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Pre watford v LIVERPOOOL 16th oct #21 ..during ChRiS
hunting for REd (October) 21/// ( )
with fitness uncertainties and so many distracted by national games we propose a "fringe team" made of players all of whom have played at the top level..
but our PROPOSAL (not predictions) is a 3/5/3...
ChRiS > review for REbEL REdS MEd1ATEAM : and LIVERPOOL won 2-2 ? v blue manc frauds...REdSo should be given the 3 points , (as the Irish writer below refers to "slugging it out" in boxing terminology) ... because if it was a boxing match Mo's goal knocks the opponent out! ????
.........after watching the replay of the game a couple of times.. of course , everyong will talk about MO Salah and the SUPER goal
when ... he took a pass from Curtis (an :aSsist: ) ...beat 5 of the defenders who had only conceded ONE goal in all their plastic league games previously... and smashed the ball past one of the best GKs in the world (?) with MO's RIGHT FOOt! and TRULY A GOAL TO SAVOUR AND WATCH AGAIN AND AGAIN...
..........HOWEVER...THE OPENING GOAL was a true and GREAT LIVERPOOL goal that reminded me of the "efficient" and devastating style
,,,, of Rafa's REdS "06-09 ..... and a word for Hendo, VVD or MIlly ...first job of LIVERPOOL Captain is to win the toss & kick into OUR KOP in the 2nd half... the energy (evem if its now full of middle class fans) still has an effect on our TEAM and worries the opponents..
the TEAM were surprisingly OFF in the first half.. came out (as often happens with JK) stronger after HT ... and IF during a period
early in the 2nd half had scored a 2nd ...we would have seen another battering of the blue manCs, however, for me ...
the midfield switched off and alloed Jesus to cruise through the midfield with the ball and feed RODENT on the left ...
already disliking the manc for than i did their Sane...too much space... and as stated before the game MY top CB pairing is JOE
with VVD ( and please give more tests to the Joe & "KonG" combo ,,,he is as big and pacey as VVD!!!_) ..
Sure Matip has been in form , but he , for me is just a tad OFF ..small details...that make a difference... over critical perhaps
but his deflection of the de Bruyne shot ..late on..hmmm a handball, red card & pen (which they might pass in front of a hostile Kop
and our GK... (i might even throw on Kells for AB to delay the kick...! and i feel Kells is the better GK in such a situ..)
anyway ... I fancy the REdS to "do" both manc rivaks away this season, MY focus is on winning "7th heaven" in St Petersberg next may..
... i hate their media dictated english plastic money league and all it stands for... mind you ...I met a PSG fan this morning over coffee ... and he said "Messi" .. I said " money" ..and he replied /...."so is LFC//" and thats a DISGRACE to me..
that our soculist origins and the basic ideals that Shanks & our SUPPORTERS conveyed as WE MADE LIVERPOOL in to a global entity..
and theIR dumping of our "working class" core support by the sponsored sale of all that was GOOD... is sickening..
you let them INFEST our club in 2007 and again when the cleverer Fen way sharks stole Lfc!
but thats what YOU want, fsg cloned fan nies & usa corp sheeple???
prawn butties & armshair BS!
will Never walk with me!
YOU do not deserve OUR club!
with hope in MY heart
ChRiS 211010 ....(at Rose.MNE)
i did
v blue manc pixs,,,, last memory oF watford v Liverpool was the 3-0 which ended a calendar year plus unbeaten? ...and just before the PLAN demic BS started ... ... Juergen had taken the lads for an extended "away day break" and they looked like their heads
were on some far away beach playing kick about,, Joe was missing because Defan partnered VVD at the back... and I still have a feeling
that despite being RIGHTLY PRAISED , Matip with VVD isnt as sound (or pacey) as Joe with VVD... if Joe is fit (and PLEASE dont risk injury at eng_ur_lund) ... ... (Joe pics)
so after seeing who has been distracted by the national sides distractions... proposed section & reasons;
(to add proposal * pic)
losy s o f BS and fsh cloned fannies with their opinions at the follwing links (if u like to waste time on fanny U tube channels)
or at : ;
> "
Mo steals the show in the big one
For all Chelsea’s pretentions to wear the Premier League crown, and they go into the break at the top of the league, Liverpool v Manchester City still feels like The Big Game. These are the two biggest beasts and whenever they play each other, it feels like a big occasion.
The second half was utterly breathtaking as the two heavyweights started to slug it out.
When Liverpool click into gear, their attacking prowess is awesome. The break for Sadio Mane’s goal was rapier-like and makes a mockery of the ceaseless tippy-tappy patterns that too many clubs try to play under the impression it is sophisticated. This was classic Liverpool; fantastic pace, the perfectly weighted ball into a perfectly timed run.
And Liverpool need a phenomenal attack because they are defensively leaky right now. Then Pep got cross, rubbed his head agitatedly, and yes, he took off his cardigan. Ooooh.
Mo Salah took it as his cue to bring his phenomenal talent to the party and score a goal which he had no right to score, but scored it anyway. It may be his finest ever goal. He is an absolute genius.
City didn’t deserve to lose it, a draw was fair, but oh, my word, Mo..... !!!! "
TAW post ; with the posh man scouser ; ;)
podcast extrended with Atkinson loving himself and his own over complicated narrative..
.........not train spotting but day - TRIPPING! (weed?) duscussing Hendo's form ..???
...although ... this wasnt too bad from them ..(pre blue mancs...) ...
the self promoting "Khanage version" if you really have nothing better to do ; (pre)
and "instant match reaction" (red kiddies channel) ...
,,i often wonder if , whilst all these "fan-dits" (no PUN intended) ;) ever consider whilst they chat about all sort of unRELATED
BS that some of us want to hear (mass)debate proper, not their "childish" whims & fan cies,,,?????
catch up at previous SUPPORTERS CLUB logs,,
not enough about Shanks & Roger... ..Shanks MADE LIVERPOOL into a global entity .. modern fans need educating of our SOCLIALIST origins ..the efforts of Shanks, the GREAT TEAMS which were the basis of it all you enjoy now.. UNselfish GREAT players like Roger Hunt! ...and more REbEL, local & Global ... 😉 with personal greetings! & to all TRUE REbEL REdS! ! J4t97_32yrs (no JUSTICE yet on earth!) & ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN @ & see ; EQUAL shares for all &LbIRDco-op via REdGEMnet; ONLY future offering shares to over 30 million SUPPORTERS with True GLOBAL SUPPORTER power S MEd1ATEAM; at and for ONLY TRUE REbEL REdS at : pre LIVERPOOL V blue manc fruad klub! (post porto 1 LIVERPOOL 5 (Mo2 Bobby 2 & MANe with 20th Euro-goal!) The tendence among fans & media will be to build sunday's game up, (*the evening atmosphere dunday should raise OUR game anyway!) as the blue mancs are liable to be main title rivals, having taken 3 points away from chelski last weekend.. may even be facourites , fine by me, as I want number 7 as European Champions over the english plastic money league,,, but lets do them on eveninh sunday anyway ! ;) OUR selection proposals; Milly brings some steel to the defence , and as Trent (who suffered a bit at brent as they overloaded his far post pisition twice with not enough support from CB Matip , IMO...another reason (and because of Pace) I go for VVd & Joe.. I do NOT want joe to play full back, (wing half) for me its a waste of a player who may in time (and no more major injuries) eclips VVD!.. and I want to see Milly dump raheem on his arese a couple of times early on, Sterling has had too much to say in the last couple of games against the blue manc sh&te! Curtis, with 3 assists & a lot of the ball was arguably MotM in Oporto ... should keep the understanding with Hendo & Fab, as he seems to have taken the lead in the challenge to be the 3rd regular midfielder alongside Fab & Hendo, Mo & Mane obviously , both coming into best form...? but the "false or not Nine" is a difficult choice as both Bobby & DioGO bring value to theTeam... however Bobby just shades it...because; Luck was on his side against Porto, twice, whereas DiOGO last night and at Brent seemed UNlucky, and i feel that Jota may be hungrier off the bench after 60 mins and cause the mancs more problems as an impact sub! (in which case I might put on Kostas for Robbo, as the lad seems to have a magical connection to DioGO! I moan at Juergen about lat subs,, its difficult for OX, or Tako to challenge , if they are thown on with 20 mins or less, FFS give them 30 minutes least , (how many times have we said this?) this my main criticism of late (and sometimes false subs) and rotating CBs I would NOT do unless due to injury or lack of form. (IMO Matip , although has been in good form during the opening games, and adds something to midfield, was at fault at Brent .. this game v the blue mancs is (IMO) MUST be for Joe & VVD to counter pace of opponents attack! lets bury the manc frauds! we propose; A B Joe & VVD Milly Fab Robbo hendo Curtis) Bobby Mane Mo! after 60 mins ; Ox, DioGO & Kostas? ...(Tako & Trent available also?)
and extracts from their MASKerAIDS game of THORNS;