Its a truth, my enemies cant really hurt me, or cause me pain, I know what they will do, only those who call themSELVES "friends" who build "trust & expectations" in me , then act without respect or care, or simply "back out" . hurt matchday...
and bootroom
thats another reason why I will never support a national team again, and why i DONT want our CLUB players to play for the national teams WE ALWAYS suffer from it, Sturridge is vital to success
..Christopher Richard Smith posted in Play Beautiful football in the Wild
REdNeT heeft een link via Clifford Stynes gedeeld.
![]() |
Agger pays for Denmark team to go to Homeless World Cup in Chile
The former Liverpool defender Daniel Agger has paid for Denmark
to send a team to the Homeless World... ... and BR and F S G dumps the MAN, like Pepe,, Kelly and will do the same to Glen and Martin... fecking yan kers!!!
needED YOUR support,TO join the event to make this happen...
![]() |
sold £50,000-worth of Balotelli shirts on day he signed
Chief executive Ian Ayre revealed that the club sold around 1,000
![]() |
got more heart than John Henry, Ian ayre , and all the F S G staff
![]() |
another (emphatic) Win at spurs REdNET Bootroom. (The end of Rafas Dream
Team.another F S...
- "Vision without Action is merely a dream. Action without Vision
is passing the time. Vision with A...
Karen Elizabeth Gill added a new photo to the album Timeline Photos. | |||||||
![]() |
despite NONE of the guests who said they would join us, arriving, and bad
weather and all the blocks on my comms, we had a mini-tournament , with a lot of
kids, went over budget , but had some smiles and promoted ;,
those who hindered us, take note...and "Karma" will get all the "friends" who
![]() |
so sorry but im so busy lately and have no opportinity to go there
prove Ivan's request to join Play Beautiful football in the Wild:
![]() |
The Blues even post here! "Our @3_News
Man of the match tonight is our two goal wonder- Aiden McGeady! Congrats Aiden!
#GEOIRL " posted in ChriSmitH's Eco-Logistic Training & Coaching Academy
![]() |
and Alternative news ................ posted in Black sheep & Monty - knee-GRINS
![]() |
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Go Red For Women Subscription Offer!
thanks for reply, these are the attachments that
were disrupted.regards, CS
----- Original Message -----From: ChriSCc: ; Pro File VELIKI FORMATI ; ; Thursday, June 19, 2014 2:18 PMSubject: Re: CSVUW14617MY REF : CSVUW14617
Printed text from ; "HUman Right Council - Complaint procedure form"
I. Individual
Christopher Richard
British passport
Tripa Kokolja 15, 81000 Podgorica, MONTENEGRO
Tel + 382 68 6 14427
website(S) ; BLOCKED!
own behalf
II ; see attched letters ; I claim systematic profiling (against me) prejudices & discrimination ; violating; freedom of movement; communication ; right to fair process; right to family ; right to life v B.R.D ; UK ; France ; USA , the European Union & over all the UN for failing to enforce its UDHR in said states.
III; see letter to EU petitions dated 02.12.10 & to British embassy (Podgorica) Various this year.
IV ; 1 - see above.
2 - If you intertpret this, I have done all within my means, in my opinion.
V . NO!
(comments) ; I have enclosed the most supporting information available, considering many documents have gone missing & websites with my complaints deleted (or blocked) I have signed and dated each section (and scanned the original) as i expect THIS document to be tampered with, but a copy is elsewhere.C.R.S end 14618-14h.
================================================================================Legal claim v Daniela Wurbs, Goran Waz and F S E - "Fanseurope" , (joint and several)
Football Supporters Europe eV
Coordinating Office
PO Box 30 62 18
20328 Hamburg
Tel.: +49 40 370 877 51 Fax: +49 40 370 877 50
there follows Relative corresponence to Relative claim against the others;
from Hotel Virpazar (compensation) = e168,
travel expenses = Bus to DUb. - Flight to Zg - Train to Bg, Bus to Pg = e156
accomodation and expenses in Zg ; = e65
to be paid via lawyer ; ____________________________
Hello Goran
ref Event for FSE sept. 5/6/7
I am meeting at the location this weekend
we ask if you are promoting the event on the "fanseurope" or the FSE facebook???
----- Original Message -----
From: ChRiS
To: Goran WAZ
Cc: ;
Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2014 5:33 PM
Subject: MY 14229 tREdS - > Goran (Pdf)Re: 14318 1st FSE / co-operative INTERNATIONAL tournament in Podgorica / tREdS
Hiy, Goran, see attached, ok?
----- Original Message -----
From: Goran WAZ
To: tREdS
Cc: ChriS Dix ; Dax ; ChriS ; CS ;
Sent: Sunday, April 06, 2014 8:02 PM
Subject: Re: 14318 1st FSE / co-operative INTERNATIONAL tournament in Podgorica / tREdS
Hi Chris,
yes, this is all great, can you please put in some kind of PDF document with all this info sorted so we can circulated it in our members group.
16 teams are enoguh for something like this for the first time and i think All Coulors Are Beutiful - no body is illegal would be great name for the tournamet because it is all read runing camaign and that name will be promoted on Mundial through our activities
2014-03-18 11:18 GMT+01:00 tREdS <>:
Date: 18th March 2014
From ChriS SmITH/tREdS & others
To Goran Waz / FSE
Dear Goran
subject : 1st FSE / co-operative INTERNATIONAL tournament in Podgorica / tREdS
confirming our meeting sunday 16th March 2014 (please reply if i have omitted anything)
thanks for your "green light"
Confirmed Dates 5/6/7 September, 2014
I/WE are well aware that this is the FIRST proper FSE "FanEurope" event and will do my/our utmost to ensure it is a worthy
project, enjoyable AND significant, & we shall proceed with the outlined agreements, as follows:-
Friday welcome party & social get-together; introduction of members, visitors & guests.
- info pack provided to each participant wirh coupons/tickets
B & B at Hotel Virpazar ("VP") on beautifult Skadar lake (see pics)
09h - Saturday transfer from VP to Podgorica (20mins)
10h - 18h (aprox, with one hour lunch-break & grill, with drinks supplied at location for partcipants)
International "footy, fun & friendship" tournament, in Podgorica ("Pg)
20h Traditional entertainment, and DANCE into the night (local DJ and Goran will propose bands who wish to play)
& daytime city tour for those who wish it.(non-players?) & "Pg by night" for the sleepless!
circa 10/11h - Sunday special Brunch & souvenirs = special t-shirts offered @ e5
- departure
(extra prog. for those who wish it) Hotel offers pre / post event @ 17e. per person/per day
Revised cost , including accomodation, FULL participation in event programme, footbALL FACILITIES & referees,
sponsored basic meals/drinks; Juice/Vino/Pivo , transfers (INCLUDING Pg Airport & Dubrovnik) ; reduced to 74euros per person !
and sponsored "Friendship Tropy" for the team/group who contribute the most to a positive atmosphere at this event>
for Campers who travel using their own vehicle and tent ; ONLY e28 per person (Location available near Virpazar)
AIMS : to promote the Multi-cultural event & theme "All Colours are Beautiful" & "Nobody is Illegal"
Apart from FSE members' teams ; this is an INVITATION only event. aim to have 50% of teams from former Yugo region and 50% "foreign"
ChriS Smith
& on behlaf of tREdS/Sports Centre & Gerina team-Tuzi
FSE to promote/advertise event on "Fanseurope" website!
CS to Invite partcipation by
* FSCG (sponsor) & local media
* FSCG girls team ; "Lunatics" (Antwerp) ; "Punky's anti-fa team (Bristol) ;
* Roma NGO forum, Pg
* Zwolle Girls(NL) OR St. Pauli Girls
* EuREdS
* "Cockney REbels" (London)
(& possible team from Kosovo-Albanians)
CS to provide support organiser (Blazenka) for local translation/organisation & other translators when
teams identified at CUT OFF DATE 31 July 2014
Goran to list teams he intends to invite to ensure clarity. and bring appropriate banners etc
and supply FSE/theme logos (jpegs) for event t-shirt a.s.a.p.
We have considered that 20 may be too "crowded", so aim for SIXTEEN (16) teams for comfortable management (10 players or supporters in each team)
(we could extend to 32 by using a 2nd location, but feel that could take something from the event aims, this year)
p.p.s Goran, as said , if i missed anything - please state accordingly a.s.a,p as I will reserve accomodation and personnel etc, as from today.
Looking forward to you & a.n. other to visit us in April - please give me a few days advance warning. and Lets make it a good first event
I intend to promote the event @ "Mondiali" July !
Hi Chris,
I’m sure if organised in a proper way, it will be a great event. I’m just trying to be realistic here.
There is lots of tournaments like the one planned now taking place in different locations across Europe. Facing reality, it is simply a matter of fact that they cannot be or simply aren’t as big in dimensions than the Mondiali for lots of different reasons. Also, as a matter of quality instead of quantity, it is better for an ongoing internal exchange if such events grow slowly, rather than to get big before actually being established properly.
As for the European Fans’ Congress – Supporters Direct has organised lots of fan ownership workshops with their members at our congress in the past, so this will not be a main topic on our agenda this year unfortunately, as otherwise, we’d repeat ourselves and that won’t make any sense. Our members who’ve attended previous events, have asked for a different approach here. So, instead, we’ll ask our Italian members working on fan ownership only since recently to present what they are doing right now as one part of a networking workshop for national fan organisations .
Regarding the FSE Fans Embassies – I don’t know where you applied (with the FSF), I definitely didn’t know anything about this.
Regarding the tournament proposal: it sounds really great.
Only two remarks from my personal perspective:
If possible, I would provide participants with the possibility to stay on a camp site together for free. Some groups might find that more appealing/affordable than a hotel.
Another thing that I’m totally missing in the programme as proposed until now are networking events and more content on our actual motto – so, the organisation of discussions/info events/social events beyond drinking/parties. If we are serious about the anti-racism motto of the event, we should go beyond a “promotion” type of festival event but also add some substance to it that allows people to exchange experiences / views / opinions.
Anyways, just my two cents.
The final decision on programme and motto etc depends obviously on you and the other guys from FSE.
Daniela Wurbs
Football Supporters Europe
FSE Coordinator / CEO
Tel.: +49 40 370 877 51
Fax: +49 40 370 877 50
Mobile: +49 179 75 11 88 6
Football Supporters Europe, Coordinating Office, Postfach (P.O.Box) 30 62 18, 20328 Hamburg, Germany
Follow us on Twitter! @FansEurope
Become a fan of our Facebook group here!
Von: CS []
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 20. März 2014 06:59
An: Daniela Wurbs; 'ChRiS'
Betreff: CS14320 Re: My_CS14318_Dani-W:PERSONAL
Thank you Dani,
It seems likely that we can evolve a "friendly adverse" relationship between us,
as its clear we have different visions, obviously you have an "FSE policy" which restricts your vision of what can be developed - I do not - my intention that rather than focus of the "size" exactly. "F3" ("Footy Fun & Friendship" event) can and WILL become an annual initiative and WILL BE MORE IMPORTANT THAN MONDIALI BECAUSE OF OUR LOCATION immediately confronts the most extreme discrimination I have experienced (dotn forget I also lived in neider-bayern! ) ;)
its MY mission, but not limited to me. I am a spiritual rather than religious person, adn have suceeded in many "impossible missions" when I know i am in the right (location).
I know there are many "alternative" tournaments - I supported or partcpated in many of them. (the "Location" here WILL also (eventually) attract more than anywhere else in Europe)
you may not envisage it, but my vision says otherwise, and Ryanair make it now possible for "the wessies" to join us in Pg for less than 100 Euros (already from London & Brussels. I certainly WONT be deterred by FSE decision to co-op with Mondiali, just 2 months before this first initiative/FSE footy event. Whether of not you "rubber stamp" the agreement (attached) with Goran, or not. I will be @ Mondiali explaining that whilst huge, their time is past, <SMILE> in my own way...
as I say, I hope one day you will join us (ME) ..because "karma" is on OUR side...(and of course I cant put "that" in a power-point explanation)
Cuvay se! ("Ciao") :)
p.s. I did offer my assistance in the past (2 visits in Pg by England FA) with FSE fans embassies, but was ignored, if u would like me to talk at your congress (about Supporters ownership) let me know! :)
p.p.s considering your location do you have contact with the St. Pauli girls team-players?
----- Original Message -----
From: Daniela Wurbs
To: 'ChRiS'
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2014 5:28 PM
Subject: RE: My_CS14318_Dani-W:PERSONAL
Hi Chris,
I need to keep it rather short since I’m just in the middle of meetings here in Italy.
Your criticism was noted, as usual. I’m fine with it, since I merely asked you to consider the fact with your dealings with other FSE members that they are usually all volunteers and do engage in FSE along full-time jobs. And I asked you see the collective idea behind the project rather than “big FSE” coming to Podgorica. With you being a member of FSE, there is already a part of FSE in Podgorica. That’s all.
Other than that, the footy tournament in Podgorica – the way I see it - cannot and is not envisaged to reach the dimensions or is in any way comparable with the Mondiali or the European Football Fans Congress for many different reasons, one of it being logistics and the difficulties for many supporters to reach Podgorica. As FSE, we’ve run several football events before (outside of the Fan Congress), but it was mainly individual matches connected with panel discussions and fan activities and friendlies around international matches.
In the months around the Mondiali, there is and have been numerous regular anti-racist/multi-ethical fan tournaments with a European dimension that are attended by a varying range of fan groups and people. Many fan groups (e.g. in St Pauli) who organise their own tournament e.g. in May, still attend other fan tournaments in June, July and August. It simply depends on the event as such, the attractiveness of the programme and their relationship with the other groups involved.
That’s it. I’m sure, if it is supported on a broad level by various fan groups, it will be a great event in Podgorica.
I’m sure you’ll be able to make all further arrangements with Goran. FSE is organized as a democratic network, so Goran is as dependent as I would be on the consent from the Committee or the wider membership of the FSE Anti-Discrimination-Division.
Hope this can make things clearer.
Best regards
Daniela Wurbs
Football Supporters Europe
FSE Coordinator
Tel.: +49 40 370 877 51
Fax: +49 40 370 877 50
mobile.: +49 179 75 11 886
Football Supporters Europe, Coordinating Office, Postfach (P.O.Box) 30 62 18, 20328 Hamburg, Germany
Follow us on Twitter! @FansEurope
Become a fan of our Facebook group here!
From: ChRiS []
Sent: Dienstag, 18. März 2014 21:19
To: Daniela Wurbs
Subject: My_CS14318_Dani-W:PERSONAL
Hiya Dani,
Be well,
I am in too good of a mood (mancs 0- LIVERPOOL 3 and a good weekend in Zg) let you "wind me up" so I just want to make this between you and me, and hopefully
correct your view of me, unlikely, but lets give it a go....
a) time is NOT money, it is TIME, and everyone's time on this planet, is limited, IT CANT be replaced, mine, or yours, I used to be "a pro" but I have no less respect for anyones TIME - and in the Balkans , too often time is wasted or disrespected..(I am "sensitive" about time, having survived several "near deaths")
b) I am not a MISSIONARY or paid, not even my costs, i live from my earlier life,MODESTLY, no one gave me a bean, I funded everything from my own efforts.
(I didnt ask for my costs to be recovered from the weekend in Zagreb, I tried to make it a "social weekend" too,) but i wouldn't have travelled, but for the meeting with Goran, and to be told mostly what I already knew)
c) Goran and I, it seems, agreed all matters, he will visit Pg with a.n. other, I however, do not know If this carries any "weight", should the FSE committee disagree!
I am not rich, and dont want to spoil good relationships with local people (or anyone) if you @ FSE dont agree!
d) It was YOU that said I must be "professional" and meet Goran (so I made it in less than an hour, to avoid wasting HIS time, he chose not to meet me for a "pivo" later, not me)
e) I am a volunteer - have organised numerous Networks, charity & non-profit initiatives, training , coaching and many events & projects all over Europe
I am not rich, but I spend ALL my "disposable" on ultruistic matters, so you are truly "preaching to the choir". ia am a "pro volunteer" :)
f) Respecting time, means also that just because someone is a volunteer, it doesnt allow them to waste..anything! I dont care if you are "pro" or amateur"- time is time!
g) "what we do in life echoes in eternity"... I know my motives and have enough experience to challenge anyone's motives or action
whether it be the Pope, a president, C.E.O, or a factory worker, a beggar or you, or Goran.
for me, having been deeply involved in "both worlds" ...the "system" organises bad ideas, the "alternative" is badly organised!
- i do my utmost to correct this..
I asked a simple & fair question, .... (as a "p.s" .....!) ;-
Dani - dont u think that (the Mondiali Antirazzisti <> ) sort of distracts from the event we propose?? unlikely that people can afford to travel to TWO events in this year??"
YOU have answered, I just feel that you and the committee haven't really considered how IMPORTANT a FIRST FSE event as the one proposed for Pg is! (Mondiali is an event many of my "alternative contacts" go to, and one which I have supported before) and whilst FSE hooking up with Mondiali can take away the "Potential impact" of the first FSE footy event, (btw I kept asking if there was a previous FSE tourny
and didnt get a reply until recently..) having organised as many major events than perhaps any of your committee (?) I claim the "right" to challenge you, but you dont like it(or me),and you seem intent on making all contact "political" adding and not too subtle digs at me, ok, I ALREADY decided to go to Mondiali,so I am way ahead of you there too, if FSE let us down. I will still do my utmost! and its my life to challenge society!
I had a positive meet with Goran, and i dont want this "rift" between us to spoil that or to spoil an event which I hope will have an impact on the people, maybe you think i am a "dreamer" but, as John sang "I'm not the only one" ...
.... I hope one day YOU will join us... :)
From: "Daniela Wurbs" <>
To: "'tREdS'" <>; "'Goran WAZ'" <>; "'CS'" <>
Cc: "'Daniela Wurbs'" <>; "'ChRiS'" <>; "'ZreDs'" <>; "'Dax'" <>
Subject: AW: TREdS14311Re: MY14310tREdS CS-Goran Re: Fw: My 14226 Fw: MY14225 Re: 14217 Re: NS)iz CS-Goran 14213 FW: Re: FW: Tournament in Podgorica
Date: 17 March 2014 10:26
Hello again,
Just one brief remark on the emails below: we are all FSE and should be promoting this event as a joint venture of all of us.
This shouldn’t be an “us” and “you” scenario.
Second – I think it would be healthy if we all make ourselves aware of the fact that almost ALL of us (in fact only except Nici and me in the office here) are doing their share for FSE as volunteers in their spare time, and usually also on their own cost (unless they are in the Committee and/or couldn’t afford to travel otherwise). So, we are not a professional organisation but a grassroots fan network which operates on a shoe string budget.
Hope that’s clear and out of the way now and you had a good meeting in Zagreb.
Dear Chris,
the event is our annual European Football Fans Congress which would have taken place in July irrespective of whether we’d have had the tournament in Podgorica or not.
It happens to be combined with the Mondiali this year since they submitted a bid to host it and the FSE Committee agreed to have it there.
It is a totally different event than the tournament you are looking at with the Anti-Discrimination Division.
From my experience, this doesn’t mean that the event in September will see less people attending than those that otherwise would have come.
Italy would rather be a stage where you can promote the event very nicely.
This is why, until then, I’d recommend you guys that if you decide at your meeting that you want to go ahead with the September event, you should have a promotion flyer and draft programme and motto ready and some hand-made banner ideally, that you can use to promote the event at the congress in Italy.
Football Supporters Europe
Coordinating Office
Tel.: +49 40 370 877 51
Fax: +49 40 370 877 50
FSE as an organisation did not organise any tournament but we were included as an individuals in organising tournaments in Germany, Italy, Slovakia, Croatia, Austria...
About Mondiali, this year there is more then two big tournaments, including FFaHF in Bremen, Anti-Ra in Hamburg, on the same time in Vienna, we plan few in Croatia... There was always a lot of tournament and there will always be a lot of them but that is the reason we must do something good and offer fans to come to Montenegro for the first time and enjoy them self and play football.
How long do you plan to stay in Zagreb?
2014-03-11 8:58 GMT+01:00 CS <>:
Looking forward to meeting you,.
I saw some nice pics of the footy turnir, (organised by white angels? ) but have you any links to previous FSE tournaments??
(I notice also that FSE is combining with the famous annual italian footy event , that we all know & love)
Dani - dont u think that (the Mondiali Antirazzisti) sort of distracts from the event we propose?? unlikely that people can afford to travel to TWO events in this year??
p.p.s belated birthday greetings from "tREdS" and myself
----- Original Message -----
From: Goran WAZ
To: ChRiS
Cc: ; Michal Riecansky ; Daniela Wurbs
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2014 6:50 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: My 14226 Fw: MY14225 Re: 14217 Re: NS)iz CS-Goran 14213 FW: Re: FW: Tournament in Podgorica
here are some more photos
2014-02-27 18:42 GMT+01:00 Goran WAZ <>:
Hi Chris, hi all,
off course i will have time, all the weekend i will reserve just to meet with you.
It will be good if you could prepare this information for the meeting or send it before -
- facilities where the tournament will take place (photos, info)
- accommodtion for the teams (hostel? camp?)
- transportation to the event location
- are you planning to organize some kind of panel discussions/presentations?
- will you have or do you need any support or volunteers there?
- you were talking about estimated cost of 100€ - for what is that?
Do you need accommodation in Zagreb or you will take care of it?
Pictures from the tournament in Zagreb on 2012
Pictures from the tournament in Zagreb on 2013
p.s. can you please leave out Julija from the future email because she is not in FSE and she has nothing to do with organizing the tournaments
2014-02-27 8:49 GMT+01:00 ChRiS <>:
Hello Goran, I got your sms but didnt get an email.
just to be clear
remember that I bought a ticket from Dubrovnik to Zagreb with the intention to join the FSE meeting there, that didnt happen, (reasosn we both know)
so, to avoid losing that money I was able to get it transferred to 15th March SO I WILL BE IN ZAGREB 15th/16th MARCH,
I hope you have time, because many things have to be reserved in MNE soon, to avoid disappointment
IF FSE cannot support this initiative I will proceed with tREdS as hosts anyway on 5/6/7 September @ the SC Katun centar in Tolosi (Podgorica)
hope to see on 15th or 16th march!
----- Original Message -----
From: ChRiS
To: Daniela Wurbs
Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2014 12:50 PM
Subject: My 14226 Fw: MY14225 Re: 14217 Re: NS)iz CS-Goran 14213 FW: Re: FW: Tournament in Podgorica
Hiya Dani, thanks for your sms - Goran has just sent me an sms - he has received my sms, I had to take the chance to use the ticket - on 15th - I'll stay in Zagreb that weekend (as I 've never been there before) and hope he can meet (for the reasons previouly explained to you) if he hasnt the time, and FSE can NOT support the initiative _ theni will organise an event anyway (5/6/7 sept.)
----- Original Message -----
From: ChRiS
To: Goran WAZ ; CS
Cc: Daniela Wurbs ; Balsa (TREdS A team) ; Dax ; Michal Riecansky ;
Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2014 10:23 AM
Subject: MY14225 Re: 14217 Re: NS)iz CS-Goran 14213 FW: Re: FW: Tournament in Podgorica
Hiya Goran, & Michal - did U get my email that I will come to Zagreb 15/16th March?
----- Original Message -----
From: Goran WAZ
To: CS
Cc: ChRiS ; Daniela Wurbs ; Balsa (TREdS A team) ; Dax ; Michal Riecansky ;
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2014 8:41 AM
Subject: Re: 14217 Re: NS)iz CS-Goran 14213 FW: Re: FW: Tournament in Podgorica
Hi Chris and all,
me and Michal will try to find one weekend in March or beginning of the April to come to Podgorica (not between April 3-10). Is that OK for you?
You can start organize everything for September and we can finalize other things when we see each other.
2014-02-17 12:54 GMT+01:00 CS <>:
Hello Goran & all,
ref "FansEurope (turnir) event 2014 (Podgorica)"
I have spoken to the Boss of the Sports Centre and we think that September is probably the best, especially for those who want to extend the event into a holiday and enjoy "wildly beautiful Montenegro"
IF we make a "vikend programme" (5/6/7 September) we will help with organisation of economic pre & post event holidays, tours, transfers. It should still be quite hot, so beach parties also could also be very enjoyable if enough people want that.
hostels & B & Bs are affordable, rather than the usual "tourist traps"
Initially propose a minimum of 10 teams and a max of 20 teams to keep the "family atmosphere"
please tell me well iun advance the dates you propose to visit, (April 3-10 is occupied)
Original email:
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2014 11:10:52 -0500
Subject: Re: FW: Tournament in Podgorica
Hello Goran, I am travelling at the moment back to Pg from LIVERPOOL, I
will check calendar and our diaries during the next few days and reply
Quoting "" <>:
Original email:
From: Goran WAZ
Date: Thu, 6 Feb 2014 09:12:22 +0100
Subject: Tournament in Podgorica
Hi Chris and all,
about the dates, 01-09 September and 06-14 October are Official or
Matches dates in FIFA calendar. So we recommend that dates, you can see
what works better for you.
About number of participates that is also for you to decide, you know the
best how many people you can accommodate. We can spread news about the
tournament in our membership so groups can apply or we can decide to send
direct invitations.
I have a lot experience in organising fan or more competitive tournament
i can help you with that.
Also I can add you to FSE Anti-discrimination list so you can ask form
advices there and also spread the news. Do you wish that?
You can see how the tournaments that White Angels organize look on our
facebook page and also on All Colors Are Beautiful - Nobody is illegal on
Outline of programme is great, if you have a wish we can also organise
small concert with some band from region that were active in social topics
in the past.
As you probably know there is Anti-discrimination division in FSE and we
started campaign that includes tournaments, concerts, educations and
events under the name All Colors Are Beautiful - Nobody is illegal so this
tournament can also be under that so it can be more visible.
One question - 100芒s卢 costs for one person or for the team?
I hope you are still interested for meeting us because if you are we will
come to Podgorica in next few weeks?
======================================================================================<HTML><META HTTP-EQUIV="content-type" CONTENT="text/html;charset=utf-8">
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Booking reservation number: 3TEAIA
Your itinerary 29JAN 1320 DUBROVNIK - 1425 ZAGREB - OU669
CROATIA AIRLINES FLYONLINE PHONE: +385 1 6160236 Original Message -----From: Pro FileSent: Wednesday, June 18, 2014 7:56 PMSubject: CSVUW14617
![]() |
a truth, my enemies cant really hurt me or cause me pain, I know what they will
do, only those who call themSELVES "friends" who build "trust &
expectations" in me , then act without respect or care, or simply "back out"
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