LIVERPOOL v newcastle
early kick off saturday 14th September #19
I dont really like these early kick offs , especially after a 2 week (national game) pause.. the risk of injuries , the interruption of rhythm (after 4 wins from the league start) and playing against ex manc Bruce's side who almost certainly will park 2 busses in front of their goal could make this a more stressful day than most expect.
Therefore the Team and SUPPORT needs to be 200 % from the off. an early goal would help, but patience may be a key allied to constant and sustained pressure and concentration..
Although Joe, Milly & Shaq and Lallana may be fresh I propose JK to start with his "in form " 11 ..and bring on fresh legs after 60/70 mins... depending on how the players look in training today (*Friday)
Although I feel Milly may get a start if JK feels Robbo, Gini or Hendo need a rest..
Liverpool are unbeaten in their last 23 Premier League home games against newcastle (W19 D4) and will be keen to keep setting the pace at the top with their 100 per cent start to the campaign.
The Reds have a strong run going at Anfield and are this season looking efficient, with the ability to win ugly as well as in style.
They can make it 14 Premier League wins in a row. In doing so, they would become the fourth team to win 14 consecutive English top-flight matches, after Arsenal (14, August 2002), Man City (15 in August 2019 and 18 in December 2017).

"Working class hero" (John L) 4 mins
you may wish to catch up at /2019/09/rednet-update-fen-way-pause-is-not-our. before you RISK being associated with the only TRUE REd
"Liverpool way" as per Shanks..
Lfctv condescended to mention the Shankly family home and brought on K.E.G to talk about her grandad.. but for me, few modern fan(nies) grasp the immense achievement Shanks made, and its a disgrace that the village where he was born on 2nd September , in 1913 (just prior to the "war to end all wars" , that didn't, started!)
.. has all but disappeared...
Education not politics
Shanks & was THE "SOCIALIST" (as was our generation of supporters) true & loyal to the club 7 the cause ,
but what is Lfc now ? a commercial profit-maker for the boardroom sharks of fen way? (a.k.a USAcorp) Certainly , not the LIVERPOOL way

... the socialist ideals of Shanks educated people how to be , nothing to do with politics.. a way of life, in and outside of football life..

HIS ignition of Scouse wit & wisdom and the synergy Shanks created at the time LIVERPOOL was the centre of popular music
(*the Beatles, Gerry & the Pacemakers, Cilla Black and so many others worthy of memory & credit for what they did to promote our culture!)

He kept it simple, and in a world where people (and sheeple) tend to complicate the simple ways, that was a great effort to keep it .. pass & move...
when you have the ball use it carefully, share responsibility, back up & support your team mates,
defend your goal with courage, tackle & hound the opponents like a terrier (or group of)
.. "if you find yourself with the ball in the penalty area, pass it into their net" :)

, and the essence (the Shanks-Liverpool way) NEVER surrender.. in football or in Life,,
The Team players (became team mates that were together forever, i have met them and they never lost touch with their common bond) and melded together with the Manager and true REd ("socialist') SUPPORTERS.. (and the word SUPPORT is paramount, through ; "wind & rain" ..

THE basis...

in 1974.. a kid, I watched the FA cup final, we battered the favourites; the geordie team; 3-0 at the old wembley, the concrete stands shaking to the sound of the LIVERPOOL support. ...
Before he had enough of the boardroom politics and struggles and wanted someone else to take the strain..
... I saw how SHANKS had made it, a style that was simple , yet able to go from "route one" or pass & move , because the players were one.. Emlyn's smile said it all...

that day I believe SHANKS knew he had MADE the basis, & created this phenomenon, the SPIRIT that Bob, Joe, Kenny, and much later Rafa & even JK has drawn from//

not only did they force out (Rafa) our best manager in 20yrs!
The Crime..
i complain not only that the "sale" was a FRAUD in 2007-&-2010 but, that he USA have the most hypocritical & corrupt REGIME in the world!
and affects the love of my life ; Football and especially Liverpool - is probably too much to expect u to understand what Shanks did, inside and outside of the club, or to understand OUR true socialism (banned in USA) that we had ,Not exclusive to our football club , but simply the way of caring and sharing of a community without material objective yet still enjoying and striving to win against the odds ,
Liverpool was a target during war and in "peace" first as a port = of german bombing, then by tory governmemt (thatcher is still hated, not only because of Hillsborough) to destroy unions , any form of socialism, and ensure almost fifty percent unemployment, (and our enemies still sing "sign on " 30 years later)
the capitalism USA spread like a disease has failed ,
it corrupts the air, water, land, food & MINDS of our children....
the US led banking system failed, time and again (and is rescued by the masses!) H enry failed also, ( 1 2nd class trophy in 6 seasons and too many changes in staff) and yet the illusion goes on... and needs alternative opinion to balance the constant propaganda of Lfc media...

OUR Mission; FU!

btw, I have lived most of my life abroad, but I have and will always maintain and campaign for Shanks original and true LIVERPOOL way... not any infestor nor any Fb groupie will stop me,!
yes ,that IS my "agenda" ...!
now, u can remove me from all your BS groups, fb or any other social media addictions ...because as Groucho once said " I never want to be in a club that would allow me in" ( to be a member) :p with.... Best wishes to all true REdS including @ groups/eured.supporters ;
join #REdGEM ; REd Evolution links c 700,000 via groups worldwide (target 20 mil.)
J4t96 +30yrs - sign @ if you care about LIVERPOOL?
"what WE do @ Liverpool-echoes in Eternity"
#REdGEM #censoREDS #colouREDS #LbiRD
and if you want a wiki lesson;
and I take his ideas into my plans for local youth ;

MORE (september notes)
...That our "colleague" ; ChRiS.. is a lifelong (plus?) LIVERPOOL REd... just about everyone knows... you know he WAS/IS also :
- The youngest to be honoured by the Institute of Directors, London HQ, with a fellowship?
- Honoured in 1991 by the International Round Table (Europe) for "exceptional service"
- Qualified in logistics at the age of 19, & became a global STRATEGIC manager (freelance) at age 29 (network specialist)
- And an expert in Psychological tactics?
- Cultural adviser to many leaders in business/politics until 1995 (when the F&U foundation/NGO charity began)
- Was only a teenager when he Captained his local senior team?
- His mentor at that time was the GREAT BILL SHANKLY (who "made Liverpool Fc into a global icon") ,,with a big influence from John Lennon..
- That ChRiS has organised clubs, events & tournaments throughout Europe...
- And MANAGED youth Teams ... in various regions of Europe, and recently in Montenegro.
ChRiS has a secret formula for stamina & increased energy ... unique , and only known to him..

.....ChRiS is NOW HERE, in your region, to improve PROSPECTS of youth, not only in Football or sport, local or global; in LIFE...!
The "Magic of the LIVERPOOL way" that BLEW Barca AWAY! May 2019, and in many other games of the last 50 years ..
is not exclusive to Lfc! ChRiS knows how to apply this.. and wishes to share with the youth & co-operative coaches of this community..
iF they respect his aims..
He also met with RAFA BENITEZ in Rotterdam, considered (also by experts/pundits of BBC, ESPN, & other top sport media )
to be one of the best football tacticians in the World. ChRiS also visited the SWISS summer training camp of Rafa/Lfc in year 2009 and has adopted some of the Benitez ideas to add to his own UNIQUE METHODS..
And THIS SUMMER ChRiS makes a ONCE - ONLY invitation to local coaches, youth players (10-15 years old) and their parents to join the co-operative academy initiative (NGO ..not for profit Organisation) between 15-31 August..2019.
why not take this chance, it will not come again
add your name to this face book event OR email ; OR
p.s. ChRiS made a casual introduction video at

" ... So raise the scarlet standard high,
Beneath its shade we'll live and die,
Though cowards flinch and traitors sneer,
We'll keep the red flag flying here.! ..."
greetings, @ ALL REd FriendS ...
with REd SOUL & Best wishes to all true REdS @
/groups/eured.supporters/ part of
#REdGEM ; REd Evolution links almost 700,000 now via groups worldwide (target 20 mil.)
J4t96 +30yrs
PLEASE- sign @
if you care about LIVERPOOL? "what WE do @ Liverpool-echoes in Eternity"

#REdGEM #censoREDS #colouREDS ##LbiRD
Greetings from MEd1A TEAM & friends of
YNWA ...J4t96 + 30yrs ...with hope for all TRUE REdS ; should CARE & sign @
Greetings from ChRiS & associates ; supporting various youth & community initiatives
local & Global
Evolving Co-operative initiative... here @
NO one has ever come close..!
Shanks !
I am honouring the Greatest!
Philipp von Plato, Malte Zeeck and Christian Leifeld in May. Holtzbrinck Ventures and the European Founders fund ...corrupt ?
manipulating internations?
should have a parents and student "clean up Monty" day at each school and University, the way people throw rubbish in this beautiful region is a DISGRACE!
This is a message from ChRiS (currently unavailable) " via.H-T . "yesterday I sent
a short (UN lucky) message, "je suis desole " .. and in a form of translation
that means more than simply " I am sorry" & more than just "feeling sorry"
I mean "I am without SUN" (de Sole) (or I am going to be IN the SUN?) ,and yet my (dark) humour is back
so. so,ironic, as today the temperature is up around 40 degres C.
because so many times I have been, am and will be "tHERE" for someone and many
but that U dont see the BIG universal picture, as BIG as the sun , even bigger
in the fight against the rule of negative..I NEED to share
the biggest adventure in the future of the World with U!
but, for now, I go on alone, or i get drunk...decisions, decisions...who cares? only "karma" :) "
Some BRIEF extracts from the TRUE LIFE STORY of CHRiS "Alien" SMITH ....
("Now 2b Alien.(link) .a.k.a. "you have got to get to get out")
.. Born of Socialist parents
Near death accident at age 5, 6 months "blind" in specialist eye hospital, alone.
15 Captain pf local team
16 employed in London wine and spirit shipping company.
19 Manager, married adopted 6 month old daughter of fiance
21 Divorced , wife left with 2 kids inc son, and European commercial manager shippign company
23 2 car accidents cars destroyed , no injury to ChRis
Employed by Calberson International (Paris) largest logistics co in Europe. service development
24 head-hunted rivals
26 fired , and started Wine services
Married Jacqui
28 made a million GBP
left after businees partner cheated - party time.
Managed 8 own companies with Jacqui
business fight with brother , family dispute liquidated comapnies
Free lance business manager , confidential projects, ventures and networks
Initiated "gemini" Multi-media . satellite communications Net with Ukrainian space agency
(45 countries, 300 business partners, 500 + services, introduced advanced tech.)
COMA,,(meningitis induced ,, died,easter sunday, woke one week later....) :)
"dropped out" and went Alternative... organised demos, anti-war and campaigns, antifa events anti-nuclear, human rights complaints, common lawyer,
charity projects, free radio, invented "eco -logistics" and medinetz *for refugees)
etc etc
1999 detained after grown son Adam died (violated at age 5 by first wife's BF)
son Leon, disappreared, GF Annika too, "warned off" by german state police.
2000 for med "Freedom & Union" registered at Stuutgart only existing union for disadvantaged
or people violated by the state.
2002 , co -organiser of "human shields" project , pre - Baghdad
"Campaign germoney" 54 complaints against german police, attorneys, judges, "beamte" and civilians"
2004 daughter Noela kidnapped after an ambush(organised by mothers family)
2005 formed N E P A K for estranged parents and kids in europe.
2006 moved to Netherlands/BE organised fun events and football coaching for kids
2010 , "landed in Monty"... "REd MIssion UNsubversive", football activities and fun events.
2015...First Blkan RED nose and other initiatives, strategic ....liberation of Blkans and ...?
to be continued..
(a favourite film of "The Alien" ... "the english patient"... (Binoche!) ,,,,…/lucky-for-somesum-her-too…
theres a free ticket (theres 2 !) 2 sept, , unused that could be changed to January if u dont mind flying,,,
reply IMMEDIATE about that!!
Harvey Tuttle>
Chris> just visiting, i was "the cOunt" ?
The English Patient (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Plus ...
Published by Chris Smith-Mypod · January 28 ·
Hello to you "Human Being" ...!
How sick are you? ...I wonder, because you have been given a life, and free will to do with it,
a body which is a sort of miracle, with a universe inside, senses, to hopefully see wonders, smell, touch with sensitive hands & fingers, hear music & so on, to move, feet & toes, to work and PLAY ... to laugh or cry, smile... share , "make love" and even the chance to pro-create a likeness of yourself...
However, instead of making a positive action, so many focus on negative, I see every day, all ages , even young children, with your nose, buried in a mobile, walking around like a zombie, waiting for some new info to react to, often simply insulting or exchanging banal stuff, so much time of your limited existence hating someone who is different, when "Variety is the spice of life" .surely, exchanging with different people is the chance global communication gives to make your day full? ...
You follow fools to war and conflict, pick ridiculous flags to salute, as if they are "gods" .pay taxes to the murderers of your human brothers & sisters...& and the thieves of your land, .you allow your planet to be cut into pieces by the manipulators of governments, business or religion, like dogs you need "I.D." to cross a barrier to another part of YOUR OWN planet..!!!!!!
just how stupid is that, you must have a disease.. you waste food, when thousands of kids die daily due to selfish distribution of the resources your world is given ..and you fill your land, air, water and food with poison .. whilst speed fills your day quickly with rubbish,& haste, instead of good, wishes & ....caring..
instead how about simply caring for a neighbour or stranger, being friendly, being social...
...BEing HUMAN?
A Lien
(reminder..?? )
August 28, 2016 ·
the Missionary positon : "throwing YOUR babies into the bath water?"
Such is the stupidity of sheeple of his mad world that the exaggeration of t errorism , is masking the atrocities of all government suits & their uniformed mercenaries
many more civilians are killed by various government forces or their killing machines (drones ec) than so-called "criminals"
and an estimated 25,000 CHILDREN die daily because capitalism does not share the food resources fairy and efficiently
(they would rather those kids die than lose their marked up profit _)
and you continue to SELL your kids into the system??
The "irony" of social media is that it develops "fast food - sms - instant superficial! " ANTI_SOCIAL mentality
people dont exchange (their own) opinions,, they repeat others or comment with "knee jerk" (misguided or ill informed reaction)
when watching the mainstream "news" i was convinced it was still APRIL 1,
and the reporters were presenting a sick version of "april fool" jokes
Obama (oh Bomba?) warns against Russia or of "nuclear threat" (another excuse for a "Baghdad - style invasion" somewhere else?)
cant be serious? ... the US(eless) states of America are the most danmgerous owners of WMD!!
( watch the Brit Docufilm "Road to Quan tan amo" ...>link<) only a FOOL would trust them!
French government forces (who made a great campaign for global sympathy for the att acks on their capital)...
alledged to have sexually / physically violated young african girls (resulted in 1 death)
.. whilst on "UN peace-keeping duty" .... only a fool would dare to inform the public of this??
( people only care if "westerners" are hurt??? )
your mad , sad, world!
August 28, 2016 ·
Just posted on New York Lfc fan group ... a clarification...
Neil (oh Rich buy a sense of humour). .. so u think u have me "sorted" ?? i complain that he USA have the most hypocritical (correct spelling Spencer !) REGIME in the world! and affects the love of my life ; Football and especially Liverpool - is probably too much to expect u to understand what Shanks did, inside and ouside of he club, or to understand OUR true socialism (banned in USA) that we had ,Not exclusive to our football club , but simply he way of caring and sharing of a community without material objective yet still enjoying and striving to win against the odds , Liverpool was a target during war and in "peace" first as a port for german bombers
then by tory governmemt (thacher is still hated, not only because of Hillsborough) to destroy unions , any form of socialism, and ensure almost fifty percent unemployment, (and our enemies still sing "sign on " 30 years later) the capitalism USA spread like a disease has failed , the US led banking system failed, time and again (and is rescued by the masses!) H enry failed also, ( 1 2nd class trophy in 6 seasons and too many changes in staff) and yet the illusion goes on... and needs alternative opinion to balance he constant propaganda of Lfc media... btw I have lived most of my life abroad, but I have and will always maintain and campaign for Shanks original and true LIVERPOOL way... not any infestor nor any Fb groupie will stop me,! yes thats my "agenda" ...! now JustinE u can remove me...because as Groucho once said " I never want to be in a club that would allow me in"
……… Fred, I don't know why you are asking me ? .. I had no contact from anyone since over a month, no one replied to invitations to train ., or anything, no invitations to meet, drink coffee , no social contact from any one from your group, nothing..., its as is, ..I don't worry, because I find enough to do, with visitors and organization of to occupy myself the last 2 months etc... . so.. as for my offer to Mateo to co-operate , I feel somewhat insulted.. I opened my door, I was friendly to Mateo , Evelyn and the friends of your church, I made a grill at my home for Mateo & Evelyn, ,, I offered to help them with accommodation (gratis) before they found their own new house... I made a video featuring Mateo and his coaching.. I distributed Mateo's flyers .. and and, and.. and none of that was because I wanted anything from him, as ALL I do is voluntary and NON profit.. my efforts and EXPERIENCE , I believe deserve respect. I know local people, they "stone wall" me because of ignorance or jealousy, but Mateo & co claim to be "Christian" so I hoped for more than that...BUT. Nothing came back ..just a rejection without meeting.. I copy this for him, too because he needs to know DIRECT (not 2nd hand) that I don't give up ( if he prefers to work for corrupt orgs, ok) and if that means I compete against Mateo, then that is ok, too, I will continue MY way.....but.. its NOT my choice , its his! ok? are we clear ? so take care , man, best wishes to you & yours ,ChRiS
(a glimpse of the future)
Liverpool football club (2022) is now owned by supporters venture (#REdGEM-Lbirdcoin ) and John Henry is in prison for fraud, Rafa is back with Stevie as assistant coach and I am general manager of "LiverBird enterprises" the community own global network with 50 million members worldwide sharing the profits as the REdS do a League and European champions double!
Summer events both in Perast and Virpazar. Both very well attended and from my chats with many of those who attended they were very happy with the events. My friends all had a great time and enjoyed the friendly atmoshere.
You put great effort into making these events so enjoyable.
Looking forward to many more of
23:26 | Podgorica
Jane Murphy
Summer events both in Perast and Virpazar. Both very well attended and from my chats with many of those who attended they were very happy with the events. My friends all had a great time and enjoyed the friendly atmoshere.
You put great effort into making these events so enjoyable.
Looking forward to many more of these events.
Maybe it would be possible to have a visit to the Lipa caves before they end the season. Many people may not have had the opportunity to visit this amazing place.
Again many thanks for organising the events.
Best regards,
Jane and the Irish gang!
02 Sep
maybe posting kind words on the event might get a message through to INHQ (and the others) ha ha
why dont you take over one of the groups , which are virtually dormant (like “Podgorica Montenegro Outdoors “ , and propose that Lipa caves Idea, i will support you, i will keep active and in contact with friendly members but i will not be co-operating with Molly & Andy.. (“ambassadors”)
I would love to see you here on thursday but …its a long way for you to come to Pg, just for an hour meeting, I would appreciate though if you joined on 11 september as we plan a dinner after to continue discussing ideas for IN etc ??
Greetings from MEd1A TEAM & friends of /REdNET.Sclog
and /groups/1censo.RED.Radio.and.REbTV/
J4t96 +30yrs - sign @ if you care about LIVERPOOL? "what WE do @ Liverpool-echoes in Eternity"
just in case if any one of you, ever forgets, .. THE MAN!
who MADE ,LIVERPOOL into a global entity ..
with supporters of the "Holy trinity"
and if you want an example how Fen way/Lfc have exploited and marketed (and profited) from songs, slogans & such made by SUPPORTERS ; ! a LIVERbird upon my chest,
and with hope in our hearts,,,
REbTV A.S.K; the next weeks program friday 13th & monday 16th September
1. Beginning : intro;
"REd Flag" (Billy Bragg) 3 mins
2. and 2nd song before the discussion
"Aicha" (Ayisha?) by khalid 4 mins ;
3. discussion; 46 mins (A.S.K.)
4. after discussion " which side are you on" (Billy Bragg) 2 mins
5. last ; " A liverbird upon my chest " (either this (Lfc stars) 2mins or ///.. if time permits ; FULL
via MOn TV Blog ??
Whilst politicians make grand statements and national governments promote or "protect" their borders I REMIND YOU THAT WE ARE IN THE YEAR 2015 ... ISnt it TIME that you started to be " HUMAN (E) BEings????
There are many empty buildings, many that are left empty in order to increase land prices, sometimes fanily homes are left empty due to death, or people moving away from villages to the city, some are unable to to be kept due to job losses, or changes in circumstamces, and sometimes because people just "cant be bothered" to repair them.
In this renovation prog.. WE SHOULD use the many hundreds of empty houses in the Balkans...
In this renovation prog.. WE SHOULD use the many hundreds of empty houses in the Balkans...
(for example) as there are many migrants and refugees travellign through the region...
refugees, and homeless immigrants could renovate, with little or no costs, as we have done with 3 houses here in Dg, MNE, and they could live in them, thus avoiding the deterioration that is happening ,
SAVING the money wasted on new construction... and bring LIFE to viallages and communities that have declined in the last 20-30 years... and perhaps in the process HONOUR the promises and agreements made by your national "democracies" after the horrors of WW2 ( UDHR 1948)
break down the borders, open your frontiers, your doors , and your hearts and minds..
and BE Human BEINGS! NOW!
ChRiS SMITH 150909
BBC reporting on the increasing "smart phone choices".. its ok, u dont need your brain, u haven't used it for a while anyway! ..(why dont the SHEEPLE just have a chip implanted..and join the "BORG"...)
chinese wannt to block "mis-information" by bloggers, surprised oBOMBas govt didnt think of that yet, the people shoudl FINE governments from mis-nforming THE PEOPLE, SHEEPLE WAKE UP its YOUR world NOT THEIRS!!!
STAND up, if not for yourselves but for the sake of y-our kids!
greetings from MEd1A TEAM 2 friends of
JK pre match press