..and the SPIRIT which bonded us together in his "holy trinity" ...
I repeat that "BGH" (before Gillet & Hicks) we were top of the UEFA rankings having reached our second champions league final in 3 seasons, The belief lasted until 2009 when constant meddling from the boardroom and "moneymen" & faudsters; such as Broughton, Purslow added to previous mis-management by Moores & Parry derailed the progress of the "RAFAlution" Benitez taking us as close as we had been the previous 19 years of the League title, smashing the mancs (@OT) and a 5-0

"fan nies" stoked by the yankers rumours, media idiots , the ignorant and the naive blamed Rafa for a poor season where we ONLY reached the UEFA cup semis. losing by an away goal. When the english media dont like our manager, many of them mancs & cockneys who resent our history go out of their way to twist every headline into a negative, they did it to Rafa and later , even, to Kenny. and the fannies were too thick to reject the BS!
WHY i wont "sing for Brendan"
It makes SICK ... to this day , to think that Wodgson (who won NOTHING) was chosen to succeed Rafa, whilst Kenny was ignored - and that a novice Rodgers took the place of a man who is MORE than a legend, on and off the field, only 3 months after Henry & WErner gave him a "vote of confidence" for winning our first trophy in 6 years, if not for the thickness of a crossbar and a lapse by Jose Enrique - F S G would have had no chance to remove Kenny, at the end of his FIRST FULL SEASON - in the midddle of a THREE year contract..

Rafa and Kenny brought so many positive things - not least (with Rudolfo, also forced out by F S G ) building an academy group with NO LESS than 25 international selected youth players of quality, most of whom have been sold or loaned out (never to return).

The Union "S.o.S" did NOT have the "Spirit" to fight for either of OUR Rafa & Kenny - and facebook pretenders such as "Shankly's Red Crusade" pretend to honour my mentor - whilst spouting praise on henry, F S G , BR his average signings (rubbish transfers) and "pet" Allen. its sheer "propaganda"..
I havent much against BR - I dont like his formations, most of his substitutions, his lack of defensive nouse, his "american media image" (Mr. "sound bite") and the fan nies pathetic attempt to liken him to OUR messiah Shanks.
FFS! be your own man, man! the hypocritical (typical) turn around - one minute supporting Reina , the next minute releasing Pepe to Napoli without even consulting a long - standing player WE RESPECT - and replacing him with a keep who isnt even close to the quality of our man Reina. IF you read BRs press - just watch the contradictions ("we cant win league" to "we can go for the league"..)

So I wont "sing the new Brendan song" for me, we are "competing" because players such as Stevie (last chance?) will bust a gut to get close to a
league title, and senior players like Luis, Agger, Lucas Skrtel, Glen & the the "growing" Hendo ( a far better choice than BR's Pet joe) and in form Studge...
REdNet Bootroom & ....more :) Lets dump on the mancs @ OLd Toilet next sunday?
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REMEMBER & REPEAT, please! |
ChriS>I wonder if Kelly was not out of favour with BR that playing him to release Glen into a more advance role, helps Stevie & Hendo support Coutinho in midfield and supply more service to Studge & Luis..?
with our in-form team, now, despite utd winning @ wbrom, I feel similar to '05 when a less than strongest team became European champions, the Strength of Stevie's performances will be vital ..we havent "done them" since THAT week in 09 ..when we emptied OT... we are overdue a win there, lets commit the team and go for it, miracles could come out of this and the performance v arsenal & @ soton give me confidence, I am not boasting , but hopeful.. because ....
other....opinion & such;
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Play football not "war games" |
14309 Harvey > The main problem is the lack of personal identity, if u are limited by the walls & fences of bias built by politicians & religious leaders, the world belonged to all the people before it was dissected by flags, nations & groups.. shame that the sheep just allow this to continue.. "when will they ever learn" .. ? http://stories.wayn.com/article/1425/the-ukrainian-crisis-my-story
REdNet Bootroom 2
Ulli Hoeness , a buddy of Mrs ("adolf") Merkel defrauding the state by hiding more than 20 Million euros from their taxman, all the bavarian boasters about their "great bayern" ..BUILT on cheatinbg (as was much of the german "wirtschaft wunder" - the german business machine was contructed using foreign money and cheap labour of "world war 2 zvangsarbeiters" (slave workers) and cheap yugo & turkish workers = who later were considered "scum class" by the german snobs who judge people by "status".

.. be careful Lfc fannies , because when all is exposed about Ayre and Henry - Werner and the way F S G funds are "made" you wont have much to shout about either!
ha ha, the (capitalist owned) ex BBc now have 5 million facebook "friends" ("likes") boasting on the "BBC world" news tonight
...as much as i dislike their "official (bored-room propaganda) Lfc" Liverpool FC (facebook) has......
TRedS> ha ha seems u have just proved the point made by chris......

CS> SCLOG/Unsub (academy) ...I have initiated a "FREE academy" where people can visit or contact to find solutions to their questions, problems and dreams ; to become strong, in body mind & spirit.
Vietnam, Cambodia, Kuwait, Iraq, and any number of south american "socialist states" /// hello USA invaders!
Footy last sunday ..was exhausting AS i'd had very heavy "sinoc" (previous saturday- night, celebrated REdS win@Soton) ... but glad I did - back to 20h kick off and after the next sunday...(transfer to VP?)

Monday/Tuesday at home with my guest, a late brunch and a coffee with neighbour Bagi, connection problems, otherwise i'd be correcting the uSA preachers who conveniently forget how many times that "democracy" invaded other counties & killing people to "protect capitalism" whilst shouting "GOD bless america" ..well any god wont ... and now less people are inclined to follow their commercial war mongering ...
http://int.soccerway.com/news/2014/March/03/international-friendly-preview-montenegro-v-ghana/n267085/ Wednesday, its unreal,that exactly 4 years ago I was supposed to go to Ghana on a volunteer coaching/education project instead I landed in Montenegro - so instead of me going to Ghana, Ghana's team come to "Monty"! this night @ the Podgorica stadium MNE v GHana international friendly..(Mar 5, 2014)
REdNet bootroom 3

Look UP not behind ...
Stevie G needs to be manager on the field , cause we dont have one off it..
redmenTV ...is often just a drunken rant, and yr sh*te as a "pundit" Pejak, too, go and have another pint @ the sandon, son, their 3 goals were a) terrific strike, b) lucky deflection c) pen, and forget to mention BR has changed the defence more than 20 times in 27 games, ( and why give Toure 20 mins ?) ANYone with intelligence knows changing defence constantly will not produce a solid unit, starting 11 was looking good and should remain so, oh, did BR ask u to prop up "teachers pet" Allen? Yeah he was decent, but u exagerate, SG was always the main man right until the end, watch the game again, about time more praise for Hendo, .. 3 points , now go back to yr fan nies TV show, or write more sh*te at the echo (desperate arent they?) :) we could win this league, if BR learnt anything from Kenny or Rafa!
Shankly's Red Crusade > Liverpool 'to loan Jordon Ibe to Birmingham City' Liverpool are reportedly close to sending highly-rated youngster Jordon Ibe out on loan to Birmingham City. Reds boss Brendan Rodgers is keen for the 18-year-old to gain match experience at the Championship club, according to The Mirror. Former Wycombe Wanderers man Ibe, who can play on either wing, is said to have been earmarked as one for the future at Anfield. Ibe has made one start and one substitute appearance for Liverpool this season -sportsmole
Harvey > dont loan out good young players , they should be developed by us, the Liverpool way IBE was in the first team squad, Iwould D rather see him involved that "pet" Allen (stet) (snip) you set up this "Shankly crusade) page, using the great name of Bill Shankly, yet u cant stomach anyone who disagrees with the perversion of his ideals by the current boardroom..
Stevie G was always the man in this game, (@fulham & soton) Allan was decent, but it certainly didnt improve the team by putting Toure & Moses on in place of Agger & Studge, whats wrong with me, ??? I'll tell u! = I dont like it when people set up pages with the name of the man who probably influenced my opinions on life more than anyone, then telling me i cant have an opinion, i question almost EVERY F S G decision because I question their motives and so would Shanks! at leasts I am not a hypocrite, ... yes, of course i am "negative" because I dont agree with u, and u hide behind an anon profile.. I am supporting the https://www.facebook.com/pages/REdNeT/245954208796041 ... this is positive , and when we allowed G & H in our club (at the time top of eufa rankings ) with Rafa the best tactician in europe..an academy with 25 intenational kids and Kenny Brought back by Rafa and Rudolfo influence , which was all destroyed by G & H/F S G .. so that now we "aim for 4th" ..THATS "negative" .. Shanks said "aim for the Stars" ..
Shankly's Red Crusade shared Liverpool FC - Liverpool Echo's photo.
Like a Ferrari pulling a caravan?!
Here's Prenno's analysis on yesterday's nerve-jangler at Anfield: A forward line from heaven but the defence from hell http://bitly.com/1hoEAUc - like a Ferrari pulling a caravan is the best analogy we've heard so far!

be better if BR didnt keep selecting wrong players and changing the defence more than 20 times in 27 games.. but i super strike , 1 deflection and 1 dodgy pen was nt as bad as u make it seem. yes injuries affect defence, but BR changed defence by choice too, experimenting at the wrong times, and subbing defenders (thats just wrong) bu talso FSG forcing out Pepe (who is faster off his line and plays a sweeper role, and distributes better than Mignolet ) & (who like Pepe and all goalies makes errors from time to time) last season BR disrupted the Agger / Skrtel partnership ,(after ONE bad game) FSG playing games with Glens contract, chose Cissohko instead of Kelly & Flanno, brings Sahko in, who was shamed by Torres (and who exchanged shirts with Eto at Chelski) dropped Lucas when he was obviously needed to protect back 4.. but u arent interested in anything unless it agrees with the FSG/BR mantra, I never ever publicly criticised Lfc before 2007 ..
but that just showed me that its necessary to correct the "propaganda" that comes out of the Lfc boardroom.. ( and BR was THEIR "choice" over Kenny & Rafa!!!!!)... ist no good calling your self "Shanks Red Crusade" then preaching a commercial policy that erodes all the the man stood for. and the title of your comment is hardly "positive or loyal" is it???
You obviously dont know or understand Shanks beliefs & ideals Many people talked to Shanks - no way would he sanction the G & H/F S G perversion of his & our ideals - its hypicritical to back Henry and Co then hide behind a profile that uses Willies name, the same as its wrong for the Union to be using "Spirit of Shankly" but with a weak "spirit" ///...you have all missed the point or deliberately want to fool the young or naive fans..
u really need to wake up, whoever u are.. yep we "rebels" are all determined to get these exploiters, their F S G clones and fan nies out of our club..
WE are LIVERPPOOL, WE are the CLUB and we are Shankly boys, grown & educated on the (old) Kop, and WE havent forgotten OUR roots!
============================================================http://www.sportinglife.com/football/live/match-report/306103/swansea-out-of-europa-league -----------BY....Rafa! ============= :)