..........updated 11 th of 11th of 11th... exposing the fan nies.. when (TRUE) experience talks, LISTEN!

This morning I rememberd thos "lost" and it is the day when memorials are decoarted with flowers ^ ceremonies of those in uniforms who lost their lives in "service" however there are more heroes who are unknown and without uniform who were killed maimed or "disappeared" when doing what they believe is right, not for reward or glory but simply because it WAS (IS) the RIGHT THING TO day... so lets be truthful ..
Lfc are top of the league but he INFESTORs are still in our club...
calendar since our team "surrendered @ arsenal"...read my previous reaction @
many times have we got say? , to novice BR, Danny Agger ; he should play!
prefers ...Sahko, Cissohko & Toure; NO WAY!
- the "worse manager" we had in 50 Years was Hodgson, BR looks to be his disciple!
- REdNeTCissohko was too slow getting back and didnt do enough to stop the cross for their first goal, and Toure was too slow getting a block in on the 2nd , its a disgrace to have Danny Agger on the bench, when Toure, Sahko _ Cissohko arent in his league,,!!
- BR knows FA about shape and tactics,,,
- we set up too defensive and GAVE arsenal the game!
check? to think that we had a man like Rafa available & have to educate a
novice instead, blame fannies as well as the Y A N K E R S ; use footy logic ,
BR plays 5 defenders gives them the midfield, leaves Agger on the bench and
plays Cissohko! what a C*nt! ..to think that Pepe is @ Napoli with Rafa when
BIOTH shd be @ Anfield.. noen of our players worthy of the shirt tonight NOT
ONE!... Pasted from <https://www.facebook.com/pages/REdNeT/245954208796041>
- REdNeThttp://www.sportinglife.com/.../wenger-hails-convincing-win
Sporting Life - Football News | Premier League fixtures, Live Scores, Football Transfer News &...
REdNe> in a bad mood, ... but... I just had to laugh at the ridiculous BR comments..
""We kept going all night, the players have been brilliant in their
application. They went right to the end. We created chances," ........
(CS>** apart from the , wrongly , disallowed goal, we didnt have a shot on
target.. until 30 mins into the game).. ..............""after 10
games it's a good analysis, you can look at the league and see where you're at.
I think what we can see is my players have been brilliant in this opening
period, we're gonna be in with a shout. "We understand the competition is
great, "" ............. (CS**&... the competition is AVERAGE ..
!) wake up FFS!
from <https://www.facebook.com/pages/REdNeT/245954208796041>
you fan nies and F S G clones who are blindly swallowing the Y A N K E R s
This is no knee jerk, its been said before G and H started the slide and before
the stupid suicidal "sale" to J, Henry, ......Kenny, like Rafa was forced out by the FAN-chising
infestors & BR should not be "learning how to manage Lfc" at OUR
expense… !
as I was one of "Billy's boys"
please make sure when u "quote" Shanks that U spell his NAME
correctly ; its BILL SHANKLY! (u are helping F S G destroy his legacy)>>
- Kop Magazine@TheKopMagazine1h
Daniel Agger must've done one helluva warm up at The Emirates on Saturday... #lfc pic.twitter.com/0oO2BQ9FU6 - ChriS-EuRED@EuRED091h
@TheKopMagazine @RedAlieNeT ;) jeez, F S G "spin" so much that they try to convince the fan nies that ("blindman") BR played Danny? #FSGOUT
from <https://twitter.com/>
... does
that mean Rafa is lending back Pepe? ;) to have a proper keeper again?
no, "Shanks Spirit" on Naples holiday! Pasted from <https://twitter.com/>
- Liverpool FC@LFC2h
For the first time, #LFC now has over 1m Facebook followers from Thailand - https://www.facebook.com/ThailandLiverpoolFC… Thanks to all who’ve followed. @ThaiLFC - ChriS-EuRED@EuRED091m
@LFC @ThaiLFC baaaaa ;) OUR CLUB's RED soul sold out by the y a n k e r s !
club has a novice "manager", they have a manager, ours needs
education = 4 new defenders dont win! Pasted from <https://twitter.com/>
Rodgers admits Reds are playing catch-up
@liverpool @RedAlieNeT because
our "manager" needs a footy education..5 defenders gave midfield to
arsenal, & Agger must play b4 BR "pets" ! Pasted from <https://twitter.com/>
watched a recording of the Game, the only defender worth his place was Skrtel,
(who BR didnt want this season!') analysis of Toure , Sahko and Cissohko shows
they gave the ball away far too often and failed to stop the 2 goals , but BR
took off Flanno (the only other player his bosses didnt sign!).
.. Agger stayed
on the bench instead of supporting midfield which HE is more capable of than
any of the 5 defenders..
-- I took 2 frames off the recording one shows EIGHT
Lfc players defending against 4 and SIX defending against 3 )and still do not
stop a shot on our goal' we shd have pressed them high up but that dont work with so many
defenders...no wonder the home team were able to dominate midfield.. we were
(again, like almost every game) FAR TOO deep..
.........SG, Lucas & Hendo got worn
down by Arsenal having 5 or 6 midfielders against them.. Which then starved
"Suarridge" of sufficient service, until EVENTUALLY BR put on Moses
(for Flanno, which considering he was better than Cisssohko, Sahko & Toure
was as wrong as leaving Agger on the bench) and with Coutinho , we closed the
game with more chances, however we were 2 goals behind by then, and Luis &
Daniel S burtnt out
..… go back to school, BR!
- NS> There is no doubt about that.In my view his first great team was better we were robbed in Italy in 65 and we sould have been the first British club to bring the European Cup.
- ChriS SmiTH > both teams were great, but UEFA as bent then as they are now.. the 2nd team were probably better "equiped" for european footy and the UEFA cup won then was as difficult as the Champions League now, because in them days only the top TEAM qualified for the champions cup and the 2nd team and often the current leaders contested the UEFA cup... people forget that then, we played against teams of the standard of Bayern, Barca, Gladbach , in both competitions during the 70's .. and our players , for example, Emplyn played about 70 HARD compettitive games inc international matches... shd tell todays "softies" .. Pasted from <https://www.facebook.com/groups/558292530870663/671882912844957/?notif_t=group_comment_reply>
SmiTH > at that time Yugo-footy was very similar to the style Rafa employed
later @ Valencia & with us.. (eh Zoran?) Shanks 2nd great team were on the
rise , and might have won the champions cup too..but the FA cup final
performance @ wembley at the end of the 73-74 season (absolutely battered the
geordies in a game I will remember all my life because I felt wembley shaking
under our feet as the Kop ruled London) showed the world that Shanks had built
a superior team ethic and style ..
http://image.mediastorehouse.com/128/5790369_450_450_0_0_fit_6_30a1f531f8f6bc748624e8b1266bade6.jpg image.mediastorehouse.com
Pasted from <https://www.facebook.com/pages/REdNeT/245954208796041>
in Bg ;
highlights from Anfield game ;

Cally & Hall, Stevie H on the wing , Tosh & Kevin with their
"telepathy" ;)
u listen to the game, (and sometimes u learn more about our club by when we
will hear Kopites chanting "sit down U bums" when the season ticket
holders got up to leave early.. (mind u thanks to F S G & their clones
there are also tourists & "business class fannies" even today on
our ex-op who are still coming back from their H-T burger or whatever 5 mins
into the game, and have no feel for the team
as we had/have… our footy has been sold off to the "middle
the end of the game we aplauded Red Star and sang YNWA as loud as ever!
History; cant
like a blues team we always had a special CElts relationship, we have Celts
history and Lp is a Celts city! and then theres Kenny!!
Pasted from <https://www.facebook.com/groups/558292530870663/671959346170647/?notif_t=group_activity>
- Liverpool Echo@LivEchoLFC2h
Suarez given permission to face Fulham before jetting off for Uruguay http://dlvr.it/4GmHr8 - ChriS-EuRED@EuRED0915s
@LivEchoLFC @TheRedmenTV @RedAlieNeT we give permission for BR to go on HOLIDAY before Fulham game, we might win without "sticky-tacky" ;) - ChriS-EuRED@EuRED094m
@TheAnfieldWrap @TonyEvansTimes @TonyBarretTimes @RedAlieNeT no, we (supporters!) are the "enemy"...WITHOUT! & its mostly our fault! #FSGOUT
View conversation - The Redmen TV@TheRedmenTV49m
How's everyone feeling about the Fulham game? Stick with 3 at the back? Change formation? Rotate first XI? Or stay as we've been? #LFC - ChriS-EuRED@EuRED096m @TheRedmenTV @RedAlieNeT http://chrismithlog.blogspot.com/2013/11/131031-readingkennys-book.html… and ... #FSGOUT
- Che Guevara@_Che___Guevara_42m
- International laws are designed to protect the international upper class and to punish all other global citizens.
- ChriS-EuRED@EuRED099m
@_Che___Guevara_ @RedAlieNeT the articles (e.g. UDHR/ECHR) are sound enough, but its the APPLICATION thats corrupted.. use them properly!

EMLYN HUGHES ; ("Crazy Horse") Capt. of the REdS
REdNeT shared a link via Nassos Siotropos.
IMO the best capt we ever had, lifted 2 european cups and an inspiration..massive energy.. my hero as a kid!
' s starting Selection was almost right,….
CS> Apart
from Pepe not being at the club the only
improvement I would have made would be to have kelly on the risht and Glen
left, but with Jose on the left instead of Cissohko then we are nearly there…
against a side that look strong relegation candidates even this early season,
is expected
needed, after the "surrender @
arsenal" …… shame that the
unwarranted "international break"…
careful because there is only 6 points between 1st and 7th place, nothing
significant .. A lot of work and a tough
derby game next , a lot of games before january , when we will start to see the
shape of the league…
http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/hollywood-star-mike-myers-describes-6289390 and http://www.liverpoolfc.com/news/latest-news/148853-myers-shares-kevin-keegan-memories
Add Enrique and it looks like a top 4 team pic.twitter.com/7J2xX5JV6E
View photo - ChriS-EuRED@EuRED091m
@LFCTS @EuRED09 add Kelly & Pepe ..and it could win the league in a season when the standard is very low..and if BR follows our advice! :)
Pasted from <https://twitter.com/>
BR on making Anfield the longest 90 minutes of a visiting team’s life: "I think slowly we are getting there." link - ChriS-EuRED@EuRED09now
@LFCTS @EuRED09 i think we would get there sooner we play faster! :)
- Katie@KatieIsAnimDom7m
heart breaks “@LFCTS Andy Hunter on Guardian-Steven Gerrard & Daniel Sturridge are injury doubts for England's friendly against Chile on Fri - ChriS-EuRED@EuRED09now
@LFCTS @EuRED09 what is stupid is our valuable players being risked for pointless matches at a vital time .. Pasted from <https://twitter.com/>
- Liverpool Echo@LivEchoLFC5h
Liverpool owner John Henry says Sturridge & Suarez can dominate Premier League: http://bit.ly/1ccDl7J @empireofthekop @LiverpoolWays
Expand - ChriS-EuRED@EuRED0936m
@LivEchoLFC @empireofthekop @LiverpoolWays @EuRED09 who? oh, that y an ker that conned his way into our club, Prefer to listen to Myers ;)

Pasted from <https://twitter.com/>
...the Team are top of the league, (albeit a weaker league
than before) you have Stevie, Suarez , Studge & Coutinho entertaining u,
and the team scoring freely, and 90% of you sit there like u have gone to the
theatre to watch "phantom" ..have some feckin' RESPECT ..this is
ANFIELD! SING, you Bums SING! if u cant sing shout.. and if u cant do either
give your ticket to a supporter who can! because u dont deserve it!
REdNeT > Shanks called us "professional
supporters" most of the modernfan nies are bl**dy amateurs....
.....probably a lot of these modern, "middle class FSG
clone-fan nies" told us that SG was finished, that Suarez should be sold,
that Skrtel was no good, that Agger shouldnt play and that Lucas wasnt a
Liverpool player and that Studge wasnt up to scratch ... feckin fan ies!! Pasted
from <https://www.facebook.com/groups/URSUN/?fref=ts>
- REdNeT Shanks called us "professional supporters" most of the modernfan nies are bl**dy amateurs!>
they said nothing when good men like Rafa, kenny & Pepe were forced out and
when Henry employed Chang to threaten fans.

Stevie Gerrard
v fulham
SG, still the most complete midfielder in the World..http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJUp_Uv8Bc4&feature=youtu.be
Pasted from <https://www.facebook.com/pages/REdNeT/245954208796041>
=more emotion & truth than Henry, F S G & Ayre
not "breaking" but "making news" CNN , BBC and most
networks do the same.. its BS! ............................
continued....every picture.....
![]() |
Rosanna; Lfc Presenter. not yet F S G cloned? |
its quite amazing in the "year 2013" that there is so much technology, but so little intelligent humanity, there isnt one nation or group that is perfect , whether its done in the name of religion, nationality, ethnic or even gender or bias against status or age..
ReplyDeleteI have hosted 70/80 people in my home in the Balkans, I am considered "Alien" to the local society that went through terrible ethnic conflicts that was almost street v street and neighbouthood civil war..
I am happy with 90% of my CS experiences and the trust is important, I find this also true of low costs travellers _ and `hostels if i use them.-...
however the mainstream is bent on encouraging conflict ..
you should be brave, and honest, if u are convinced someone is wrong state it, but be sure when u point the finger that 3 do not point back at you or the group u "defend"
be honest and CSing can be a wonderful time..
p.s. without attacking anyone one person, I do have a problem with , for example the trillions spent on military when an estimated 25000 kids die daily because this "modern civilization" cant or WONT distribute resoyces fairly!
ReplyDeletethis is too close for your comfort! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrOZllbNarw