F S G came NOT to Pay..
being replaced ...

If you have lived in another world for the past 20 years you may NOT have been aware that BUSINESS has taken over the GLOBAL sport/hobby/CULTURE that we (Europeans) call FOOTBALL ("footy")
....I grew up kicking a ball around in the streets & fields near my home., progressed to school & became captain of my local team and SUPPORTING the LIVERPOOLfc team in person, on Tv or in
any way defended the phenomenon created by the Shankly/Beatles era in that City = ( the birth of the magical "LIVERPOOL way")

In the last 20 years, especially as a result of the english "Premiere league" and the corrupt Murdoch's "Sky Tv" ..the average armchair fan and their internet "fannies" swallow every piece of media that spews
out of the relative "box" ..so much so that the most prestigeous league in the world is TOLD when matches should be played by the sky media!!!
..how stupid are you people?

When those and their corrupt bankers were exposed as being fraudulent, the masses were "sold" on another pair (Via "New England Sports Venture" NOW FENWAY Sports Group ..nicknamed "F-way"...) being "saviours" during a CONTRIVED high court "drama" specially staged to distract the "fans" from the lack of any money ever being passed into OUR club.
AMAZING levels of "trust" (or foolishness?) by Scousers that allowed a banking conman called Purslow, a CHELSKI Chairman (Broughton) to stage-manage the affair to that london reporters and fans saw them emerging from the FARCE with John. dubya in the "John Wayne" role leading the 7th Cavalry (which we as kids also thought
were the good guys of yanker films...until we grew up...!)

- Loaded debt on OUR club ; using Anfield stadium & Melwood properties
- Insulted Rafa Benitez and recently Kenneth Dalglish { The 2 best Lfc managers of the last 3 decades (Rafa
& Kenny both showing commitment and in Kenny's case, almost saintlike investment in the Liverpool community)
- Sacked the "manager" (hodgson) selected by the previous yankers, ONLY after 10,000 fans boycotted Anfiels (jan 2010)
- Failed to honour this years memorial for the 96 of our brothers & sisters, "legally murdered" in 1989
- continually showed lack of "footy knowledge" and promoted "advance cash" ticket & shop sales to hide lack of real investment.
WE, global supporters are already making our own "We are the CLUB" t-shirts, boycotting games & official shops and now repeat the succesful "poster campaign" which helped remove Hicks & Gillet
..with our "WE came (here) NOT to PAY" poster, ironically mimicking FSG's "shirt deal" with ANOTHER american manufacturer (virtually all new "sponsors are american?) FSG want to transfor the LOVE of our lives into THEIR "franchise"
..and whilst their financial
empires are collapsing, they want to suck us down under with them..
WE SUPPORTED and ENABLED OUR CLUB to be come a GLOBAL entity, WE invest OUR time, energy & finance OUR CLUB since 50 years,

! https://www.facebook.com/pages/REdNeT/245954208796041 ...... "poster campaign"= https://www.facebook.com/events/304868639628448/

Ciki > he was good against chelsea after some weak performances this year, but still has to be moved uo the pitch, hopefully, when Lucas returns BR will have more confidence in his defensive skills and put SG in "the hole" just behind #7
CS>my blog was (if u missed the point) was a rare commendation for SG ...not a discussion about our club, our bigger problems are in the office - (Henry & FSG are about to collapse their empire and are draining cash from US...) when fans wake up to this we can then think about our team .. https://www.facebook.com/FenwayWeComeNotToPay

ChriS SmiTH> whatever, dont blame Torres for leaving Lfc, after management had repeatedly broken promises to Nando, & broken Rafa's contract= where Purslow's instigated back-stabbing was the norm in the "office" , and which is even worse now..we have to sort out Henry & co first,..then worry about the team..."buck" is just henry's boy.

Craig Nelson> Guess im goin to London to give him a piggy back up here then...
ChriS SmiTH> check yr info..he was p*ssed off at the time of the brum game, because lies were being told by purslow, medical staff (who were later kicked out for giving Rafa false fitness reports) & players were being divided in the dressings room by internal politics as they(G & H) wanted Rafa out.(because he STOOD UP TO THEIR BS!) .. Torres stayed on, even though , until he had been kicked all over the park for half a season whilst Hiodgson played ale-house footy... when he actually wanted to leave when Rafa was forced out.. (read Tomkins blog & RAWK forum insider reports about that period)? then form yr own opinions - making Torres a scapegoat was convenient..and we should stop the BS that continues because he was great for us, and gave me some fantastic memories following the Reds all over europe..
. thank you Torres! dont forget Torres left being captain @ Atleti, because he wanted to win trophies and NOT carry the team.., Hicks & Hodgson Ruined that , which was the reason Torres went..& Henry & Rodgers are in danger of repeating the mistake....with Suarez
Damien Boss Fleming> so ur saying read other peoples opinions so we can form our own...nobody knows the full facts until it comes from the horses mouth and as of yet it hasnt...rodgers out
ChriS SmiTH >I am saying do what the F*ck u want...! but ..dont buy into the anti-Torres Torres , and SUGGEST that you check out all the info available..& dont take the popular lazy HERD position , mate! ;)...!
(snip ...BS response from "boss" ) ..and Damien , I hate people who stick "boss" into their name because of some insecurity U have! ;)
Carla> torres back to liverpool ??
Alan Lfc Saunders> I'm inclined to think he would hit form straight away tbh Liam, I think he felt he didn't fit in at chelsea from day one & that was the reason his form hit rock bottom. Liverpool was perfect for him when he joined us but I maybe wrong bcoz this time with BR in charge :-/ As David says tho, maybe a cheeky offer to test the water eh.
Liam Lofty L> i'm well aware of the lies that were told and were ultimately the reason for him leaving, it was the tactical things that Torres was unhappy with, but after the summer of Hodgson, that finished him off, no matter who we brought in, we were always going to lose him that January
Damien Boss F> the truth will come out eventually,but i suppose that will be after all the conspiracy theorists have come back from their anal probing on mars
ChriS SmiTH> Damien , dont ever let the truth wake u up, it might shock u, ;) https://www.facebook.com/FenwayWeComeNotToPay
Andy Martin> Stop spamming that shut page on an actual decent page Chris please.
Andy Martin Shit*
Damien Boss Fleming chris,ur time might be better spent hating on paedo or rapists rather than something u proclaim to care about...conspiracy theorists really get on my wick
ChriS SmiTH > Andy, FSG are just G & H with better PR, ... the club
was in amess, still is and u are just chatting about minor problems when
the club is going down the toilet..thanks to fans apathy... dont like
the truth lad, (funny that u wrote sh*t next to yr own name! ) FSG

Sean> ! Brendan Rodgers said he's looking to bring in around 2-3 people in January... yeah.. how many players will he have to sell to get them then ~(seanoc)
Hillsborough 1989 - Don't Ever Forget

The Spirit Of Shankly had a committee meeting tonight. The union's committee are 100% behind the Xmas Hillsborough single fundraiser and all the artists/groups/singers/celebs involved. The committee felt this massive show of support was an indication of how far the public mood had changed since the publication of the 'truth' and the public's desire to see justice done! JFT96
ChriS SmiTH thats great , hope S . O. S also consider the proposal to remove the fraudulent H-W management, using sos funds for the injunction, who insulted us by ignoring the last memorial service? ..lets clean the club inside & outside of those who are against OUR spirit , We are the club! https://www.facebook.com/FenwayWeComeNotToPay

Seán > good stuff mate. I know we dont always agree. but i respect u and respect ur opinion and ur ideas
CS>i am just wondering, if its all worth it, when i see stupid taints @ Torres , when he was the victim of broken Yanker promises, and get blocked on telling the truth on various FB groups, and spend all my disposable on t-shirts & campaigns to rescue the club i love..to benefit who? 7 million fans ..but so many are stupidly buying into the BS! ...because they can/wont face the truth that these yankers just want to exploit OUR investment, ...if I win then...????
can i trust them to vote @ shareholders meetings for the protection of true Reds values?

![]() |
Kenny defending OUR players &* correcting Sky! |
...with hope in y-our hearts...! ChriS

CSerS ; other links, personal notes & notes ;
.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHGZYZXZgvQ&feature=related Jocky!
Kenny IS a TRUE REd Legend ;
<SNIP> dream...and the music now playing repeatedly in my head is..this.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCdoEb6YA00 ...no comment / bez kommentar !!! ..
I dont expect a response from you... just ...I just needed to share ..;0
DS> Dobar dan Chris!:) How are you? As you know I have some limited with useing net, but when you call me yesterday, I was busy...No, I didnt finde a job....:) but I finde one group young people who is so enthusiast, and now I spent my time with them. I join in their akcion about help a homeless. And all day yesterday we colect a food and clothing, and last nigh we walking arond the city looking for a homless and givin them a cop of hot tea, or same meal package...There so many people on the street, it is horrible....so sad...And we go to the visit in shelter for adult person and in Belgrade there only one!!! And that shelter have 80 place, and inside is 130 people!!! And there are people who go aut from jail, and its they some kind of recovery, and there are people who have a serious mental problem, and there is one part *normal* people but all they is so poor and they family left they or they just alone....and we go to speak with them, because as thay say...its not hard be poor and weak, much wors is because normal people turn head on other side...and for homeless is equally important nice word like food... Next weekend I go to home because we have mention for my granny, she was diad in January...And I stay at home cuple days...but 28. is Wednesday, and maybe if I get enugh many, maybe I can come in Pg on one or two days...but I cant to promise nothing...
CS> LOOK Dan i

I am so happy that you do something for the people, and it just confirms my STRONG, so strong, belief that WE can do so much together, for so many people, if your action . IF OUR LIVES.... mean anything , we are at the beginning of a new world..WE can make..
PLEASE dont worry about money, I will pay for yr bus fare to come here...look in my heart if U trust me?? .because I didnt convince you before, and because I didnt expect our time in Prizren to be cut short by that ... give me some days over next week to explain what is possible and yes, I do want U to come to repair us too , and to build on it..for you, for me and for everbody..
words on the internet are not enough...so, I NEED U to look in my eyes and then decide what U believe!...
cuvaj se!
:) ChriS x
last night I watched 2 old films...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FiX7qWUbgA (entrapment , Connery & Zeta-Jones) strange, but,,,this film and "blind date" (Nadya is played as comedy by Kim basinger ) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blind_Date_%281987_film%29 ..with Bruce Willis reminded me of you ??? ;) and I want your personal help, to purge those bad feelings we had, on 28th Novemmber my 11 year old daughter has a birthday, who I love (who i havent seen since several years, because of her cheating mother) and I really would not want to be alone, if you are with me planning positive things...It would ease me, molim!
no replies about jobs, but U know I would like to u to come here (pg) next week instead of going home, to help me, help, you, help a lot a lot of people, at least test the ideas ? ChriS
I am here until 4th december then i start moving until january...i want u in the start of this project, MOLIM!!!! :) dont ALWAYS BE so stubborn!... ok???? Dan i, yes I have heart, but NOT only, I am not stupid, I propose ; IF u dont find job this week come to Pg. (i pay bus fare, food and U can have my room as I can sleep another place, so u dont feel oppressed) ..dont look for job, barmaid, masseuse, or on ship, teach me serbian & help me,& be at the start of somethign wonderful,u can BE IN, ChriS
btw-in case u forgot...:) this is me, exactly a year ago, @ a snobs party at the coast, the reason I am not dancing is that I broke my ankle playing footy the wek before.. ;) i am the one without hair...
Dobra Dan i , ;) ... just sitting in the sunshine in my garden @ Toloshi (pg) hoping you can see the wonderful ....truth.... with me, ChriS
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Taken a year ago, just after breaking MY ankleplaying footy with the lads In Pg, that is why I am NOT dancing... I am the one without the hair, LMAO! | , |
CSerS , also please check my profile so u know a bit about me first,(before U visit) ok?
Bojan Matic from Croatia & Doug passed on through,..do you have tent...?
And....LAI sprained her ankle and is still in Kosovo...(Prishtina?)
ChriS SMITH > "My little girl Noela , Kidnapped following a violent ambush in the Alsatian forest near our home several years ago, shall be ELEVEN (11) Years old on 28th November 2012
, I have no Info about where, or more important, HOW she is… her german mother (Margit Streifeneder) disappeared and a policeman in Dublin is the last person to know where she is… IF you WANT to help me put pressure on to at least get some form of contact send a birthday card to Noela ;
![]() |
Last picture taken before she was stolen from near OUR home 8 years ago |
(ref Noela)
"Garda Station"
Clontarf Road,
Dublin 3
Ireland (Eire)
Thank you in advance
Network of Estranged Parents and Abused Kids created an event.
(Message /Birthday card for stolen Noela)
........... "poster campaign"
USA = the immense BS... baseball, glorified rounders played in the USA but they need to boast, so they call it "the world series" .. :P
ReplyDeletetelling the truth & opposing yankers gets us banned by Twitter too.... !!!