see also : REd(GEM)net ;rednet-alien.
pre LIVERPOOL v burnley at Anfield pen (dog licence holders only allowed)
the former home of true REbEL REd KOPites..
will be full, despite the censorship and PLANdenic restriction (virtually fascist)
of "political correct" fan nies... the first time since Our TEAM ..(not fen way sharks puppets>)
were crowned english plastic money (premiere) League champs.. why dont the "plastic KOP" chant "CHAMPIONS"
as the REdS TEAM enters the field??? even if Juergens empty promise of a bus parade was brokem ..
as he too capitulated to their global PLANdemic..
AS this is written , Ox has a birthday, and for me, OX has to step up and "come of age" as IF the Lfc boardroom and Klopp committ to retaining Hendo, it may be harder to break into the midfield selection
of Fab, Hendo & Tiago (he is too mature also to be held back for "occasional outings" considering his cost to the club..
or , as was experimented in pre season, Ox (& Tako) become "false 9" candidates.. in cases when or IF Bobby is rested..
as he and the "Fab 3" looked to be slipping into TOP gear recently...
but OX CAN SCORE FROM DISTANCE and that makes him a consideration..
Milly has been excellent as the holding player but Fab will probably be Juergens top starter in that position..
Milly benched for " late battles" as sub, or replacements for injured players, although , apart from once
cught dwelling on the ball, looks to be an adequate understudy for Robbo..
I still am not convinced by Naby... he ALSO needs to be more dynamic...and....for me Diogo remains an impact player
from the bench when opponents are tiring, or starts when one of the FAb 3 are off form..or need resting/protecting
Trent looks to be back on top of his game...but I would not have picked VVD & Matip at norwich and I still like the idea of a new CENTRE back "twin set" of Joe (Gomez) & KonG (Kounate) ... which a blend of pace & strength against (probably a physical burnley side) so;
(this is , as usual a PROPOSAL, not a prediction)
Kells /AB
KonG Joe
Trent Fab Kostas
Ox Naby
subs after 60 mins.. DiOGO , Thiago (for Ox or Naby?) VVD for one of the CBs?
another 3 points would put pressure on rivals, but how about a mersey side first & second this year..?
I just want number 7 and european champions.. because thats our identity...
a word about (the sometimes "selfish") Mo... needs more support, considering he is a "virtual winger" .. to have such a scoring record, which this season is likely to earn him another golden boot or thereabouts..
is worthy of acclaim, (note for fickle fan nies)
irish link (terrace talk..makes a change from the BS of redmen kiddies, the "political correct" Anfiedl Wrap crew
or fen way lovers of "daytrippers" .,,, not bad )
.. and extracts from mainSCREAM fear-media of their #gameofTHORNS / MASK_er_AIDS
Winslow Wheeler: Why did it all fail? |
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Jonathan Cook: The billionaires' bunker fantasies go mainstream. |
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Stan Goff: Biden didn't f**k up with Afghanistan, here's why. |
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Phil Knight: This is our home, the river made us. |
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Jeffrey St. Clair: The Pentagon's biggest pain in the ass. |
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Michael Hudson: Biden defends his Deep State advisors. |
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Patrick Cockburn: Government weakness, not Taliban strength is to blame. |
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Paul Street: The doctrinal boundaries of permissible reflection. |
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Adam Bronstein: Oregon is better than this. |
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Ramzy Baroud: Why the world is burning. |
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What We're Reading - via our media partner LabourOutlook.Org - We must recognise & treat Johnson for what he is – a spawn of Tory opportunism cut from the same cloth as those who railed against our communities as the 'enemy within' – Ian Lavery - read here/ retweet here.
- No to the Universal Credit cut & the end of furlough – Steve Turner - read here / retweet here.
- Blair led Britain to its worst result on inequality since 1929 – Steve Howell - read here / retweet here..
- Let's learn the lessons of Hiroshima and say never again to nuclear devastation – Bell Ribeiro-Addy - read here / retweet here.
John Pilger: The war on Assange continues. |
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Jeffrey St. Clair: Ain't that America. |
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Daniel Beaumont: COVID and the crisis of the American university. |
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Paul Street: The Coup rolls on. |
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Laura Carlsen: The exaggerated death of Mexico's drug war. |
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Peter Linebaugh: How Hume civilized money. |
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SPREAD THE WORD: SIGN HERE // SHARE ON FB HERE // RETWEET HERE Dear Friend, In six short weeks, with the snatch-back of £20 a week from universal credit claimants, September 30th could go down as a very bleak day.
The five-week waiting period for Universal Credit will leave families with no income and forced to rely on food banks and emergency loans once furlough ends on the same day. The double-whammy of the £20 reduction will drive these families further into debt.
Most people on universal credit are in work, many of them serving on the frontline through this crisis. In-work poverty is a very real problem in this country, as we subsidise employers who underpay their staff. Rishi Sunak should be looking to fix the poverty pay that condemns millions of workers to a hand-to-mouth existence, not throwing even more families into poverty.
Taking £20 off people in need is taking the shoes off children's feet or the winter coat off their back. Snatching £20 a week won't just hurt kids and families, it will deprive hard-pressed local high streets like mine in south London of custom. This cruel policy without a friend outside the cabinet should be ditched without delay.
Join us by signing here and help us reach 50,000 signatures as we stand up and say no to the UC cut. Best wishes, Steve Turner, Co-Chair Labour Assembly Against Austerity. PS: As well as supporting the petition, you can read my new article on this and the end to furlough here. |
Paul Street: Call me one of the unheard leftist canaries in the capitalist, imperialist, and fascist mines. |
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Kenneth Surin: Insights into these emerging Bidenian times. |
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Maximilian Werner: How human exceptionalism is destroying the wild. |
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Binoy Kampmark: Silicon Valley and New Zealand. |
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Dean Baker: Job growth, Trump vs Biden. |
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Ramzy Baroud: Why Washington is no longer calling the shots. |
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Bill Hatch: Remembering John Wesley Powell in a dry year. |
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Lawrence Davidson: Anti-abortion and gun mania, an eerie connection. |
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George Wuerthner: The false paradigm. |
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Rebekah Entralgo: The race and gender gap issue. |
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Dan Glazebrook: The key to understanding the role of the monarchy. |
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Melvin Goodman: The Russian threat to Eastern Europe has been greatly exaggerated. |
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Andrew Cockburn: The intellect and intellectual integrity of Pierre Sprey. |
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Martha Rosenberg: Animal disease research in government or government-funded labs often flies under the public radar. |
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Evaggelos Vallianatos: Is Biden up to the challenge? |
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Ralph Nader: The “moderate” and “centrist” label is regularly applied to Democratic members of Congress who oppose full Medicare for All. |
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8-7-2021 |
Jeffrey St. Clair: US history according to DW Griffith. |
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Jacques R. Pauwels: Mythmaking and atomic destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. |
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Henry A. Giroux: Nukes and normalized violence. |
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Jeffery St. Clair: Welcome to the Pyrocene. |
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Anthony DiMaggio: How anti-vax propaganda hijacked American discourse. |
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David Rosin: We need free wifi for all. |
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Barbara G. Ellis: The great American collapse. |
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The Left Has the Key Arguments for Our Time.
Spread the Word! Read & share Jon's video here - Retweet here "September 11th, put it in your diaries for the 'Arise' Annual Rally - 'Fight the Tories: For Socialism not Barbarism.'
I'm quite confident & optimistic about the future. Whether it's climate change, whether it's inequality, whether it's on the greed of the Tories - & the corruption which we see all around us - on almost any issue... the arguments are all with the Left.
Now is the time to get those arguments out, express them clearly & be confident about our future.
We can win this." |
azaaz> Watch this beautiful video to see how, together, we changed lives and inspired hope during one of the toughest years in living memory -- and hear from some of those we're helping on the frontlines:  |
- In South Asia, we've now provided over 5.5 million meals to families, ensuring thousands of the most vulnerable people didn't have to go to bed hungry;
- In the Amazon, as national governments looked away, our movement responded with food and medical supplies, hiring boats and planes to reach the most isolated communities, deep in the rainforest;
- In the Democratic Republic of Congo, we distributed food parcels to more than 2,000 of the most vulnerable families;
- In total we funded 40 projects and emergency aid responses in 23 countries.
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