first WAKE up with SUPPORTERS CLUB log at LINK
REdNET Bootroom; WAKE-UPdate ;
(Establishment's Premiere League...)
it is wrong ! simply, wrong:
*makes a FARCE of the suffering of poor during #TrendyVirus
*with proper management 10,000 could attend #antisocialrules
*social distancing never used before (1968/69 flue "worse") etc
* Fake atmosphere = unreal relation to previous games
* 19/20 season will anyway be "labelled as WEIRD"
* Players may NOT simply "return to previous FORM"
* Governments/"experts" cried "Wolf" ....
* Decision made for Money - mad sponsors & SLYtv
* NEED a return to ETHICS & related economy...
Questioning Fans ASSumption that (for example; LIVERPOOL) players will be able to continue as they left off
after MORE THAN THREE MONTHS break, its selfish.. IF there is a #TrendyVirus danger! and as WORLD CHAMPIONS , 6 times European CHAMPIONS and 18 times CHAMPIONS of the original ONE and ONLY football league ( rather than THEIR fake COMMERCIAL spin off!! ) TRUE REdS dont need their establishment TROPHY , as sure as KING Kenny did not NEED to be called THEIR "Sir"
you are a betrayal of all that is truly Social & the REdS heart of LIVERPOOL is turning blue through YOUR GREED!
NO kids footy, AMATEURS are banned ..but pros can train?
This reminds me... the wrong decision to play at Heysel after the collapse of the stand.. AND to play the rest of the season in 1989 after (Hillsborough) MURDER of 96 of my brothers & sisters by your english fascisTORY state policies.. you disgust me that you voted the scum into power again!
LbiRD Offer x one Million +
#REdS+global_co-op_Freedom e Union 20yrs ON we go_#2 0ngo
..5 year L’biRD plan + True REdS GLOBAL Supporters POWER
Explaining the 5 year plan
Global Co-Op wake up ca11
-rednet./2018/05/rebtv-fantasy-not-fake-to-kiev-with MORE at .
LbiRD initial REdS+ offer to 1 x million members
alternative view for Intelligent Aliens?;
and MON TV;
or for Lfc fan nies & f s g cloned ;
its TRUE REdSupporters / original FOOTBALL LEAGUE
USAcorp cones /Establishment Premiere league trophy
aside from the negative Karma, that obstructed OUR club from transferring success from 18 league titles in 1990 to the poisoned EPL, steadily, since 30 years ,& especially since G & H/ fen way INFESTED LIVERPOOL ,(different names but these sharks wear
the same suits... )
...many "Lfc fans" have SOULED out the LIVERPOOL way and socialist origins & ETHIC of the club that SHANKS made possible..
They pretend to honour his name whilst betraying all he stood for, whilst the sharks have
- priced out core working class support,
- attempted to steal the LIVERPOOL name & OUR Liverbird emblem,
and - despite our support making LFC into one of the richest in the world,
- attempted to lay off staff during this #TrendyVirus panic. typical of "USAcorp METHODS" they now STILL employ a virtual SELL before buy transfer policy.
...and of course most of those same fans have been conditioned to fear the state , to obey without question and seem to have agreed to FAKE football.
matches without fans is not authentic, the players after 3 months will not be match-fit or have a momentum, repairing
season 19/20 is for the sake of money, sponsors & SLY tv who dominate the EPL and who care lessabout True supporters.
the EPL trophy was won mostly between chelski, manu & the blue mancs all of whom BOUGHT into it because they are backed by sharks too..
Henry - Werner are hedge fund/ financial sharks & their billionaire backers could match any of the rival clubs funds. (so its a LIE that lfc could NOT have retained the Star players since 2010..)
as with the state controls YOU have been CONNED, boycott SLYtv, do NOT renew season tickets , until TRUE (REd) supporters and a revived ORIGINAL & HONEST football league which respects everyone, is enabled.. WE care, do you REBEL against the evil that infected you with a worse disease than corona..
it is called GREED!
with compliments to
& the Lbird local & GloBALL co-operative network.
break out and join.. Global freedom co-op initiative NOW ... with non-violent DISobedience & POSITIVE ACTION!!! WAKE up call @
Is there a "rest of the World" ? for YOU??? , if so, go to
What’s happening or NOT on mainSCREAmedia... MFN;
..ON THIS DAY from Chris Smith-Mypod
..ON THIS DAY from Chris Smith-Mypod
my (official) Birthday after parts of my party being S-nubbed by the
S-nobs of "internations" I was pleased Artu came down to Pg for my
"official birth-day - One" on 23rd May, and significantly had a few
Vinos at "Berlin" ...(another place where events shaped the World...)
Coincidentally WE left Pg, early, after she had couch-surfed in Tolosi, in a german rental! ...Via Niksic, and a humourous Border guard near Trebinje , who was on "strike" but more efficient than usual...flirted with her ..and then the first of TWELVE border crossings along the coast via Dubrovnik, in and out of Bosnian territory again, with a Serbian navigator we found our way via Croatian Split, Zadar via Rijeka to the coast, crossing the slovenian frontier until Piran(HA!) also called Pirano by the italian tourists who seem to like the area..
Although after meeting the "waitress from hell" & eating spicy sausages at the sarajevo caffe, some nice vino and big glasses were interupted by "Cobra Icemouth" the newly appointed chairman of our fan club...we met bavarians again, who gave us their song..before thy got us lost looking for the pub/musicbar with "attitude" (cafe del moro) at the local seafront... the bayern cabbages got wasted, we danced..late but good first night...
shopped with Miro for the kitchen on friday morning,..then to the b**ch ...not as many b**ches as in Monty...Artu and "Babette" were tough enough to swim in cold water, and I dipped, swam & floated for a short while..just to balance the hot sun.. then went back to change before the "main event" which wasnt.. (IMO)
we walked back an hour , and I had hoped, after the "family dinner" with Dom, Roumy, Sonia & about a dozen others, I had suggested ...but...then later walked almost an hour to the marina area , again...the "target pub" wasnt attractive to some, who walked on, whilst Javi and I played pool, it was late and we decided to head back to Piran..found a bar without dancing, and had some nice discussion with him & his sweet Balkan wife..Mirela
Danny collected another D from Frankfurter, both asleep when I got back from the del moro was quiet ..i felt frustrated not to dance..
Saturday was "cave day" and was funny, after a delay because the "others" driver was still in bed, I took Roumy ("Mrs Khan"), Dom, Danny & Miro to the Caves, was funny, some music & wind in the car, which annoyed Roumy, (not my roomy, pity..) and it got funnier when we had a snack at the Caves "cordon bleu" restaurant ... the (sexy! ha ha ) waitress and the VEGAN beef soup were the highlights, especially when M(r)s Khan left the soup hardly touched as they all ate my chips...Dom told the waitress i was "joking" when I asked her to put the soup in a "doggy bag" ...but she did! ..and even funnier one of the other CSers ate it!.. (the remainders left in my car boot to "mutate" with the monty-cherries....
Roumy, Dom, Dushko & myself went back to our "fave" restaurant whilst the others cooked & partied at the hostel... (parking & the "threesome bunk beds" were a mystery of Piran....) ..then we all went (thankfully) back to live music at "cafe del moro" on the Piran(ha!) sea front..and i was HAPPY! ... i went first to the dance floor, then a couple then the whole "family" joined in and gradually we took over the pub...
* (almost dirty) Dancing with Roumy , Babette, Artu & Lisa ..& a couple of others not in our group...
* "flying" Sonia ... jumping from the stage into the arms of some german guy..her stealing beer from the band! ...attacking "super-barbie" and dropping a beer mug on poor Miros foot..
* Some nice pictures...hopefully the "family photo" can be seen...
having been "generous" with sharing my rental car, it seemed i would be taking most of the family somewhere.... on the departure day (Sunday 27th May)
I felt for Sonia (whose Mum in Vicenza had a birthday) who seemed even more excited than decided to take her , Babette, Dom & Miro to Trieste then come back for as many as were left..
the loud oz-impersonating Kiwi seemed to have stolen a ride that could have helped Danny, so the 2nd "load" was to take Roumy (to Rijeka) Denise to Ljubljana, Dushko to Bg, and Artu to her home , "near" to Monty's frontier...artu laughed at my dismissal of distances, and (pity to refuse to attend her friends party monday night) but "ChriS the bus/taxi talking to me? " got back to Pg almost 24 hrs after leaving Pirana, about a 1000 kms later.. be continued.... in the latest episode of...."Balkan mafia & REdS family"?
we'll meet again (link from " Dr. Strangelove" ) ?
Coincidentally WE left Pg, early, after she had couch-surfed in Tolosi, in a german rental! ...Via Niksic, and a humourous Border guard near Trebinje , who was on "strike" but more efficient than usual...flirted with her ..and then the first of TWELVE border crossings along the coast via Dubrovnik, in and out of Bosnian territory again, with a Serbian navigator we found our way via Croatian Split, Zadar via Rijeka to the coast, crossing the slovenian frontier until Piran(HA!) also called Pirano by the italian tourists who seem to like the area..
Although after meeting the "waitress from hell" & eating spicy sausages at the sarajevo caffe, some nice vino and big glasses were interupted by "Cobra Icemouth" the newly appointed chairman of our fan club...we met bavarians again, who gave us their song..before thy got us lost looking for the pub/musicbar with "attitude" (cafe del moro) at the local seafront... the bayern cabbages got wasted, we danced..late but good first night...
shopped with Miro for the kitchen on friday morning,..then to the b**ch ...not as many b**ches as in Monty...Artu and "Babette" were tough enough to swim in cold water, and I dipped, swam & floated for a short while..just to balance the hot sun.. then went back to change before the "main event" which wasnt.. (IMO)
we walked back an hour , and I had hoped, after the "family dinner" with Dom, Roumy, Sonia & about a dozen others, I had suggested ...but...then later walked almost an hour to the marina area , again...the "target pub" wasnt attractive to some, who walked on, whilst Javi and I played pool, it was late and we decided to head back to Piran..found a bar without dancing, and had some nice discussion with him & his sweet Balkan wife..Mirela
Danny collected another D from Frankfurter, both asleep when I got back from the del moro was quiet ..i felt frustrated not to dance..
Saturday was "cave day" and was funny, after a delay because the "others" driver was still in bed, I took Roumy ("Mrs Khan"), Dom, Danny & Miro to the Caves, was funny, some music & wind in the car, which annoyed Roumy, (not my roomy, pity..) and it got funnier when we had a snack at the Caves "cordon bleu" restaurant ... the (sexy! ha ha ) waitress and the VEGAN beef soup were the highlights, especially when M(r)s Khan left the soup hardly touched as they all ate my chips...Dom told the waitress i was "joking" when I asked her to put the soup in a "doggy bag" ...but she did! ..and even funnier one of the other CSers ate it!.. (the remainders left in my car boot to "mutate" with the monty-cherries....
Roumy, Dom, Dushko & myself went back to our "fave" restaurant whilst the others cooked & partied at the hostel... (parking & the "threesome bunk beds" were a mystery of Piran....) ..then we all went (thankfully) back to live music at "cafe del moro" on the Piran(ha!) sea front..and i was HAPPY! ... i went first to the dance floor, then a couple then the whole "family" joined in and gradually we took over the pub...
* (almost dirty) Dancing with Roumy , Babette, Artu & Lisa ..& a couple of others not in our group...
* "flying" Sonia ... jumping from the stage into the arms of some german guy..her stealing beer from the band! ...attacking "super-barbie" and dropping a beer mug on poor Miros foot..
* Some nice pictures...hopefully the "family photo" can be seen...
having been "generous" with sharing my rental car, it seemed i would be taking most of the family somewhere.... on the departure day (Sunday 27th May)
I felt for Sonia (whose Mum in Vicenza had a birthday) who seemed even more excited than decided to take her , Babette, Dom & Miro to Trieste then come back for as many as were left..
the loud oz-impersonating Kiwi seemed to have stolen a ride that could have helped Danny, so the 2nd "load" was to take Roumy (to Rijeka) Denise to Ljubljana, Dushko to Bg, and Artu to her home , "near" to Monty's frontier...artu laughed at my dismissal of distances, and (pity to refuse to attend her friends party monday night) but "ChriS the bus/taxi talking to me? " got back to Pg almost 24 hrs after leaving Pirana, about a 1000 kms later.. be continued.... in the latest episode of...."Balkan mafia & REdS family"?
we'll meet again (link from " Dr. Strangelove" ) ?
1 year ago
Christopher Richard Smith to INaTEAM; Play Beautiful football in the Wild
happy birthday,
captain, our Captain!
captain, our Captain!
3 years ago
4 years ago
5 years ago
15 years ago
in Liverpool with Number 5 , which we got to keep..."old big ears" ..the cup, not me,,,really!
what is "luck" any way?
It was the 13th euro final saturday
did not know how they would play
would it be a "mayday"...
See More
It was the 13th euro final saturday
did not know how they would play
would it be a "mayday"...
See More
............ GOOD wishes.... ...... LIFE is for LIVING as TRUE REdS..
whatever the risk...
....... "stay safe" is for protection of weak & dying!
Wake UP Call from ChRiS
Support & join;...
See More
whatever the risk...
....... "stay safe" is for protection of weak & dying!
Wake UP Call from ChRiS
Support & join;...
See More
" we are all someones daughter, we are all someones son.... "
had a BIG surprise after playing football with our team today, the lads
presented me with a Birthday cake "happy birthday best manager" .. i
cant remember a...
See MoreChristopher Richard Smith shared a memory.
See MoreChristopher Richard Smith shared a memory.
had a BIG surprise after playing football with our team today, the lads
presented me with a Birthday cake "happy birthday best manager" .. i
cant remember a...
See More
See More
Album May-dazed tto WAKE up?
- Christopher Richard Smith ... ...... LIFE is for LIVING as TRUE REdS..
....... "stay safe" is for protection of weak & dying!
Wake UP Call from ChRiS …See More
Global Co-Op wake up ca11
Global Co-Op wake up ca11
3 years ago
and winning fourth European champions final in Roma's home stadium 1984 30h may!
3 years ago
happy birthday STEVIE!! 

REdNeT added 207 new photos to the album: Stevie G, complete player & Captain PLUS ; back @ OUR CLUB.
THE most complete player since EPL started, in defence or attack,
in the tackle, pass, free kicks & THAT shot! #GerrardTestimonial AND A LIFE TIME CONTRACT as...
See More
in the tackle, pass, free kicks & THAT shot! #GerrardTestimonial AND A LIFE TIME CONTRACT as...
See More
3 years ago
4 years ago
Captain, my LIVERPOOL, Captain! ...birthday greets & memories
4 years ago
4 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
a good first train with the kids last night and after with the "
Jokers" team, <and a few bevvies with the lads> ...muscles
complaining but happy ...... and....................Happy BIRTHDAY
STEVIE!!! ==
Gem e1111i
> "Daily Horoscope
You'll be talking about romance, but you may not be pushed to do much about it right now. Your energy is on the "rational thought" level, rather than on the "primal emotion" that you really need to bring the beast out in your partner. Sure, they say the mind is the sexiest body part, but not when it's the only part actively engaged. """ hmmm there are too many "beasts" beastn this earth ..
You'll be talking about romance, but you may not be pushed to do much about it right now. Your energy is on the "rational thought" level, rather than on the "primal emotion" that you really need to bring the beast out in your partner. Sure, they say the mind is the sexiest body part, but not when it's the only part actively engaged. """ hmmm there are too many "beasts" beastn this earth ..
5 years ago
his day , .....!
may 30 Stevie Birthday...
may 28…/end-of-lifetime-six-and-…
Open letter from Steven Gerrard
... See More
may 28…/end-of-lifetime-six-and-…
Open letter from Steven Gerrard
... See More
That's all for today