"sponsored" by....
- identify your dreams and why U dont realise them, find solutions not "excuses" dont be a "victim" just BE whoever you were meant to BE! supporting self-education of visitors or remote members via eco-...
- maandag
Friday didnt sleep the only bus available, as "Gazda" did not want to drive me and (neighbour) Bagi was unsure, left at 06h from Pg, i set the alarm for 04,30 but...i was awake, my body cant rest if I am travelling early...
Bagi gave me a lift to the sta. in the oldest car in MNE (not really!) but it didnt like the cold early start but got me there in time to catch a bus with a miserable driver, ... yes I know u dont like your job but the whole world dont need to know it! ..
a smile costs nothing,
he kept stopping for p-stops and his brekkie , chats with his buddies along the way , he did a bit of shopping, but would not stop at Du . airport, even though we were a bit late (half an hour earlier and i could have caught the airport shuttle too, but the "plan" is to keep "tourists" in Du to spend money not to be a "service" its like this the whole world now... (almost)
and I must make them aware that, again , I was "checked" at the frontier "whats your profession?" ... answer ; "Missionary" ? ... ha ha ...the police have no humour...
looked in my bag, i asked "whats the problem" ...blank faces and one who stared at me, got a bigger stare back from me ...
they were also taking a car apart , that was going into MNE..
My main reason for this trip is to bring a big INTERNATIONAL event (for tREDS&FSE) & benefits "Monty" (maybe 100-200 guests?) ...but ...these sheeple in uniform dont care about, that they are injected with poison by their lords and deal it out to the world, no wonder they are friendly to the miserable driver!
The time at the airport was "used" to have a nap, rather than spending money in the tourist trap..(Dubrovnik)
but my flight was a bit late - "Chong ho" from S. Korea was sitting next to me and showed me his plan of Zagreb, so I was "informed" from the B&B "info page"), the Air Hostess of Croatian Air (very helpful) and him... hopefully I wouldnt get lost , and yes, the transfer bus was there waiting and Yes, the tram stopped at 5 stops from the bus sta. and yes, it was only a few minutes to the "Nokturno" H-stel ("no sleep" ..)

I txt to Anita and we had a nice Dinner together, I met her and her sister in Liverpool 3 or 4 years earlier and dispite ill health...they were passionate about the game and their love for our club... i have great admiration for them both,....and I would marry Anita if she was crazy enough to have me, :)
a dream girl ....INTELLIGENT, Beautiful AND in love with Liverpool...?? yes please! , (I am NOT joking!) ...
they both showed me Zagreb city by night and I was only sad (tired an a bit drunk) that we couldn't find a place to dance - and as Anita was busy with her clients this weekend I was thankful that she had also agreed with me to watch the game (on TV @ old toilet, mancs V LIVERPOOL) ...
but if only someone had told me, there was an all night party above my room, and this did my head in until 05h ...i got up in the middle to see if there was a way up so I could join them, but....no!
With Anita in the "cavern" Liverpool '11 |
so then i went to main train sta, to get a ticket for monday (to visit NS and Izzy).
.. and Anita picked me up...

Anita and her sister would not let me buy a drink or anything, and gave me an Lfc beach towel... ("Hvala" , i had donated the last one of MY tREdS shirts to Anita..without expecting anything in return)
and the Croatian REdS had a room by a local footy club for the BIGGEST game in club football worldwide..
Stevie G, IS the man!
HE MISSED A Pen! but had scored 2 and the Ref didn't see another 2 he should have given us either! .. our captain was immense! if he carries on like this .."miracles" may happen
Luis finished off the mancs..
and we sung Y.N.W.A! ... I gave Their Zoran my special HJC RED scarf that is lucky since I bought it before the game (5-1) v Arsenal ..
(wear it across your left thigh, Zoran, during the remaining games!)

last night bumped into a group of drunken cockneys and stayed with them for an early "paddys day" drink @ "oliver twist pub" in Zagreb... ..one of them was an Lfc fan, so he bought me a pint of the dark stuff, & a whisky ...and a rakija ....which the others didnt like...
I bought them ALL a drink (9 of them!) and had another nice meal at the "Nokturno restoran" , before an early night and an ealy start to write this "report" all in all....a GREAT "vikend"--- so...
Match Pics ; Mancs 0 LIVERPOOL 3..!!!!!
footy, fun & international Friendship party weekend ; September 5/6/7.. 2014
welcoem party, stay in village by beautiful Skadar lake, tournament, grill, entertainment, media, dance and brunch party on boat
see also ...
also invited to play! ...in here.... -> ????? |
Montenegro ;
"we wont discriminate against anyone, (CS>"except mancs") we are very happy to share our dressing room with any team, even the girls... : ) "
REdNET "bootroom"
opinion (& v "twatters") :)
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