrard – would never come out and say outright they cost us medals - they’d look like they were making excuses. But they could see in those last three or four transfer windows when Liverpool spent minus; they could see the effect that was having on the team.
Great players were going and every player that went was replaced with a lesser player. Rafa could see that, Rafa couldn’t get the money, couldn’t buy the players he wanted. =============================
But the players could see that clubs like Manchester United, Chelsea and Manchester City were building and they were thinking ‘We’re not building’ – the team was becoming inferior.
"We had people ringing up, potential buyers, asking what was going on, what are the fans doing, how far will they go?’.
The Wall Street Journal phoned Alan Kayll of the Kop Faithful and told him they had crashed an entire system on Wall Street. The fans didn’t kick them out, they were kicked out by Martin Broughton and RBS - ultimately by going to court. But the fans blocked a lot of the escape routes for them and they really did help to get them out and that cannot be underestimated."
CS> remind the moron "fans" when they start blaming Rafa for the mess last year.. and if used POSITIVELY SUPPORTERS can OBTAIN a share of OUR CLUB
06-03-11 : The Day Suarez Raped man u
OFFICIAL GR LIVERPOOL SUPPORTERS CLUB has been upgraded to the new groups format, which makes it easier for members to connect and share. Visit group
"Its all (Red) greek to me " ;)
An Great song by The Scottish scousers. Buy Their Album/CD The Fields Of Anfield Road With 22 Great songs! A BIG Thanks to the scottish scousers and http://w...
- Bernhard Naderer ...Great...
- Vikki Earp (bluenose>...ste liverpool ar so sh*t mait chose a better team
- ChriS SmiTH > Liverpool are the only club in the EPL where supporters keep on when they are not winning, the rest are weak & fickle "fans"
Pasted from <http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=162194107178732&set=a.110575419007268.12820.100001644318213&type=1>
27 July 11:33
- Henry Lfc Eze likes this. ynwa
Pasted from <http://www.facebook.com/hzee2/posts/224101857632626>
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