"Shanks" who took a 2nd division team and built a global entity, that bonded football, music, fashion and a social feeling for life that has affected millions and copied worldwide ...
few young people, infected by the capitalist diseases , realise the TRUE importance of the man, and the "Liverpool way"
polluted today by the Y A N K E R S of F S G clones amd fickle fannies, who have no depth or loyalty or ethics, and are absent of the empathy that Shanks distributed throughout the community he lived...

we played 6-a-side, and that was tHE thing Shanks enjoyed @ melwood.
young kids, they are full with modern rubbish so it "doesnt matter " the "football party and "turnir "is my idea, and i have put a lot of time & energy into it investing into making a true
community club..that benefits the people!
and when someone acts against the spirit of the "We are the club" that I am
trying to develop, i sponsor and support, I supply t-shirts (free!!)
and donate a trophy too.. & yet , without reference or respect to me, the fannies @ Lfc MNE
form a fan club NGO without any respect either!
NO one could question what Shanks gave and I used a lot of his ideas & no one needs to doubt MY "commitment" either, to the team or
making the best out of the community i live in, without prejudice!
so "fannies" hold back on your sarcasm, even if u dont understand me,
you dont understand the Liverpool that Shanks gave me,
or that playing football
is the most important thing, even more than supporting Liverpool, especially as
i know the time i have left to play .. is limited,,so i take it immensely "personal"
when it gets spoilt..

Lucas, is fit & back on form, one of the most effective player we have and Coutinho going to be “targeted” this season

ChriS> over
Luka Grčić > Agree.
Boljevic No. If players like Carroll, Downing, Neymar, Henderson, Fernandinho...
are worth money they re paid, Willian is worth double.
Stefan Bulajic
pa ko je rekao da oni vrede te pare? xD

Lfc fans & fannise & F S G clones @ "hamster" Pg.


more ...pics ;)
perverse ....the modern world
...no one has "time" but they have PLENTY to waste...in MNE & worldwide
Memories of Lp... "Magnet" bar-club & THE ferry..across the mersey...
Words (not worlds) of Wisdom...
more ...pics ;)
...no one has "time" but they have PLENTY to waste...in MNE & worldwide
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Words (not worlds) of Wisdom...
7 years ago... D' AGGER! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvfNyXHAsRg
ReplyDeleteWatch a Jaw-Dropping Visualization of Every Protest Since 1979
ReplyDelete'If it brightens their day, it's worth it'
Academy starlets Brad Smith and Marc Pelosi put their own long-term injuries to one side
wake up call ... from https://www.facebook.com/pages/REdNeT/245954208796041
To obtain at least shared ownership of LFC for Global REdS and to improve the situation of all true ...
New on The Travelling Kop | @paul_tomkins on BR's direction, measuring #LFC's success, trusting FSG and more! thetravellingkop.com/1399/special-f… - 21 Aug
ChriS-EuRED @EuRED09 @Corballyred @LFCTS @paul_tomkins sold us out, since they gave him a job @ Lfc offical site.. antichrismith.blogspot.com/2013/08/13831-… - 21 Aug
John O' Sullivan @Corballyred
@EuRED09 @paul_tomkins Bit clearer now was wondering why Tomkins went from one of the best Liverpool journos around to what he is at now 07:07 PM - 21 Aug 13
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
8:10pm Aug 21
13831 Pyramid scheme footy by Henry & F S G | AnTiChriS antichrismith.blogspot.com
ChriS SmiTH posted in Network of Estranged Parents and Abused Kids
ReplyDeleteChriS SmiTH
11:08am Aug 21
if u were loved, its a lot!
Timeline Photos
Never Complain about the things your parents could not give you... It was probably all they had. ...
ChriS SmiTH posted in ChriSmitH's Eco-Logistic Training & Coaching Academy
ReplyDeleteChriS SmiTH
11:06am Aug 21
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"Energy flows where attention goes" Always aim high… Loads of ℒℴνℯ! ~~~>>> 3 Floranova ...
Chris East-west Invest Ursun posted in ChriSmitH's Eco-Logistic Training & Coaching Academy
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
1:08am Aug 19
well done, just maybe we can find intelligence on this planet!
Italy Becomes the 9th EU Nation To Ban Monsanto’s GMO Corn
The Italians are on to something big that could cause a ripple effect throughout the EU. Three Itali...
Chris East-west Invest Ursun posted in Network of Estranged Parents and Abused Kids
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
10:35am Aug 17
rebel, do not pay taxes to a system that steals your child!
Marios Panaou
10:00am Aug 17
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AT LEAST RESPECT CHILDREN'S RIGHTS Kids are the innocent victims of a divorce. The least we can do..
ReplyDeleteNote team repesentatives ; a) should add themselves tot his group, b) attand a meeting on 1 sept. and friday 6th sept. @ Tolosi, c) pay entrance fee to Gazda prior to turnir...
game tonight wasnt half as good as last sunday, some turned up with the wrong attitude and one thinks he is the whole team! , greedy & selfish, no place for him in our club team next time..if he plays like that, I saw more of the ball sitting on the bench!! ..football = TEAM game!!!
whatever i want???
so it "doesnt matter " to you, hmmmm well there u go!!!
Ugo, I know u bring a team+ every sunday, but, the turnir was my idea, and i have put a lot of time & energy into this and u have blocked any other team, u dont respect my request to put your contact in the FB group..
by booking all the places with teams, that didnt exist until u persuaded your buddies, to "register", none of whom have confirmed(?) ..then u say "dont worry"
..well I am investing MY energy into making a true commuinity club..that benefits YOUR people!
(one of the "regular teams" was turned away by Gazda, I hold YOU completely responsible for any team that dont turn up.. )
you then "poach " players that play for our team, and that is against the spirit of the "We are the club" that I am trying to develop, i sponsor and support, supply t-shirts (gave u free!!)
and a trophy too.. you decided that U & Fab can select the teams last night, without reference or respect to me, your buddies@ Lfc MNE form a fan club NGO without any respect either!
so, what u dont know is the the Tolosi club is going to be developed, and U can either be part of it or not, dont EVER "challenge" me again.. I dont have to explain anything to you, u are still responding like a boy.
... cont..
ReplyDeletedont ever question MY "commitment" to team or making the best out of the community i live in, without prejudice!
so hold back on your sarcasm, even if u dont understand me, you dont understand the Liverpool that Shanks gave me, or that playing football is the most important thing, even more than supporting Liverpool, especially as i know the time i have left to play
.. is limited,,so i take it immensely "personal" when it gets spoilt..
Ugljesa Boljevic
First - that was no me and fab who had choosed teams.. it was fab and vladan..
Second - what about NGO 'LFC MNE'?? It is our organization, so if u dont agree with us it doesnt matter.. if we are making mistake it is our mistake, not yours.. we support the club, and NGO is formed to support the club, not the FSG and Henry..
Third - all teams i invited will come.. bcs everything i m organizing is sure (100%)! i dont invite ppl who will not come.. it s just that simple..Remember your turnir from last year
and i m not a boy, i dont act like a boy..
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
"my turnir" from last year? that was just a bit of fun, and it failed because the englandguys didnt get the info....it wasnt a Real Turnir, thats the sort of childish comment that i expect from a boy.. u are miisong the opoint if u dont get it that becoing "official" whilst F S G is there IS supporting Henry...again a naive decision..
and i know why u want to "monopolise " the "turnir" just be careful - i am watching what u do, because this is NOT "your organisation" .. i know u resent anyone from outside , even me, after many times befriending u when U didnt deserve it..
just keep on with your immature attitude... and we are going to become more than enemies!
by the way, it wasnt last year , it was two years ago and i new even less people, and got even less
"co=op" from locals...and u had "Dropped" the ukranian lad and Fab from the team, so they didnt help..
and there is no excuse for your players not even saying hello or "bye " or shaking hands when they arrive or leave..
the major irony is that you criticise politicians for giving all advantages to their friends and not being "open"
and you , as soon as u can, repeat their mistakes with your buddies..
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
9:44pm Aug 13
Shanks would be disgusted, by F S G's pollution of OUR CLUB.. ......The route causeis that in 2007 we (the supporters and fans) allowed Hicks in and Henry &co, to fool u twice!!, F S G know no more than the previous about how to manage a UNIQUE club culture as LIVERPOOL.
you blame Kenny , BUT Rafa should never have been removed, Kenny didnt come in because he needed the job, we had to recover from Purlsow and Hodgson, who are not on your list.. we had a ridiculous chelski chairman and directors like Ayre who failed to support Rafa or Kenny
with 6 years of "americanism" we have gone from Champions league final calibre (2007 Athens) to a standard where fans get excited by winning a few pre-season friendlies, Kenny at least competed in all competitions WON a trophy for the first time in 6 years and qualified for europe, Comolli was appointed by F S G as was Kenny, and betrayed by them too...The F S G comolli policy was to "buy British" so Kenny obliged.. selling players off cheap is NOT Kenny's fault..
pre-season was typical for a club dominated in its policy by USA's "media methods" a BIG tour , lots of "commercial opportunites" against mostly weak opposition make the team look better than it is... offloading 14 players so far, selling 3 new kits EVERY summer, increased TV revenue
and advance cash for tickets...american sponsors, and the dubious ones that exist, anyone who has a global business knowledge know how these people work..
the "accountants disease" ...the cutting ...of people and departments that "maximises" profit (for THEM) is the aim, anyone who has been through this negative "downsizing " knows that the victim is often the creativity & alliegence of the body of staff, who then react by protecting themselves instead of the "company" (or Team) as they see colleagues dissected and discarded without feeling..
the hypocrisy surrounding Luis, compared with the way F S G
& BR "dumped" Pepe , a GREAT guy, with 8 years at our club, who "dared" to consider an offer from his "home" Barcelona...is just sickening..
"dignity" my a*rse.. the club has had no "dignity" since many a year, certainly the day Hicks was allowed in , was, I thought, a low point, that declined further.. I coach, ...and saw the Celts "B" bhoys had fire in their guts .. how can we motivate kids, inside or outside of football. when we allow the CLUb that has been in all our lives to be infested by "hedge-funders" who "legally cheat" to get the money, and rip off anyone who gets in their way.?
"you live by the sword, and you die by the sword.."
and whether U like it or not, Number ONE on your BLAME list should be fickle Lfc fannies.. who failed to oppose Rafas removal, he had a 10 year plan and brought so many good young players to us..
there will be bad karma, until, the wrongs are righted, and that means IMO a club run Like bayern and owned by True supporters not business sharks, from any country..
The LIVERPOOL way (thanks Shanks) 100 years Legacy made OUR CLUB!
ReplyDeleteclever, manipulative article, .... (F S G sponsored?) I will ALWAYS support our TEAM but, To blindly "support" Lfc today is like "supporting" the french govenrnent during WW2 when adolfs nazis were in charge, ..because WE have been "occupied" since 2007, and if u want reasons why we are against F S G... try the fact that they betrayed Kenny, 2 months after a "vote of confidence" (as G & H did to Rafa) or that Henry has NOT invested net cash into Lfc, that the traNSFER "policy" is a sham..that they dumped a great guy called Pepe. OR.they employed Chang to threaten fans..they used Anfield and Melwood as security for lending, OR that they snubbed Hillsborough memorial (until this year when Henry "performed") and they know NOTHING about football and Henry is not even a success int he USA having to dump a lot of his "hedge funded empire"..