what are U...
...only a few realise how much damage has been done to our club, by the disaster chain of Moores-parry-Hicks/Gillet, Broughton/Purslow, Hodgson -> now the "buck" doesnt end with "Buck" but with us the Supporters MUST take over the club
or see all we cherished disappear forever! this is only the tip of a murky iceberk and a lot of y*nker-style dirty doings @ Lfc by "the office"
The Chief Constable of South Yorkshire Police, Lord Falconer and HFSG are among those who will appear before the Home Affairs Select Committee to discuss the Hillsborough tragedy on Tuesday - and supporters can watch it live on Liverpoolfc.com.
The interviews will be another important step in the fight for justice following the Hillsborough Independent Panel's report last month, which revealed the damning truth about what led to the 1989 disaster and what happened in the aftermath.
ukjrain (UKRAINE) 0 Monty REdS 1 .. !!...
proud of serbian youth ??? .. http://www.espn.co.uk/football/sport/video_audio/175045.html?sport=3
Ciki Nasilnik> Ceo stadion u Krusevcu juce arlauce i imitira majumune
da bi vredjali igrace Engleske. Okej poslali ste lepu sliku u svet,
pravi ste majumuni, stoko nepismena Srbijanska., (Novi sad, Serbia )·
CS> racism is everywhere,and is encouraged by manipulators in politics & religion, to get power over the weak..but it seems in certain places its ugly face is seen too often!..
Ciki Nasilnik >To je kraci naziv za ljude juzno od Avale koji ja koristim, jer mi se 'oce. Nisu svi takvi, ali da se utakmica igrala na Karadjordju, ne bi 10.000 ljudi to radilo, nego 100. bio sam po selima u vojvodini, rusini su do jaja ljudi x)
CS> there are too many "censors" on FB & everywhere too.. smile
hey adolf, pick the one that suits U! smile http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSEYXWmEse8&feature=endscreen&NR=1 ========
Marie Buckley> Of course ticket and season ticket prices will escalate whether or not this happens. However, I see too many obstacles to overcome and have my doubts it will happen even in 5 years. Believe the plans for Stanley park haven't been sheved yet - wonder why is that?
CS> http://www.facebook.com/FenwayTheNewGillettAndHicks ? > " there will be a massive legal battle early in 2013, with corporate liquidations that will destroy NESV and along with it FSG putting us and the Liverpool community in the position of acquiring the club via a high court injunction as they will be found guilty of fraud"..!(CS) more @ REdNET http://rednet-alien.blogspot.com/ (blog colours have been distorted, sorry!, not my choice!)
Fenway. The New Gillett and Hicks>Gillett and Hicks nearly put this club in adminstration and bankrupcy. ...See More
Terry White> stanley park i believe as a 999year lease for a stadium to be built on it after planning permission was granted for instance if everton f .c now wished to take that option up then the way i see it there is nothing to stop them as soon as they find a rightfull owner or backers
Marie Buckley > Exactly Chris.........yet so many supporters seem to be easily pacified with occasional 'announcements', without taking a look at the big picture. This along with the FSG apologist fans who mistakenly believe that FSG 'saved LFC from administration' and 'will do the right thing for the Club' just saddens me. Shame to see supporters so misguided by bullsh*t.
CS> it was a clever trick to paint G & H as the (obvious) disaster, then "rescue" Lfc , whilst ignoring the supporters claims for shares.. and set up a fans committee with Karen (shanks grand-daughter as token gesture) ..and of course pauy lip service to any ideas from true Reds..suckered SoS and Paul tomkins who stopped challenging after henry took him to lunch and later made him an official journo for Lfc website..!! Karen gets 4 free trips from Athens and a nice match seat from FSG to keep her sweet, shame as she knows better..but scousrers are notorious for wanmting to see the best in people.its a good and , in this situation, a bad thing..much of our energy was used up inthe "actions" against G & H , Purslow & broughton played the "saviours" role, with big media BS..and yet u only have to look a bit deeper to see the truth Henry backed Bush..enough said? ignored Rafa, broke Kennys heart, and snubbed Hillsborough, loaded Anfield & Melwood with credits on the bank....told everyone not to put their banners away 2 years ago,, there u go..I hate fighting against my own Lfc office..but I always remember the comments in Shanks autobiography..read it? ..deja vu!
needs yr support!..a 5000 km WALK from her Cornish home to ISTANBUL! (city of our "miracle" memories)
I was complaining to "Raz" yesterday that When I hear Lfctv commentators talking about subs coming on to "shore up the midfield & defence" when we are winning ONE-0 against READING at home, the lowly sights that our club now set are SO obvious...here at home Versus a relegation side , we are scared? we had enough talent and moves, (even though I admit to being an admirer of Rafa-style "economic" footy = not route 1 necessarily but the fastest route to goal possible, I recall a brilliant goal v Bolton a 3 years ago, Stevie , on the edge of our pen. area, hit a pass along the grass to Torres, who let it run almost into their oen area, and just dinked it over Jeskeleinen(?) great goal, we dont have to pass it a 100 times, we wiped out Madrid, Barca, Milan & the Mancs with EFFECTIVE methods.. thats a LIVERPOOL way!)
... Compliments Rafa & Kenny for bringing players through like Sterling & to Raheem for a well-taken goal (youngest scorer for Lfc since Owen, & Suso for his contract.."WE are Liverpool" (Suso)
despite missing chances still a FIRST HOME win for the team?, jittery end.."shoring up the defence & midfield" against REading at Home!...says everything about the status of our club!..(report)
Steve Clarkes W. brom (unbeaten at home until 10 minutes from the end v citeh) could have been in 3rd tonight, another great LFC yanker decision to appoint "Buck"rather than promoting SC! successive Yankers sacked OUR best managers ; Rafa & Kenny! (coulod have make Kenny Director of footy @ Lfc) Reading fans singing "We sacked your manager" at an otherwise pretty quiet Anfield.
Steve Clarkes W. brom (unbeaten at home until 10 minutes from the end v citeh) could have been in 3rd tonight, another great LFC yanker decision to appoint "Buck"rather than promoting SC! successive Yankers sacked OUR best managers ; Rafa & Kenny! (coulod have make Kenny Director of footy @ Lfc) Reading fans singing "We sacked your manager" at an otherwise pretty quiet Anfield.
...only a few realise how much damage has been done to our club, by the disaster chain of Moores-parry-Hicks/Gillet, Broughton/Purslow, Hodgson -> now the "buck" doesnt end with "Buck" but with us the Supporters MUST take over the club
or see all we cherished disappear forever! this is only the tip of a murky iceberk and a lot of y*nker-style dirty doings @ Lfc by "the office"

The Chief Constable of South Yorkshire Police, Lord Falconer and HFSG are among those who will appear before the Home Affairs Select Committee to discuss the Hillsborough tragedy on Tuesday - and supporters can watch it live on Liverpoolfc.com.
The interviews will be another important step in the fight for justice following the Hillsborough Independent Panel's report last month, which revealed the damning truth about what led to the 1989 disaster and what happened in the aftermath.
DISCUSS? <snips>
ukjrain (UKRAINE) 0 Monty REdS 1 .. !!...
proud of serbian youth ??? .. http://www.espn.co.uk/football/sport/video_audio/175045.html?sport=3
Ciki Nasilnik> Ceo stadion u Krusevcu juce arlauce i imitira majumune
da bi vredjali igrace Engleske. Okej poslali ste lepu sliku u svet,
pravi ste majumuni, stoko nepismena Srbijanska., (Novi sad, Serbia )·
CS> racism is everywhere,and is encouraged by manipulators in politics & religion, to get power over the weak..but it seems in certain places its ugly face is seen too often!..
Ciki Nasilnik >To je kraci naziv za ljude juzno od Avale koji ja koristim, jer mi se 'oce. Nisu svi takvi, ali da se utakmica igrala na Karadjordju, ne bi 10.000 ljudi to radilo, nego 100. bio sam po selima u vojvodini, rusini su do jaja ljudi x)
CS> if U come from another planet, u are all mere human beings... with a billion years of "history" my ancestors can claim that this region is "ours" (Celts!) ..so what? ...u cane live in the past or make this world better, its a choice with consequeces.. every human has the choice, positive or negative road, ...dont be surprised if the world judges us to be if we show it an ugly face...but at least U dont have "macdonalds" (here, wher i live! ) smile
we live in a world full of hypocrisy. sure,for example the USA calls itself "democratic" yet u have to have a billion dollars behind u to become president, their politicians criticise the "eurozone" but the USA debt is bigger than all the rest of the world combined...they point the finger of human rights at other countries yet at least 15,000 people who are later found to be innocent are convinced by the "american justice system) every YEAR!.. all nations have comitted crimes against humanity in their past , and most even in present..pollute the atmosphere, 25000 kids die daily...when YOU young ppl realise that U must command the media and U must stand up, in your own daily life and say what is wrong...AND what should change..then U have the quality U need for a better life here or anywhere , because NO piece of laND is an isialnd, we all pay for the problems of everywhere, sooner or later..carpe diem!
we live in a world full of hypocrisy. sure,for example the USA calls itself "democratic" yet u have to have a billion dollars behind u to become president, their politicians criticise the "eurozone" but the USA debt is bigger than all the rest of the world combined...they point the finger of human rights at other countries yet at least 15,000 people who are later found to be innocent are convinced by the "american justice system) every YEAR!.. all nations have comitted crimes against humanity in their past , and most even in present..pollute the atmosphere, 25000 kids die daily...when YOU young ppl realise that U must command the media and U must stand up, in your own daily life and say what is wrong...AND what should change..then U have the quality U need for a better life here or anywhere , because NO piece of laND is an isialnd, we all pay for the problems of everywhere, sooner or later..carpe diem!
Ciki Nasilnik >za taj slucaj ne znam. ako nije kriv, nek ga puste jebiga. ona ostala grupa ako nije ubila da im se sudi za pokusaj ubistva, pa ko im jebe mater. JEL TOLIKO TESKO NE UBIJATI U COPORU OD BATINA KJUDE KOJI TI NISTA NISU UCINILI? meni to uopste nije tesko
CS> everyone, U may not personally be to blame, but U / we are all responsible...the biggest mistake is to give yr power to leaders who have repeated the same BS since over 2000 years... (excuse this, but "google transalator could cause a war in mis-interpretation)
CS> everyone, U may not personally be to blame, but U / we are all responsible...the biggest mistake is to give yr power to leaders who have repeated the same BS since over 2000 years... (excuse this, but "google transalator could cause a war in mis-interpretation)
well, of course there are "Lfc fans" who havent learnt our culture either ! ..cuvaj se..over to U to solve Y-our problems..
Ciki Nasilnik > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnO9Jyz82Ps now I remembered this video clip you played me , smile
grin ....every Politician or "ultra" should watch "cool hand luke" ...( and "the potemkim league@ because we are socialist hooligans ! (not fascists) smile
Ciki Nasilnik> ti koji mrzis cigane i crnce nemoj nista da pises. nisi relevantan. kad bude neka Nazi tema, onda se pridruzi
Ciki Nasilnik> ti koji mrzis cigane i crnce nemoj nista da pises. nisi relevantan. kad bude neka Nazi tema, onda se pridruzi
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talking of "consequences" fans apathy = F S G & "Buck" |
CS> there are too many "censors" on FB & everywhere too.. smile
hey adolf, pick the one that suits U! smile http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSEYXWmEse8&feature=endscreen&NR=1 ========
LFC "news"
(tomkins sold our to Henry!! should be rebelling but now is an "offical journo") http://www.liverpoolfc.com/news/latest-news/tomkins-on-the-great-barnes
http://www.liverpoolfc.com/news/latest-news/gerrard-it-s-fantastic-news (hmmmm Stevie..go play footy!)
http://www.liverpoolfc.com/news/latest-news/you-ll-have-to-wait-wayne (OUR captain, losing for england...)
+ European funding worth £8m was spent on preparatory work for a new stadium on Stanley Park under Liverpool's previous owners, Tom Hicks and George Gillett, and may have to be repaid
Marie Buckley> This is perhaps FSG plans for Anfield's future, however, I don't see this happening there are so many equasions to deal with that even if it does happen it will take years. Personally I see this announcement as a placibo for supporters to keep them quiet, and really not much else. Everything is far too vague.
Terry White> if & when it does happen in the long term it wont cost fsg hardly anything, ok they may put £150m upfront for the project call it a loan if you like as they know they will have more than that in return in the years to come through sky high seat pricing & corporate boxes...we will become like arsenal where their cheapest tickets are £62 ours at the moment are £ 39 & £48 arsenal season tickets are £985-£1955 ours at the moment are £725-£780 so no way will fsg not up hike up the prices to get a return on their investment.
+ European funding worth £8m was spent on preparatory work for a new stadium on Stanley Park under Liverpool's previous owners, Tom Hicks and George Gillett, and may have to be repaid
Marie Buckley> This is perhaps FSG plans for Anfield's future, however, I don't see this happening there are so many equasions to deal with that even if it does happen it will take years. Personally I see this announcement as a placibo for supporters to keep them quiet, and really not much else. Everything is far too vague.
Terry White> if & when it does happen in the long term it wont cost fsg hardly anything, ok they may put £150m upfront for the project call it a loan if you like as they know they will have more than that in return in the years to come through sky high seat pricing & corporate boxes...we will become like arsenal where their cheapest tickets are £62 ours at the moment are £ 39 & £48 arsenal season tickets are £985-£1955 ours at the moment are £725-£780 so no way will fsg not up hike up the prices to get a return on their investment.
Marie Buckley> Of course ticket and season ticket prices will escalate whether or not this happens. However, I see too many obstacles to overcome and have my doubts it will happen even in 5 years. Believe the plans for Stanley park haven't been sheved yet - wonder why is that?
CS> http://www.facebook.com/FenwayTheNewGillettAndHicks ? > " there will be a massive legal battle early in 2013, with corporate liquidations that will destroy NESV and along with it FSG putting us and the Liverpool community in the position of acquiring the club via a high court injunction as they will be found guilty of fraud"..!(CS) more @ REdNET http://rednet-alien.blogspot.com/ (blog colours have been distorted, sorry!, not my choice!)
Fenway. The New Gillett and Hicks>Gillett and Hicks nearly put this club in adminstration and bankrupcy. ...See More
Terry White> stanley park i believe as a 999year lease for a stadium to be built on it after planning permission was granted for instance if everton f .c now wished to take that option up then the way i see it there is nothing to stop them as soon as they find a rightfull owner or backers
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Marie Buckley >Interesting no doubt!
CS> Fenway are already getting up front cash income on 3 new kits, and pre-season tickets /corporate packages etc.. not to mention the usual season ticket income, they are already in surplus of cash, and did NOT transfer CASH to Lfc at the G & H sale! (shd that be repeated???) did NOT pay cash for Lfc!!
CS> Fenway are already getting up front cash income on 3 new kits, and pre-season tickets /corporate packages etc.. not to mention the usual season ticket income, they are already in surplus of cash, and did NOT transfer CASH to Lfc at the G & H sale! (shd that be repeated???) did NOT pay cash for Lfc!!
CS> it was a clever trick to paint G & H as the (obvious) disaster, then "rescue" Lfc , whilst ignoring the supporters claims for shares.. and set up a fans committee with Karen (shanks grand-daughter as token gesture) ..and of course pauy lip service to any ideas from true Reds..suckered SoS and Paul tomkins who stopped challenging after henry took him to lunch and later made him an official journo for Lfc website..!! Karen gets 4 free trips from Athens and a nice match seat from FSG to keep her sweet, shame as she knows better..but scousrers are notorious for wanmting to see the best in people.its a good and , in this situation, a bad thing..much of our energy was used up inthe "actions" against G & H , Purslow & broughton played the "saviours" role, with big media BS..and yet u only have to look a bit deeper to see the truth Henry backed Bush..enough said? ignored Rafa, broke Kennys heart, and snubbed Hillsborough, loaded Anfield & Melwood with credits on the bank....told everyone not to put their banners away 2 years ago,, there u go..I hate fighting against my own Lfc office..but I always remember the comments in Shanks autobiography..read it? ..deja vu!
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