- CS v Fannies...
THEY came not to PAY
& "WE are THE CLUB..
dont complain = CAMPAIGN!!
Shanks wrote in his autobiography that he got "sick of arguing & fighting" within his club..
sometimes I feel like this.. when a situation is so obvious (like when we all knew that the USA lied over Kennedy assasination) but some people just wont admit it...
I keep saying "dont complain ; CAMPAIGN.."
but.. read on and maybe, just maybe you will agree...or not ;)
ChRiS> I spit on Henry for what he did to a man of honour Lfc should never just be only about winning we deserve better and so did Kenny..I shouldnt have to explain that to YOU, REdS, the biggest problem with our fans is a lack of belief ... scousers are great people, but it took Shanks to make our club a global entity, the spirit was eroded..especially after heysel and Hillsborough.
. ... and the wrong pppl made decisions about our club... and now this defeatist sheep-like attitude breeds apathy within and without our club.. Kenny was brought back by Rafa, that was a great basis, of a proper dynasty that could last ...they brought in 25 top international class young kids local and from abroad.. Ian knows FA about what u can do, in admin, as a supporters/community owned club, we should ignore the failure of SoS-shareLfc which came together 2 years after I advised them to combine...
... have u ever managed a joint venture or international network.. ? have you ? this " little englander" mentality that limited our club so often and never matched the Vision of Shanks off field that he had within the game.. we are our own worst enemies.
.... something has been profoundly wrong since even before Moores sold us out to the first lot of yankers! ..a disaster chain; , Moores-parry-Hicks-broughton-purslow-hodgson-the terrible way they removed Kenny...
F S G appointing a coach who hasnt won anything,,,the dempsey affair, Andy loaned out without striker cover, Henry snubbed memorial, igonored Rafa, let Ince go then offer 6 million? .. Rafa & Kenny brought 25 top class kids into Accadeny and FSG decisions are ruining that legacy by selling badly and buying badly
..the myth of Henry's "acumen" destroyed by his 50% losses in the USA financial market .. poodle Ayre & (media-man) Werner who also knows "FA" about our culture, bringing in Warrior who employ a cockney rapper to voiceover a slogan that is opposite to our "play football" culture.. and still so many fans thing footy is a video game.
.. we are carrying FSG not the other way round.. we have over 7 million fans worldwide, and without winning the league since 2o years STILL in the top 10 richest clubs... does anyone get it????..WE shoudl own the club because it is FANS money, not "owners" that keep it afloat,
,,.. LFc has been mis-managed in the boardroom since decades... we have to take it over, we can raise 200-300 million through global share offering , and employ PROPER professionals in the office and bring back Kenny & Rafa on the footy side.. REcreate a strong "boot room" who are OUR people.. these 2 live in Liverpool and are wasted by yankers!!
..Kenny & Steve could have had the same relation as Bob paisley and Kenny had when Kenny became manager in the 80's or even with BR under Kenny. why shoudl we pay for "buck" to earn his experience ? we are a global club, not portsmouth or swansea....FFS! at least if we had (local) "bankers" in our club we have a chance to question their actions , rather than remote "yankers" who aer just draining cash...wake up ppl!! ..oh and anyone mentioned that Henry & co back geo.w***Ker Bush's election campaign...?? never mind eh? enough ???? or do want more reasons that FSG should go
....(well they will go when Henry's empire crashes).. the important thing is to legally seperate our club from them a.s.a.p!!! SoS have funds we put in, a legal injunction now could save our club.. please wake up !!!
the "debt" was a virtual one made by G & H / Moores.. not our club.. they didnt (even) pay 200 million there is no record of such money transfer by Henry & co... NESV (F S G) used Anfield & Melwood as banking credit (not their own collateral) and have since taken their "investment" back out!!!! the whole show was a sham, the same broker involved with Henry as who brought in Gillet? .. YES we do believe (those of us who supported this club since the days of Shanks, all over europe, on the terraces and through good and bad times.. we dont think we do - WE KNOW WE ARE THE CLUB= and FSG clones would have to be kicked out first
...along with their (failed ) financial system of capitalist exploitation of clubs like ours and supporters who spend every penny on our club WE made the songs , we carried the banners, bought the kit ,scarves & paid the ticket prices that went from less than 1 up to 50 pounds during my time!.. YES we do ... because without us there is NO LIVERPOOL FOOTBALL CLUB.. we got G & H out - and WE will get Henry & co OUT , just watch us!! https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=380884972006640 we will bring back Kenny & Rafa and employ professional management , who dont kiss F S G or other yanker a**es!
ChRiS> now the fannie "response"
Ian Kewin > Idiot!!
People like you would bankrupt the club in a year guaranteed. Hostile is all you are and brainless.

I spit on Henry for what he did to a man of honour Lfc should never just be only about winning we deserve better and so did Kenny..I shouldnt have to explain that to YOU,REdS, the biggest problem with our fans is a lack of belief scousers are great people, but it took Shanks to make our club a global entity, the spirit was eroded..especially after heysel and Hillsborough.
. and the wrong pppl made decisions about our club... and now this defeatist sheep-like attitude breeds apathy within and without our club.. Kenny was brought back by Rafa, that was a great basis, of a proper dynasty that could last ...they brought in 25 top international class young kids local and from abroad.. Ian knows FA about what u can do, in admin, as a supporters/community owned club, we should ignore the failure of SoS-SshareLfc which came together 2 years after I advised them to combine... <snip ; see above>
Ian, that clever "response" of yours ! wow , just proves how "educated" YOU are?? ha ha
.. the club WAS made "bankrupt by people like YOU!" "money people"like G & H who loaded us with debt..
& mismanaged OUR CLUB! anyone who has managed an international enterprise of any worth would be shocked by the methods applied to Lfc
(or rather not applied)
In what other "business" would a "global name" with several million captured customers sell its self so cheaply???
..note the word CLUB., Ian, .. look it up and teach yourself SOMEthing at least! hold on, as your lazy response indicates u may be too "clever"
to do that, i will copy it here for you...
"A club is an association of two or more people united by a common interest or goal.
A service club, for example, exists for voluntary or charitable activities; there are clubs devoted to hobbies and sports,
social activities clubs, political and religious clubs, and so forth."
i am so happy that i am not as "educated" as you are... i prefer the "FenwayWeComeNotToPay truth" o
ver the "prawn sandwich" brigade! for the "uneducated" .... go to .... https://www.facebook.com/FenwayWeComeNotToPay
Ian Kewin > Like I said. Hostile idiot!
How was Man Utd purchased? Look it up yourself. And where are Man Utd now? On top! It is about how you do things not about what you do! The Glazers do well out of Utd but they still fund players. David Moores sold Liverpool football club because he could not afford to invest the required funds in it. He sold the club down the river not people like, however people like you frighten away the Arab billionaires by demanding anyone coming in risks the club and themselves to satisfy hostile fan demand. Hostile fans who thrive on hating yanks and not on supporting the team.
Linda Chivall-Robinson > I am sorry to say it Chris but in my opinion Kenny was not a very good manager. He appeared at a crucial time to steady the Club and for that I am grateful. A brilliant player but not a good manager. With regard to finances, I still say that our Club was saved from bankruptcy at the last minute. I am willing to give Brendan at least another year. They are starting to play Football which is similar to our great teams of the seventies and eighties. I think they are right to try to cap players' wagers. That is what is wrong with the game. The greed of the players. Someone has to put their foot down and I am glad that our Club is at least trying to do something about it. They will not be blackmailed either which is why we did not pursue our purchase of certain players. I know you are passionate about our Club, all Liverpool supporters are but we have to be realistic. Nowadays more than ever the Football Industry is a business, and for anyone to risk their money and to try to create stability in our Club I am grateful for. The previous lot actually borrowed money to buy our Club. We are better off without them. Give them another year and then talk again. We are going around in circles with you with regard to our opinions. I believe in your passion but I think you need to take a deep breath, step back and give them a chance.
Ian Kewin > Could not have put it better Linda. Well said. These youngsters have much to learn lol
Ian , I support the team, always , and I dont have to answer to a fool like you.. u call me hostile yet its you throwing the insults around, I know there are a lot of LFc fans.. who cant admit they have been fooled twice .. In a way i agree about Moore's action being selfish and short-sighted.. he would have raised more money , even for himself. over time if he had made a private share issue .. with our global fan base being as big as any.. .. u dont know my relationship with Arab billionaires so that is another "smart comment" by you eh? .. Linda, if u think that a man like Kenny who gave everything to this club, who was not only a legendary player, but won our first double in his first season as manager, and won the football league twice more, and the Premiership with Blackburn, deserved to be sacked after one full season of a 3 year contact, just a couple of months after Henry & Werner gave him a "vote of confidence" then u should be ashamed.!!!!! . Kenny deserved more loyalty form us, what he did as a player, as a manager and as a man, for the club & the Liverpool community , he attended all those funerals , Marina too, Kenny put the griief of 96 families before himself and his own family and career, who arguably saved us from a religation-headed Hodgson... and Ian , thanks for calling me a youngster, if i was, I would call you outside!
and just because the Mancs so something, thats hardly a comparison, if we had won their trophies in the last 20 years we would have double the fans...but our club is not just about money or success, its also about dignity and spirit , of which neither of you seem to have!
p.s. as for "reality" Fenway are in debt, Henry's empire is in freefall, check the USA financial news.. we have "management" which are remote and clueless about football & decision making is a catastrophe! ..some stability? dont make me laugh!
....they have had 2 years ..thats more than they gave Kenny and they didnt even give Rafa, one of the best tacticians in european football, an interview... but ok, keep on kissing their backsides... without any logic at all! when u have some back up for your reasons let me know , because right now neither you or Ian have given me any logical reason to have faith in the bunch of liars frauds & cheats that are F S G !
The only people who would own the Club would be Bankers. They would sell our best players because they would see it was the financial thing to do. Whereas Kenny was a brilliant footballer, I do not believe that he has the heart to be a manager.
Drake Richards> FSG might have saved us from admin but they didnt do so because they are warm hearted philanthropists..
..You have to remember they bought one of the biggest names and 'brands ' in world football for a Poundland price.
.So far they have invested very little..Nando Torres bankrolled most of Kenny's outlay
.You can't treat a man of Dalglish's stature like he was treated.
His bond to the club goes much deeper than any achievements as a player or manager
Ian Kewin > Behave drake, £300 million is not a poundland price you.
You talk like Liverpool was the wealthiest club in the bloody world when they bough it.
Understand, the previous owners agreed to buy the club from Moores for £245 million.
I don't know where you base your financial value of the club you are just bandwagonning on the back of the clubs name.
Do your homework and speak sensibly and in realistic terms and try to understand what you are talking about before shouting off.
Torres did not bank roll the £58 million Kenny Dalgish spent in August 2011,
he bankrolled the purchases of Carroll and Suarez in the previous transfer window in the January.
Again you are spouting about things you are wildly inaccurate in your understanding of.
And no-one buys a world brand for love, you are talking dumb,
the club whether you like it or not is a business not a social club for under educated fans who think
just because they support the club they have the right to run it!!!!!
I spit on Henry for what he did to a man of honour Lfc should never just be only about winning we deserve better and so did Kenny..I shouldnt have to explain that to YOU, Linda, the biggest problem with our fans is a lack of belief <snip>
Ian, the "debt" was a virtual one made by G & H / Moores.. not our club.. they didnt (even) pay 200 million there is no record of such money transfer by Henry & co... NESV (F S G) used Anfield & Melwood as banking credit (not their own collateral) and have since taken their "investment" back out!!!! the whole show was a sham, the same broker involved with Henry as who brought in Gillet? .. YES IAN we do believe (those of us who supported this club since the days of Shanks, all over europe, on the terraces and through good and bad times.. we dont think we do - WE KNOW WE ARE THE CLUB= and U are the sort of FSG clone that I would kick out ...along with your financial system of capitalist exploitation of clubs like ours and supporters who spend every penny on our club WE made the songs , we carried the banners, bought the kit ,scarves & paid the ticket prices that went from less than 1 up to 50 pounds during my time!.. YES we do ... because without us there is NO LIVERPOOL FOOTBALL CLUB.. we got G & H out - and WE will get Henry & co OUT , just watch us!! https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=380884972006640 we will bring back Kenny & Rafa and employ professional management , who dont kiss F S G or other yanker a**es!
Uploaded on 23 Jan 2013
We are the club - (they) came not to pay Campaign video..
23 Jan 1900 the battle of Spion Kop in the 2nd Boer War started - it would later be the name for a mound of earth behind a goal at Anfield!
Linda Chivall-Robinson>
Southampton £10.2m bid for Coutinho is accepted by Inter
According to the Daily Mail, Southampton have leapfrogged Liverpool in the race to sign Philippe Coutinho from Inter Milan after having a £10.2million bid accepted for the midfielder.
LFC had a £6.3m offer rejected for the Brazilian last Friday and have improved that bid to £8m.
They will now have to match Southampton's package to stand a chance of luring Coutinho to Merseyside....
Why do they choose to go to Southampton? Cannot understand this. He hasn't signed yet.
too expensive!
Linda Chivall-Robinson> Last I heard it was now £9m?!
ChRiS> madness!
10 hours ago · Like
George Delovino Raimondi > Playing time... I like the kid on Fifa 2013 for xbox... I hope we match
Drake Richards > not sure this guy is worth the money but if we are getting out bid and muscled out financially by Southhampton something is profoundly wrong
ChRiS> Drake.. something has been profoundly wrong since even before Moores sold us out to the first lot of yankers! ..a disaster chain, Moores-parry-Hicks-broughton-purslow-hodgson
-the terrible way they removed Kenny
appointing a coach who hasnt won anything,,,
the dempsey affair,
Andy loaned out without striker cover,
Henry snubbed memorial,
ignored Rafa,
let Ince go then offer 6 million?
.. Rafa & Kenny brought 25 top class kids into Accademy and FSG decisions are ruining that legacy by selling badly and buying badly..the myth of Henrys "acumen" destropyed by his 50% losses in the USA financial market
.. poodle Ayre & Werner who also knows "FA" about our culture bringing in Warrior who employ a cockney rapper to voiceover a slogan that is opposite to our "play football" culture.. and still so many fans thing footy is a video game... we are carrying FSG not the other way round.. we have over 7 million fans worldwide, and without winning the league since 2o years STILL in the top 10 richest clubs
... does anyone get it..WE shoudl own the club because its FANS money, not "owners" that keep it afloat,,,.. LFc has been mis-mamaged in the boardroom sinec decades... we have to take it over, we can raise 200-300 million through global share offering , and employ PROPER professionals in the office and bring back Kenny & Rafa on the footy side.. REcreate a strong "boot room" who are OUR people.. these 2 live in Liverpool and are wasted by yankers!! ...FFS!
"Liverpool fans will leaflet supporters at Wednesday's game against Arsenal in protest at the Gunners' policy of charging £62 for away tickets."
Ian Kewin> I doubt Arsenal would appreciate it lol
Linda Chivall-Robinson> Ian, what do Liverpool charge visiting supporters? I have no idea nowadays.
Ian Kewin> About £40 i believe .
Linda Chivall-Robinson> It is still a lot but not as bad as Arsenal. I think away fans are brilliant. We used to travel to all the away games. You got herded like cattle at some grounds. I am too old to go now, but used to love it.
Ian Kewin > You are never too old Linda, you are still young by todays standards.
Linda Chivall-Robinson > Bless you. the spirit is willing etc.........!
Mind you I did go and watch our U18 and U16 teams play against Crystal Palace at the end of last year. I had just come out of hospital after a knee op. but I stood between the two pitches and watched both games at once. Took me back to Melwood days when you could just walk in and watch the A and B teams play.
ChRiS> good idea by SoS but they ought to be campaigning against FSG too..https://www.facebook.com/FenwayWeComeNotToPay
Fenway. We Come Not To Pay
(Gillett and Hicks nearly put this club in adminstration and bankrupcy. )
Linda Chivall-Robinson > Fenway did stop our Club going bankrupt. We could have ended up like Glasgow Rangers. I will still give them time.
ChRiS> Linda, no they didnt ,if we had gone into admin, supporters and Liverpool community could have taken over the club, and NOT had any "owners" (they dont love uis, its just "business" ..Henry's empire is crumbling and will sink us with him if we dont get them out).. it was a complete smokescreen.. they used Anfield and Melwood to obtain bank credit, have made no new investment.(sellling players more than buying) .We have MASSIVE income from shirts, tv global sales, and sponsors.. and so on..they sacked Kenny, (for that i spit on them..) snubbed Rafa, ignored hillsborough memorial..what makes u think they deserve "time" ..please check out the group and then tell me why u want them in our club...we should take it over..they just use OUR money, with 7 million fans worldwide there is enough income to support our club IF managed properly.. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=380884972006640
Ian Kewin> Chris you are talking out of your hat.
Linda Chivall-Robinson> That was the telling statement 'If managed properly.' Who would you appoint to manage the Club?
Linda Chivall-Robinson One thing I do agree with is their attempt to get the wage bill down. It is ludicrous. We had the same problem when Souness took over from Dalglish. The wages were too high and a lot of the players were quite old. Souness inherited that. I am glad that they are trying to get the Club onto a more stable financial footing.
ian,, that is a really deep response, u got me, I cant cope with such intellect!
... do u know that Henrys financial empire has lost half its investments in recent years.. why are there so many ppl fooled just because they cant accept that they are fooled twice first G & H and then F S G...
... I want them out , if only.. for the simple way they treated Kenny, WE owe Kenny for what he did for us, our club and the community... to give him a 3 year contract and break it after one full season??.,just shows they are sh&te! ..argue with that??
Linda, I would bring Kenny and Rafa back for the football and proper executives to manage promotion and marketing via supporters distribution outlets worldwide of our "LIVERBIRD" brand..any "business" with 7 million "captured" customers..shouldbe in profit..add Tv etc, etc tickets, etc etc..but WE should own the club not them..
...a supporter share via private distribution organised by our club properly could raise 200-300 million itself.. then theres ex players and celebrity fans that would join us..
Ian Kewin > Have you seen how difficult it is to have the supporters take over a club?? Look at Pompey and learn something about the reality of administration and it's true implications before coming up with hypothetical arguments!! The courts have a big say what happens not the supporters. Lol
how can u compare pompey (with a uk based following with OUR CLUB?? u seem to have their small miinded approach..and would rather have yankers exploiting our global image than supporters, u dont make e
F S G didnt get involved because they run a charity, they wanted to get their fingers in our global pie..
Finally the penny has dropped. People are now starting to realize that Liverpool Football Club is doing nothin under the grasp of the Yanks. They are limited us in every way. Spread the word, join the page, check out our youtube account. (seanoc)
. We Come Not To Pay > tell the truth,when YOU KNOW we are right, thats how Shanks taught us.. (CS) would u be "loyal" to a nazi government IF the cabbages had won WW2??
they tried to block this several times, audio backing has been blocked..but if you WANT to, you will "get the picture" :) (CS)
audio deleted I'll try to get over their "blocks"..
ChriS SmiTH> "Redmen" is for Locals = REdNET is for global..REDS!
Scott Morrice> Why limit it to Champions League football? What with a non Champions league place team going to win the Carling Cup, qualifying for any form of European Competition via the league could be hard. I think he will be Falcao's replacement at Atletico or possibly go to Juventus
. We Come Not To Pay > PLEASE note; this is not a speculation-discussion forum, this group is for anti-FSG actions and relevant info, JOIN THE CAMPAIGN!! (CS)
SEAN> Fenway. We Come Not To Pay chris, this post is relevant to the group BECAUSE fenway are dragging this club down... and we wont qualify for champ league and therefore will lose players if we dont get these yanks out
. We Come Not To Pay just have to avoid this forum being distracted into YET another "transfer chat place" there is already too much chat by fans and not enough ACTion..mate (CS)
Scott Morrice> Surely though transfers are relevant in terms of FSG strategy for Liverpool. What's the policy, buy exciting young. Sounds good but its flawed. Because at the end of the day, it is about FSG not spending money and properly investing in team. If they wanted the best young talent, they would buy players like Neymar, Muniain and not worry about the price. Instead, they jus want the cheap option of investing in a player HOPING they come good
. We Come Not To Pay Scott ok, got u, but...theres a difference between discussing the whole of the F S G "strategy" (which is almost a contradiction in terms, as they dont understand footym our culture, or indeed arent the "financial wizards" that was claimed when "saving us from the previous yankers) what I mean to say is lets not get too much into spending time on opinions about players and distract ourselves from REAL action (rarther than online "chat") ..how many of you are joining the poster campaign, wearing "we are the club" t-shirts, boycotting official shops... protesting at games- THAT is surely the aim of this group! (CS)..
BR is making fans "PR" ,... probably agreed the "script" with Henry.. because they see that fans are gettimg impatient with Br too.. dont be fooled by PR-opaganda.. JOIN THE CAMPAIGN!! (CS)
yes, I am in one of those moods today, BBC report that USA will allow their fee-male soldiers to fight at the front line,
GREAT!, I would like in fact to volunteer a lot of modern feemales to go forward in the front line, modern women...
...seem PERFECTLY suited for battle, in my experience....and for little else.. :) (they have lost their femininity)

eh IDIOT! stop bullsh*tting the people..the people who are p*ssed off around the world dont have a common network
they have a common enemy ; the system which is suffoxating us all, making ppl slaves to commerce, and polluting the air y-our children breathe"!
YOU TW*T! ...!! (oops he actually used the word "intelligence" when talking about the people at DAVOS G8 (is that EIGHT GITS?) summitt..

mainstream media waste your time broadcasting their manure...
2000 years of "civilization" /....dont make me laugh... a handful of aboriginees & natives in the amazon
jungle have more wisdom than all those in DAVOS combined..
CARE2> action alert!
ReplyDeleteChina's record on internet freedom is pathetic at best. But new rules on information gathering by providers and real-name registration is restricting free speech even more.
Jan 24, 2013
Trust in your love and affection, they will never let you down. You should also consider changing your environment to a more lively and active one. Take care of yourself because there are too many things you have to do. In the coming months, only spend on what you need.
"Worth watching."
VIDEO: Dr. King on Civil Disobedience and obeying Just vs. Unjust laws (Closed Captioned)
"An individual who breaks a law that conscience tells him is unjust, and who willingly accepts the penalty of imprisonment in order to arouse the conscience of the community over its injustice, is in reality expressing the highest respect for...See More
from Avaaz> There is one area of the Ecuadorian Amazon that is so pristine that the whole ecosystem has been preserved and even jaguars roam free! But the government is now threatening to go in and drill for oil.
ReplyDeleteThe local indigenous people have been resisting, but they are afraid that oil companies will break up the community with bribes. When they heard that people across the world might stand with them and make a stink to save their land, they were thrilled. The president of Ecuador claims to stand for indigenous rights and the environment, but he has just come up with a new plan to bring oil speculators in to 4 million hectares of jungle. If we can say 'wait a minute, you're supposed to be the green president who says no one can buy Ecuador', we could expose him for turning his back on his commitments just as he is fighting for re-election.
He doesn't want a PR nightmare right now. If we get a million of us to help this one community defend their ancestral land and challenge the president openly to keep to his word, we could start a media storm that would make him reconsider the whole plan. Sign the petition now and tell everyone -- let's help save this beautiful forest:
readers are encouraged to support and join the charity friendship meeting @ https://www.facebook.com/groups/without.frontiers.ue/
ReplyDeleteJan 25, 2013
ReplyDeleteNever close your lips to those whom you have opened your heart. Hold to your plans but free your mind to create all that you need. Drink plenty of fluids to keep your teeth and bones healthy. If you have any savings, this is the right time of the year to invest in something.
ReplyDeleteF-WAY> To the bellends who are being fooled by the smokescreen and excuses for underachievement. ur the one who goes on like fenway are our saviors and saved us from administration, yet you cannot construct a reasonable argument or tell me... what have they done for the club lately. they aren't looking for a quick fix, we are planning for the future, we are adhering to the UEFA financial fair play?? so, are we doing any better in the league... no... planning for the future??? buying players with the intention of getting a better resale value??? adhering to the uefa financial fair play?? so we couldnt spend an extra 2 million to get clint dempsey??? we played most of the season with ONE fit striker... liverpool number 9 on loan.... Rodgers, Suarez, and Gerrard all disagreeing with the policies fenway have. so Mark... fucking do one u ignorant prick. get a grip. educate yourself. they were absolutely disgraceful... the way they treated kenny dalglish. u wanna support someone who does that... go and fook off then
Fenway.> (We Come Not To Pay)
CS> they even bid for an italian kid when we have so many good youth in our club, they dont have any "strategy" they dont kniow what they are doing, but like so may people on this planet some "fannies" just swallow the F S G pPR-opaganda.. cant even say that Henry is a good business man, having lost 50% of the investments in recent years... the F S G clones just follow like lemmings... (CS) http://chrismithlog.blogspot.com/2013/01/campaign-sclogging-dead-horse-cs-v.htm
Fenway.> (We Come Not To Pay ) i couldnt have put it better myself Sean !! have to admit alot of my mates were in favour of Fenway up until the last window but that has finally changed but there is still one idiot that thinks different, maybe he just cant handle the reality that our club is once again being run by American muppets that dont care one bit how we do on the pitch as long as they're filling their own pockets out of LFC....Greg
Fenway.> W(e Come Not To Pay) Its going to take a long time, hopefully it won't be past the point of no return, before some 'supporters' wake up and smell the coffee!!! There are so many FSG 'apologists', rose-tinted glasses fans, etrnal hopefuls and plain downright deluded supporters out there that when reality dawns on them it may well be too late.....!!!!mb
Kevin Anthony > Better resale value!!! So the future is...... were gonna be a feeder club. The LFC coaches put in all the hard work to make the player, then sell them on at a profit for FSG!!!!, not for the benefit of the club. Where does the future of the club lay? Its looking bleak for our once mighty club. Fenway, you got to prove your worth now before its to0 late.
Fenway.> (We Come Not To Pay) Kevin i dont think Fenway will here by the time this resale value hits the deck
Fenway. We Come Not To Pay>
CS> its time to stop complaining and start campaigning, join the poster campaign, wear your own "we are the club" t-shirts, or " save Lfc" or "standards corrupted" if u staill have them, internet action, like we did with G & H , demos. etc.. its harder this time, because so many dont want to admit they have been fooled...TWICE ..we can re-build this club...(when FSG are gone!) with hope in your heart YNWA! (CS)
PETITION: Family Court Reform - Jury Panels
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PETITION: Protect Parents Constitutional Rights and Stop The Kidnapping by CPS agency's
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