one way or another they are fake allies of the USAcorp destruction of y-oUR club and OUR game!
Kenneth was saying how we miss having a Stevie coming in from the academy...
CS> , I agree but I work with youth team, and talk with young people a lot, the problem is a social one, so many kids are spoilt, middle to business class are slaves to technology ans texting, have little interst in the world outside of their social media...and few have the hunger, example or values to devote themselves and give commitment,,,and now the true hungry kids are unlikely to get the chances as they dont belong to a league, club or scouting network window,, its no wonder "senior" supporters like us, remind everyone of the great players we have enjoyed, with leadership character and ability...
...Stevie, Kenny, Barnes, Keegan, Souness, and my favourite;
Emlyn.. who reflected the TRUE Shanks Spirit on the field
and held the team together on the field with raw energy added to his ability.

....however, as i looked at the team the other night, for the umpteenth time, seeing another side taking charge, waiting for someone to get hold of the game, .....i saw no one, except......

and as we saw v Spurs IF the rest put in the effort he can be a vital player,..,
...but most fans just react to the pathetic media knee jerking when Lfc lose, they did it with Skrtel and now Lucas is their wipping boy,,

JK has to take the blame, for a loss as craedit for a win,and F s g the fault for the state we are in..(oh that rhymes ha ha ) no seriously..
when fans suggest "simply " replacing players its the equivalent of putting a bandaid plaster on your thumb during a heart attack..
..love Stevie & hope he can instill the mentality in to modern youth at Lfc,, but i have my doubts..
in a mad world ..where Ranieri was able to make a miracle, then get sacked by club whose fans could have only dreamed about the title...
blame the players...
blame the fans,,, with a half hearted candle salute to one of the nicest guys in football..
but blame the "owners" and if you think that the cold -hearted JWH wont repeat it if Klopp fails to enrich their property value (yes, watch the "founder" film if u dont understand) ...or profit plan...
REMEMBER they sackd Kenny the BIGGEST legend of LFC (after Shanks, imo) after he won the ONLY TROPHY of the last 10 years USAcorp inFestment.. and you, the SUPPORTERS did "FA"/.....they own you, and your loyality...your ticket outlay, the TV revenue, the sponsorshipincome is because of your loyalty...do you think they care about trophies when Lfc are the only busines in the top european 10 richest football businesses, without winning a trophy???
and SoS did NOTHING either!
rename it BaBS...
banners And BS !!...
ReplyDeleteso, to introduce...
why MON Tv...
playing with words whilst provoking questions...
i was influenced by "Monty Python" ...yes the humour , anti-establishment aspect of my youth
and growing up in Liverpool and London as a teen, when everyaspect of life was being challenged..
Culture, music, politics religion, royalty and the class sysrtem nothing escaped..
and .. the more recent humour and aspect of a film "the full monty" had roots more similar to my own family..
and surprsingly this alien crash landing in Montenegro ..."Monty" .... therefore a visual persepctive.
an alternative window with 2 ways view in and out... = Mon (my) TV.......why not?
an OPEN window,, to question, to challenge , to ask questions.. an sometimes offer creative solutions..
humour, music, irony and criticism, hopefully balanced by creativity...
this random test also contains a previous "home-made video" ... reflecting the importance of a game..
within the "game of life" ... that should bring together as a collective.. a community a team...
that still allows an individual to shine and "score"...
balance with the lyrics of "imagine"... and then open this up to unknown or unappreciated talent & initiative..
...I must add that whilst i have played with media in many ways before now...the pop-media has devolved
and own media is the only solution I perceive that can be true ... on a fake planet???
if you disagree...we cab discuss all. with humour... :)