OPEN LETTER to the UNion; called "Spirit of Shankly"
"to whom it may concern"
ChriS SmiTH> please check this, take your time,
consider it, but please note this is MY feeling about "SoS"
My fellow Reds Supporter, Sean (you tube/Fb site "Fenway, we come not to PAY") invited me to pen this open letter.
I warned him that I would "pull no punches", because I am perhaps HARDER on those I expect the most from.
I grew up in a socialist family, and whilst my experiences have taken me into many experiences,worldwide, the core ethics of Socialism remain with me, and especially those stated on the "Spirit of Shankly" website
"The socialism I believe in is everyone working for each other, everyone having a share of the rewards. It's the way I see football, the way I see life." Bill Shankly
F S G embody the EXACT OPPOSITE of these ideals!!
Which is why so many of us are disgusted by the Failure of the UNION to confront John Henry; "Chairman" Tom Werner, and their F S G employees; Namely Ian Ayre!
why have "F S G" been given such an "easy ride" by the UNION?
You use the great BILL SHANKLY's name, yet BILL would surely be the first challenging the "infestors" and leading protests. What are F S G "Good for"?
Information from USA confirms that their financial empire is in freefall - so their "business acumen" is questionable.
- The "warrior promotion" is a joke.....
- they have no knowledge of footy (it is not "soccer")
- They are "absent" & without experience of running a UK business like Lfc. We dont want to be their "F(r)ANchise".
- no knowledge or experience of managing a global entity the size of LIVERPOOL (non american)
- no true understanding of our culture & passions
(the manner of Kenny's removal, the snubbing of Hillsborough memorial)
- they are cash poor (too many "cash promotions" are noted, that we don't see benefit of?)
- & failed to recognise Steve Clarke's value, (...ignoring the best manager we had in 20 years ; Rafa; who we love & who arguably deserved to complete the contract cut short by G & H)
- signed "average" Borini (due to "connections" with the Italian club)
- sanctioned BR bringing his favourite (the "average") Joe Allen
- their man "Chang" threatened fans!!
- Other "questionable dealings" ....Dempsey, Carroll, Ince, etc
Whilst, I tend to favour the youth policy installed by Rafa with Kenny and Rudolfo, the impression that we are now a "selling club" is an opinion widely spread.

The Supporters worldwide wont accept this situation, and "campaigns" are already progressing that reflect the opposition we had against "G & H". The apparent backing of former USA president Bush's campaign and the continuation of business relations with "standards corrupted" just remind us that these are not people that WE want in OUR CLUB.
We are the best supporters in the World, we built this club, made it famous Worldwide, invest our energy, passion and much of our income. People I meet all around the globe, even those who arent fans, know our reputation.
G & H damaged that and now F S G continue ruining OUR CLUB.
Many of us joined "SoS" in the belief you truly represent local & global supporters.
WE are the CLUB; WE are LIVERPOOL, but what are you.."Spirit of Shankly"...doing?

greetings from REdNET ; ( )
and OUR CLUB, ,we support this event and invite you to join as guest .....
contact for MonTV
thatchers funeral.. as see your "wall picture" it reminds me of this,,,
Team; Pepe, Glen, Carra, dAGGER, Jose, Lucas, Hendo, Allen, Stevie, Downing, LUIS..
REdNET> Marie , whats Allen doing! (full stop!) ... hes BR's boy!
Marie Buckley >Goal or not, he's a lightweight and too small, ineffective!
REdNeT > agreed selection error, despite his goal from 1/2 metre, tactical error, replacing Hendo with Shelvey, it seemed to take our "momentum" away makign 2 subs at that time.. and I would have put raheem on earlier than with 5 mins to go.. great support tonight, thats how it was & should be , every game! and if all our players showed the same commitment as Luis we would win everything..

CS>(SEan) keep on with the Vids... mind u i think its "unfair" using Katie, a trump card :) ... really think u are lucky to have a good woman, so rare these days.... and its clear U appreciate her... as u know I dont always agree with u, but i respect your passion.. do u want me to prepare a letter to SoS, (if I write it there will be no "punches pulled")
you know ! :)
...based on the following items v F S G ..
we should defend our club, however we have enemies in our own camp .. F S G .. so, what are F S G good for?
- their financial empire is in freefall - so their "business acumen" is in doubt
- The "warrior promotion" is a joke.....
- they have no knowledge of footy
- no experience of running a UK business
- no knowledge of managing a global entity (non american)
- no understanding of our culture (the manner of Kenny's removal, the snubbing of Hillsborough memorial)
- they are cash poor (too many cash "promotions, noted)
- failed to recognise Steve Clarke's value, and ...
(for me ignoring the best manager we had in 20 years ; Rafa who deserved to complete the contract cut short by G & H)
- signed Borini (due to "connections" with the Italian club) ..sanctioned BR bringing his favourite, Joe Allen but ....
and they tricked some good people into thinking they are "saviours" (SoS amongst them...)
CS> Seans F-way vids not surprised that these aRE being blocked too. (CS)
The Midfield of Stevie, Henderson & Lucas works well, we tend to leak goals when BR changes it and plays his boy Allen which then does make us "lightweight" , the failing has been in team cohesion too, and changing defence which is a weakness of BR's lack of experience...we are playing the price of F S G's lacl of interest or knowledge in our club and employing a "manager" who is really only a "coach" still learning his trade , .. F S G ignoring Rafa, or retaining Kenny as Footy director with Steve Clarke as coach is further evidence that F S G are wrong for our club,... all the rest going on at Lfc is "small talk " in comparison to this basic TRUTH!
Marie Buckley, > People get real...........who gives a fiddlers how Arse and Arsenal do.........why is it bothering LFC fans how Arsenal are playing, whether they win or loose or whether or not Wenger is going to be sacked...............worry about your own club and team.... if LFC dont get a result on Thursday night it will be a defining stage in the season.......
Tony Benson I thinks its to with the fact that Arsenal fans gloat because Liverpool are not in the champs Lg..I understand what you are saying but no harm to give back a bit of banter to these Gunners that think for some reason they have the right to laff or mock Liverpool..
33 minutes ago · Like · 4
Terry White spot on marie really does make me wonder sometimes if some of our lot follow LFC for the right reasons...did they just jump on the bandwagon that was lfc a few years back or we are a struggling club they take their frustrations out on more successful clubs of today like the mancs and the london clubs, Tony Benson other clubs fans have every right to gloat about us its only what we deserve if not more, our fans gloating is sheer jealousy of where the likes of the gunners are ...i wish it was us who were in the C/L as fans we need to take it on the chin & just hope our glory days return soon
Eoghan O'toole > Well said Marie Buckley
Tony Benson > As i said, i understand that...But i'm also saying there's nothing wrong with a bit of banter.What good for the goose an all that...From what you are saying,fans of other clubs can give stick and Liverpool fans should accept it..I don't think so.
16 minutes ago · Like
Chris Ursun > Tony, agree we should defend our club, however we have enemies in our own camp .. F S G .. what are F S G good for?
- their financial empire is in freefall - so their "business acumen" is in doubt
- The "warrior promotion" is a joke.....
- they have no knowledge of footy
- no experience of running a UK business
- no knowledge of managing a global entity (non american)
- no understanding of our culture (the manner of Kenny's removal, the snubbing of Hillsborough memorial)
- they are cash poor (too many cash "promotions, noted)
- failed to recognise Steve Clarke's value, and ...
(for me ignoring the best manager we had in 20 years ; Rafa who deserved to complete the contract cut short by G & H)
- signed Borini (due to "connections" with the Italian club) ..sanctioned BR bringing his favourite, Joe Allen but ....
so YES lets have a go at the mancs, cockneys and anyone...but lets get our priorities right, get our own order???
Stevie wonder ; you haven't done a thing..??
Mi treba da branimo naš klub , ali mi imamo neprijatelje u našem kampu .. P S G .. šta su P S G dobro?
- Njihova finansijska imperija je u slobodnom padu - tako da je njihova " poslovna sposobnost " je u nedoumici
-" Ratnik promocija " ješala .....
- Oni nemaju saznanja o fudbalu
- Nema iskustvo vodenja poslovanja u evropi
- Nikakvo znanje upravljanja globalnom entitet (ne americki )
- Nema razumevanje naše kulture (nacin uklanjanja Keni je , isnubbing od Hillsborough spomen , itd itd)
- Oni su siromašni gotovine ( previše gotovine promocije, navedeno)
- Nisu uspeli da prepoznaju Steve Klarkom je vrednost, i ...
... za mene ignorisanje najbolji menadžer smo imali u poslednjih 20 godina , Rafa (koji je zaslužio da završi 10 dvogodišnji ugovor , prekinut G & H )
- Potpisan Borini ( zbog " veze" sa italijanskom klubu ) .. sankcionisan BR dovodec´i svoj favorit, Džo Alen ali ....
Tako da hajde da se ide na mancs , cockneis i svako ... ali omoguc´ava dobiti pravu naše prioritete , dobiti sopstvenu kuc´u .. kako ?
ChriS SmiTH > really hope to see you in the Balkans this year??
Evita T>I don't know yet, I wish I would be there! nice day to u Chris:)
CS> Well if u can afford the travel, the rest will cost "nothing" as i would like u to be guest!
OTHER items * "humour"
(from an Irish RED!!)
Everyone seems to be in such a hurry to scream 'racism' these days.
A customer asked, "In what aisle could I find the Irish sausage?"
The assistant asks, "Are you Irish?"
The guy, clearly offended, says, "Yes I am. But let me ask you something. If I had asked for Italian sausage, would you ask me if I was Italian?
Or if I had asked for German Bratwurst, would you ask me if I was German?
Or if I asked for a kosher hot dog would you ask me if I was Jewish?
Or if I had asked for a Taco, would you ask if I was Mexican?
Or if I asked for Polish sausage, would you ask if I was Polish?"
The assistant says, "No, I probably wouldn't."
The guy says, "Well then, just because I asked for Irish sausage, why did you ask me if I'm Irish?"
The assistant replied, "Because you're in Halfords."
a poem for "today" .. "y-our way?"
cant YOu find a way
to exist without selling y-our soul?
is money or power the only reason
that you are as blind as a mole?
cant you see what life should be?
caring for the kids, for you, for me?
I try not to hate your ignorance
& ruin this planet with your selfish stance
dont make me angry with you
that brings nothing but pain
make this a better day.
and tomorrow, in every way, a gain
dont be a whore for the system
please value your soul
make caring a reason to live
make honesty more than a goal
I have lost too many
so i hold on to the few
and hope you all learn a better way
look in the mirror, long & hard, find a better you..
=================================================Subject: CS-R2 Re: CS 13221 (Ue Bmm?)
[do not respond directly to this email, use the link]
I dont want to go into the "thread" again but I feel less inclined now to open my birthday party to people I dont know. and there are people who probably will attend that I honestly wouldnt go out of my way to "please" in MNE, but as the UE event is gonna be open to "anyone" that could be combined with BMM , if u/they want to add it as "option" ?
artu wrote:
>Milano was fun. too many people at the party, but still fun.
>Ye, I've noticed your meeting for the UE weekend and have subscribed as maybe. If I'll be here that weekend, I'd definitely join.
>As for the BMM, is your offer still valid meaning shall we have it as an option when I set up the poll? I got lost in the thread while I was in MI.
CS> HiY Vesna,
hope u enjoyed Milano.
I did mention that I am supporting an event in UE,
I decided not to react any more to the BMM thread unless someone insults me directly again..
>>but this is the link (as I did notice u suggested UR as an alternative location for this years spring BMM)
cuvaj se!
Chris East-west Invest Ursun> Zdravo Dusica, I am sure u dont understand me, but as it took almost 2 years for us to have any meaningful conversation, I have to persue the situation or "not" I am confident of success if my own energy and enthusiasm is only even partially matched.. i have wasted too much time with wrong ppl , but they taught me not to waste any more..this is my "organisational identity" and if u realyl want o "make a difference, lets get together in the next days, i am sure the Kotor project wont interfere with it, and in fact IMO these things should be integrated, so many times I have seen WASTED energy by people who have good causes but WONT share resources or co-operate,,,its easy for me, I have done it all, but its also a curse. as i know too much :0 ... (yes of course I find you very attractive, they put me in mans body on this mad planet...but thats "another story" ..) i am honest! ... ChRiS ...
campaigning REdNET v F S G
the creative academy for support and self-supporting life-style ,
- body, mind & SPIRIT.. ...doing it for the kids
confronting and waking up the people..
N.E.P.A.K. for parents and kids in pain...
Only once this season in the Premier League have Liverpool come from behind to win, while when conceding the first goal (which you can say they have essentially already done here) they are W1 D5 L9.
..totally off subject but.. WTF are barca wearing, looks like their sponsors are an ice cream manufacturer, i keep wanting to adjust the colour on my Tv... wouldnt be surprised if the yankers make it our change strip (if they are still around come summer) ..we wouldnt need floodlights at Anfield in that kit... LMAO!

OPEN LETTER to the UNion; called "Spirit of Shankly"
"to whom it may concern"
ChriS SmiTH> please check this, take your time,

My fellow Reds Supporter, Sean (you tube/Fb site "Fenway, we come not to PAY") invited me to pen this open letter.
I warned him that I would "pull no punches", because I am perhaps HARDER on those I expect the most from.
I grew up in a socialist family, and whilst my experiences have taken me into many experiences,worldwide, the core ethics of Socialism remain with me, and especially those stated on the "Spirit of Shankly" website
"The socialism I believe in is everyone working for each other, everyone having a share of the rewards. It's the way I see football, the way I see life." Bill Shankly
F S G embody the EXACT OPPOSITE of these ideals!!
Which is why so many of us are disgusted by the Failure of the UNION to confront John Henry; "Chairman" Tom Werner, and their F S G employees; Namely Ian Ayre!
why have "F S G" been given such an "easy ride" by the UNION?
You use the great BILL SHANKLY's name, yet BILL would surely be the first challenging the "infestors" and leading protests. What are F S G "Good for"?
Information from USA confirms that their financial empire is in freefall - so their "business acumen" is questionable.
- The "warrior promotion" is a joke.....
- they have no knowledge of footy (it is not "soccer")
- They are "absent" & without experience of running a UK business like Lfc. We dont want to be their "F(r)ANchise".
- no knowledge or experience of managing a global entity the size of LIVERPOOL (non american)
- no true understanding of our culture & passions
(the manner of Kenny's removal, the snubbing of Hillsborough memorial)
- they are cash poor (too many "cash promotions" are noted, that we don't see benefit of?)
- & failed to recognise Steve Clarke's value, (...ignoring the best manager we had in 20 years ; Rafa; who we love & who arguably deserved to complete the contract cut short by G & H)
- signed "average" Borini (due to "connections" with the Italian club)
- sanctioned BR bringing his favourite (the "average") Joe Allen
- their man "Chang" threatened fans!!
- Other "questionable dealings" ....Dempsey, Carroll, Ince, etc
Whilst, I tend to favour the youth policy installed by Rafa with Kenny and Rudolfo, the impression that we are now a "selling club" is an opinion widely spread.

The Supporters worldwide wont accept this situation, and "campaigns" are already progressing that reflect the opposition we had against "G & H". The apparent backing of former USA president Bush's campaign and the continuation of business relations with "standards corrupted" just remind us that these are not people that WE want in OUR CLUB.
We are the best supporters in the World, we built this club, made it famous Worldwide, invest our energy, passion and much of our income. People I meet all around the globe, even those who arent fans, know our reputation.
G & H damaged that and now F S G continue ruining OUR CLUB.
Many of us joined "SoS" in the belief you truly represent local & global supporters.
WE are the CLUB; WE are LIVERPOOL, but what are you.."Spirit of Shankly"...doing?


and OUR CLUB, ,we support this event and invite you to join as guest .....
contact for MonTV
thatchers funeral.. as see your "wall picture" it reminds me of this,,,

Marie Buckley >Goal or not, he's a lightweight and too small, ineffective!
REdNeT > agreed selection error, despite his goal from 1/2 metre, tactical error, replacing Hendo with Shelvey, it seemed to take our "momentum" away makign 2 subs at that time.. and I would have put raheem on earlier than with 5 mins to go.. great support tonight, thats how it was & should be , every game! and if all our players showed the same commitment as Luis we would win everything..

CS>(SEan) keep on with the Vids... mind u i think its "unfair" using Katie, a trump card :) ... really think u are lucky to have a good woman, so rare these days.... and its clear U appreciate her... as u know I dont always agree with u, but i respect your passion.. do u want me to prepare a letter to SoS, (if I write it there will be no "punches pulled")
you know ! :)
...based on the following items v F S G ..
we should defend our club, however we have enemies in our own camp .. F S G .. so, what are F S G good for?
- their financial empire is in freefall - so their "business acumen" is in doubt
- The "warrior promotion" is a joke.....
- they have no knowledge of footy
- no experience of running a UK business
- no knowledge of managing a global entity (non american)
- no understanding of our culture (the manner of Kenny's removal, the snubbing of Hillsborough memorial)
- they are cash poor (too many cash "promotions, noted)
- failed to recognise Steve Clarke's value, and ...
(for me ignoring the best manager we had in 20 years ; Rafa who deserved to complete the contract cut short by G & H)
- signed Borini (due to "connections" with the Italian club) ..sanctioned BR bringing his favourite, Joe Allen but ....
and they tricked some good people into thinking they are "saviours" (SoS amongst them...)
CS> Seans F-way vids not surprised that these aRE being blocked too. (CS)
Marie Buckley, > People get real...........who gives a fiddlers how Arse and Arsenal do.........why is it bothering LFC fans how Arsenal are playing, whether they win or loose or whether or not Wenger is going to be sacked...............worry about your own club and team.... if LFC dont get a result on Thursday night it will be a defining stage in the season.......
Tony Benson I thinks its to with the fact that Arsenal fans gloat because Liverpool are not in the champs Lg..I understand what you are saying but no harm to give back a bit of banter to these Gunners that think for some reason they have the right to laff or mock Liverpool..
33 minutes ago · Like · 4
Terry White spot on marie really does make me wonder sometimes if some of our lot follow LFC for the right reasons...did they just jump on the bandwagon that was lfc a few years back or we are a struggling club they take their frustrations out on more successful clubs of today like the mancs and the london clubs, Tony Benson other clubs fans have every right to gloat about us its only what we deserve if not more, our fans gloating is sheer jealousy of where the likes of the gunners are ...i wish it was us who were in the C/L as fans we need to take it on the chin & just hope our glory days return soon
Eoghan O'toole > Well said Marie Buckley
Tony Benson > As i said, i understand that...But i'm also saying there's nothing wrong with a bit of banter.What good for the goose an all that...From what you are saying,fans of other clubs can give stick and Liverpool fans should accept it..I don't think so.
16 minutes ago · Like
Chris Ursun > Tony, agree we should defend our club, however we have enemies in our own camp .. F S G .. what are F S G good for?
- their financial empire is in freefall - so their "business acumen" is in doubt
- The "warrior promotion" is a joke.....
- they have no knowledge of footy
- no experience of running a UK business
- no knowledge of managing a global entity (non american)
- no understanding of our culture (the manner of Kenny's removal, the snubbing of Hillsborough memorial)
- they are cash poor (too many cash "promotions, noted)
- failed to recognise Steve Clarke's value, and ...
(for me ignoring the best manager we had in 20 years ; Rafa who deserved to complete the contract cut short by G & H)
- signed Borini (due to "connections" with the Italian club) ..sanctioned BR bringing his favourite, Joe Allen but ....
so YES lets have a go at the mancs, cockneys and anyone...but lets get our priorities right, get our own order???
Stevie wonder ; you haven't done a thing..??
Mi treba da branimo naš klub , ali mi imamo neprijatelje u našem kampu .. P S G .. šta su P S G dobro?
- Njihova finansijska imperija je u slobodnom padu - tako da je njihova " poslovna sposobnost " je u nedoumici
-" Ratnik promocija " ješala .....
- Oni nemaju saznanja o fudbalu
- Nema iskustvo vodenja poslovanja u evropi
- Nikakvo znanje upravljanja globalnom entitet (ne americki )
- Nema razumevanje naše kulture (nacin uklanjanja Keni je , isnubbing od Hillsborough spomen , itd itd)
- Nisu uspeli da prepoznaju Steve Klarkom je vrednost, i ...
... za mene ignorisanje najbolji menadžer smo imali u poslednjih 20 godina , Rafa (koji je zaslužio da završi 10 dvogodišnji ugovor , prekinut G & H )
- Potpisan Borini ( zbog " veze" sa italijanskom klubu ) .. sankcionisan BR dovodec´i svoj favorit, Džo Alen ali ....
Tako da hajde da se ide na mancs , cockneis i svako ... ali omoguc´ava dobiti pravu naše prioritete , dobiti sopstvenu kuc´u .. kako ?
ChriS SmiTH > really hope to see you in the Balkans this year??
Evita T>I don't know yet, I wish I would be there! nice day to u Chris:)
CS> Well if u can afford the travel, the rest will cost "nothing" as i would like u to be guest!
OTHER items * "humour"

(from an Irish RED!!)
Everyone seems to be in such a hurry to scream 'racism' these days.
A customer asked, "In what aisle could I find the Irish sausage?"
The assistant asks, "Are you Irish?"
The guy, clearly offended, says, "Yes I am. But let me ask you something. If I had asked for Italian sausage, would you ask me if I was Italian?
Or if I had asked for German Bratwurst, would you ask me if I was German?
Or if I asked for a kosher hot dog would you ask me if I was Jewish?
Or if I had asked for a Taco, would you ask if I was Mexican?
Or if I asked for Polish sausage, would you ask if I was Polish?"
The assistant says, "No, I probably wouldn't."
The guy says, "Well then, just because I asked for Irish sausage, why did you ask me if I'm Irish?"
The assistant replied, "Because you're in Halfords."
![]() |
Kids Need to Play OUTSIDE , again |
cant YOu find a way
to exist without selling y-our soul?
is money or power the only reason
that you are as blind as a mole?
cant you see what life should be?
caring for the kids, for you, for me?
I try not to hate your ignorance
& ruin this planet with your selfish stance
dont make me angry with you
that brings nothing but pain
make this a better day.
and tomorrow, in every way, a gain
dont be a whore for the system
please value your soul
make caring a reason to live
make honesty more than a goal
I have lost too many
so i hold on to the few
and hope you all learn a better way
look in the mirror, long & hard, find a better you..
=================================================Subject: CS-R2 Re: CS 13221 (Ue Bmm?)
[do not respond directly to this email, use the link]
I dont want to go into the "thread" again but I feel less inclined now to open my birthday party to people I dont know. and there are people who probably will attend that I honestly wouldnt go out of my way to "please" in MNE, but as the UE event is gonna be open to "anyone" that could be combined with BMM , if u/they want to add it as "option" ?
artu wrote:
>Milano was fun. too many people at the party, but still fun.
>Ye, I've noticed your meeting for the UE weekend and have subscribed as maybe. If I'll be here that weekend, I'd definitely join.
>As for the BMM, is your offer still valid meaning shall we have it as an option when I set up the poll? I got lost in the thread while I was in MI.

hope u enjoyed Milano.
I did mention that I am supporting an event in UE,
I decided not to react any more to the BMM thread unless someone insults me directly again..
>>but this is the link (as I did notice u suggested UR as an alternative location for this years spring BMM)
cuvaj se!
Chris East-west Invest Ursun> Zdravo Dusica, I am sure u dont understand me, but as it took almost 2 years for us to have any meaningful conversation, I have to persue the situation or "not" I am confident of success if my own energy and enthusiasm is only even partially matched.. i have wasted too much time with wrong ppl , but they taught me not to waste any more..this is my "organisational identity" and if u realyl want o "make a difference, lets get together in the next days, i am sure the Kotor project wont interfere with it, and in fact IMO these things should be integrated, so many times I have seen WASTED energy by people who have good causes but WONT share resources or co-operate,,,its easy for me, I have done it all, but its also a curse. as i know too much :0 ... (yes of course I find you very attractive, they put me in mans body on this mad planet...but thats "another story" ..) i am honest! ... ChRiS ...
campaigning REdNET v F S G
the creative academy for support and self-supporting life-style ,
- body, mind & SPIRIT.. ...doing it for the kids
confronting and waking up the people..
N.E.P.A.K. for parents and kids in pain...
Only once this season in the Premier League have Liverpool come from behind to win, while when conceding the first goal (which you can say they have essentially already done here) they are W1 D5 L9.
ReplyDelete nutter or Genius, the yankers like J P Morgan, made sure we never got the benefit!