as their "TiT-anic" sinks
& REdNeT v F S G ..continues.....towards..."sudbina"
I recommend that you Read ;
This was "Banned" ... for exposing the Truth,...
REdbEL-LionnSnm1b ; http://youtu.be/N91nqZHkyKw
as was ; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZKBH4_bVKI&feature=youtu.be
& this ; REdbEL-LionnSnm1b ; http://youtu.be/N91nqZHkyKw

the F S G clones and "SOCCER-sheeple" we call "fannies" were our out in force..attacking our FB group. obviously the TRUTH is hurting them..
Financial Myth
IF the F S G clones "logic" demands that we have financially strong "owners" then the MYTH that Henry & co are "sound" is SUNK, like the TITanic as his investments lost 50% in recent years...
Neither do we NEED chevvy advertising on you Tube interviews with players
nor pathetic "warrior" voice-overs that push a slogan which contradicts our Kopite chant "Play FOOTBALL"..
...in finance, and in players and backroom staff etc.. and letting Ince go and trying to buy him back.. Andy let go with out forward cover, etc, buying another young player when we already have so many good ones...and there is no evidence that they transferred CASH into our club when the first Yankers were "ejected"..is there??
F S G used Anfield and Melwood as collatreal, even G & H didnt do that!!..they regularly send our team out to play away in the "change kit" despite there being no colour clash (why didnt we play in REd @ Norwich etc?) they have sucked in OUR Cash from early t(r)icket sales and marketing of new klits,, there is NO evidence of NET investment by F S G..so what >>>>??????????
...please are they good for?? NOTHING! they have no understanding of our culture or our club or the game..Ayre is their poodle in the office and the "business acuimen" of Henry is a myth..(his empire losing about 50% of its investments recently) !!! (CS)
its a fraud...clever."PRopaganda" .but still a fraud...and S o S should have used the funds WE invested in the supporters Union to stop a repeat of the exploitation that G & H attempted..with a legal injunction to protect our club ..the club should belong to Liverpool community and global supporters.. (CS) its pathetic to think that with 7 million "custiomers" worldwide that we cant make a profit..net... without some yankers involved!

...BR is a novice using OUR club for HIS education & "CV", he has won nothing, and whilst the footy may be "pretty" we still havent beaten a club in the top half!! progress?..decent coach , but as a man, not big enough "winner" to be manager OF LIVERPOOL..
Henry also snubbed the Hillsborough memorial and backed Bush's campaign,
..WE members @ Global REdS) Do NOT want such people associated with LFC.. thats more important than what Rodgers does.
.. Kenny got us a our first trophy in 6 years, and 2 cup finals and there's no reason to say we wouldn't have been challenging this season, instead F S G took us back to another "re-building" cost

F S G used Anfield and Melwood as collatreal, even G & H didnt do that!!..they regularly send our team out to play away in the "change kit" despite there being no colour clash (why didnt we play in REd @ Norwich etc?) they have sucked in OUR Cash from early tricket sales and marketing of new klits,, there is NO evidence of NET investment by F S G..so what
...please are they good for?? NOTHING! they have no understanding of our culture or our club or the game..Ayre is their poodle in the office and the "business acumen" of Henry is a myth..(his empire losing about 50% of its investments recently) !!! (CS)
(with F S G Clones and "Fannies")
goodness. we have accumulated a number of "cupid stunts" , yanker (F S G ) clones and "fannies" in recent years, it is embarassing,
..please engage brain before opening you big mouths or writing banal comments on the WWW... PLEASE!
but ..anyway..
dont complain campaign!
..join the REdvolution.. Liverpool people have to take back the city and OUR CLUB too!
Sean> ..http://www.youtube.com/my_videos_timedtext?video_referrer=watch&video_id=7FSvh0J1MgA&feature=mhsn
Are you willing to take the risk?
Chris> Ursun> the risk has been taken, we cant keep dwelling on the errors made by the directors, from Moores through Parry , Hicks Purslow Broughton and Ayre..the fans are as much to blame for allowing this mess.. it s the equivalent of playing fiddle on the top deck as the Titanic sinks...dont complain CAMPAIGN..
F-way>. We Come Not To Pay> fair enough point to make tho chris. we dont wanna be making the same mistake again. seanoc
Chris > Ursun > the damage is already done, its about building a "Life boat" sean, otherwise the club as we knew it, wont exist at all..!
REdbEL-LionnSnm1b ; http://youtu.be/N91nqZHkyKw
probably cut & censored...after almost 24 hrs of trying to get it
uploaded, will try again at weekend..http://youtu.be/7FSvh0J1MgA
(when the C1A have a day off! ha ha)
As Kevin Rowland said "Let's get this straight from the start". I don't agree with the aims of this group, but I am open for discussion and debate. So I'll make a start. If you get your way and FSG sell thier interest in Liverpool Football Club, who do you think (or want) to come in and buy us, given we are in a global recession and that Financial Fair Play rules now mean the sugar daddy owner days are now over?..
CS> lets get this "straight" , Mark, YOU havent bothered to read postings in this group which show the way forward in a global recession where "bankers" and hedge funds will be exposed for playing with "virtual money" they are USELESS to us.... WE ARE the CLUB..(etc)
... its a fraud...clever."PRopaganda" .but still a fraud...and S o S should have used the funds WE invested in the supporters Union to stop a repeat of the exploitation that G & H attempted..with a legal injunction to protect our club ..the club should belong to Liverpool community and global supporters.. (CS) its pathetic to think that with 7 million "custiomers" worldwide that we cant make a profit..net... without some yankers involved!
Mark Shaw> Ok, first of all I used the Kevin Rowland quote to keep the mood light, that obviously failed as your response seems to have a quite aggressive tone, but anyway...I'm under no illusions about FSG, they have made mistakes, some that I think important you haven't mentioned, for example the delay in the decision and new stadium/ refurbishment of Anfield work should have started a long time ago. Some of the other things you mention are, I'm sorry to say, pie in the sky. Liverpool Football Club is now and has always been a business and whilst I agree a supporters owned club would be fabulous it isn't going to happen to any club in the premiership any time soon. King Kenny getting sacked was a sad day, but let's be honest it came as no suprise to anyone. We were playing some pretty awfull football at the time, even the two cup finals were not pleasent viewing.
As for FSG ignoring Rafa, not everyone wanted him back, myself included, sorry but, I don't like defensively minded football, which was the way we played under him as well as Houllier. A couple of other points, letting Ince go, every team makes mistakes, no one has a crystal ball, anyone who says they get it right all the time is a liar. I agree we should of kept Carroll on the books till we had a replacement, but he's not a "Liverppol" player in truth is he? John Henry snubbing the memorial he didn't attend that's true, but you would have to be very sensitive to take offense at that. As for him backing bush's campaign, I hate to admit it but we have tory mp's and even cabinet ministers who are LFC fans, socialism isn't a prerequisite to be a fan (it should be though!). Finally, most teams play in the away kit when they aren't at home, we do and have for years, its all about selling shirts. Not everything under FSG is bad, we have a good manager who has his head screwed on, a young team who are going to get better and better, and owners who have put us in a sound position to face the new FFP rules. I hope you can start see some light soon as you seem to be in a pretty dark and negative place.
F-way. We Come Not To Pay > Sean> isn't liverpool in a pretty dark and negative place? (seanoc)
Mark Shaw> No mate it's really not. Far more positives than negatives. Just a personal note try and use a capital letter when you refer to Liverpool please, it's a sign of respect for both the club and city, cheers.
F-way. We Come Not To Pay >
CS> Mark,you are swallowing the illusiion that FSG are "sound" they are bankrupt...it was myself who responded above not Sean (CS) if u mention respect and then just "file away" the treatment of Kenny etc ..and cover up the obvious , that BR is F S G's man... that alone is reason to get them out, to give him a contract and remove him IN that way, makes them untrustworthy, u can attempt to play down all the stuff mentioned but collectively they are simply wrong.. if we dont hold on to the values, including those that kept us fighting for Justice the last 23 years, and then say we would have to be "sensitive"
...??? and WE have always been "different" the club is US, not a busines, however IF we ran it it would be better managed than it ever was off the field.. there were always problems, but the last 5 years, and our current dubious association with RBS (corrupt) Standard chartered (corrupt) chevvy !!! and the pathetic "warrior" advertising campaign are not us either, or is this a standard now, that if footy is a business it doesnt matter if we go in league with the devil.. let us lead not follw the masses.. Shanks version of socialism is the intelligent future not only of our club but of society..or we will go down with the rest of the systems "unsinkable titanic".. !
Mark Shaw> I fail to see why the appointment of Brendan Rodgers is reason to campaign against FSG. Just because you don't think he's a big enough name to manage LFC? I really think you will be eating your words in a season or two. As for the dealings with RBS and Standard Chartered, if everybody who dealt with them had to sell their businesess the whole world would be for sale. And so to Warrior, to tell the truth I couldn't give a toss who makes our shirts as long as it's not nike, who employ children a slave labour rates, but I think your in a minority on that one as most fans I've spoken too like the new shirts A LOT! I know I'm not going to change anyone minds here, but as all I've had from you is negatives, I'd like to challange you to tell me a positive about LFC in the past couple of years. As pointed out in the earlier post I know FSG have made mistakes and I'll point them out, can you point out something good? your turn!
Sean> Mark, If u wanna correct my grammar, to try and validate your point, it's not gonna work. Seanoc
Mark Shaw > Not trying to validate anything. Just use a capital L when you write Liverpool. Don't be so sensitive.
F-way. We Come Not To Pay> Marie>
The Financial Fair Play thing is being used by FSG as an excuse to cover their asses..........it suits them down to the ground to play on this........all the excuses they needed!!mb
CS > Mark, if u cant deal with al the "negatives" and are in denial of the truth, just like when everyone used to say we were too "defensive" about Hillsborough,shame on u. its never worried me to be in a minority..but its just not true...in the world, there are 7 million or more "registered fans" and its only a few who disagree with us, u see the rest of the world dont swallow the american BS like the english have.. Shanks had vision for our club, but no-one off the field since has, I see it as positive to stand up and tell the truth, in fact when "power" is corrupted its a duty.. the GOOD is... that WE WOULD manage the club better than some inflated accountants who only know how to cut
..I dealt with yankers in business at all levels... and the business world has been disected by accountants and speculative "hedge funds" which destroy society the NEGATIVITY is that so many "fannies" swallowed the NESV bull sh*te and havent got the courage to admit they got fooled twice .. apathy rules a lot of opinoions and the yankers PRopaganda certainly took in SoS and a lot as "white kinights".. u really think warrior are any different.. WE should be selling LIVERPOOL shirts and LIVERPOOL brands not letting warrior build their business on our backs.. or front
.. a POSITIVE.. is also THE KIDS ; the depth of quality youth, (that BR is benefiting from) coming through now... and thanks to Rafa, who brought in Rudolfo, and brought back Kenny, who until bruatlly removed by Henry represnted our club ..anyone who puts down Kenny is NEGATIVE.. the man who went to the funerals of the 96, who put the club first, and like Rafa is tied to us and the community...unlike BR, who is not. ..how can i say anything good about FSG , people who arent good at business, did NOT invest the money that was "publicised".. who are losing money faster than the tittanic took water, who know nothing about our culture OR FOOTY
and are as destructivE AS the G & H/Purslow/broughton/RBS/Hodgson situation.. .. The positive is that there are still people ready to fight to keep the TRUE spirit that Shankly brought to this club, even in the face of insults and propaganda
...and who would deny the basic right of opinion, just because the TRUTH is unpopular and dont fit the "commercial"..!
Mark Shaw > Don't you ever EVER EVER! put me in the camp with Hillsborough deniers. You know nothing of me or how I, or my family was affected by Hillsborough. I cannot and will not read any further than that on this or any future post. This conversation is OVER. You haven't won the arguement I just can't speak to anyone who can post that!!! Shame on me?????? What the F*CK do you know???? F*cking NOTHING!!!!"!!!!!
F-way. We Come Not To Pay
CS > as usual like the others u resort to abuse! u dont defend Kenny against exploiters of our club..&.u cant communicate, without foul language..this was over before u started Mark.. we wont miss u..!! (CS)
ChRiS SmiTH>
Mark,you are swallowing the illusiion that FSG are "sound" they are bankrupt...it was myself who responded above not Sean (CS) if u mention respect and then just "file away" the treatment of Kenny etc ..and cover up the obvious , that BR is F S G's man...
Mark Shaw> I fail to see why the appointment of Brendan Rodgers is reason to campaign against FSG. Just because you don't think he's a big enough name to manage LFC? I really think you will be eating your words in a season or two. As for the dealings with RBS and...<snip>
Maybe some explaination to why I'm so angry is required........I WAS THERE........and six days later I tied my scarf to the railings around the Kop and laid flowers on the pitch. Since that day I've stood shoulder to shoulder with the families in the fight for justice. I've written to every prime minister and home secretary since, I've signed petitions, been on marches, and attended vigils..
.I've been to every memorial at I could possibly get to (I was there the day Andy Burnham got shouted down) and best of all I was on St Georges plateau on the day the Hillsborough panel released thier report. But you tell me "Shame on me"? Really, you have said J.Henry disrespected the families by not going to the memorial, How many have you been to? really how many? I can hold my head up high, I've done my bit for the 96, I havn't noticed too many mentions of the Justice campaign or the s*n boycott on your page. Yes I swore, I think I was justified. You see to me You'll Never Walk Alone isn't just a nice song, it's my credo.
F-way. We Come Not To Pay
CS > "your credo" ??????????? then u dont have any excuses, Mark, sometimes young "fans" can be forgiven for not appreciating Kenny , if u are who u say u are..then U of all people should appreciate that to carry the grief and to go to all those funerals and put Liverpool people in front of himself Marina and his family , (notwithstanding what he did as legendary player and manager, and as constant ambasssador)
...means he deserved MUCH, MUCH much better, for u to "accept" what Henry did, to give Kenny a contract then break it.(and break Kenny's heart , to disrespect that MAN!) .after only one full season, stinks , STINKS, & stinks all the way from Liverpool to Boston..THAT alone is enough to want those people to keep away from our club....yes, shame on YOU, Mark, for defending F S G!! CS) the thing is,, you aren't dealing with what is wrong about them, like so many "fans" you are getting into attacks on the messengers.
.. Sean has had to put up with it..I have been fighting for ppl's rights for so long that i am sick of it..the same mentality drove Shanks frm our club in 1974.. this club has been my life's constant..everyone else gone, I dont have to bleed on here.. and I dont and wont "justify" this battle for its soul! and don't tell me about Y . N. W. A.
.. because you are NOT applying it here... HOPE is to overcome the infection caused by people trying to take what WE built and turn it into THEIR "F(r)ANCHISE" .. p.s IF you state you have "had enough" of this conversation, then stand by your words , only then I mght believe in your sincerely.and even if we dont agree , i would respect YOU! ..as u obviously dont respect us,..(CS)
F-way. We Come Not To Pay >
Sean .> guys... we are getting off the point here and I am not gonna start a slagging match. Mark I am sorry for your troubles and the fact you were at Hillsborough. But we have made some very valid points as to why FSG are not right for LFC. those who continue to support FSG have disrespected the admins rather than have a civil intelligent debate. I agree with everything that Chris Smith has said, however I wanna get rid of talking about Hillsborough on this. (seanoc)
Chris East-west Invest Ursun > No Sean this is RIGHT ON point, ppl like Mark come on here, ignore all the ponts made against F S G then attempt to convince "fannies" to believe in the Yankers...and swallow more of their BS! (CS) read on ..................
Marie Buckley >
have a read of this and maybe bells may ring for some of you!!!
New Premier League rules derived from self-interest, not fair play
David Conn: The deal by the Premier League clubs over losses is clearly a compromise and was made without any commitment for the greater good of the game
Chris> "This has been pushed for by the American owners of United, Arsenal and LIVERPOOL, who bought English clubs as investments, and have NO INTENTION of spending money on them."
Chris East-west Invest Ursun > https://www.facebook.com/FenwayWeComeNotToPay , as you Know Marie (its all been written, so many times..) too many are ashamed to admit they have been suckered TWICE!!
Marie Buckley > Chris.....I'm mystified how some supporters have buried their heads in the sand inthe vain hope that things are going to miraculously get better and our club will be returned to its former position in the top four and once again be relevant CL contenders..............................Well, that's not going to happen nor or any time soon............if in fact ever.... as long as we are owned by people who have no interest in 'soccer' other than the lucrative deals and merchandising side of it.
Chris East-west Invest Ursun > I have just spent all day on a video, If i can get it uploaded check the "we come not to pay" group tomorrow..when we get them out, always have Hope, Marie....
Chris East-west Invest Ursun> The risk has been taken, we cant keep dwelling on the errors made by the directors, from Moores through Parry , Hicks Purslow Broughton and Ayre..the fans are as much to blame for allowing this mess.. it s the equivalent of playing fiddle on the top deck as the Titanic sinks...dont complain CAMPAIGN..
Hey Sean a guy from sussex wants to close this page ha ha ha ...F S G clones and fannies everywhere.. (CS) when Henry goes belly uo and his emoire sinks ilike the titanic into the financial abyss lets hope these morons are still around to mock for their stupidity.. Yankers have NOTHING to do with OUR club..absolultely NOTHING (CS)
SEAN> Benitez + backroom staff cost £7.75m to get rid of (according to the club accounts)
Hodgson cost £2.5m to sign from Fulham and £7.5m to sack
Dalglish's compensation hasn't been made public to my knowledge. I've seen a reported figure of £8m but there was also a report that he had turned down the compensation.
Rodgers cost around £5m to sign from Swansea
So if we take the Dalglish figure at rumour value then we have paid out around £30m in compensation to managers and backroom staff in less than 3 years. That's madness, it's no wonder our finances are down the toilet. so i think we are stuck with rodgers as j.w henry & co will not be wanting to pay out more compo anytime soon
Fenway. We Come Not To Pay we would certainly be in a better situ with NO yankers in our club, 50% more profit on kit sales etc and and dynamc management that understands our culture we can t keep the status quo just because the club has been mismanaged since so manz years, we have to take it over otherwise there is no future for what we value most (CS)..
Chris East-west Invest Ursun > http://www.facebook.com/FenwayWeComeNotToPay
Mark Shaw> "Stuck" with Rodgers??? surely you can see the progress made? If not I don't know what you're watching
CS > Mark,
F S G are THE problem, , betraying Kenny, (which alone makes them unTRUSTworthy as custodians), ignoring Rafa, both these men are of massive value to our club, having made the progress with the youth players which "buck" is benefiing from.(between them Rafa and Kenny developed 25 international standard youth players ..for the club to "use" (Rafa brought Kenny back and Rudolfo in)
...BR is a novice using OUR club for HIS education & "CV", he has won nothing, and whilst the footy may be "pretty" we still havent beaten a club in the top half!! progress?..decent coach , but as a man, not big enough "winner" to be manager OF LIVERPOOL..
Henry also snubbed the Hillsborough memorial and backed Bush's campaign,
..WE members @ Global REdS) Do NOT want such people associated with LFC.. thats more important than what Rodgers does.
.. Kenny got us a our first trophy in 6 years, and 2 cup finals and there's no reason to say we wouldn't have been challenging this season, instead F S G took us back to another "re-building" cost
CS> we just more than dominated the "money-made champs" ...enjoy u fools!
BR - is a lamb leading lions..a decent coach - but not a "winner" @ arsenal & citeh we should have 6 points but lack the instincts that Kenny and Rafa would bring.. F S G and their clones.. OUT!
and F S G wasting. to discard Rafa and Kenny is a disgrace to OUR club!!
* OUR boycott of official shops will eventually "hurt" the Yankers profits and benefit supporters who buy alternatives from each other..enabling them to ..
* Acquire shares, One voting share each for Global REdS Supporters and registered Lfc fans..around 7 million @ an average euro 50 per share would..
* Together with ex-players, current or future players & "Celebrity" fans to raise a fund of 200-300 million euros..
* Shareholders AGM (with online involvement) employs management to properly manager our off field enterprise Worldwide ; via supporter/fan club networks who will make "rogue trading" redundant..
* The "Holy Trinity" shall be restored by returning to the "Boot room" relationship ; bonding players, Team management and TRUE REd Supporters to ensure INTELLIGENT socialist ethics that "Shanks" installed in our club..by bringing back Kenny AND Rafa.. probable retention of Rudolfo & Mike and either Steve C. or BR, according to the members wishes.

Thank YOU, CaRrA!

Carra earned the respect of our "travelling Kop" .. and i think wise enough to know when to go, whilst still competing at the top level, however, the best defenders learn how to compensate for lack of pace with use of game knowledge & positioning,..I feel he should play for as long as he can..because later he will regret not playing....
However, this is a time when we miss managers Like Kenny or Rafa, who can bring the best out of players.. Like Danny Agger, who has the passion that could be encouraged.. Carra, if he is to be a coach, could do worse than to back Danny for the next Captain of Liverpool, Agger does it for Denmark..
p.s. thank you Carra! (for all those games & memories)
REdNET ; https://www.facebook.com/pages/REdNeT/245954208796041
and OUR CLUB, https://www.facebook.com/groups/CS.LbIrD.OURCLUB
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7R3GtAnO66o learn the lyrics..they are important!! Honesty Billy Joel
be honest and lose the mask.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=g-ibK5L2a4I&NR=1
the first UE "Balkan & Global friendship event" to bring people together , welcome, exchange, grill, party, with Fun , music , dance & footy tournament ; for kids charity and especially to overcome barriers between people local & global ; to make friends and benefit kids and y-our future....without frontiers; first event planned for Užice/Zlatibor/Mocra Gora region...join, contribute and enjoy..."make a miracle"
first friendship weekend;
31 may->2 June, with extensions
Interim programme;
- Friday; 31 may ;
from noon;
welcome party, @Dubliner Irish Pub,
Meet & greet, bar snacks,
ticket & t-shirt sale.
- Saturday; 1 June ; main events
12h -fun & footy tournament
18h -grill party ; connections
21h - benefit concert & dance
- Sunday 2nd June final day ;
11-13h "Sendvic brunch" @ Pub
14h semi finals
15h Final
then "Surprise event"..
& extra activities for those who stay ..!
...& enjoy this beautiful region..(& after the friendship party....make more friends.. with nature!) can stay for more days with us...
Jethro Tull - Thick as a Brick (Part 1)
CS> thick,,,! hmmmm
Triin P> ?
CS> = insensitive!
Chris hosted me for three nights in Podgarica, a city which people say that
is boring. :D But when we went around with Chris, it seems not more boring
that most other places in the Balkans. :D We went to the little fishing
village, where I was treated with home-grown tea and spices. Chris is a
very sociable person, he talks a lot and he listens a lot, too. It was
amazing having conversations with him about life and relationships, I
needed it. Thank you, Chris for everything and see you again sometime!
February 3rd, 2013 - 10:08 am
thanks again.. V! enjoy a "romantic italian carnival" ;) with Dom...
I finally got to couch at "GodMother"
Mum Artu fed me well
we watched a "scottish" (film from ken)
the story later , i will tell
Dined at the orient express in UE
another dream fulfilled
I drunk that much ("klingon")wine ("T'Ga"?)
i almost myself spilled.. :)
take care and thanks again
cu in Pg for my /BM? Birthday party..or anytime :)
CS , the Go(o)Dfather :)x
Chris East-west Invest Ursun > http://www.facebook.com/FenwayWeComeNotToPay
Mark Shaw> "Stuck" with Rodgers??? surely you can see the progress made? If not I don't know what you're watching
CS > Mark,
F S G are THE problem, , betraying Kenny, (which alone makes them unTRUSTworthy as custodians), ignoring Rafa, both these men are of massive value to our club, having made the progress with the youth players which "buck" is benefiing from.(between them Rafa and Kenny developed 25 international standard youth players ..for the club to "use" (Rafa brought Kenny back and Rudolfo in)
...BR is a novice using OUR club for HIS education & "CV", he has won nothing, and whilst the footy may be "pretty" we still havent beaten a club in the top half!! progress?..decent coach , but as a man, not big enough "winner" to be manager OF LIVERPOOL..
Henry also snubbed the Hillsborough memorial and backed Bush's campaign,
..WE members @ Global REdS) Do NOT want such people associated with LFC.. thats more important than what Rodgers does.
.. Kenny got us a our first trophy in 6 years, and 2 cup finals and there's no reason to say we wouldn't have been challenging this season, instead F S G took us back to another "re-building" cost
CS> we just more than dominated the "money-made champs" ...enjoy u fools!
BR - is a lamb leading lions..a decent coach - but not a "winner" @ arsenal & citeh we should have 6 points but lack the instincts that Kenny and Rafa would bring.. F S G and their clones.. OUT!
well Done Andre, good lad, just another insight into the roles Rudolfo (introduced by Rafa) and Kenny (brought back by Rafa) had that BR is "using"
and F S G wasting. to discard Rafa and Kenny is a disgrace to OUR club!!
* OUR boycott of official shops will eventually "hurt" the Yankers profits and benefit supporters who buy alternatives from each other..enabling them to ..
* Acquire shares, One voting share each for Global REdS Supporters and registered Lfc fans..around 7 million @ an average euro 50 per share would..
* Together with ex-players, current or future players & "Celebrity" fans to raise a fund of 200-300 million euros..
* Shareholders AGM (with online involvement) employs management to properly manager our off field enterprise Worldwide ; via supporter/fan club networks who will make "rogue trading" redundant..
* The "Holy Trinity" shall be restored by returning to the "Boot room" relationship ; bonding players, Team management and TRUE REd Supporters to ensure INTELLIGENT socialist ethics that "Shanks" installed in our club..by bringing back Kenny AND Rafa.. probable retention of Rudolfo & Mike and either Steve C. or BR, according to the members wishes.

Y-our video will be live at: http://youtu.be/kUxAC7N3Ckw Censored??? ;
Thank YOU, CaRrA!

Carra earned the respect of our "travelling Kop" .. and i think wise enough to know when to go, whilst still competing at the top level, however, the best defenders learn how to compensate for lack of pace with use of game knowledge & positioning,..I feel he should play for as long as he can..because later he will regret not playing....
However, this is a time when we miss managers Like Kenny or Rafa, who can bring the best out of players.. Like Danny Agger, who has the passion that could be encouraged.. Carra, if he is to be a coach, could do worse than to back Danny for the next Captain of Liverpool, Agger does it for Denmark..
p.s. thank you Carra! (for all those games & memories)
ha ha .. 7 england players 4 ex-mancs (Robson ? but no Dalglish ) so no bias then? LMAO! from an era dominated by LFC.. hmmm they know..."FA" :)
REdNET ; https://www.facebook.com/pages/REdNeT/245954208796041
and OUR CLUB, https://www.facebook.com/groups/CS.LbIrD.OURCLUB
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7R3GtAnO66o learn the lyrics..they are important!! Honesty Billy Joel
be honest and lose the mask.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=g-ibK5L2a4I&NR=1
the first UE "Balkan & Global friendship event" to bring people together , welcome, exchange, grill, party, with Fun , music , dance & footy tournament ; for kids charity and especially to overcome barriers between people local & global ; to make friends and benefit kids and y-our future....without frontiers; first event planned for Užice/Zlatibor/Mocra Gora region...join, contribute and enjoy..."make a miracle"
first friendship weekend;
31 may->2 June, with extensions
Interim programme;
- Friday; 31 may ;
from noon;
welcome party, @Dubliner Irish Pub,
Meet & greet, bar snacks,
ticket & t-shirt sale.
- Saturday; 1 June ; main events
12h -fun & footy tournament
18h -grill party ; connections
21h - benefit concert & dance
- Sunday 2nd June final day ;
11-13h "Sendvic brunch" @ Pub
14h semi finals
15h Final
then "Surprise event"..
& extra activities for those who stay ..!
...& enjoy this beautiful region..(& after the friendship party....make more friends.. with nature!) can stay for more days with us...
Jethro Tull - Thick as a Brick (Part 1)
CS> thick,,,! hmmmm
Triin P> ?
CS> = insensitive!
Elif > has written the following reference about you on your profile:
Chris hosted me for three nights in Podgarica, a city which people say that
is boring. :D But when we went around with Chris, it seems not more boring
that most other places in the Balkans. :D We went to the little fishing
village, where I was treated with home-grown tea and spices. Chris is a
very sociable person, he talks a lot and he listens a lot, too. It was
amazing having conversations with him about life and relationships, I
needed it. Thank you, Chris for everything and see you again sometime!
CS> may spend a few months (mid-summer) if i can find a good cheap apartment there ( and this ; http://www.facebook.com/groups/without.frontiers.ue )February 3rd, 2013 - 10:08 am
thanks again.. V! enjoy a "romantic italian carnival" ;) with Dom...
I finally got to couch at "GodMother"
Mum Artu fed me well
we watched a "scottish" (film from ken)
the story later , i will tell
Dined at the orient express in UE
another dream fulfilled
I drunk that much ("klingon")wine ("T'Ga"?)
i almost myself spilled.. :)
take care and thanks again
cu in Pg for my /BM? Birthday party..or anytime :)
CS , the Go(o)Dfather :)x
if u want to know the darkest of me...its here...!
Now 2 be alien (part1)http://now2balien.blogspot.com
(check sound..) :) CS
latest "production" final version on F-way (we come not to PAY ) dont complain - CAMPAIGN ..WE ARE THE CLUB...
CARE2 > action alert!
ReplyDeleteChinese trappers are illegally catching shorebirds indiscriminately -- including critically endangered spoon-billed sandpipers.
Save Endangered Shorebirds from Illegal Trapping
Chris East-west Invest Ursun posted in European REdS Meeting..to PARTY!
ReplyDeleteChris East-west Invest Ursun
8 February 13:06
REdbEL-LionnSnm1b ; http://youtu.be/N91nqZHkyKw
CARE2> Success!
ReplyDeleteSaving a bear sanctuary was just one of the many successes Care2 members celebrated in January.
Care2> action alert!
ReplyDeleteVietnam locked up 14 activists for speaking their minds. Let's show them the world won't tolerate stifling free speech.
CS>yes AND.. remember the USA also stifle freedom of opinion too!!