Kenny's book..
("MY Liverpool home")
("MY Liverpool home")
warmth & emotion of humanity pours through the pages of his book,
although I don’t agree with every decision or opinion
...He and Shanks are 2 people beyond reproach in our Liverpool history,
both born elsewhere, took Liverpool to the high points and with dignity, Kenny may have forgiven the Yankers and F S G clones or fannies who forced him out in favour of a novice. MID-contract, I wont, because these "FANchisers" are ruining MY Liverpool home,
year by year , day by day.. Its NOT just about results on the field, its about mentality throughout the club and its supporters, something even some scousers don’t understand, in todays world where people know the price of everything but not the value of life..or footy.
...He and Shanks are 2 people beyond reproach in our Liverpool history,
both born elsewhere, took Liverpool to the high points and with dignity, Kenny may have forgiven the Yankers and F S G clones or fannies who forced him out in favour of a novice. MID-contract, I wont, because these "FANchisers" are ruining MY Liverpool home,
year by year , day by day.. Its NOT just about results on the field, its about mentality throughout the club and its supporters, something even some scousers don’t understand, in todays world where people know the price of everything but not the value of life..or footy.
the first, commercialised by the american "hallloween" .. Taken from
"All Hallows" (eve) ..adopted as "All Saints day" and taken
from the original Celts day "Samain" …when (as with
"Beltane" of may) a spiritual change…as well as seasonal, cultural
and social time of the calendar….
coming Months will "test" the REdS.. Who probably turn out in a white
= shirted away strip @ Arsenal..tomorrow…
are 3rd on goal difference same points as chelski, and 2 points behind the
If the Tactics had been more positive I am convinced we could have won the drawn and lost games and be points clear, but we are caddying a "manager" who is more of a coach, .and in an average standard league this season we could have taken better advantage of the weaker start of the manc clubs ..
If the Tactics had been more positive I am convinced we could have won the drawn and lost games and be points clear, but we are caddying a "manager" who is more of a coach, .and in an average standard league this season we could have taken better advantage of the weaker start of the manc clubs ..
goalie needs to improve distribution, (just watched Pepe @ Napoli cause an assizt in midweek) it’s the dame with my
local 6 a side team , our keeper tends to try to shoot or dribble out from time
to time and "gifts " the
opponents the ball..
original mantra of Shanks, "Get it,
keep it, pass and move" way ahead of the "barca style"
continued by Bob which won 19 trophies under his supervision of the Shankly
"Liverpool way" continued through Joe (Fagan) and Kenny ,.,
we havent won a league title since Kenny was forced to leave… ( whilst writing, I lay the basic blame with UEFA & FA for the basic crimes that caused the Heysel & Hillsborough )
we havent won a league title since Kenny was forced to leave… ( whilst writing, I lay the basic blame with UEFA & FA for the basic crimes that caused the Heysel & Hillsborough )

Agger and Skrtel with Lucas in front winged by Kelly and Glen our our best defensive set up. BR froze out Martin last season after a couple of errors, and yet his partnership with Danny was ALWAYS the intended set up when Rafa brought them and BR has no defensive knowledge by comparison with the genius of Benitez.
we are to become "great" again, (and don’t fool yourselves, we arent
..yet) the BR needs to learn , and learn quick, that "barca" style is
not the answer .. The LIVERPOOL way of pass & move was varied with speed on
the counter.. A great team must have variation and "footballing
intellect" to leave out a player of the quality and character of Agger is
simply wrong..
Toure, Sahko nor Cissohko deserve selection in from of our vice capt.
is fit, but the midfield probably should
require extra support of Glen & Kelly

..I just hope BR doesn’t depend on Toure-Sahko-Cissohko as if we play deep the opponents will use the space to play their own "ticky-tacky" and pass through us,,making the effort required in midfield too big..

on the subject, let me just make it clear that I do NOT believe that any of the
players F S G / BR signed to be "automatic" selection.. Studge is
getting there and top scorer , so far, its still not a whole year with us, and
Coutinho will be IF he is not intimidated by physical opponents who have
already targeted him as they once did Alonso, as a creative player he can make
a huge difference..

certainly not just buy players because the "fan nies" clamour for
we are on form Saturday we could build a platform for the coming months (we
shall be away @ Spurs, Chelski and Citeh.. With another feckin
"international break" to ruin any rythum end of December we
shall have a better and truer picture of the league.

shall see…
Apart from the derby matches against Manchester City the
really important game of the season for me was against Liverpool. I was always
one for the big occasion and they didn't come much bigger in the domestic
football calendar than United against Liverpool.
@LivEchoLFC @RedAlieNeT win
down to players; S&S, Sg, Skrtel Hendo, & Lucas..forget BR's
"tactics", he can stay in directors box! (4-1 v Wbrom) #FSGOUT
Suarridge great today, and the "engine room" Hendo SG and Lucas magnificent (Lucas=my M.O.M) Glen dynamic, & Skrtel sound too,(but shd have scored) ..however; Mignolet slow off his line, Cissohko & Sahko gave the ball away too often and that could be costly @ arsenal.. please replace with Kelly & dAgger next ..
but... Why
don’t BR just print his selection, formation & tactics before the game,?
are NOT the "8 players" (to form a champions team) ; Borini, Allen, Arpas, Toure, Cissohko, Sakho, Alberto & Mignolet..
But Coutinho & Sturrudge are.. 2 top out of 10 buys is not bad???
greetings from &
Psychology Shanks from George Best's book
George Best: (of the only ManU team i respectedl of Best Law & Charlton)

For a start, you had two of the greatest post-war managers of
British football pitting their wits against each other. Matt Busby and Bill
Shankly both achieved a rare status reserved for the truly great by becoming
legends in their own time. They were both great motivators and had that rarest
of ability to spot talent. It was Shankly who spotted the potential of Ray
Clemence and Kevin Keegan when they were playing Fourth Division football with
Scunthorpe United. It was Matt Busby who thrust me into the United first team
just after my seventeenth birthday and who signed a scrawny kid with terrible
eyesight called Norbert Stiles.
It was a clash of the Titans every time the two clubs met. At
United we could boast a team bristling with internationals. Likewise Liverpool.
In the mid-sixties their players were household names: Ian St John, Chris
Lawler, Ron Yeats, Ian Callaghan, Peter Thompson, Tony Hateley and Roger Hunt,
who was a member of England's World Cup-winning team of 1966. The atmosphere
when the teams met was electric. When the Liverpool Kop sang 'You'll Never Walk
Alone', I'd look up from the pitch and see them swaying in time to their
singing, which had the force and emotion of a massed cathedral choir.
Bill Shankly, like Matt Busby, was a canny Scot who was never
lost for words. I liked him a great deal and I know he liked me. I respected
his knowledge of the game and loved his keen wit, which was as sharp as legend
has it. It was Shanks who, on hearing Denis Law remark that he enjoyed coming
to Anfield because 'you always get a lovely cup of tea', turned to Denis and
said, 'Aye, Denis son, but that's all you'll get when you come here. A cup of
After a game against Liverpool at Old Trafford in 1965,
Shanks asked how I was coping with life. I was only nineteen at the time. I
said things were fine with First Division football, but I was unsure about how
to handle the constant media attention.
'Fame, son,' Shanks told me, 'is the price you pay for doing
your job well.'
A few years later I was to understand the full implications
of his words. It seemed every time I met Shanks he would come out with at least
one piece of worldly wisdom or humour. When I was about to renegotiate a
contract at Old Trafford and intimated that I would be looking for a
considerable rise in basic pay, Shanks gave me a long hard look. 'George, son,
some advice,' he said. 'Don't be too demanding, because it's a sad fact of life
that genius is born and not paid.'
He went on to tell me the story of the Liverpool full back
Gerry Byrne, who, having won a place in the England team, felt he was worth
considerably more than his new contract was offering. However, the way Shanks
saw it, Gerry was paid for what he did for Liverpool. The fact that he had made
the England team had nothing to do with what he was paid at Anfield and
therefore it did not merit a rise in his wages. Gerry argued that international
status was proof he had become a better player with his club.
'I may be wrong on other points, boss,' Gerry said, pressing
his point. 'But I am right on this one, aren't I?'
'So what if you are?' Shanks told him. 'Even a broken clock
is right twice in a day.'
Following a game against Southampton at Anfield, a young
reporter from the Southern Evening Echo collared Shanks to ask him what he
thought about a young Southampton winger called Mick Channon. Shanks was polite
and told the reporter he thought the young Channon was a very good winger
'Would you say he's as good a player as Stan Matthews?' the
reporter asked.
'Oh, aye,' Shankly said earnestly. 'As a player he's
definitely on par with Stan Matthews.'
The reporter thanked Shanks for his time and turned away,
scribbling the quote into his notebook. Suddenly, Shanks reached out and caught
the young man by the arm. 'This Channon is as good a player as Stan Matthews,'
he said, 'but what you have to remember is that Stan is sixty-five now.'
In 1967, we arrived at Anfield to play Liverpool and as I
glanced out of the window of the coach I saw Bill Shankly standing at the main
entrance. I was the first player to alight from the coach and when I reached
the entrance Bill shook my hand warmly. 'Good to see you again, George,' he
said. 'You're looking well, son.'
This was unusual for him, and knowing Shanks to be a wily old
fox, I decided to hang around to try to find out what he was up to. As each of
the United players entered Anfield, Shanks shook his hand, welcomed him and
told him how good he looked. Eventually, Bobby Charlton, a born worrier, came
up to Shanks.
'Bobby, son. Good to see you,' Shanks said, shaking his hand.
'But by God, if ever there was a man who looked ill, it's you, Bobby!'
Bobby's face went as colourless as an icicle. 'Ill? I look
ill?' he repeated, running the fingers of his right hand over his forehead and
down his right cheek. He was visibly shaken,
'Aye, Bobby, son. You look like you're sickening for
something. If I were you I'd see a doctor as soon as you set foot back in
Manchester.' Shanks patted Bobby on the back and took off down the corridor,
leaving him trembling in the foyer.
In the dressing room, Bobby was conspicious by his absence
and, ominously, there was a delay in announcing the team. We sat around kicking
our heels, no one daring to get changed in case Matt Busby had a tactical plan
which meant leaving one of us out. The thought of getting changed only to be
told to put your clothes back on because you're not in the team is a player's
Eventually Matt Busby entered the dressing room with Jimmy
Murphy and told us they had reshuffled the team which had beaten West Ham the
previous week. Bobby Charlton was unavailable. He'd suddenly been taken ill.
The following season we were back at Anfield and Shanks was
up to his old tricks. As the United party made their way down the corridor to
the away changing room, he appeared from his office. 'Guess what, boys?' he
said, brandishing a little orange ticket. 'I've had a go on the tickets that
give the time when the away team will score. And it says here, in a fortnight!'
With that, he disappeared back into his office.
We lost that encounter 2-0 and after the game I was chatting
to Liverpool's Ray Clemence, who revealed to me another piece of Shankly
Prior to the game, Shankly had received the United team sheet
and he incorporated it into his team talk. His intention was to run us down
and, in so doing, boost the confidence of his own players. 'Alex Stepney,'
Shanks began. 'A flapper of a goalkeeper. Hands like a Teflon frying pan -
non-stick. Right back, Shay Brennan. Slow on the turn, give him a roasting.
Left back is Tony Dunne. Even slower than Brennan. He goes on an overlap at
twenty past three and doesn't come back until a quarter to four. Right half,
Nobby Stiles. A dirty little -beep-. Kick him twice as hard as he kicks you and
you'll have no trouble with him.'
'Bill Foulkes, a big, cumbersome centre half who can't direct
his headers. He had a head like a sheriff's badge, so play on him. Paddy
Crerand. Slower than steam rising off a dog turd. You'll bypass him easily.'
The Liverpool players felt as if they were growing in stature
with his every word. 'David Sadler,' Shanks continued. 'Wouldn't get a place in
our reserves. And finally, John Aston. A chicken, hit him once and you'll never
hear from him again. As the manager finished his demolition job on United,
Emlyn Hyghes raised his hand. 'That's all very well, boss,' he said, 'but you
haven't mentioned George Best, Denis Law or Bobby Charlton.' Shanks turned on
him. 'You mean to tell me we can't beat a team that has only three players in
it?' he said, glowering.
- Linda Chivall-Robinson A very good read, especially Shanks and his description of players! When we went to live in Hong Kong we had to live in a hotel for the first four months. George Best was staying there with his manager. This was in 1982. Every night George's manager would go into the bar and George would sit in the coffee lounge. I never did pluck up the courage to speak to him, which is daft when you think that I had been working at LFC for the previous 8 years. I still regret that to this day. Obviously, he was trying not to drink, but it was so sad. I remember watching him play football and he was very talented. I wonder how he would fare against today's defenders?
- Thomas Bennekov Great post, James. Thanks for sharing...
- Nassos Siotropos James Grant I have post that in the past but it always nice to read it Thank you mate Ynwa God bless
- Victor Gill You should have spoken with him Linda, he was a thoroughly nice lad, he would fare very well against today's defenders and he wouldn't dive either. I know Mr. Shankly thought a lot of him and not just as a footballer.
- Linda Chivall-Robinson I have always regretted that Victor. I think
it came from my days at Anfield. I always tried to respect the players'
privacy, so when I was out I never spoke to them. Mind you, Emlyn was an
exception!. We used to eat in the same Restaurant in Formby. He would
stand up and shout a greeting across the restaurant. I was embarrassed but
then that was Emlyn!!!
- Nassos Siotropos My dad had was a big football fan He had a confectionary shop in the early 70's I remember as a kid the place had a few footie frames on the wall In one of the frames was Best I dont know y but even as a kid I remember seeing his image felt like that's a nice lad but also the same time sad May God rest him in peace
- George Scott After my football career was over I was working for Nestle and I was at the Lymm Hotel near Manchester running a sales meeting. The United team were staying there having a pre match lunch. Denis Law who I have known since our schooldays in Aberdeen took me in to the restaurant and introduced me to George Best and I have to say he was the perfect gentleman. Denis told George that when I was a young apprentice at Liverpool Shanks had said I was going to be better than him. He then said that was the only thing Bill got wrong ever. We had a good laugh.
CS< often
the Genius is close to the edge, we see it with our own Luis, IMO Bestie would
have turned todays defenders inside out, because when he played in them days U
could tackle hard.. at his "Best" George was tricky quick and one of
the few opponents i had time for.. the first "footy superstar" .. i
had to smile when he was bankrupt and asked by the judge what he did with all
the money he had.. " well some I spent on Booze, some on gambling, some on
women, and the rest..I wasted"
- ChriS SmiTH The Balkan society is full of prejudices, its probably the most conservative and stifled region I have lived in (and I even lived in the Bavarian countryside!) ..a lot to do with ppl who only know the world through media, and not by living in a multi-cultural world, the problem, is also not exclusive to here.. there are still far too many people who wont accept that every group has good & bad in it, and that people are different yet the same everywhere.. i do not agree with some people but EVERYONE have the right of freedom & consequence) intelligence is required, sadly lacking here & worldwide,. Pasted from <>
if one soldier gets killed its headlines, but if an enemy was doing this to the
USA there would be "outrage" .not forgetting that tens of thousands
of kids die globally due to the unfair distribution of the planets resources..
(USA sponsored capitalism) .. the "system" enables
"terrorism" .. by selfish policies..
more opinions comments and...
Celts new Year.. (the christians adopted Samain ; pronounced
"showmen" as "all saints day or "all hallows"..the
amercians then commercialised it via "Halloween"…
enjoy the Celts ancestry on st paddys day, on may 1 (Beltane time and obviously
the socialist significance..and now.. celebrated @ "St Paddys" Podgorica,,,Milos 's bro, was there Milica
and her friend And
had a dance with a girl I don’t know.. But whilst walking I reflected on the
eve of "our year" …the irish pubs I had know…and..
always REdsvenue…Madding In Madrid..and a flirt,Bloody Barca & lots of
drinks after..teh scaves I left there, and there & there, in Zwolle
playing, Josee fighting.. @ chelski too and in the slovenian mountains..flages
left in flemish villages with stefan, and the Lunatics too all the scarves in
Istanbul and on the ceiling of the café in "not with me" (be)..there
was freiburg and their first RedS club…Briesach Brissac & Bordeaux..and
other places you know, in Skopje, Belgrade, Tuzla & Stara P.. So many I can
hardly remember you see? I am alien always but give what I can even during dark
days…In eindhoven we had a craic -(3 times)
not a word that I would take back.. Valencia, Berlin, and many other cities..
footy, and not for the T****s … enjoy the party before & after, pray for a
win but
all the laughter, of family that I havent got, the REdS and the Celts we have
the lot, a bonding, a feeling that isnt politics, its more than a religion it’s
a spirit, its ………….beyond"
- ChriS ...watching a great film (again)
"Finding Forrester" (after Gump too..) had a "heavy"
night @ st paddy s pub, so need a quiet one before watching &
hopefully playing footy this weekend , have a good one Liv!
5 minutes ago · Like · 1 - Bitten Liv That's a wonderful way to spend an evening, I love movies It sounds like you have a lovely weekend planned! Enjoy it Take care
- ChriS SmiTH cuvaj se! & Slainte (Happy Celts New Year!! ) x
Daily Horoscope: November 1, 2013
the outside you're all smiles, but your perceptions are frighteningly accurate.
some spelling corrections required, still hampered by Y A N K E R S "virus bombing" my sites.. still must be worried about me??? ;)