burnt by Luis =
"buck not needed"
....Luis on fire, thers is NO way that Joe, (Allen) should be selected in front of Stevie, Lucas or Hendo.. ... http://www.liverpoolfc.com/news/latest-news/suarez-show-ends-2012-in-style
..because, "bucks boy" is not as Good as Hendo. but of course as "teacher" brought him from swans.. he gets selected every time.. Hendo was a non-stop energy and much more productive must wonder what he has to do to get selected instead of the "swan"...
F-way...dont like REd>??????????????
why FFS! dont we play in REd @ QPR?..they play in blue & white (@ spurs, @ Norwich = also in F-ways not-to-pay Kit) ... why/ ?? because F=way want to promote the change kit...(obviously over stocked, and as their "USA empire" is in financial melt-down...need cash!!)???
and Rafa's team wins (again) today@ the small club's "goodison".. Torres in his best form since he left Anfield

JOIN the "poster Campaign" @
We Come Not To Pay > Rodgers was never intended to do anything but what FSG ordered, the reason he currently holds the managers job. The D of F is of no consequence either another position controlled by FSG, therefore not really necessary. The club is stagnant and will remain so with Americn ownership. The shame is that some supporters are willing to accept average mid-table now as the norm.........(MB)
Adam Norman > Exactly, Kenny left because he knew half of his squad was leaving and he wasn't a 'yes' man, that's why they brought in Rodgers
We Come Not To Pay > Both Rafa & Kenny were too honest and knew too much about football and the club, thats why both were turfed. Rodgers is FSG's puppet, will do as he's told, be a mouth-piece for them doing damage limitation when necessary and won't rock the boat
Paisley Shankly > Sometimes I think 'FANS' deserve what they get! We are simply a mechanism for FSG to exploit revenue streams. They will not care as long as we stay in the Premiership. They fully applauded Kenny weeks before they sacked him and brought us our first piece of silverware in 6 years (Henry then unfriended him on twitter) Classy!!

We Come Not To Pay > Classless, ignorant and cowardly man both in the way he treated Kenny after the FA cup and on Twitter.....likewise the Linda Pizutti tweets when the odd good result happens - just more PR crap, absolutely not else....mb
Paisley Shankly > Where are FSG? At recent Hillsborough service Kenny was there as he always has been, Henry and Werner were watching Red Sox! They spent 300MILLION Dollars on 2 rounders players and tell us we have the same spending budget of a Div1 side and 'FANS' are accepting it! So angry. YNWA JFT96
We Come Not To Pay > FSG have no interest in LFC apart from the marketing moneypot.......they are selling merchandise all over the world and making a killing on it, they couldn't care less about the club, Hillsborough or anything else as long as the dosh keeps rolling in, and it is!!! (mb)
Adam Norman >No point talking about it, it's time we do something about it !
We Come Not To Pay > Seems its going to come to that.........the black shirts will have to re-appear.mb

Adam Norman> We need to get a large following of regular match go-ers to make a difference

CS> I was the last to leave Anfield at the "sit -in" v G & H..... even a few TRUE REdS with banners are seen on TV...!!
(budjav lebac) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10TfxcE1K4I
OUR CLUB ; https://www.facebook.com/groups/152996974833540/
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/It_Could_Happen_to_You_%28film%29 reminding you all at this time of the year, to APPLY the "spirit" (and not eat, drink and talk about it.., ) how you should DO the right thing.."a Promise IS a PROMISE" people.....here and everywhere... otherwise "karma" will bite u in the a*se...