Latest (brief) "Global REdS News Views
& BOYCOTT the Blue(s)

ChriS SmiTH the FULL Monty; protecting Whole of "THE Holy Trinity"& BOYCOTT the Blue(s)
About players we need @ Lfc next season (Lfc tv)
- first Players who play for the team, fit "pass & move" (and score) Kenny knows what who he wants, transfer window is a rumour bore!
(Sky bet telling people the wont accept bets on certain players "sure" to go to LFC!)
EuRED09ChriS-EuRED ..
If u listen to some ppl theyd have u thinking that "Sky" (bet) are dictating our transfer policy.. ;)
Liverpool Echo
Liverpool FC rumour mill: Adam in talks; left back linked; Swedish teenager tracked; Cazorla r...
a visit to Glenbuck on anniversary of Shanks passing?
EuRED09ChriS-EuRED@@Belfast_Kopite @misshanks @SOS
could a special coach be arranged to go from Liverpool?
misshanks Karen Elizabeth Gill
FFS? (ha ha !)
Belfast_Kopiteby misshanks @
I would like to propose members to attend Glenbuck this coming Sept to commemorate Shanks' 30 anniversary!
LFC Liverpool FC Jason Mcateer has arrived! LFC Now will be on air in half an hour! Tonight we are talking transfer targets. Make sure you're tuned in.
ChriS-EuRED @ (the USA can teach us?)
how to be bigger idiots? ;)
.....watching"kop 10 signings of the 80's "Tony Evans are the ONLY one on Lfctv I constantly agree with,& yr passion!(I apologise, it must worry you too? ) ;)
EuRED09ChriS-EuRED@ vEchoLFC
Liverpool Echo
Liverpool FC's Maxi Rodriguez wants a move to Argentina
only really showed his class playing for Kenny..thanks if u go
CS @LivEchoLFC BS! its f***ing scandoulous "lip- homage" ;)
to sponsors must think that fans are stupid??????????????? (hmmmmm)
EuRED09ChriS-EuRED… "to whom it may concern"
RED09ChriS-EuRED@TonyBarretTimes agreed! (rare that I FULLY agree with TB!)
TonyBarretTimes> Tony Barrett>
Most vivid demonstration of a club's identity is the team's colours. Of course it matters.
BOYCOTT the Blue(s)
"jan" yr a fake! .too ."its OUR club, blue is not our colour..its not complicated , its simple we chant against that colour, and we also chant we re not english we are SCOUSE! so its simple marketing BS for the sake of the sponsors..(its made in the CORPORATE colours of standard chartered!!)
and the club office always "picks its time" for such "actions"
so, WE shall protest and boycott the shirt..
? why are we like sheep again, ddin't we learn from last year, we had to do sit ins demos and wear black shirts, internet actions etc etc didnt do all that just so some more yankers can drain away our soul identity..??
Natha>when some of us like it... i dunno... if u think we should do something im in with u all the way... u direct me and ill do
ChriS SmiTH some reds liked hodgson too, dont make it right, so if someone decides that we should sing god save the queen or god bless america, at the start of the game instead of YNWA, are our supporters just gonna shrug and say "what can we do" ..we can do what we always did for the club and against the "office" when we had to fight for whats right!
tell the club, that we aint gonna buy it. we aint gonna wear blue colours, the evertonians are laughing at us, is that what we want,? is that what LFC want?>. we got a laugh out of their pink shirts, and now we want to make our selves foolish, we have to fight, and tell the uninformed fans what LIVERPOOL means , its not just saying "i am a fan!". its reminding evryone (sometimes even our own club officials) WE ARE LIVERPOOL!
ChriS SmiTH> @stanchart @LivEchoLFC please note global REdS supporters have started and will continue BLUE shirt ban, wont be fooled again, wont wear it!
- Natha we r liverpool we r not bluessssssssssssssssssssss
- Varun> yeah i dont like it at all...but our captain n players r wearing it...and and there is the liverpool badge on the kit so we have to respect it ;)
- Natha>our captain has to wear it ! I will be amongst those who protest as ChriS SmiTH said we r not sheeps , no we dont have to. i respect the badge but the shirt does not respect that badge !
- Varun> yeah that addidas messed it up this time...the shirt colour is so anti-liverpool
ok wait am going to change the pic...i completely agree with ur point :)
peace & love lol
- u know i think addidas made it blue...bkoz they know that next season we wont be wearing their they just choose a colour that is not connected with the club
- Natha> thats what i said as soon as i saw it. Revange
10 minutes ago · Like - Varun me... as soon i saw it i said revenge instead of revange hahahahaha XD
- ChriS SmiTH Varun, is it actually a marketing ploy(?) , its standard chartered corporate colours, whatever the reason, we must boycott it, and inform LFC that we dont accept it, then they have to scrap it..
- Natha> our color is more important to us than the money ! #LFC #YNWA this new 3rd kit, is a marketing/business item. Our color is more
- Varun> yeah ur right Chris...I hope we can convince that we wont accept this kit...this kit is among one of the worst shirt ever created for our team :) we must act soon
- ChriS SmiTH Varuin we didnt respect hicks etc when they went agianst us, we didnt respect hodgson when he betrayed us..WE are the identity of Lfc not the "office" witout our (someof us 40 years) support through "wind & rain" Lfc woudl not be the club it is today, ..thats worth remembering WE stayed in our seats last yearm WE wore black shirts, we chanted hodgson for england WE chanted for kenny, we stayed away when they ignored us (10,00 les in the last home game of hodgsin) WE made the Tom & George not welcome here campaign" we made internet blockades etc etc..nothing has changed , when they are wrong we must stand up!
"jan" yr a fake! .."its OUR club, blue is not our colour..its not complicated , its simple we chant against that colour, and we also chant we re not english we are SCOUSE! so its simple marketing BS for the sake of the sponsors..(its made in the CORPORATE colours of standard chartered!!)
and the club office always "picks its time" for such "actions"
so, WE shall protest and boycott the shirt..
ChriS SmiTH @stanchart @LivEchoLFC please note global REdS supporters have started and will continue BLUE shirt ban, wont be fooled again, wont wear it!
Natha Reina A>maybe this new third kit, is to represent England... i dunno i know Liverpool are scousers not English but they are the pride of England, whether England like it or not ;) anyways, since this new kit is real, i will no longer mention it, it has the liverbird on it :S YNWA Liverpool football club
Angie-Lfc Gm post u socks haha x
- Meriam Gerrard .
about an hour ago · Like - Natha Reina Akheit i likeee philosophy u cant be wrong in it hahhahaha no red!
- ChriS SmiTH its OUR club, blue is not our colour..its not complicated , its simple we chant against that colour, and we also chant we re not english we are SCOUSE! so its simple marketing BS for the sake of the sponsors..
- Natha > well if the club accepted it what can we do?????
- ChriS SmiTH protest and boycott the shirt..
- Natha> unfortunately some reds like it !!!
- ChriS SmiTH> Natha, why are we like sheep again, ddint we learn from last year, we had to do sit ins demos and wear black shirts, didnt do all that just so some more yankers can drain away our soul identity..
- Natha>when some of us like it... i dunno... if u think we should do something im in with u all the way... u direct me and ill do
- ChriS SmiTH some reds liked hodgson too, dont make it right, so if someone decides that we should sing "god save the queen" or "god bless america", at the start of the game instead of YNWA, are our supporters just gonna shrug and say "what can we do"?
- ..we can do what we always did for the club and against the "office" when we had to fight for whats right!

16 June 10:21
(anfield online) CORRECTED! DONT f*ck with OUR CLUB colours
- Tina Now Thats Nice :) YNWA :)
- ChriS SmiTH blue; never!!
- Tina M Couldnt Make My Mind Up About The Blue But After Seeing This Now The Blue Is Horrible :)
- Tom Jones thats better
- Adjie Lfc This is our identity, good photoshop
- ChriS SmiTH ppl, wake up, the corporate colours of Standard Chartered are light blue , they are trying to con the fans with BS about "history" FSG are not telling the truth, the 3rd kit, is a sell out of our club colours.
- Linzi Smith Facts are our first ever kit was cyan blue! So it's all a bit over the top this tbh! But if I'm being honest I would of preferred it red, and it's a third kit it will hardly get worn anyways so if ya don't like it don't buy it!
- ChriS SmiTH fact was BEFORE we split with the evertonian bluenoses , and thats why we CHOSE RED , to be different, WE woudl be a laughing stock if we wear blue in Liverpool , we gave them enough stick about their pink away shirts...and its an obvious marketing ploy for Standard chartered coroporate colours..we will boyt cott it, its as bad as expecting us to sing the royal anthem instead of YNWA!
CORRECTED! DONT f*ck with OUR CLUB colours
- Jan Hughes-Snr OMG now it looks like a scum utd shirt!! Don't think there's anything wrong with the colours of the 3rd kit..It looks like turquoise or aqua 2 me. We would never have the blue of our rivals on our kit. Wot about Reina when he wears the royal blue kit?
- ChriS SmiTH dont like blue, don’t like Pepe wearing blue, its the colour of our rivals, stop it now! ppl!
- Jan Hughes-Snr I've never seen this colour on any of our rivals!!!
- ChriS SmiTH forget it lad u are sky-washed by FSG marketing... blue is NOT a colour of OUR if that even needs to be explained! amazing!
- Jan Hughes-Snr LOL!!!!!!!!!!! Wotever!! Perhaps one of us is colour blind. We'd have 2 see it other than in a photo. If it is blue then I'll hold my hands up! By the way I'm not a lad......Mrs. Jan hughes.
- ChriS SmiTH sorry,lass, Mrs.. ;) dont want to see it,EVER! NEVER! its not a discussion point, no true Red ever wears a blue Lfc shirt..discuss as much as u want..but there are basic aspects to our club that are "holy" and no amount of marketing BS, is gonna convince us simple they want to promote the sponsors.. something definately wrong if they go ahead with it..
- ChriS SmiTH if u are gonna argue u could read this first..
- Jan Hughes-Snr I'm not arguing about anything .... I have nothing 2 do with FSG marketing but hey guess wot I am entitled 2 my opinion as everyone else is!
- ChriS SmiTH jan, there are certain things that make Lfc what we are, changing club colours would be like changing YNWA! to "blue is the colour"
Seán Ó Cléirigh commented on his post in Universal REdS Supporters Union Network.
Sean> 16 June 20:28
have already left a message on the website
Comment history
i will do.
i agree Sean.. nice to see, tell Lfc mate, email , yr FB groups, twitter WE are LIVERPOOL..
Sean> 16 June 20:24 > fashion me arse... a bit of pride and not selling out... thats what is important
ChriS SmiTH> agreed Sean, the problem is some fans still dont understand our ethics , ad get "sold" on fashion..
Original post
Sean> 16 June 17:07 > …..Its amazing and its also quiet upsetting to see that the club is giving in to commercialism. Suppose if heineken were sponsoring us that we would have our team dressed up like heineken bottles. This is also very similar to what Gillett and Hicks did in Brazil... changing the team colors and covering the jersey with sponsors. I won't be buying the third jersey and I don't think any true Liverpool fan should either.
CS> ppl, wake up, the corporate colours of Standard Chartered are light blue , they are trying to con the fans with BS about "history" FSG are not telling the truth, the 3rd kit, is a sell out of our club colours.
Zaid> I am not fond of the blue colour! We are redmen for a reason!"
Debi> "Yeah, red not blue! Thanx Natha! xx"
Ben> "only RED!! no blues or that kind of thing :)"
ChriS SmiTH> 16 June 10:44> better tell Lfc mate! addidas trying to pull a fast one! ..dont ever mess with our club
Thank god for that chris nearly had kitten s when i seen the blue
Original post
- Varun Gthe same colour as our blood
- Bilja Lfc Miljanovićall red and only red !!! ♥ YNWA ♥ JFT96 ♥
♡ уOυ'LL ηєωєя ωaLк aLoηє ♡
- Frank Carlyle Hahaha I've been there Anita, so I empathise with you.... Keep in touch Anita my fellow 'Red'.....
- 11 June at 23:51
- Anita M. ok Frank, i will :) cheers!
- Marie B
Hang in there Anita, your dead on in everything you've written. I have also said the same of Torres and have on so many occasions explained the Alonso saga and the dispicable treatment of Rafa.....but there are still 'fans' who prefer tobelieve the tabloid press and media lies and prefer to take the lazy way out by believing all the media crap......mind you some of these 'fans' are post 2005 and know nothing of Liverpool and the Liverpool way..................
- Anita M Marie, i don't think years of loving Liverpool have something to do with that. I will dare to say this: I'm supporting Liverpool only for few years but i wanted to know everything. and Liverpool way is something in what i fell in love, because of that we're different. I know its in me, i feel it has been in me all my life i just didn't know that until i found LFC.
- Anita MiglesI hope you won't hold this against me Marie :)
- Marie B> Only wish that more younger fans learned our history as you have and embraced the Liverpool way - its refreshing to have supporters like you make knowledgeable & learned contributions. YNWA Anita.
- Anita MiglesThank you Marie :) i wish that too... YNWA Marie.
- CS> NO true RED wears blue, you'll be singing "blue is the colour " and waving plastic flags too soon, and you called Torres a traitor, you've lost it ppl , the kids are excused if they dont know , but Linzi, Nicholas & brad, you are old enough to know better, shame on you..betraying our true colours, sold out to the yankers? & u are off my list! bye bye
- Bradley M> lol.....Chris,,,,Im a true RED.....I don't like it
- ChriS SmiTH > mate, no RED wears blue out of choice out of belief in who & what we are..the club has been wrong many times in recent years and this is another one..sorry I have removed closet BLUEnoses from my "friends" ..there u go..;)
compliments to rawk "(p)artists ;)
Wow, Excellent post. Its very interesting and informative. Thanks for your nice post about Latest (brief) REdS News Views & BOYCOTT the Blue(s)" STANDARDS CORRUPTED 2".
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