Milan , Atleti & Porto
Stevie after the 5th in Istanbul
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LIVERPOOL v chelski rent blues
(saturday evening 28 Augsust #21) Anfield politically correct clinic
With Chelski rent blues winning the champions league in the ***** PLANdemic FUBAR season last,
and also with 2 wins they may feel confident having won at Anfield also during the VARce season..
burnley made it a game last match , and they will test many teams this season...
but, the REdS should be at almost full strength
ChRiS. for me, VVD is NOT back to his best and whilst Matip has bee impressive, the REdS will need to
play a "high line" and that neans, (as Joe got a brief cameo v burnley ) the REdS will need pace at the back,
so I would play Joe alongside VVD, and the most experienced midfield must be Hendo, Fab & Thiago..
to out class their london blue sh&te / chelski will look to play though the lines behind our CBs ..
Naby hs not yet justified auto matic selection so he may come on after 60 mins
and I would probably anyway throw on Harve & Diogo after an hour and tell them to run a tiring away defence ragged!
IMO. Bobby starts ao that he is at the top of a diamond with Hendo, Thiago & Fab running the show
MANe & Mo are both looking Sharp and Trent AND Kostas creative... should sort out the rent blue=boys!
its saturday night, with a full Anfield, cant accept anything less than a 100 per cent VERY loUD support AND A WIN
to dampen the spirit of the rent blue rivals..

inside Anfield
"Amandla! Awethu" ;)
Terrace Talk - Liverpool: Keep this nonsense up and they might rediscover football without fans
and extracts from mainSCREAMedia #gameofTHORNS mask_er_AIDS!
Jack Delaney: From South Africa to Israel. |
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Tom Laaser: “No one can win here,” I found myself whispering. |
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John Pilger: The great game. |
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Robert Hunziker: Chlorpyrifos no more. |
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Kate Merlin: The big mess left by Big Oil and Gas. |
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Linda D'Amico: A case for the cloud forests. |
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Jack Delaney: From South Africa to Israel. |
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Evaggelos Valliantos: We are running out of time. |
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Patrick Cockburn: They are not moderates. |
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Richard Wolff: History has not stopped. |
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Thomas Kilkauer & Meg Young: These are the walking dead of climate change. |
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Paul Street: Eight points on America's defeat. |
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Jeffrey St. Clair: The Pentagon's biggest pain in the ass. |
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Eve Ottenberg: U.S. policy toward Iran and China. |
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Jeffrey St. Clair: When the Empire of Graveyards falls in the Graveyard of Empires. |
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Brian Tokar: What does it tell us? |
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Nick Bascom: Climate chaos and creeping authoritarianism. |
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Paul Street: There are no solutions under capitalism. |
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Jeffrey St. Clair: The Pentagon's biggest pain in the ass. |
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Vijay Prashad: The Taliban 20 years later. |
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Ron Jacobs: There are many potentialities in Afghanistan's future. |
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Kenneth Surin: A flailing Tory government. |
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Dave Rosen: False consciousness in a time of the pandemic. |
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USAcorp is the biggest terrorist org in the world!!!! Subject: Afghanistan
Date: 2021-08-21 00:45From: "Sarah Morrison - Avaaz" <>To: "" <> Afghans are clinging to the bottom of airplanes in a desperate bid toescape the Taliban… only to drop to their deaths. In days, PresidentBiden will meet with G7 leaders -- together, they have a moralobligation to provide safe passage to those most at-risk and to deliverurgent humanitarian aid. But they’ll want to see huge public supportto pass an ambitious deal -- so sign now, and let's stand withAfghanistan. Dear friends, You have probably seen the images of Afghansclinging on to the bottom of airplanes in a desperate bid to escape theTaliban… only to drop to their deaths.We’re not sharing thosepictures, but we are bearing witness.The US and allies have beenfighting a war in Afghanistan for 20 years and have a moral obligationto get as many Afghans to safety as they can. In days, President Bidenis meeting with G7 leaders -- this is our chance to ensure they committo an ambitious solidarity plan for Afghanistan, providing safe passagefor the most at-risk Afghans and ensuring critical humanitarianaid.World leaders are already under intense pressure, but will want tosee huge public support to commit to a plan big enough to take on thiscrisis. So, let’s give it to them -- sign and share now to stand withAfghanistan.|
SPREAD THE WORD: SIGN HERE // SHARE JEREMY'S MESSAGE ON FB HERE // RETWEET JEREMY HERE Dear Friend, Jeremy Corbyn is the latest public figure to support our growing petition to #CanceltheCut. Join us by signing here and help us reach 50,000 signatures today as we stand up and say no to the Universal Credit Cut. Best wishes, The Labour Assembly Against Austerity Volunteer Team. |
LOCAL Ha ha preview of the NON hiking