11808 Sclog LIVE..bye, buy, bye, new york-new york, new yankers
So much BS, I named them twice,,
The Seasons almost here..(Pics on FB ); Share this album with anyone by sending them this public link:
And its time to cut away the "deadwood" according to some fans, well I also have to cut away from some fans..the first to go is "LFCnY" ( Facebook group for fans in New York, good old U. S of A.. )....
WE TRUE REDS fight since 22 years for Justice for the 96 (best chant of yesterday!) also want Rafa to be recognised as a great man & manager of Lfc..
WE fully support Kenny, but lets not forget it was Rafa who brough him back…And Rafa was & is LIVERPOOL!
====== SUNday 8th August..11...less than a week to the "commencement of battle" but sometimes its our own "fans" that drain the energy..its getting harder each season to maintain "Shanks (Liverpool) way"...(but there are some really GOOD & TRUE REds..)

take yr time Stevie, son, Aquilani is good enough to play the number 8 shirt..

Liverpool 2 valencia 0 (Andy & probably Dirk...fair "warm-up" performance)
Liverpool 2 valencia 0 (Andy & probably Dirk...fair "warm-up" performance)
http://www.liverpoolfc.tv/news/latest-ne ws/kenny-on-valencia-and-johnson
...i still feel Glen looks better on the left, with downing there, Fabio, Adam, Kelly or Flano , (maybe also Robinson), can all cross the ball, but whatever PLEASE KD keep Aquilani, the most talented FIT senior midfielder now with a week before our first game , obviously he , at least , is on form...
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- Al Einstein LfcEvery 1 in this pic z a member of my big RED family xxx YNWA.
- Brian Taylorthankyou al ynwa
- Paul Lfc Ynwa Chapmancheers al ynwa
- Jason Lfc Kingthanks YNWA
- Janieweezie Lfc FlemingThanks Al, ynwa x
- Taimur Abdul QadirThanks Al for da tag ... ynwa
- ChriS SmiTHAlbert would be proud of U ;) // ..."ITS not where U are from its where you are at" YNWA!
ChriS>may yr good go with you always Nat, until next time ..(and there will be, one day)
- im making a jft96 banner
- in arabic
- for the sunderland game
- great! send me a pic and Ill put on my wall & groups
- still designing
- i will send u photos of the ideas
- u can help me chose
- As I told U, Nat, YOU are a TRUE RED.."its not where U are from, its where u are at" .. YNWA! x
....the banner looks great...
Most wanted Shanks..
Karen, one of my favourite pics...(Karen Gill's birthday)
then I saw how Bill made Clem,
Shanks was the dad
that every kid should have had
Karen you now have a role
one that will test your soul
comparisons will be made
expectations will not fade
but on this day reflect
and whilst his memory never neglect
know you are your own person now
and that you will surely show....
ChriS x
you'll never walk alone, with hope in your heart!
K.e.G>thanks ChriS i'm touched x
about time the armchair sky-washed fans realised that youth players are as important if not more so than expensive signings, because they are being trained the Liverpool way..and this is not a video game! ..its as much about mentality as talent!
Write something...
ChriS SmiTHlove Rafa to bits, and you can tell the right things go on with Montse and theor family..its disgusting what Lfc did to OUR man, he fought alone, against hicks & purslow & the stupid xenophobic media and some moronic "sky-washed fans" who even now insult a man who was (is) Lfc 24/7 as much as I love and trust Kenny, never mind hodgson, the great injustice was done to Rafa, and for me there is bad ...See morehttp://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/liverpool-news/in-the-mix/2011/07/27/rafael-benitez-s-wife-montse-ann www.liverpoolecho.co.uk
Elaine Peter Crouch Briggs Kenny is the only man for the job.. Rafa was good but he made some bad choices:( now we have the man that will lead us back to the top where we belong:).. Good luck w all u do rafa x YNWA
ChriS SmiTH
Rafa didnt make so many bad choices , he had his hands tied by the yankers who made it impossible to do his job properly, before they took over he got us 2 CL finals in 3 seasons, and even DESPITE them got us within 4 points of winning the league, the english media wanted an english manager at Lfc so twisted everything, Fergie hated Rafa, because he knew if Rafa had been backed properly we would win everything Kenny is lucky, and deserves his 2nd chance, but we owe a big debt to Rafa, that we should not forget!
Syed Ahad Afzal Spot on Chris
Elaine Peter Crouch Briggs I didn't say he made all bad choices I said some and he gave us some great times which yes I'm grateful for :) but Kenny is the man for me he always has been
Syed Ahad Afzal I hope Rafa gets the credit he deserves for fighting the plonkers and completely changing our academy. Starting to
Syed Ahad Afzal Pay dividends now and lots of potential still to come through. KD is defo the man to lead the club forward. No one else could have united the fans as quickly and he has the balls to give the young ones a go as well.

- ChriS SmiTH
the lead articlewas about rafa 's wife..! and that family have done great things for the club and the community, and a great injustice was done to Rafa, and for me there is bad "karma" until it is corrected, (and not with pay offs) ..this isnt against Kenny, love Kenny, who needs to balance the past, I just want to correct those who still bang the drum of idiots fans, a xenophobic media & and explayer lobbywho took what he did and twisted it..he was our best manager in 20 years..and irs great what Montse has done & is doing, Anne Williams recognised that at the 22 years memorial and true REdS dont ever do Rafa down..so dont mention "bad choices" ..its irrelevant!
ChriS SmiTH GEoffrey, read the thread!! jeez!
Geoffrey Pricehe might have been a good coach but we were goin nowhere fast under rafa.......kenny should have had the job last summer and ever LFC fan knows it! Rafa apart frm Alonso and Torres wasnt good in the market.......Just take a look how the new owners have back the king?! trust me on this kenny will win us the title in the next 3 years!!
Geoffrey Pricerafa.....is ancient history! he's gone stop grasping 4 the past! if ur guna grasp 4 the past go bk 30 years and get the original Messiah! Mr William Shankly
ChriS SmiTH
dont think u have the whatever to tell me what i should "grasp" kid, YOU COMPLETELY MISS the point, I was on the kop during Shanks time, son, I was at Wembley when we won the double with Kenny as manager..but... i also know Rafa was & is agood manager...he made us , Rafa bought Torres, Pepe, Agger, Alonso, Mascherano etc, his NEt spend was low, ands the YANKERS crippled his management whilst idiot fans bought into the sort of media cr*p that you spin now, RAFA invited KENNY back into the club...yes KENNY should have had the job last summer, BUT Rafa shoudl have not been forced out by liars & cheats like purslow &co.. u have not got a clue,.. the club's office was a mess, we even had a chelski chairman ffs! ..."ancient history" i wish u were! .. the man was LFC 24/7//!! but dont let the truth get in the way of u slagging off a good man eh?,.."Lfc fan" u shoudl nt be allowed anywhere near our club, as for the new yankers, yeah they are very smooth with the PR, but WE, the supporters should own the club...but anyway, this has got sweet FA to do with the article... u should be ashamed!
dont think u have the whatever to tell me what i should "grasp" kid, YOU COMPLETELY MISS the point, I was on the kop during Shanks time, son, I was at Wembley when we won the double with Kenny as manager..but... i also know Rafa was & is agood manager...he made us , Rafa bought Torres, Pepe, Agger, Alonso, Mascherano etc, his NEt spend was low, ands the YANKERS crippled his management whilst idiot fans bought into the sort of media cr*p that you spin now, RAFA invited KENNY back into the club...yes KENNY should have had the job last summer, BUT Rafa shoudl have not been forced out by liars & cheats like purslow &co.. u have not got a clue,.. the club's office was a mess, we even had a chelski chairman ffs! ..."ancient history" i wish u were! .. the man was LFC 24/7//!! but dont let the truth get in the way of u slagging off a good man eh?,.."Lfc fan" u shoudl nt be allowed anywhere near our club, as for the new yankers, yeah they are very smooth with the PR, but WE, the supporters should own the club...but anyway, this has got sweet FA to do with the article... u should be ashamed!

Pasted from <http://www.facebook.com/groups/18874648074/?id=10150253369188075¬if_t=group_activity>
(stars: Gemini : You can’t sit idly by today — you need to step up and take action! That could mean anything from rescuing a kitten who’s lost its momma to finally working up the nerve to apply for a new gig.. (ha ha !) Pasted from <http://horoscope.ve.net/dailyhoroscope_de/?ref=6fd47>
U got a friend..? CS>Some exchanges with N.a.K....."he made both clubs TOP in europe u mean (must be a typing error, natha) be patient, wait until we meet, otherwise we might not.. ;)
N.a.K> disagree ;)
N.a.K> and then? he tries his best first 2 years...and then... has a problem with all owners for finance problems... valencia, liverpool an inter
ChriS SmiTH> in 2009 we were recognised by EUFA as the most succesful team in europe! 2 years?
N.a.K> in the past 5 years !!!! 2005 was not a team built by rafa !!(CS>no, but Rafa made the team European Champions!)thank God he didnt dare to sell steven gerrard!!! anyways, im off this topic. as i dont wish my day to be spoiled because of that man... had enough ;) just gave u the argument u asked for lol
ChriS SmiTH
in 2009 we came the closest of any LFc team to winning the title (despite the owners() the yankers tied his hands... they nearly destroyed lFc, along with back-stabber purslow, the chelski chairman ..and then they brought in woy instead of Kenny
.Rafa gave everything to Lfc, he was us 24/7 gave so mcuh to the community...and was responsible for us havign 25 internatioanl youth players in the accademy..and last but not least BROUGHT Kenny back to Lfc...
N.a. K.Rafa had an easy chance to win the PL he simply did not want it!!! and yes of course he will support charities... after all the harm he's caused!!! guilt guilt guilt ! we were a great team and he could have easily won the PL TWICE !!! but noooooooooo he wants to fight the yanks!!! Inter couldnt bare out with him for a complete season ! anyways :) as i said off of this :) xCS>He WAS RIGHT to fight them, they were crooks, cheats & frauds, whilst too many ppl in the LFC office were just happy to take the salary whilst they cost us 7 million a week in bank repayments! ..OUR money, ... I could have bought 2 houses with the money I invested into(supporting) LFC and the yankers almost destroyed the club within last year! and it took a massive effort to get rid of them...ask Anne Willaims of the HJC about Rafa../..Inter lied to him too (and finances do , stil, play a major part of managing a big club) .. the english media twisted the facts & situation at Lfc around to blame Rafa, because they hate foreign managers to do welll. and Fergie was scared of Rafa, because Rafa stood against him..
Pasted from <http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150341986835739&set=a.10150341981385739.398687.665480738&type=1&theater>
I have been banned (unofficially) by the english for exposing the violations of my freedoms by an illiterate & corrupt high court judge, and opposing their ILLegal invasion of Baghdad by launching "Human Shields" (humanitarian initiative that saved children's lives) lodged 54 human rights complaints in Strasbourg against german lawyers, judges, politicians, police & security "guards" (inc the former Freiburg city Mayor) and "social workers" (beamte) as they "detained & investigated" me over 24 months , even illegally deporting me -which is now a dossier in the EU parliament which they will surely cover up.. I formed a unique Union for disadvantaged people and the u.r..s.u.n. for global REdS is in directly linked with several million RedS...I have paid the price for my "subversive behaviour <smile>" = losing all my family through unexplained deaths "in care" and "natural accidents"..and had 2 children literally abducted with the help of the state, one during a violent ambush at our home...which was then destroyed..and even LFC attempt to "gag" me from telling the truth about the club I love, which supporters, not yankers, should own..
yes I dont care about being ....
do you?
see also www.eured.wordpress.com (if u arent blocked)
and ..
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