USA ambassador admits 32 MILLION USD pumped into this state (covertly?) ... in an attempt to convince locals to accept being a "USAcorp colony"
already constructed N A T O base ( strategic advantage for c1a & other illegal black ops .. in europe..) to promote their multi-trillion usd WAR biz..
(note this economy only pays 10 euros PER DAY to a bus driver or basic labourer! so thats like 3 BILLION dollars in effect) who is getting it & why? (rhetorical, we know)
the local president is almost as farcial & openly corrupt as Pres. don (duck) trump-et!
... the latest tranch of 300,000 usd under COVER of being aid versus #trendyVirus and to help 3 clinics.. (this costs pennies in relation to the "fund")
p.s. anyone else want to IDENITIFY OPEN corrupt exploitation?
p.p.s. this night (21/22 april) 25 years ago.. I was woken up in the belgian hospital intensive care unit after several days in meningitis coma... ( ) sometimes it still feels liek I havent woken up but drifted into a SURREAL and totally ridiculous drea/nightmare ... no intelligence on this mad planet!
& please now absorb Karma 1 at ;
& please now absorb Karma 1 at ;
AND ...catch up , please, do not "scan" ..ABSORB;
OUR initiative is to connect an existing 160+ groups on social media (direct connection with 900k worldwide, who in turn probably have an expanded contact with say 10, million..?)
*Evolve ideas from the community, not from :the pyramid of govt/business exploitation
*Equality, with intelligence, encourage ideas that benefit the whole.
*Share & care for all Human BEings, no discrimination or frontiers
#eco-logistics (see propsals) @com/groups/ ..note f/book dont like
"anti-establishment" initiatives
EVERYONE should have the true CHANCE of living, with home & food ..without prejudice.
you WONT like this;
newsdawna./2020/04/are-you-in-self-induced-catatonic-state. the truth hurts ????
______________ FOOTY PLUS_______________
Reminding you...
a Great Player who over come prejudice profiled before the League was SOUL-out to "premiere TV" and the money mad sponsors, agents & fan nies...but....
birthday wishes for the under-rated Div!

should be played at CF or a replacement for the Fab 3! thanks for the derby goals, 2 v Barca, and the winner in Madrid for number 6 .! has the prefect temprament and is ideal impact super-sub..IMO!
some Light relief with Faulty? ///

feck the ENGLISH premiere league, WE ARE european & WORLD champions..
this writer wrote a LOT of words , in a pretty SOFT way, to kind of AGREE with OUR OPinion, stuff the ENGLISH (sly tv dominated, money mad "premiere league" IF 25 points lead isnt enough then stick your commerciast trophy where the sun dont shine (should have an early summer break) big pre season and start the season in July? that eases everyone back into it,
....but cut OUT the money mad BS, reduce ticket prices , no new kits every summer, Safe standing and so on, and SUPPORTER -owned clubs with OUR decision in kick off date/times involved!
________OUR REdNET + Bootroom OPINION_____
2 years ago *2018...
rednet-alien/2018/04/do-you. ?????
1 Year ago *2019
rednet.2019/04/redgem-19-dreamer-v-slytv-two-be-or...... ?
3 years ago
2017/04/post-easter-pre-palace-anti-infestors......... WAKE UP & CO-OP! 5 year plan for REdS+
#REdGEM_LbiRD #censoREdS
The things they review now...????
Jk may have been less effective with Stevie, Rafa knew how to make BIG players better?? and JK still gets subs wrong, (defending leads) ...sometimes
Diary & memoirs from an open "Monty black-pool prison"
April 18, 2014 ·
"there must be a better wor(l)d
there must be a better word
"anniversary" seems unworthy & absurd
the 96 we lost fron that day
cant tell me what I should say
@ this special time,
I dont want to rhyme
I wont do them "justice"
no one else did, after all.
Justice delayed means justice denied
Thatcher is dead, she never cried
I lost my family and all I love
but I move on, dont ask if they are "above
I live in heaven - a land of wild beauty
spontaneous people, dont worry about "duty"
its a long way from Sheffield or the 'pool
but I dont ever want to be "cool"
I met someone for whom I care
should I pursue, should i "Dare"
in this cold world, dont want to be "old"
So deep is my story, that never will be told
ChRiS SMITH 15th April 2014
We speak with an accent exceedingly rare; .. If you want a cathedral,
we've got one to spare,
in my Liverpool home.
Back in the Forties the world it went mad,
and Hitler he threw at us all that he had.
When the smoke and the dust had all cleared from the air,
"Thank God," said my old man," the Pier Head's still there."
If it's football you're wanting, the team at the top,
is the team that they're singing about in the Kop;
this city has got two great teams it deserves;
Liverpool ... First Team, and Liverpool Reserves.
I took a walk along Lime Street one day,
I saw a "Young lady" a-heading my way;
"Have you got the right time, love", says I to the lass,
She said, "I've got the time, Jack, if you've got the brass."
When I grew up, I met Bridget Mc Cann;
she said, "You're not much, but I'm needing a man;
I want sixteen kids, and a house out in Speke;
well, the flesh it was willing, but the spirit was weak.
Walton Gaol is the place for a quiet week-end.
Climb over the wall, and you'll meet all your friends.
You can sit and watch telly, drink whisky and beer
and chalk on the prison walls; "Kilroy was here".
We've got wide open spaces like the Wavertree Park,
where it's unsafe by daylight and more so by dark
We've got places of culture like Dingle and Speke,
where they play "tick" with hatchets, and fight with their feet.
We've got romantic places like the Cast-Iron Shore,
where you can find someone else's back door,
We had John, we had George, Ringo and Paul,
the Liverpool Spinners, and the St George's Hall.
Way out in Kirkby, the kids they wear clogs,
there's eight million kids there's ten million dogs.
They play "tick" with hatchets, I tell you no lie,
and they call you a "cissy" if you've more than one eye.
When my last whistle blows & the "Ref Up There" says;
"You've supped your last Guinness,lad, it's the end of your days,"
Take my ashes to Old Trafford and spread them around,
and they won't win a match while I'm haunting the ground.
.............200416 ...
IMAGES from "APRIL FOOLISH set" ... 200416 Woke up again to "lockdown insanity" I am a globaal Strategist/logistics expert sat here, whilst every idiot and his dog LOSE the chance to improve y-OUR world. local & global stupidity rules new world order of idiocracy-dicK-tating ...
take the time to absorb;
REMEMBER ; it was the ESTABLISHMENT who killed 96 of our brothers & sisters on 15th april 1989 ; no Justice = no SILENCE!
April 22, 2019 at 10:08 PM ·
I am so lucky , despite some difficult moments in my life, losing all those I loved.. I had the best of times ...because I was a lad through ALL of the best times, going back to Shanks teams and 28,000 of us only on the KOP end, swaying shoulder to shoulder, well , even though my shoulder was smaller than most,;)
no one, not even Kenny, or Rafa or Bob or Juergen can or will come close to what Bill did, not about winning games or trophies, but Shanks MADE LIVERPOOL,, he was my mentor & alongside John (Lennon) will always be in my REd heart and soul. …
;) & for all true REdS; ; @ REdNET via c500,000 worldwide
Liverpool FC is feeling proud.
April 9, 2019 at 10:30 AM ·
We are Liverpool. This Means More. ❤️
1 year ago
Christopher Richard Smith
April 22, 2019 at 9:53 PM ·
passion,,, almost as high as being REd! ;)
;) & for all true REdS; ; @ REdNET via c500,000 worldwide
This content isn't available right now (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.
(or F book made a BIASED decision????????????)
1 year ago
Christopher Richard Smith
April 22, 2019 at 7:24 AM ·…/redgem-19-dreamer…
No photo description available.
4Kathleen Greene, Selvan Selvaa and 2 others
1 year ago
Christopher Richard Smith
April 22, 2019 at 6:15 AM ·
on 21.22 night I woke up from a coma that began on easter sunday. (1995) when I was a young "entrepreneur" . IMO most of the worlds sheeple are STIL in a COMA .. induced between empires preceding & including USAcorp & their pet nations poison of the land, water, air , food & minds of
every generation of children.. since ...
Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, sitting
7Kathleen Greene, Paul Balaba and 5 others
2 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith updated his cover photo.
April 22, 2018 at 9:51 AM ·
No photo description available.
5Gloria Wenslove, Sarah Jane Porter and 3 others
4 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
April 22, 2016 at 10:29 AM ·
its "earth day" ? its... EVERY FECKING DAY! you idiots, dont rubbish this planet, u might not get another!
No photo description available.
1Вук Бубања
1 Comment7 Shares
Christopher Richard Smith
April 22, 2016 at 10:21 AM ·
there are far too many sheeple on this planet, mate!
Dai Evans>
April 22, 2016 at 12:19 AM
Prince....Not my cup of tea at all, but talent is talent at the end of the day, and he had bags of it...weirdly enough perhaps even underrated by some!!...A bit of a weird cat, but then there's usually nothing straightforward about the ''gifted ones'' stand out above the crowd you need to have something different about you...his guitar playing was quite outstanding to be fair, and many a stage full of gifted guitarists were blown away by his talents...he helped to influence and elevate many in the music world, and entertained millions along the way...many would have wished it to continue for many years to come, but sadly another genius has left the world way too young...
5 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
April 22, 2015 at 10:32 AM ·
I woke up from coma 20 years ago today... i want to wake up others ! "we dont care about the price tag, we just want to make the world dance" (or smile!!) join us april 25 ...and may 23 (weekend party events) and play "footy" for fun of course
No photo description available.
Christopher Richard Smith
Things to do in wild beauty - sta mislis raditi u zemlji divlje ljepote
April 22, 2015 at 10:32 AM
5 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
April 22, 2015 at 10:18 AM ·
6 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
April 22, 2014 at 12:41 PM ·
The FIRST EVER meeting of the "Crazy Alternatives" ; @ "Brazil" (Caffe Berlin) Njegoseva 24, Pg wednesday 23 April 2014, 16-18h ....
theme ; "throw away your ticket to the TIT anic - make a LIFEboat?"
...bring a friend (if U Dare) ..
Christopher Richard Smith
Things to do in wild beauty - sta mislis raditi u zemlji divlje ljepote
April 22, 2014 at 12:41 PM
Christopher Richard Smith
April 21, 2014 at 10:38 AM ·
Your ability to charm has returned full force. People see you as a leader, and are interested in what you have to say. You have a powerful new idea that could really change things. Take a chance to pitch it to the powers that be - today you have a decent shot at making something wonderful happen.
Image may contain: text
1Margareta Pavlovic
Thanks for coming!
Harvey Tuttle
Christopher Richard Smith
April 21, 2019 at 4:07 PM ·
INaTEAM; Play Beautiful football in the Wild
April 21, 2019 at 4:07 PM
AB, Matip, VVD, ; Trent, Hendo, Robbo, ; Gini, Keita, ; "the Firm", Mane & Mo.
Mary Sherry
Christopher Richard Smith
April 21, 2019 at 2:31 PM ·
Rock on 2 day and the same 2 man.u
2 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
April 21, 2018 at 11:41 AM ·
pics from the week... that was...!
Image may contain: 10 people, people smiling
8Gloria Wenslove, Sarah Jane Porter and 6 others
4 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
April 21, 2016 at 10:40 AM ·
"The Stara team" _and 1 fan Tina , celebrating after the game
Image may contain: 1 person
Christopher Richard Smith
April 21, 2016 at 10:35 AM
2Сава Ђорђевић and 1 other
Christopher Richard Smith
April 21, 2016 at 10:35 AM ·
GOOD times : the whole "Stara" team (=+ Tina Fan!) and not a bad "futsal" squad too..celebrating after the game
5Сава Ђорђевић, Evita Torini and 3 others
6 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
April 21, 2014 at 10:38 AM ·
Your ability to charm has returned full force. People see you as a leader, and are interested in what you have to say. You have a powerful new idea that could really change things. Take a chance to pitch it to the powers that be - today you have a decent shot at making something wonderful happen.
1Margareta Pavlovic
Christopher Richard Smith
April 20, 2018 at 6:46 AM ·
No photo description available.
INaTEAM; Play Beautiful football in the Wild
April 20, 2018 at 6:37 AM
3 years ago
Christopher Richard Smith
April 20, 2017 at 5:35 PM ·…/post-easter-pre-palace-a…
3 years ago
Damon Morris is feeling proud with Mark Sweetlove and 73 others.
April 20, 2017 at 1:55 AM ·
There's only one love in my life. Liverpool fc. Night to all. Ynwa.
Image may contain: 18 people, including Emmanuel Ackom Yamoah, people smiling
61Andy Prendergast, Alan Roulston and 59 others
April 18, 2014 ·
"there must be a better wor(l)d
there must be a better word
"anniversary" seems unworthy & absurd
the 96 we lost fron that day
cant tell me what I should say
@ this special time,
I dont want to rhyme
I wont do them "justice"
no one else did, after all.
Justice delayed means justice denied
Thatcher is dead, she never cried
I lost my family and all I love
but I move on, dont ask if they are "above
I live in heaven - a land of wild beauty
spontaneous people, dont worry about "duty"
its a long way from Sheffield or the 'pool
but I dont ever want to be "cool"
I met someone for whom I care
should I pursue, should i "Dare"
in this cold world, dont want to be "old"
So deep is my story, that never will be told
ChRiS SMITH 15th April 2014
We speak with an accent exceedingly rare; .. If you want a cathedral,
we've got one to spare,
in my Liverpool home.
Back in the Forties the world it went mad,
and Hitler he threw at us all that he had.
When the smoke and the dust had all cleared from the air,
"Thank God," said my old man," the Pier Head's still there."
If it's football you're wanting, the team at the top,
is the team that they're singing about in the Kop;
this city has got two great teams it deserves;
Liverpool ... First Team, and Liverpool Reserves.
I took a walk along Lime Street one day,
I saw a "Young lady" a-heading my way;
"Have you got the right time, love", says I to the lass,
She said, "I've got the time, Jack, if you've got the brass."
When I grew up, I met Bridget Mc Cann;
she said, "You're not much, but I'm needing a man;
I want sixteen kids, and a house out in Speke;
well, the flesh it was willing, but the spirit was weak.
Walton Gaol is the place for a quiet week-end.
Climb over the wall, and you'll meet all your friends.
You can sit and watch telly, drink whisky and beer
and chalk on the prison walls; "Kilroy was here".
We've got wide open spaces like the Wavertree Park,
where it's unsafe by daylight and more so by dark
We've got places of culture like Dingle and Speke,
where they play "tick" with hatchets, and fight with their feet.
We've got romantic places like the Cast-Iron Shore,
where you can find someone else's back door,
We had John, we had George, Ringo and Paul,
the Liverpool Spinners, and the St George's Hall.
Way out in Kirkby, the kids they wear clogs,
there's eight million kids there's ten million dogs.
They play "tick" with hatchets, I tell you no lie,
and they call you a "cissy" if you've more than one eye.
When my last whistle blows & the "Ref Up There" says;
"You've supped your last Guinness,lad, it's the end of your days,"
Take my ashes to Old Trafford and spread them around,
and they won't win a match while I'm haunting the ground.
5 years ago
Chris Smith
April 19, 2015 at 10:45 AM ·
Gem: "Daily Horoscope
You and your partner may have some hard words today, but once you get past your disagreements you will rediscover and heal the friendship that is at the heart of your union. If you are single, you may meet someone interesting in a medical clinic or doctor's office."...____????? ha ha
6 years ago
April 19, 2014 at 11:11 PM ·
April 19, 2014 at 11:06 PM
1 year ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 17, 2019 at 6:53 AM ·
with Greetings from MEDd1A TEAM of
2 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod updated his cover photo.
April 17, 2018 at 12:35 PM ·
Image may contain: mountain, sky, outdoor, nature and water
2 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 17, 2018 at 12:34 PM ·
111 Members
Crvena Jackking Red's photo.
2 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 17, 2018 at 12:21 PM ·
we should understand that inflation & speculation is cause of higher prices for property which in turn raises the price of everything, wages, products etc... if there was a 20% ceiling on house consturciton profit.. just imagine the affect on all costs...then everyone could afford to live in a decent home.. the lands were once , a long time ago, the property of all people..not just the few...!
3 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 17, 2017 at 4:17 PM ·
A.k.a fakebook + FUBAR med1a = TRULY "NONE of the above"
April 17, 2017 at 4:11 PM ·…/comment-kelvin-mackenzie-proves-onc…
Don't buy the Sun.
About this website
COMMENT: Kelvin MacKenzie proves once again that he is a shitbag and the Sun are pure scum |
Don't buy the Sun.
3 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 17, 2017 at 3:45 PM ·
111 Members
Crvena Jackking Red's photo.
Harvey Tuttle
Crvena Dawn
Frank Carlyle
Monte Crvena
4 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 17, 2016 at 2:06 PM ·
this country has stunning and unusual scenery, and is ideal for farming, (it could be independent and rich exporting land but no one wants to be a "farmer"_) ...and too many plastic bags are given out for every single product in all shops and markets .. I just picked up about 20 plastic bags , outside my bedroom window adjacent to the neighbours house... i put them back in his garden , and he complains , but not to me ! when he thought he may not survive... (about his Daughte...Continue Reading
No photo description available.
Chris Smith-Mypod
Black sheep & Monty - knee-GRINS
April 17, 2016 at 1:58 PM · Podgorica
this country has stunning and unusual scenery, and is ideal for farming, (it could be independent and rich exporting land but no one wants to be a "farmer"_) ...
See More
4 years ago ·
April 17, 2016 at 10:52 AM ·…/steven-gerrard-pays-hillsb…
Former Reds star wears black armband to mark 27th anniversary of tragedy
About this website
Gerrard pays special Hillsborough tribute
Former Reds star wears black armband to mark 27th anniversary of tragedy
4 years ago
April 17, 2016 at 10:25 AM ·…/klopp-hails-beautiful-show…
5 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 17, 2015 at 9:46 AM ·
Gemini > Daily Horoscope
"It's a good day to plan a future vacation together with your mate or partner. Look for opportunities that combine travel and learning. If single, you may just meet someone interesting on the daily commute. Keep an open mind if you meet someone who is not from your racial or cultural background. " ha ha ... most think I am too "open"
6 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 17, 2014 at 12:52 PM ·
April 17, 2014 at 12:52 PM ·
there must be a better word
"anniversary" seems unworthy & absurd
the 96 we lost fron that day
cant tell me what I should say
@ this special time,
I dont want to rhyme
I wont do them "justice"
no one else did, after all.
Justice delayed means justice denied
Thatcher is dead, she never cried
I lost my family and all I love
but I move on, dont ask if they are "above
I live in heaven - a land of wild beauty
spontaneous people, dont worry about "duty"
its a long way from Sheffield or the 'pool
but I dont ever want to be "cool"
I met someone for whom I care
should I persue, should i "Dare"
in this cold world, dont want to be "old"
So deep is my story, that never will be told
ChRiS SMITH 15th April 2014
............................ montv? :))))))))))))))))
We were loyal & even after we are dead
No one can explain how that felt
The fate that the manslaughter of the 96 were dealt..
And 6 years later I died too
In a coma , and where were you?
ReplyDelete1 year ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 22, 2019 at 9:31 AM ·
Greetings from MEDd1A TEAM of
For REdS supporters by REdS Worldwide, footy,…
For REdS supporters by REdS Worldwide, footy, Humour, music and more (
1 year ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 22, 2019 at 9:21 AM ·
Made up..the dream continues ..
LIVERPOOL back on top 2 points ahead of the manciteh FRAUD klub (mcFK) .. I remind you that IF LIVERPOOL win all the remaining games (which could be 6 if all goes well) we would have 97 points & "number 6" (another big ears for the Anfield trophy rooms) ...
if 97 points does not secure the league, I will remind everyone that there is a "karma" since the League was virtually sold off to murderochs SLYtv, who then dictate when games will be pla... See More
#censoRED Radio & REb TV
184 Members
Chris Smith-Mypod's photo.
Harvey Tuttle
Crvena Dawn
Frank Carlyle
Monte Crvena
3 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 22, 2017 at 12:05 AM ·
Image may contain: one or more people, stadium, crowd and outdoor
Image may contain: 1 person, crowd
Image may contain: text
1Margareta Pavlovic
3 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod updated his cover photo.
April 22, 2017 at 12:04 AM ·
Image may contain: text
1 Comment21 Shares
4 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 22, 2016 at 1:41 PM · Podgorica ·
Tonight, poems, words, jokes, and RED NOSE Karaoke! locals and visitors welcome
Image may contain: 1 person
5 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 22, 2015 at 10:50 AM ·
I woke up from coma 20 years ago today... i want to wake up others ! "we dont care about the price tag, we just want to make the world dance" (or smile!!) join us april 25 ...and may 23 (weekend party events) and play "footy" for fun of course
Gem> "Daily Horoscope
Relationships are under stress right now because you are coping with a lot of personal and family changes. A friend or companion could help you get your feet back on solid ground, and help you think up a solution to a troubling romantic problem." ...the "problem" is perhaps lack of "romance" most modern women are not...."romantic" :)
No photo description available.
Image may contain: 1 person
6 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 22, 2014 at 3:34 PM ·
Delete1Lola Zarate
7 years ago
Chris S
thanks everyone, its my "alternative" birthday, woke up from coma 18 years ago, and "started again" :)
1Vesna Jasovic
8 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 22, 2012 at 1:27 PM ·
No photo description available.
8 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 22, 2012 at 10:38 AM ·
enjoy yr day, Birthday greetings if you are a True friend of ChriS SMITH then you are a friend of M in E :) - Today 17 years ago Chri5mitH woke up from a coma! = an 'alternative birthday to celebrate"
& best wishes from "REdNeT@
1Djordje Lazarevic
April 21, 2019 at 11:15 AM ·
Hello I am Joe KIng's brate ..! , I wish to inform you that a media colleague ( Chris Smith-Mypod ) based in Podgorica (Pg) seeks someone as "voice-over/scriptwriting" player for a media series that will soon feature on international net/radio .. this initially unpaid, however it is expected to be adapted for various audio and VIDEO station programs in the coming years... the part is "Stara" a (Spiritual) being without human form, but not "alien"
in "Protons, Neutrons & Morons" (a.k.a..".to BE or not to that a question?" ... edited and directed by Chris who shall play the opposing role to "Stara" ...
If you are selected ,and are local, programs will recorded in Pg, if abroad, you will be sent script for you to write your complimentary role, for your self..
The future is in your hands to make a name for yourself,. NOTE the voice of "Stara" should sound FEEmale , you do NOT have to be,... no age, gender, nationality, or other restriction. this is a "no limits opportunity"
Image may contain: night and sky
3 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 21, 2017 at 12:33 PM ·
A.k.a fakebook + FUBAR med1a = TRULY "NONE of the above"
April 21, 2017 at 12:32 PM ·
we had all this BS and distraction on fsg out page, and David Mullen is like the echo;s pearce another FSG clone,, and we made the point that WE could not see ...
See More
The Court Documents from New York Supreme Court :::::::...
About this website
Linda's twitter trouble
DeleteApril 20, 2019 at 6:46 PM ·
i think I have brought at least 500 new customers to this Caffe , since i started using it, ..backpackers, tourists, football fans, party people and others.. its SO nice to be "appreciated" ;)
Image may contain: 6 people, people smiling, people sitting, table and indoor
Chris Smith-Mypod
September 8, 2017 at 7:19 PM
Cafe Berlin i think I have brought at least 500 new customers to this Caffe , since i started using it, ..backpackers, tourists, football fans, party people and others.. its SO nice to be "appreciated" ;)
1Sergey Tereshchenko
1 year ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 20, 2019 at 9:22 AM ·
Greetings from MEDd1A TEAM of
#censoRED Radio & REb TV
183 Members
Chris Smith-Mypod's photo.
Harvey Tuttle
Crvena Dawn
Frank Carlyle
Monte Crvena
1 year ago
Chris Smith-Mypod updated his cover photo.
April 20, 2019 at 8:28 AM ·
Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, text
1 Comment
5 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 20, 2015 at 10:16 AM ·
Milos Adzic
April 18, 2015 at 7:54 PM
5 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 20, 2015 at 9:51 AM ·
No photo description available.
Chris Smith-Mypod
European REd loyal Supporters Club a.k.a "REdS abroad"
April 20, 2015 at 9:48 AM
villains 2 Lfc 1
I was angry to see Lucas left out..(?_)
I didnt agree with the selction of Joe or Markovic, for me neither are first team class..(both were eve...
Monte Crvena
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 19, 2019 at 5:22 AM ·
an old one, but under-rated series which still reflects the stupidity of modern society, sadly even more true than ever now that sheeple are addicted to "fast food technology"
Monte Crvena
April 19, 2019 at 5:21 AM
an old one, but under-rated series which still reflects the stupidity of modern society, sadly even more true than ever now that sheeple are addicted to "fast food technology"
The Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin Season One Episode Five - 6 Oct 1976 A nervous Reggie is to address the British Fruit Association and mixes Dutch courag...
About this website
The Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin - s01e05 - The Speech to the British Fruit Association
The Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin Season One Episode Five - 6 Oct 1976 A nervous Reggie is to address the British Fruit Association and mixes Dutch courag...
1 Share
3 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 19, 2017 at 9:48 AM ·
some amusing moments, but the pop media need to spread their humourous observations around, whilst everyone focusses on "supertrump" and his easter bunny, every other politician is gettong an easy ride... ?…/the-daily-show-with-trevor-noah-easter-…
A.k.a fakebook + FUBAR med1a = TRULY "NONE of the above"
April 19, 2017 at 9:46 AM ·
Easter at the Trump White House-The Daily Show with Trevor Noah - Video Clip | Comedy Central
The Trump administration can't even seem to pull off an error-free Easter party.
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3 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod updated his profile picture.
April 19, 2017 at 9:29 AM ·
2Margareta Pavlovic and 1 other
1 Comment3 Shares
4 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod updated his cover photo.
April 19, 2016 at 2:49 PM ·
No photo description available.
4 Comments6 Shares
4 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 19, 2016 at 2:48 PM ·
2 years ago! ,(Stevie s slogan) ... but, hope for this time ...the europa??
No photo description available.
April 19, 2014 at 11:06 PM ·
5 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 19, 2015 at 10:45 AM ·
Gem: "Daily Horoscope
You and your partner may have some hard words today, but once you get past your disagreements you will rediscover and heal the friendship that is at the heart of your union. If you are single, you may meet someone interesting in a medical clinic or doctor's office."...____????? ha ha
6 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 19, 2014 at 11:11 PM ·
No photo description available.
April 19, 2014 at 11:06 PM
1 year ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 17, 2019 at 6:53 AM ·
with Greetings from MEDd1A TEAM of
a UNIQUE talent ...Kate BUSH
reminds me of Danica, somehow
french cann
ReplyDeleteChris Smith-Mypod :) nice ,Marion Noiram but I vote for ; "You'' Never walk alone" .. ... and my blog... but the oriiginal is better
6.7 kms fun run, on may day 2/3 kms warm down then kicked a ball versus wall, I won... :) a holiday here , all shops etc closed ...RESPECT May day should BE ..for all the people of the world , take it back from the rich manipulators of your planet , THIS is YOUR time... they dont care about you & yours dying or being sick as long as they profit from YOU!!
ReplyDeletegreetings all,
...the world #trendydisease is MADness!!
it's May 1,
,,, also celebrating May 1,,,, is Celts BELTANE..
May day for the Intelligent socialists
and 20 years since formation of "Freedom e Union" ngo
with video at