after solstice ( see also: -
(IMPORTANT action v those who would destroy our core values!!)
I trust Kenny to do the right things for us, whatever is going on @ Lfc, he will tell the truth if he's not backed, so lets support him now 100% , and stay away from gossip & rumour, which only adds pressure to our search for quality to add to the squad, this summer, as much as we must give him AND WHOEVER, he plays in the team next season, for if you/we do then we could win number 19..

this "SCLOG" is simply … about other things connected to LIVERPOOL footbal club, and for TRUE REdS Supporters.. Y.N.W.A. / J 4t96
theres been that many that I love them all..especially one @ newcastle from a free kick, we were watching from way up in the away support , and i never saw the ball (like that 1 v portsmouth)
Previousy on "UNsUB-B"
Whilst a lot of the talk so far this summer has been about who Liverpool are going to sign and bring in this summer, we also have to look at who we need to get rid off. When Henry took over Liverpool, one of the first things he highlighted as that there w...
- ChriS SmiTHblame the previous Yankers..who ousted Rafa, over looked Kenny appointed Purslow and hodgson.. and blame the fans who ignored warnings before and since!!
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Anfield on line
my comment baNNED BY aol (americans @ anfield on line? ;)? *Kenny best clips
(i dont like some of the "lip service" on paid to the owners/sponsors..a*se kissing! but some of the programmes, like this one, almost worth the cost of subscription, on their own..Kenny player , manager and media p*ss - taker! )
Pasted from <¬if_t=wall>
song for big Andy (and leave the "jibes about drinking to the stupid media , ok?) (this tune because its true "geordie")
Andy s goals are all mine
Andy's goals are all our/n
He can score a header
He hit with his left foot..
Cos Andy 's goals are all mine …"
Andy's goal are all mine..
- Ćiki Nasilnik> Hopefully he'll score some, we seem to have passed the ball much better while he was absent in the end of the season. Still prefer pass and move to some pointless hoofing,
and we have seen that from Reina when Carrol was in
- ChriS SmiTH> i am sure, that, Andy, when FIT , will be explained how to play "pass & move" no one at Lfc has seen him play fully fit yet, and he will play for the team, positive, all supporters need to start supporting ..
- "we re on the march with Kenny;s army.."
Pasted from <¬if_t=group_activity>
95 years ago today on the 22nd of June 1906 something magical happend. Worked started on what used to be the Walton Breck Bank, an old banking made from wooden stairs. It would later become the most famous and reveared feared in club football, worldwide
ChriS SmiTH> i did my "time " on the old standing Kop as a kid, being surfed around , losing my "spec" & ending up the other side of the stand amidst 25,000 Reds , passing the occasional body down to the St johns ambulance ppl , and avoiding getting me socks wet! ;) , NON-STOP singing & chanting, ...I even saw a bit of the game :D
ana_m> HEY, ALIEN-- yes, yesterday everything seemed to work for us :)
i've got the postcard this morning (from Liverpool)
[09:45:47] Chris Smith: and i dont if you read what i posted, its also the KOP's birthday today..
[09:45:58] Chris Smith: 95 years ago today on the 22nd of June 1906 something magical happened. Worked started on what used to be the Walton Breck Bank, an old banking made from wooden stairs. It would later become the most famous and reveared feared in club football, worldwide
theres a great clip on that "kop" link, at the bottom of the page, with the sining from the stadium..normally a couple of verses these days, but they kept on for about 5 mins and the guy with camera , kept going back tot he crowd , lol
ana_m: yeah, i'm watching it right now, : great accent :)
Chris Smith> "i slipped" into scouse after a few "bevvies" last night :D
ana_m> wow, i almost have tears in my eyes
Chris Smith>: thats what i fight to keep, i dont want us to be some plastic flag waving yankee franchise .... oops losing my humour a bit :D ...some info for when U go to Lp.. come join the REdAlien universal gypsy..into the mystic,,, and the magic of Lp...
"The socialism I believe in is everyone working for each other, everyone having a share of the rewards. It's the way I see football, the way I see life. - Bill Shankly"
Pasted from <>
Find on fb, and invite to Monty..
Original post
...almost ridiculous to do this ..but ..Comparisons… the REds of 74 & 77 v ? 86 & 84 … all the teams were great, if forced I would straddle both from 77-84 when we were winning the league and 4 european champions cups, and i f i needed to pick one team to WIN; 78/79 is the one!..
another "mass-debater" ..
Its a shame tht we wnt 2 sell Raul merilles insted of offloding stupid nd usless players lyk poulsen, Aquilani, Ngong, Jevanovic, among others. Instead of selling our bst perfomers including Maxi Rodriguez
- Nnaemeka Victor U> doubt if we do sell raul meireles. King kenny is not dumb to noticing quality and failure. Raul is sure the best in the pack you jus mentioned. doubt if we do sell raul meireles. King kenny is not dumb to noticing quality and failure. Raul is sure the best in the pack you jus mentioned.
Y. N.W.A. v mancs ("remember Tuzla = balkan REdS)
"The socialism I believe in is everyone working for each other, everyone
having a share of the rewards. It's the way I see football, the way I see life."
- Bill Shankly
having a share of the rewards. It's the way I see football, the way I see life."
- Bill Shankly
& for more "provocative inter-action" go to ;