its "easter sunday" but not where I am , as I get through the f(ascist) book "memories" ..(scroll down if you dare,,)
why : DARE ? ...because you are now bombarded with a thousand options to fill your time... u are "controlled" and without Rebellion...
during a phase about 20 years, the gestapo arrested me, time after time for opposing the german "establishment" (at radio dreieckland too) and I noticed how "clever" the "on remand customers" (those supposed to be treated as |innocent until proven guilty by an impartial process") of the "german porridge" system, which kept the in-mates VERY BUSY... with a shop at double the normal prices ; full of tobacco, sweets , and stodge ..they could rent a TV, and ... work in the factory next door for a few cents A DAY,,,
as I look at how EASY the global population has accepted the idiocracy diet fed , like a scene from the film "matrix" ...you are "hooked up" like the "u haft" detainees.. oh SO easily conned...into a self-imposed open prison?
..so, just a recap of postings and videos IN THE HOPE that you are INTELLIGENT enough to react POSITIVELY????
The Anti-ChRiS ; JOIN
Now /2020/04/redgemlbird-global-co-op-initiative-reds.
significant was a reminder from 2 years ago..
why the "premiere league" is not worth your worry!!???
so will you JOIN (via u tube..) a GLO-BALL co-op ;
conspiracy theory is all... xxxxxx ?
OTHER opinions..
....200414 ............
for me, the EPL is an attractive sham,,,,the time of the premiere league is when football soul-ed out , finance always played a part but when sponsors names became bigger than clubs, when SLYtv bought the right to dictate when games are played and money became the priority as ticket prices escalated way above inflation
when Lfc sold to USAcorp, 3 new kits every summer, ticket scandal, "branding scandal, and "furlough scandal: - i believe in Shanks holy trinity and maybe a perverse KARMA that a socialist core spirit denies us the "money trophy" and right now I remember the 96 bros & sisters that the "establishment" murdered with their policies ...and their policies continue to do so..
I support the TEAM, 25 points clear, thanks lads & Juergen ..if thats not enough then UEFA/EPL etc can stick their trophy where the S*N dont shine!
David C>
’ll take behind closed doors Frank, as long as we win it. YNWA
couldn’t agree more and I live 5 minutes from the ground with a season ticket too, but would you rather they voided the season instead and no title?
Chris Smith> for me, the EPL is an attractive sham,,,,the time of the premiere league is when football soul-ed out , finance always played a part but when sponsors names became bigger than clubs, when SLYtv bought the right to dictate when games are played and .... (*see above..)
David Chesworth > Chris Smith-Mypod oh deffo Chris, it was definitely better years ago, but unfortunately you have to accept change or else you’ll get left behind. It’s not just football that has gone expensive- everything has. As for the owners- we could have got worse. Best wishes YNWA 🙏🏼
Chris Smith-> · 0:05 thanks David, but i dont care about being "left behind" my right behind isnt that ugly either ha ha ... for me that the problem the "apathetic acceptance" by the sheeple..for me this is the chance to react and make a change whilst we have "the time" to reflect on the mess the world is in ..WAR kills, Cancer Kills, tobacco, alcohol, traffic , meningitis, pneumonia ., aids etc Kills, surely if avoiding death is the logic ; was obvious to immediately quaranine the weak & elderly and get on, I worked in London when pubs were being bombed - we carried on goign out, my parents lived through WW2 blitz would cringe at the way people fail to even question the hierarchy... we used to sing "no surrender" on the Kop when we were behind... :) be well but be STRONG
so am i "revolting" ha ha ? with ; https://vimeo.com/405700783
comical comment via utube (Lloyd Griffith)
about "ME" ?
https://www.lne.es/asturias/2020/03/25/imagen-optimista-dia-tiempos-coronavirus/2616967.html (for spanish speakers?)
theory ; (from USA of course!)
Fear? https://21stcenturywire.com/2020/04/04/coronavirus-facts-over-fear-us-uk-govt-experts-exaggerated-deaths-by-131-times/
REdS+ bootroom opinion
vimeo version of the GLOBAL Co-OP initiative
..................200409 ..
next week Hillsborough plus THIRTY - one years... no justice ...!
the sheeple & Lfc/fen way fan nies are apathetic ... https://vimeo.com/363266549
whilst the sharks in the Lfc/fen way boardroom con the fan nies again..
a "round up of the mainSCREAMedia " ; https://www.betdaqtips.com/glen-johnson-the-best-xi-i-played-with
1918 Spanish Flu historical documentary | Swine Flu Pandemic | Deadly plague of 1918
Liverpool place some non-playing staff on furlough
John Oliver latest..
launching Global C-OP ; JOIN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnFdzGHzxJM and use your time
Lfc/fenway board and backers have billions, SLY tv have billions, EPL has billions, UEFA havre billions, the first feam squads are all millionaires...FFS ...where is your humanity???
..........200404 /redrockfc.montereds/videos/689141211839950/
in the midst of all the madness - its exactly the time to challenge society and thousands of years :getting it wrong" this current "crisis" is made for ChRiS's global co-operative , with everyone have a chance of equal contribution and benefit...
also JOIN at https://www.facebook.com/groups/F.and.U.at.ME
to make positive use of your extra time now to have an effect on teh world you live in , for once ..to share and care in the results..
also JOIN the REdS+ Global initiative net at
200402 ,,,
https://chrismithlog.blogspot.com/2020/03/rednet-booroom-update-opinion-feck-eng.html ....
Relax, stop fretting about re-start of the "ENGLISH" premiere league.. have you ever considered that a CLUB with a socialist SOUL was never intended to cherish a trophy dominated by capitalist SLY tv, epitomised by the majority of winners BUYING their success at glaziers Manu , the Fraudulaent blue mancs and the rent boys of Chelski.. ????
it would be SENSIBLE to declare the season finished - do YOU really expect the contrived situation to be "normal" for players OR supporters any time soon, THIS is NOT a fiction or a video game .. they are not robots that can just turn on the form again..
intelligence suggests that instead have a proper summer/pre season buiuld up to neatx season, THIS may be EXACTLY what money-mad modern football needed .. and if UEFA cancel the EPL, make sure they cancel the UCL too ! ...
anyway, whatever WE KNOW we are EUROPEAN & WORLD CHAMPIONS... if 25 point lead is not enough , feck em!!! agreed!
Images , Imagine? an intelligent planet?
are you TRUE,...REdS+ really ?????????????
The Anti-ChRiS ; JOIN
Now /2020/04/redgemlbird-global-co-op-initiative-reds.
memories/open prison diary; "april foolish" ?
hello Julie, how many times must I say...
I have a place for you to stay, even for a while
I would make you smile...
another year I am still HERE! for you..:) x
a Julie Tan...kiss x
"So, its that time again
and I don't know when
or if you will ever visit (Monty) and me
but whatever...I wish u the best, you see?
Oh Julie, Julie , Julie ...
and the rest of the year
i miss you , my dear,
not cheap, but will always remember you
and wish you success & GOOD,
in all the things you do,
you will stay always in my heart
never walk alone, we are never apart"
(not bad eh?, yet another spontaneous poem for you)
ChRiS with hugs & kisses, and many misses xxxxx
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i do not need the sharks to tell me..their EPL trophy suits the manu fans , blue mancs & rent boys ..i didnt want KING Kenny to be their "sir" ..the "establishment " are a bunch of selfish power mad hypocrites.. 25 points clear not enough?? feck em!
so WHAT should WE do...? THIS;
OUR initiative is to connect an existing 160+ groups on social media (direct connection with 900k worldwide, who in turn probably have an expanded contact with say 10, million..?)
*Evolve ideas from the community, not from :the pyramid of govt/business exploitation
*Equality, with intelligence, encourage ideas that benefit the whole.
*Share & care for all Human BEings, no discrimination or frontiers
*Apply #eco-logistics (see propsals) @ https://www.facebook.com/groups/F.and.U.at.ME ..note f/book dont like "anti-establishment" initiatives
*BOYCOTT ; large industry, elections, politicians, FREEZE credit, rent, mortgages, halt construction for profit & property speculation..
EVERYONE should have the true CHANCE of living, with home & food ..without prejudice.
William Waugh > The progress of an epidemic looks like a logistic curve. The first part of a logistic curve looks like an exponential curve. Until we see the curve starting to bend the other way in the middle of its "S", we don't know the parameters of the logistic. In the US, the rate of new detected infections and the rate of death is still looking exponential. This is in fact true in every country except China and South Korea. So I don't agree with you when you downplay the seriousness of this pandemic.
A.k.a fakebook > obviously many wont (want to) understand the point i making that since more than a month, INJECTED into the minds of the sheeple is that #trendingvirus is MORE dangerous and requires more precautions than the WARS, Cancer, Aids, Ebola, drive-by shootings, road / travel deaths, ALL of which kill a larger percentage ..and questions the manipulation and early sale of shares etc ... and asks whether thi is "co-incidental? caused by you the sheeple, or deliberately aims at removing costly care of the elderly/weak of society ... (a sott of hilter-virus)
apparently New york have over 30k infected ; 12 died!
A.k.a fakebook > " Rodney Wilson you are too focused on what the "establishment " does not what we COULD do, Ghandi brought down an empire with a call for boycott, general strike & committed non violent disobedience - it has to be clear that its a decision …See More
Rodney Wilson A.k.a fakebook + FUBAR med1a = TRULY "NONE of the above" : At least everybody knew what Gandhi was doing. Simply failing to vote doesn't say anything to anybody, and is easily mistaken for mere apathy.
A.k.a fakebook > above" Rodney Wilson well of course it depends on HOW the movement is applied, but u can always find a reason for doing nothign radical to save this planet from further sliding into the swamp ..& globalman made suicide.. i agree that you would mistake it for apathy, but thats also a reflection of your own...? https://montv-chrislog.blogspot.com/.../montversus-nazti...
any true REd will cherish the original episodes of M.A.S.H. ... held the horrors of WAR, before USAcorp politics destroyed the "american dream" completely and SOLD WAR instead.. now billed IMO as the "world's nightmare" sadly copied by sheeple, lemmings, monkees & "rons" worldwide ...
use your time ; be POSITIVE? see MED1A @
https://montv-chrislog.blogspot.com etc
cc; ngo@mypod-net
THIS is the global Co-OP ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnFdzGHzxJM ...
the kiddies vlog ; reflecting the poor attitude ; apologies for sharks in the Lfc/fenway boardroom who know well what to do for financial gain, they are backign down because SOME Supporters "caught it" and told them so,,, they will continue to try it on, like they did with tickets, with "owning Liverpool brand scandal" and this , and many other dirty tricks that have been covered up because fan nies dont care if the team are winning,,.
Moores is their smokescreen, one of the richest clubs in the world have been saved by Juergen and the players winning on the field despite still being a virtual "sell before buy" outfit with one of the lowest net spends of the top sides.. Paul & Chris YOU DO NOT speak for us all when you claim "our morals are a bit loose" especially one week before hillsborough plus thirty one Years .. the Directors have the same attitude as the fascisTORY govt / business sharks FFS! WAKE UP! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnFdzGHzxJM
( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6M8R5MKfjA ? )
of course its a risk, Mark Anthony our point though, is how many deaths are being listed that are ailments from winter flu & other un-named viral complaints? and if we are going to counter death how about stopping govts going to WAR, how about countering Cancer (which killed 10 million last year worldwide) by legalising .. stop 25,000 kids dying daily by sharing the worlds resources instead of capitalist/fascist polciies? you are entitled to your comment.. !
#censoRED Radio & REb TV
Mark Anthony>
I never thought I'd see the day when death becomes a matter of news worthiness.
As soon as the grim reapers next cull comes along this current ' crisis ' will be soon forgotten about but its consequences will live long in the actions of governments around the world by their systematic watering down of what little freedoms we have left.
Chris Smith> Mark Anthony i would like to agree that the mass will .. but the sheeple, throughout history have a habit of repeating the same mistakes over & over, giving responsibility of their lives to the few, i have been around through many "crisis" and at times thought so often :"this will wake them up, surely?" but steadily the idiocracy grew & grew ...however I felt always nature will cure it if humans dont .. and whilst its quite possible this was "by design" i wont surrender just yet, and it is allways that i hope that "positives" will be adopted by human beings .. its my "don quixote complex" , keep on offering your opinion , especially when it may be UNpopular ... ! "i may not agree with your opinion , but I will fight for your chance to state it" :)
Chris Smith-Mypod
THIS is the global Co-OP ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnFdzGHzxJM ...
the kiddies vlog ; reflecting the poor attitude ; apologies for sharks in the Lfc/fenway boardroom who know well what to do for financial gain, they are backign down because SOME Supporters "caught it" and told them so,,, they will continue to try it on, like they did with tickets, with "owning Liverpool brand scandal" and this , and many other dirty tricks that have been covered up because fan nies dont care if the team are winning,,.
Moores is their smokescreen, one of the richest clubs in the world have been saved by Juergen and the players winning on the field despite still being a virtual "sell before buy" outfit with one of the lowest net spends of the top sides.. Paul & Chris YOU DO NOT speak for us all when you claim "our morals are a bit loose" especially one week before hillsborough plus thirty one Years .. the Directors have the same attitude as the fascisTORY govt / business sharks FFS! WAKE UP! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnFdzGHzxJM
( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6M8R5MKfjA ? )
Mark A; Up to now the mortality rate of the Corona virus is 0.00712%
🤨. Fast forward 12 months and all the figures surrounding this ' crisis ' are going to be very interesting indeed.
matter of perspective.. the effort to counter #trendingVirus versus the effort to stop WAR, Cancer, malnutrition among kids (kills over a 1000 every HOUR worldwide?) ..aids etc etc ... logic questions the status quo!
"Scouser abroad" community radio via #REdGEM_LbiRD
use your time ; be POSITIVE? see MED1A @
BIRTHDAY greetings MANe ...
& join https://vimeo.com/405700783 and intro REdS+ plan; https://vimeo.com/405773065
dont like Morgan, ..but it is BS! .. that's 3 times the USAcorp sharks have done something similar, when will u wake up? Teams success is down to the players & Juergen , fen way are fraudsters , remember the ticket scandal or when they tried to TRADEMARK "LIVERPOOL" henry-werner & co showing their true-blue colours again, FFS! ...
with greetings to all TRUE REdS from friends of MEd1A TEAM of groups/1censo.RED.Radio.and.REbTV/ and SUPPORT from com/REdNET.Sclog/ and associated groups..worldwide (anon)
Sponsoring : groups/footy.pg/about/ plus
"Scouser abroad" community radio via #REdGEM_LbiRD
use your time ; be POSITIVE? see MED1A @
......................200411 ... heavy hay fever...
of course if its all due to #TrendingVirus...
USA is 300 million plus... and like their mental asylums they will always claim to have the MOST...of everything ...
good sunday , noneaster greetings, also from friends of MEd1A TEAM of https://www.facebook.com/groups/1censo.RED.Radio.and.REbTV/ and SUPPORT from com/REdNET.Sclog/ and associated groups..worldwide (anon)
:banned" https://unsub-b.blogspot.com
use your time ; be POSITIVE? see MED1A @
https://montv-chrislog.blogspot.com etc
William> I went to my political Youtube today and it recommended an episode of "Watching the Hawks".
I agree with Tyrell Ventura's characterization of the kind of choice the American citizens have in Trump and Biden for President of the United States. He used a (deserved) sarcastic tone to let us know he finds it a very poor choice to say the least.
Jesse Ventura comes off sounding anti-vax.
A critique I have of every episode I have seen is << Too many "we". >>.
A.k.a fakebook + FUBAR med1a = TRULY "NONE of the above"
A.k.a fakebook > sorry but "farce" is the only world that comes close to describing USA or UK politics ... whilst 99% of the global population miss the point that it is INSANE to keep voting for "politicians" who always say what u want to hear, then do what the WAR/pharma etc powers that be want them to do.. its insane , like choosing between hitler or stalin ..
Efa Wulle > Please don't fall for the propaganda to vilify people who give sound information about Bill Gate's murderous multi-billon boost for his pharmaceutical giants and call them "anti-vax". Listen to the facts!
A.k.a fakebook > why is William administrator of "watching the hawks; if he doesnt normally "watch the hawks" ??? :)
https://montv-chrislog.blogspot.com etc
April 12, 2018 at 2:21 PM ·
3 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod updated his cover photo.
April 12, 2017 at 6:56 PM ·
Image may contain: 72 people, including Вук Вучетић, people smiling, text
2Margareta Pavlovic and 1 other
3 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 12, 2017 at 6:43 PM ·
Vicki Watson
April 12, 2017 at 5:33 PM
I don’t go crazy, I am crazy. I just “go normal” from time to time 😜😄😄😜😂😂
3 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 12, 2017 at 12:37 AM ·
the last episode of "homeland" is a bit dramatic and compacted ... ...and TOO close to reality for comfort of many, and more real than "reality" ,
,USA manipulates global population who have been fooled over AND OVER AGAIN, by leaders of business, religion, politics and ME dia ..
is now 100% F U B A R
No photo description available.
A.k.a fakebook + FUBAR med1a = TRULY "NONE of the above"
April 12, 2017 at 12:31 AM ·
the last episode of "homeland" is a bit dramatic and compacted ... ...and TOO close to reality for comfort of many, and more real than "reality" ,,USA and t...
4 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 12, 2016 at 1:18 PM · Podgorica ·
I like VERY MUCH the words of Yuri Gagarin, when he thought he may not survive... (about his Daughters)
Gagarin’ " But it happens that a man falls right on a level ground and breaks his neck. Some accident may happen here too. I personally don’t believe it would happen. But if it does, I ask you all and you, Valyusha, in the first place not to waste yourself with grief. Life is life, and nobody is safe from being run over by a car.
Take care of our girls; love them like I d... See More
Image may contain: 1 person
1Juli Paskali
8 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 12, 2012 at 4:54 PM ·
The "facebook dictatorship" at work today... not allowed to "be friend" people i know ha ha ha, what a fascist system the yankers control!! stone me!! ;)
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 11, 2019 at 6:31 PM ·
"Though dreams be tossed and Blown" ....on with hope in our hearts ...
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 11, 2019 at 10:06 AM ·
Image may contain: outdoor, possible text that says 'Hillsborough..15th April 1989..before the slaughter.... ...of 96 REds.. my brothers & sisters.. ..& 15th April 1995 ..I died too'
Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, stadium and crowd
Image may contain: one or more people
April 11, 2019 at 10:05 AM ·
2 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 11, 2018 at 11:21 AM ·
http://chrismithlog.blogspot.com/…/liverpool-v-man-c-europe… very much UP...dated!
11th April...11h ..a bit sober, and reflecting, why I was confident..before the first game Mo, was interviewed and said "I have a GOOD feeling" ..hmmm yes , I agree... thenjust before the game started ..the Tv showed all the blue & white "decor" around the rich boys stadium... and it reminded me of Graz and Stamford bridge, plastic flags, plastic fans .... plastic players = another PLASTIC CLUB! :p
Liverpool FC - Liverpool Echo
April 10, 2018 at 11:52 PM ·
One of the greatest Liverpool FC away ends EVER!
This is brilliant - watch till the end 👏
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 11, 2018 at 11:16 AM ·
http://chrismithlog.blogspot.com/…/liverpool-v-man-c-europe… very much UP...dated!
11th April...11h ..a bit sober, and reflecting, why I was confident..before the first game Mo, was interviewed and said "I have a GOOD feeling" ..hmmm yes , I agree... thenjust before the game started ..the Tv showed all the blue & white "decor" around the rich boys stadium... and it reminded me of Graz and Stamford bridge, plastic flags, plastic fans .... plastic players = another PLASTIC CLUB! :p
April 11, 2018 at 11:14 AM ·
http://chrismithlog.blogspot.com/…/liverpool-v-man-c-europe… very much UP...dated!
11th April...11h ..a bit sober, and reflecting, why I was confident..befor...
See More
LIVERPOOL v man c.. european champions cup a.k.a. "champions league" (censoRED updated i80404) Liverpool 3-0 Manches...
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 11, 2017 at 12:45 PM ·
YET ANOTHER bogus attack and justification for playing "john wayne"
..but its not funny,... See More
Image may contain: possible text that says 'Don't be Sheeple ? M THi i NK for Yourself'
A.k.a fakebook + FUBAR med1a = TRULY "NONE of the above"
April 11, 2017 at 12:42 PM ·
SHEEPLE.. YET ANOTHER bogus attack and justification for playing "john wayne" ..but its not funny,
if it was YOUR family, your wife, your husband, your kids...
4 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod updated his cover photo.
April 11, 2016 at 9:44 AM ·
1Juli Paskali
April 10, 2019 ·
BIRTHDAY Greetings ..Sad(not)io MANE (not money) ;)
Chris Smith-Mypod shared a memory.
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 10, 2015 ·
y..our stuff is everyone s stuff <smile>
Chris Smith-Mypod shared a memory.
Gem> "Daily Horoscope
You may be tripping over your tongue today, especially when it comes to your "significant other" or a potential partner you encounter. Att...
Chris Smith-Mypod
& join https://vimeo.com/405700783
Chris Smith-Mypod shared a memory.
3 mins ·
5 Years Ago
See Your Memories
Christine Deverdzic updated her cover photo.
April 7, 2016 at 8:16 PM · Podgorica ·
No photo description available.
4 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 7, 2016 at 12:47 PM ·
No photo description available.
Alan Parkins
April 7, 2016 at 12:29 AM
Early start at 5am to Germany, looking forward to a classic trip and from the reports Im getting from the advance guard who are already there in the bier keller...
See More
1 Share
4 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 7, 2016 at 8:51 AM ·
April 7, 2016 at 8:50 AM ·
Mainstreaming Torture
U.S. torture before and after 9/11
5 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod updated his cover photo.
April 7, 2015 at 11:52 AM ·
No photo description available.
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 7, 2015 at 11:50 AM ·
1Angelus Marche
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 5, 2016 at 2:02 PM · Podgorica ·
;) watch out ..I am coming ...to get YOU!
No photo description available.
2Andrija Boskovic and Margareta Pavlovic
4 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 5, 2016 at 1:48 PM · Podgorica ·
its "nature week" planting and reaping and sowing...fruit and vegatable seeds, yesterday at the "eco plot" (Dg) and today Toms upside down :) and cutting the garden at Spuz, ... theres so many beautiful wild plants ("weeds" ) that i consider how a "god" might "cull " the beings on this planet , as I was "schything" through the high grass... "well theres that many of you , I just cant save you all" ...LMAO! .... and a bike ride in the sun , sunglasses on, shorts and flip-flops, with the scythe strapped to the bike brings some curious looks from the "natives" ha ha ha.... "CS = "the GREEN reaper" ha ha ah ha
1Milan Pavicevic
5 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 5, 2015 at 12:36 PM ·
be lucky if u have ONE in your life :)
Image may contain: text
3Lola Zarate, Margareta Pavlovic and 1 other
5 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 5, 2015 at 12:09 PM ·
disgusted withBR ...no match report..its all been said before .. Brent is not effective at the highest level.. and only ONE f s g "buy" of 40 odd signings IS effective ..Phil..
The Systematic Removal of TRUE REd SUPPORTER Heroes.. http://rednet-alien.blogspot.com/…/the-systematic-removal-o…
Since G & H & Henry's f SS g took over the board of Lfc..its gone bad,,,
Image may contain: 1 person
Chris Smith-Mypod
European REd loyal Supporters Club a.k.a "REdS abroad"
April 5, 2015 at 12:08 PM
1 Comment
8 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod added 67 new photos to the album: Humour, Slogans, Sayings & such — at Planet Earth.
April 5, 2012 at 11:10 AM ·
Humour & sayings
Humour, Slogans, Sayings & such
67 Photos
its "easter sunday" but not where I am , as I get through the f(ascist) book "memories" ..(scroll down if you dare,,)
why : DARE ? ...because you are now bombarded with a thousand options to fill your time... u are "controlled" and without Rebellion...
during a phase about 20 years, the gestapo arrested me, time after time for opposing the german "establishment" (at radio dreieckland too) and I noticed how "clever" the "on remand customers" (those supposed to be treated as |innocent until proven guilty by an impartial process") of the "german porridge" system, which kept the in-mates VERY BUSY... with a shop at double the normal prices ; full of tobacco, sweets , and stodge ..they could rent a TV, and ... work in the factory next door for a few cents A DAY,,,
as I look at how EASY the global population has accepted the idiocracy diet fed , like a scene from the film "matrix" ...you are "hooked up" like the "u haft" detainees.. oh SO easily conned...into a self-imposed open prison?
..so, just a recap of postings and videos IN THE HOPE that you are INTELLIGENT enough to react POSITIVELY????
The Anti-ChRiS ; JOIN
Now /2020/04/redgemlbird-global-co-op-initiative-reds.
significant was a reminder from 2 years ago..
why the "premiere league" is not worth your worry!!???
so will you JOIN (via u tube..) a GLO-BALL co-op ;
conspiracy theory is all... xxxxxx ?
OTHER opinions..
....200414 ............
for me, the EPL is an attractive sham,,,,the time of the premiere league is when football soul-ed out , finance always played a part but when sponsors names became bigger than clubs, when SLYtv bought the right to dictate when games are played and money became the priority as ticket prices escalated way above inflation
when Lfc sold to USAcorp, 3 new kits every summer, ticket scandal, "branding scandal, and "furlough scandal: - i believe in Shanks holy trinity and maybe a perverse KARMA that a socialist core spirit denies us the "money trophy" and right now I remember the 96 bros & sisters that the "establishment" murdered with their policies ...and their policies continue to do so..
I support the TEAM, 25 points clear, thanks lads & Juergen ..if thats not enough then UEFA/EPL etc can stick their trophy where the S*N dont shine!
David C>
’ll take behind closed doors Frank, as long as we win it. YNWA
couldn’t agree more and I live 5 minutes from the ground with a season ticket too, but would you rather they voided the season instead and no title?
Chris Smith> for me, the EPL is an attractive sham,,,,the time of the premiere league is when football soul-ed out , finance always played a part but when sponsors names became bigger than clubs, when SLYtv bought the right to dictate when games are played and .... (*see above..)
David Chesworth > Chris Smith-Mypod oh deffo Chris, it was definitely better years ago, but unfortunately you have to accept change or else you’ll get left behind. It’s not just football that has gone expensive- everything has. As for the owners- we could have got worse. Best wishes YNWA 🙏🏼
Chris Smith-> · 0:05 thanks David, but i dont care about being "left behind" my right behind isnt that ugly either ha ha ... for me that the problem the "apathetic acceptance" by the sheeple..for me this is the chance to react and make a change whilst we have "the time" to reflect on the mess the world is in ..WAR kills, Cancer Kills, tobacco, alcohol, traffic , meningitis, pneumonia ., aids etc Kills, surely if avoiding death is the logic ; was obvious to immediately quaranine the weak & elderly and get on, I worked in London when pubs were being bombed - we carried on goign out, my parents lived through WW2 blitz would cringe at the way people fail to even question the hierarchy... we used to sing "no surrender" on the Kop when we were behind... :) be well but be STRONG
so am i "revolting" ha ha ? with ; https://vimeo.com/405700783
comical comment via utube (Lloyd Griffith)
about "ME" ?
https://www.lne.es/asturias/2020/03/25/imagen-optimista-dia-tiempos-coronavirus/2616967.html (for spanish speakers?)
theory ; (from USA of course!)
Fear? https://21stcenturywire.com/2020/04/04/coronavirus-facts-over-fear-us-uk-govt-experts-exaggerated-deaths-by-131-times/
REdS+ bootroom opinion
vimeo version of the GLOBAL Co-OP initiative
..................200409 ..
next week Hillsborough plus THIRTY - one years... no justice ...!
the sheeple & Lfc/fen way fan nies are apathetic ... https://vimeo.com/363266549
whilst the sharks in the Lfc/fen way boardroom con the fan nies again..
a "round up of the mainSCREAMedia " ; https://www.betdaqtips.com/glen-johnson-the-best-xi-i-played-with
1918 Spanish Flu historical documentary | Swine Flu Pandemic | Deadly plague of 1918
Liverpool place some non-playing staff on furlough
John Oliver latest..
launching Global C-OP ; JOIN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnFdzGHzxJM and use your time
Lfc/fenway board and backers have billions, SLY tv have billions, EPL has billions, UEFA havre billions, the first feam squads are all millionaires...FFS ...where is your humanity???
..........200404 /redrockfc.montereds/videos/689141211839950/
in the midst of all the madness - its exactly the time to challenge society and thousands of years :getting it wrong" this current "crisis" is made for ChRiS's global co-operative , with everyone have a chance of equal contribution and benefit...
also JOIN at https://www.facebook.com/groups/F.and.U.at.ME
to make positive use of your extra time now to have an effect on teh world you live in , for once ..to share and care in the results..
also JOIN the REdS+ Global initiative net at
200402 ,,,
https://chrismithlog.blogspot.com/2020/03/rednet-booroom-update-opinion-feck-eng.html ....
Relax, stop fretting about re-start of the "ENGLISH" premiere league.. have you ever considered that a CLUB with a socialist SOUL was never intended to cherish a trophy dominated by capitalist SLY tv, epitomised by the majority of winners BUYING their success at glaziers Manu , the Fraudulaent blue mancs and the rent boys of Chelski.. ????
it would be SENSIBLE to declare the season finished - do YOU really expect the contrived situation to be "normal" for players OR supporters any time soon, THIS is NOT a fiction or a video game .. they are not robots that can just turn on the form again..
intelligence suggests that instead have a proper summer/pre season buiuld up to neatx season, THIS may be EXACTLY what money-mad modern football needed .. and if UEFA cancel the EPL, make sure they cancel the UCL too ! ...
anyway, whatever WE KNOW we are EUROPEAN & WORLD CHAMPIONS... if 25 point lead is not enough , feck em!!! agreed!
Images , Imagine? an intelligent planet?
are you TRUE,...REdS+ really ?????????????
The Anti-ChRiS ; JOIN
Now /2020/04/redgemlbird-global-co-op-initiative-reds.
memories/open prison diary; "april foolish" ?
hello Julie, how many times must I say...
I have a place for you to stay, even for a while
I would make you smile...
another year I am still HERE! for you..:) x
a Julie Tan...kiss x
"So, its that time again
and I don't know when
or if you will ever visit (Monty) and me
but whatever...I wish u the best, you see?
Oh Julie, Julie , Julie ...
and the rest of the year
i miss you , my dear,
not cheap, but will always remember you
and wish you success & GOOD,
in all the things you do,
you will stay always in my heart
never walk alone, we are never apart"
(not bad eh?, yet another spontaneous poem for you)
ChRiS with hugs & kisses, and many misses xxxxx
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i do not need the sharks to tell me..their EPL trophy suits the manu fans , blue mancs & rent boys ..i didnt want KING Kenny to be their "sir" ..the "establishment " are a bunch of selfish power mad hypocrites.. 25 points clear not enough?? feck em!
so WHAT should WE do...? THIS;
OUR initiative is to connect an existing 160+ groups on social media (direct connection with 900k worldwide, who in turn probably have an expanded contact with say 10, million..?)
*Evolve ideas from the community, not from :the pyramid of govt/business exploitation
*Equality, with intelligence, encourage ideas that benefit the whole.
*Share & care for all Human BEings, no discrimination or frontiers
*Apply #eco-logistics (see propsals) @ https://www.facebook.com/groups/F.and.U.at.ME ..note f/book dont like "anti-establishment" initiatives
*BOYCOTT ; large industry, elections, politicians, FREEZE credit, rent, mortgages, halt construction for profit & property speculation..
EVERYONE should have the true CHANCE of living, with home & food ..without prejudice.
William Waugh > The progress of an epidemic looks like a logistic curve. The first part of a logistic curve looks like an exponential curve. Until we see the curve starting to bend the other way in the middle of its "S", we don't know the parameters of the logistic. In the US, the rate of new detected infections and the rate of death is still looking exponential. This is in fact true in every country except China and South Korea. So I don't agree with you when you downplay the seriousness of this pandemic.
A.k.a fakebook > obviously many wont (want to) understand the point i making that since more than a month, INJECTED into the minds of the sheeple is that #trendingvirus is MORE dangerous and requires more precautions than the WARS, Cancer, Aids, Ebola, drive-by shootings, road / travel deaths, ALL of which kill a larger percentage ..and questions the manipulation and early sale of shares etc ... and asks whether thi is "co-incidental? caused by you the sheeple, or deliberately aims at removing costly care of the elderly/weak of society ... (a sott of hilter-virus)
apparently New york have over 30k infected ; 12 died!
A.k.a fakebook > " Rodney Wilson you are too focused on what the "establishment " does not what we COULD do, Ghandi brought down an empire with a call for boycott, general strike & committed non violent disobedience - it has to be clear that its a decision …See More
Rodney Wilson A.k.a fakebook + FUBAR med1a = TRULY "NONE of the above" : At least everybody knew what Gandhi was doing. Simply failing to vote doesn't say anything to anybody, and is easily mistaken for mere apathy.
A.k.a fakebook > above" Rodney Wilson well of course it depends on HOW the movement is applied, but u can always find a reason for doing nothign radical to save this planet from further sliding into the swamp ..& globalman made suicide.. i agree that you would mistake it for apathy, but thats also a reflection of your own...? https://montv-chrislog.blogspot.com/.../montversus-nazti...
any true REd will cherish the original episodes of M.A.S.H. ... held the horrors of WAR, before USAcorp politics destroyed the "american dream" completely and SOLD WAR instead.. now billed IMO as the "world's nightmare" sadly copied by sheeple, lemmings, monkees & "rons" worldwide ...
use your time ; be POSITIVE? see MED1A @
https://montv-chrislog.blogspot.com etc
cc; ngo@mypod-net
THIS is the global Co-OP ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnFdzGHzxJM ...
the kiddies vlog ; reflecting the poor attitude ; apologies for sharks in the Lfc/fenway boardroom who know well what to do for financial gain, they are backign down because SOME Supporters "caught it" and told them so,,, they will continue to try it on, like they did with tickets, with "owning Liverpool brand scandal" and this , and many other dirty tricks that have been covered up because fan nies dont care if the team are winning,,.
Moores is their smokescreen, one of the richest clubs in the world have been saved by Juergen and the players winning on the field despite still being a virtual "sell before buy" outfit with one of the lowest net spends of the top sides.. Paul & Chris YOU DO NOT speak for us all when you claim "our morals are a bit loose" especially one week before hillsborough plus thirty one Years .. the Directors have the same attitude as the fascisTORY govt / business sharks FFS! WAKE UP! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnFdzGHzxJM
( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6M8R5MKfjA ? )
of course its a risk, Mark Anthony our point though, is how many deaths are being listed that are ailments from winter flu & other un-named viral complaints? and if we are going to counter death how about stopping govts going to WAR, how about countering Cancer (which killed 10 million last year worldwide) by legalising .. stop 25,000 kids dying daily by sharing the worlds resources instead of capitalist/fascist polciies? you are entitled to your comment.. !
#censoRED Radio & REb TV
Mark Anthony>
I never thought I'd see the day when death becomes a matter of news worthiness.
As soon as the grim reapers next cull comes along this current ' crisis ' will be soon forgotten about but its consequences will live long in the actions of governments around the world by their systematic watering down of what little freedoms we have left.
Chris Smith> Mark Anthony i would like to agree that the mass will .. but the sheeple, throughout history have a habit of repeating the same mistakes over & over, giving responsibility of their lives to the few, i have been around through many "crisis" and at times thought so often :"this will wake them up, surely?" but steadily the idiocracy grew & grew ...however I felt always nature will cure it if humans dont .. and whilst its quite possible this was "by design" i wont surrender just yet, and it is allways that i hope that "positives" will be adopted by human beings .. its my "don quixote complex" , keep on offering your opinion , especially when it may be UNpopular ... ! "i may not agree with your opinion , but I will fight for your chance to state it" :)
Chris Smith-Mypod
THIS is the global Co-OP ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnFdzGHzxJM ...
the kiddies vlog ; reflecting the poor attitude ; apologies for sharks in the Lfc/fenway boardroom who know well what to do for financial gain, they are backign down because SOME Supporters "caught it" and told them so,,, they will continue to try it on, like they did with tickets, with "owning Liverpool brand scandal" and this , and many other dirty tricks that have been covered up because fan nies dont care if the team are winning,,.
Moores is their smokescreen, one of the richest clubs in the world have been saved by Juergen and the players winning on the field despite still being a virtual "sell before buy" outfit with one of the lowest net spends of the top sides.. Paul & Chris YOU DO NOT speak for us all when you claim "our morals are a bit loose" especially one week before hillsborough plus thirty one Years .. the Directors have the same attitude as the fascisTORY govt / business sharks FFS! WAKE UP! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnFdzGHzxJM
( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6M8R5MKfjA ? )
Mark A; Up to now the mortality rate of the Corona virus is 0.00712%
🤨. Fast forward 12 months and all the figures surrounding this ' crisis ' are going to be very interesting indeed.
matter of perspective.. the effort to counter #trendingVirus versus the effort to stop WAR, Cancer, malnutrition among kids (kills over a 1000 every HOUR worldwide?) ..aids etc etc ... logic questions the status quo!
"Scouser abroad" community radio via #REdGEM_LbiRD
use your time ; be POSITIVE? see MED1A @
BIRTHDAY greetings MANe ...
& join https://vimeo.com/405700783 and intro REdS+ plan; https://vimeo.com/405773065
dont like Morgan, ..but it is BS! .. that's 3 times the USAcorp sharks have done something similar, when will u wake up? Teams success is down to the players & Juergen , fen way are fraudsters , remember the ticket scandal or when they tried to TRADEMARK "LIVERPOOL" henry-werner & co showing their true-blue colours again, FFS! ...
with greetings to all TRUE REdS from friends of MEd1A TEAM of groups/1censo.RED.Radio.and.REbTV/ and SUPPORT from com/REdNET.Sclog/ and associated groups..worldwide (anon)
Sponsoring : groups/footy.pg/about/ plus
"Scouser abroad" community radio via #REdGEM_LbiRD
use your time ; be POSITIVE? see MED1A @
......................200411 ... heavy hay fever...
of course if its all due to #TrendingVirus...
USA is 300 million plus... and like their mental asylums they will always claim to have the MOST...of everything ...
good sunday , noneaster greetings, also from friends of MEd1A TEAM of https://www.facebook.com/groups/1censo.RED.Radio.and.REbTV/ and SUPPORT from com/REdNET.Sclog/ and associated groups..worldwide (anon)
:banned" https://unsub-b.blogspot.com
use your time ; be POSITIVE? see MED1A @
https://montv-chrislog.blogspot.com etc
William> I went to my political Youtube today and it recommended an episode of "Watching the Hawks".
I agree with Tyrell Ventura's characterization of the kind of choice the American citizens have in Trump and Biden for President of the United States. He used a (deserved) sarcastic tone to let us know he finds it a very poor choice to say the least.
Jesse Ventura comes off sounding anti-vax.
A critique I have of every episode I have seen is << Too many "we". >>.
A.k.a fakebook + FUBAR med1a = TRULY "NONE of the above"
A.k.a fakebook > sorry but "farce" is the only world that comes close to describing USA or UK politics ... whilst 99% of the global population miss the point that it is INSANE to keep voting for "politicians" who always say what u want to hear, then do what the WAR/pharma etc powers that be want them to do.. its insane , like choosing between hitler or stalin ..
Efa Wulle > Please don't fall for the propaganda to vilify people who give sound information about Bill Gate's murderous multi-billon boost for his pharmaceutical giants and call them "anti-vax". Listen to the facts!
A.k.a fakebook > why is William administrator of "watching the hawks; if he doesnt normally "watch the hawks" ??? :)
https://montv-chrislog.blogspot.com etc
April 12, 2018 at 2:21 PM ·
3 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod updated his cover photo.
April 12, 2017 at 6:56 PM ·
Image may contain: 72 people, including Вук Вучетић, people smiling, text
2Margareta Pavlovic and 1 other
3 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 12, 2017 at 6:43 PM ·
Vicki Watson
April 12, 2017 at 5:33 PM
I don’t go crazy, I am crazy. I just “go normal” from time to time 😜😄😄😜😂😂
3 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 12, 2017 at 12:37 AM ·
the last episode of "homeland" is a bit dramatic and compacted ... ...and TOO close to reality for comfort of many, and more real than "reality" ,
,USA manipulates global population who have been fooled over AND OVER AGAIN, by leaders of business, religion, politics and ME dia ..
is now 100% F U B A R
No photo description available.
A.k.a fakebook + FUBAR med1a = TRULY "NONE of the above"
April 12, 2017 at 12:31 AM ·
the last episode of "homeland" is a bit dramatic and compacted ... ...and TOO close to reality for comfort of many, and more real than "reality" ,,USA and t...
4 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 12, 2016 at 1:18 PM · Podgorica ·
I like VERY MUCH the words of Yuri Gagarin, when he thought he may not survive... (about his Daughters)
Gagarin’ " But it happens that a man falls right on a level ground and breaks his neck. Some accident may happen here too. I personally don’t believe it would happen. But if it does, I ask you all and you, Valyusha, in the first place not to waste yourself with grief. Life is life, and nobody is safe from being run over by a car.
Take care of our girls; love them like I d... See More
Image may contain: 1 person
1Juli Paskali
8 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 12, 2012 at 4:54 PM ·
The "facebook dictatorship" at work today... not allowed to "be friend" people i know ha ha ha, what a fascist system the yankers control!! stone me!! ;)
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 11, 2019 at 6:31 PM ·
"Though dreams be tossed and Blown" ....on with hope in our hearts ...
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 11, 2019 at 10:06 AM ·
Image may contain: outdoor, possible text that says 'Hillsborough..15th April 1989..before the slaughter.... ...of 96 REds.. my brothers & sisters.. ..& 15th April 1995 ..I died too'
Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, stadium and crowd
Image may contain: one or more people
April 11, 2019 at 10:05 AM ·
2 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 11, 2018 at 11:21 AM ·
http://chrismithlog.blogspot.com/…/liverpool-v-man-c-europe… very much UP...dated!
11th April...11h ..a bit sober, and reflecting, why I was confident..before the first game Mo, was interviewed and said "I have a GOOD feeling" ..hmmm yes , I agree... thenjust before the game started ..the Tv showed all the blue & white "decor" around the rich boys stadium... and it reminded me of Graz and Stamford bridge, plastic flags, plastic fans .... plastic players = another PLASTIC CLUB! :p
Liverpool FC - Liverpool Echo
April 10, 2018 at 11:52 PM ·
One of the greatest Liverpool FC away ends EVER!
This is brilliant - watch till the end 👏
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 11, 2018 at 11:16 AM ·
http://chrismithlog.blogspot.com/…/liverpool-v-man-c-europe… very much UP...dated!
11th April...11h ..a bit sober, and reflecting, why I was confident..before the first game Mo, was interviewed and said "I have a GOOD feeling" ..hmmm yes , I agree... thenjust before the game started ..the Tv showed all the blue & white "decor" around the rich boys stadium... and it reminded me of Graz and Stamford bridge, plastic flags, plastic fans .... plastic players = another PLASTIC CLUB! :p
April 11, 2018 at 11:14 AM ·
http://chrismithlog.blogspot.com/…/liverpool-v-man-c-europe… very much UP...dated!
11th April...11h ..a bit sober, and reflecting, why I was confident..befor...
See More
LIVERPOOL v man c.. european champions cup a.k.a. "champions league" (censoRED updated i80404) Liverpool 3-0 Manches...
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 11, 2017 at 12:45 PM ·
YET ANOTHER bogus attack and justification for playing "john wayne"
..but its not funny,... See More
Image may contain: possible text that says 'Don't be Sheeple ? M THi i NK for Yourself'
A.k.a fakebook + FUBAR med1a = TRULY "NONE of the above"
April 11, 2017 at 12:42 PM ·
SHEEPLE.. YET ANOTHER bogus attack and justification for playing "john wayne" ..but its not funny,
if it was YOUR family, your wife, your husband, your kids...
4 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod updated his cover photo.
April 11, 2016 at 9:44 AM ·
1Juli Paskali
April 10, 2019 ·
BIRTHDAY Greetings ..Sad(not)io MANE (not money) ;)
Chris Smith-Mypod shared a memory.
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 10, 2015 ·
y..our stuff is everyone s stuff <smile>
Chris Smith-Mypod shared a memory.
Gem> "Daily Horoscope
You may be tripping over your tongue today, especially when it comes to your "significant other" or a potential partner you encounter. Att...
Chris Smith-Mypod
& join https://vimeo.com/405700783
Chris Smith-Mypod shared a memory.
3 mins ·
5 Years Ago
See Your Memories
Christine Deverdzic updated her cover photo.
April 7, 2016 at 8:16 PM · Podgorica ·
No photo description available.
4 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 7, 2016 at 12:47 PM ·
No photo description available.
Alan Parkins
April 7, 2016 at 12:29 AM
Early start at 5am to Germany, looking forward to a classic trip and from the reports Im getting from the advance guard who are already there in the bier keller...
See More
1 Share
4 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 7, 2016 at 8:51 AM ·
April 7, 2016 at 8:50 AM ·
Mainstreaming Torture
U.S. torture before and after 9/11
5 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod updated his cover photo.
April 7, 2015 at 11:52 AM ·
No photo description available.
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 7, 2015 at 11:50 AM ·
1Angelus Marche
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 5, 2016 at 2:02 PM · Podgorica ·
;) watch out ..I am coming ...to get YOU!
No photo description available.
2Andrija Boskovic and Margareta Pavlovic
4 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 5, 2016 at 1:48 PM · Podgorica ·
its "nature week" planting and reaping and sowing...fruit and vegatable seeds, yesterday at the "eco plot" (Dg) and today Toms upside down :) and cutting the garden at Spuz, ... theres so many beautiful wild plants ("weeds" ) that i consider how a "god" might "cull " the beings on this planet , as I was "schything" through the high grass... "well theres that many of you , I just cant save you all" ...LMAO! .... and a bike ride in the sun , sunglasses on, shorts and flip-flops, with the scythe strapped to the bike brings some curious looks from the "natives" ha ha ha.... "CS = "the GREEN reaper" ha ha ah ha
1Milan Pavicevic
5 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 5, 2015 at 12:36 PM ·
be lucky if u have ONE in your life :)
Image may contain: text
3Lola Zarate, Margareta Pavlovic and 1 other
5 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod
April 5, 2015 at 12:09 PM ·
disgusted withBR ...no match report..its all been said before .. Brent is not effective at the highest level.. and only ONE f s g "buy" of 40 odd signings IS effective ..Phil..
The Systematic Removal of TRUE REd SUPPORTER Heroes.. http://rednet-alien.blogspot.com/…/the-systematic-removal-o…
Since G & H & Henry's f SS g took over the board of Lfc..its gone bad,,,
Image may contain: 1 person
Chris Smith-Mypod
European REd loyal Supporters Club a.k.a "REdS abroad"
April 5, 2015 at 12:08 PM
1 Comment
8 years ago
Chris Smith-Mypod added 67 new photos to the album: Humour, Slogans, Sayings & such — at Planet Earth.
April 5, 2012 at 11:10 AM ·
Humour & sayings
Humour, Slogans, Sayings & such
67 Photos
![]() |
so WHO is "wagging the global dog" ? |
What’s happening or NOT
memories at https://chrismithlog.blogspot.com/2019/03/rednet-update-9-games-left-for-19-karma.html
ReplyDelete31 years go the "establishment" murdered 96 of my brothers & sisters, today the same EVIL manipulates a global police state, I blame YOU #globalmuppets
Had a weird & Vivid dream, living in the old house that my family lived in until I was 13 ... but I was adult , hosting an annoying family who were selfish & demanding (much like everyone ...today) Mum & Dad were weak and Mum had to go to intensive care, of course they are all gone , my sister, brother, parents & my lovely wife Jacqui .. they would not understand the cowards of modern society..
ReplyDeleteSnowdon...(interference from Net when copying this)
Edward Snowden warns governments are
building tools of ‘oppression’ https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/bvge5q/snowden-warns-governments-are-using-coronavirus-to-build-the-architecture-of-oppression
ReplyDeleteApril 18, 2014 ·
"there must be a better wor(l)d
there must be a better word
"anniversary" seems unworthy & absurd
the 96 we lost fron that day
cant tell me what I should say
@ this special time,
I dont want to rhyme
I wont do them "justice"
no one else did, after all.
Justice delayed means justice denied
Thatcher is dead, she never cried
I lost my family and all I love
but I move on, dont ask if they are "above
I live in heaven - a land of wild beauty
spontaneous people, dont worry about "duty"
its a long way from Sheffield or the 'pool
but I dont ever want to be "cool"
I met someone for whom I care
should I pursue, should i "Dare"
in this cold world, dont want to be "old"
So deep is my story, that never will be told
ChRiS SMITH 15th April 2014
We speak with an accent exceedingly rare; .. If you want a cathedral,
we've got one to spare,
in my Liverpool home.
Back in the Forties the world it went mad,
and Hitler he threw at us all that he had.
When the smoke and the dust had all cleared from the air,
"Thank God," said my old man," the Pier Head's still there."
If it's football you're wanting, the team at the top,
is the team that they're singing about in the Kop;
this city has got two great teams it deserves;
Liverpool ... First Team, and Liverpool Reserves.
I took a walk along Lime Street one day,
I saw a "Young lady" a-heading my way;
"Have you got the right time, love", says I to the lass,
She said, "I've got the time, Jack, if you've got the brass."
When I grew up, I met Bridget Mc Cann;
she said, "You're not much, but I'm needing a man;
I want sixteen kids, and a house out in Speke;
well, the flesh it was willing, but the spirit was weak.
Walton Gaol is the place for a quiet week-end.
Climb over the wall, and you'll meet all your friends.
You can sit and watch telly, drink whisky and beer
and chalk on the prison walls; "Kilroy was here".
We've got wide open spaces like the Wavertree Park,
where it's unsafe by daylight and more so by dark
We've got places of culture like Dingle and Speke,
where they play "tick" with hatchets, and fight with their feet.
We've got romantic places like the Cast-Iron Shore,
where you can find someone else's back door,
We had John, we had George, Ringo and Paul,
the Liverpool Spinners, and the St George's Hall.
Way out in Kirkby, the kids they wear clogs,
there's eight million kids there's ten million dogs.
They play "tick" with hatchets, I tell you no lie,
and they call you a "cissy" if you've more than one eye.
When my last whistle blows & the "Ref Up There" says;
"You've supped your last Guinness,lad, it's the end of your days,"
Take my ashes to Old Trafford and spread them around,
and they won't win a match while I'm haunting the ground.
International Batsmen Unanimously called the ‘Batting Game’, cricket has captivated its fans for generations with a ray of master stroke and footwork
ReplyDelete10 Greatest International Batsmen