Saturday, April 30, 2011
LIVERPOOL v Newcastle
Liverpool Echo
Liverpool FC v Newcastle preview: Thrills and spills of Reds clashes with the Toon
Kenny impressed with team spirit
Reina looking for four wins
previous blog links...(banned or blocked) ?
previous "SCLOG" ...... ;
and rants...
Not Without me CUP Footy FUN & (international) freindship w/end ;
and rants...
Not Without me CUP Footy FUN & (international) freindship w/end
11430 have HOPE & ...let's BE FAIR???
30th April 2011
But I wont, because it makes no sense
No one will care about my creativity, I am too tense
NO, wont dangle myself from a rope
Impossible, its true, but I will carry on in hope
OUTLINE of the Networking programme of FAIR events (ALL inter-connected ) ; Launch weekend ; 6-10th october 2011
October 6th - from16h onwards a receiption/welcome party/"speed dating" with visiotrs @at Pg Hotel.
October 7th - formal programme, workshops etc , later free time and those who wish may join the football match FAMN v England FA (euro 12 qualifier )
October 8th "wedding meetings" social/Cultural programme all paricipants and groups invited open, informal forum, party..
October 9th Fun & Footy tournament, forum
October 10th departure..
enterprise excganges, developing joint ventures, tournaments , having parties and TRUSTING people to make their friendships and creative connection themselves..believe me , we dont need a nanny state, the money they "give " is y-ours !! the land they offer to you, once belonged to the people..and being a "mission" for the beautiful game we have a slogan for the football aspect "we are NO(t)MAD , but we ARE crazy about football".. LAUNCH : October 2011
"pride or visibility campaign" ...give kids good examples, the people to use as examples, and get them connected , with those who "made it" by doing good things..and moreover learning the lesson to enjoy the journey to their "goals"
this "FAIR" will launch creative workshops and youth clubs that are side by side bringing enterprise and experience being challenged by the raw questions and fresh ideas of youth..and vice versa; the youth being challenged to explore their talents rather than go to the street, factory, dead end job, Nor become faceless part of a corporation.
ON Going
The result ; a lot of happy people , forming creative relationships for local & global benefit at grass routes; youth club networks ; which become PERMANENT "creative workshops" where youth AND other sections of society connected with enterprise
meet in a social environment , play and discuss solutions..the permanent backing and support for ANY youth or individual to get an EQUAL chance
That you should INVITE and ENCOURAGE your members & friends to particpate in the programme
Local & visiting Enterprise should participate in the SME ""speed dating" and eventual "start-ups , to develop enterprise weddings" (joint ventures) or enterprise networks and involvement with sports/youth /FUN events according to their own inclination. This is arguably the most creative and effective event ever in the young histoory of this community. If the participants October 6th - from16h onwards a receiption/welcome party/informal "speed dating" with visitors @at Pg Hotel.October 7th - formal programme, workshops etc , later free time and those who wish may join the football match FAMN v England FA (euro 12 )October 8th "wedding meetings" social/Cultural programme all paricipants and groups invited open, informal forum, party..October 9th Fun & Footy tournament, forum; partyOctober 10th departure..
Friday, April 29, 2011
11429 that was an emotional week...
Alien DJ online virtual show..sunday night (24 april)
Support the REDMEN ; an independent media. (for adults only!)

a massive development ; considering Lfc facebook registered 5 million + "fans" to acheive an equal status would cost an average of only 60 euros each "do-able" even for the poorest communities..?
Why not?...ncourage your favourite Lfc group (offcial OR unofficial) to participate OR join…
Faces itchy coo pk medly
Lazy Sunday 67
- they leave their stuff in the way, without bothering to say ..:D lol life everything changes but nothing is different , or everything is different but nothing changes ha ha ha
Pasted from <>
Every pcture…stewart
Reason 2 believe
- energy of MY generation!!! ...passion U dont see any where any more.(except when travelling with with Liverpool REdS army) ..but its a song i dont wanyt to sing any more...
Pasted from <> who wants to..(stay with me , faces)
My generation. Died in95 …another life?
Jimmy ..watchtower
Don’t do it Joe, shes not worth it..
Chile voodoo ; enough said?
Rising SUN
Good tiome (eric_)
- Natha Abu K>
- i just love this song ChriS SmiTH yes Nat, great original sounds, mind U I saw Eric in a live concert, great guy, even now, never sold out to commercial system, kept himself socially aware and he's from durham, people similar to scousers warm and earthy, with some humour ;) prefer "good times" ..well sort of fits my "early life" (pre-95 coma) :)
Eric burdon..truth, was true then and never more than now..
3 pic s on Kennys heroes and ..
Support the REDMEN ; an independent media. (for adults only!)
24h tv
16 h aford abfab
Cancelled koko
that we met for coffee , U and Bo
so when I "proposed" you didnt tell me, fan
that U and Zena had each another man
so U throw this (alien) fish back in the sea
caught briefly, but U wont know the real me
pity because no one has yet managed to uncover
the ChriS who is much more thsn a "brother" ..! "
You need to get out - away from home, and the further the better. If you can't book a tour to Outer Blootavia this week, you can at least get to a cottage, out into the country, to a book store, or onto the Internet where you can spend some enjoyable time dreaming about your next vacation.
why do you bother appealing to the system? u waste energy, demo, refuse to pay taxes hurt the system in its pocket be consequent,
I wne through all the german courts and starsbourg and brussels and its a sick joke that took 12 years to go no where, learn from my experience and dont waste your time on lip service and paper one in the system cares about us, so care and show them that you are consequntial..than you get reaction!

Thursday 28 april
You may have to make some compromises today between your family and your boss. All sides seem to have their ideas about how you should be spending your time. You may be able to compromise. Offer alternatives, agree to disagree. Don't get wrapped up in "rights" or "wrongs".
29 april
Career and social obligations bring challenges right now. Someone wants something you are not prepared to give. You may find yourself in the middle of some serious discussions about healthcare plans soon. If you are a leader in your office, push for everything you can get.
fighting with "2 wives" and koko every picture tells a story need for words (slideshow)
Ha ha de ha ha .. "
I am an old chap"
Its started with guys
In block 6 then block 5
Theres tooo many blocks
In the heads of "Monties" ,no one rocks (like me)
Is this the punishment for my first life
No one will be my "wife"
I had too many in the first one
Sometimes I want to run and fun
But yes I do have some good times
I am still drunk so struggle toi make this rhyme
AM has said "NO" its all about H-im-age
(me) HE has Age and the wrong face..
But I havent met a better man
I risk my life again to do what I can
For the kids here deserve much more
Please its not about money or being poor
AM I cursed with knowing too much?
Strategy, logistics and such
It would be easy for me to manage
This black mountain society, but I am in rage
If kokoAna don’t see who I am
A deep lover , a carer , and an honest man
Then even dancing wont help
I feel like crying now, a dog with a yelp
12 hrs drinking (and chinese) =100 e! 10e p/hr
- ChriS SmiTH> there are more than 5 MILLION people registered as "Lfc fans" on FB, if we had been able to organise these (and I apprecaiate some are kids or "occasional" fans we could have bought the club for about 50 quid each!!
I believe we should mobilise the "informal membership" of the Global REdS and state OUR claim, including ALL supporters groups, individual fan clubs, facebook groups that claim to be supporters or fans of Lfc , whether official or not…
my proposal would be to push the club to issue MATCHING shares that we can obtain to an equal value over the next years thus ,say by 2020 or thereabouts we would obtain a 50/50 status...tje benefits are numerous , for all concerned..- extra revenue,
each member (shareholder) can be an " enthusiastic salesman" of our products
a massive development ; considering Lfc facebook registered 5 million + "fans" to acheive an equal status would cost an average of only 60 euros each "do-able" even for the poorest communities..?
Why not?...ncourage your favourite Lfc group (offcial OR unofficial) to participate OR join…
- "Vision without Action is merely a dream. Action without Vision is passing the time. Vision with Action can change the world!"
Sat 23 april (online slip stream) to 29 april..
5-0 v brum (yes "only" brum, but they have been difficult to beat over the years)...great TEAM performance, maxi hat trick!, Suarez always dangerous..the 2 lads Flanagan & Robbo sound and midfield bossed by jay and the previousy maligned Lucas whose tackling and passing , covering was worthy of "captain" ..and Dirk every willing , Carra & Skttel never in trouble with Pepe ruling the pen area, FLUID supporting play, passing and move the "Liverpool way", .."Kenny's heroes" ...<SMILE>
- ChriS SmiTH
they would not even get into the top 4 of the EPL! imgaine their team of prima donnas playing at stoke etc and getting the sh*te kicked out of them every week now they look great playing in a 2 club la liga, with no contest..they would get f&cked every other week by some kick and rush premiere team they are just aniother "pretty arsenal" with spanish players.. nothing more! stop the fantasy! - David Wah Not even top 4 in the premier league?! I guess you've had one too many beers tonight Chris.
- ChriS SmiTH hiya David, well it took this comment to wake u up , u never commented on anythign else i wrote before ??, say happy birthday to yr brother!" ha ha
- ChriS SmiTH
sure ,son, just tryiong tomake a point, balance some of the ridiculous barca hype..basdically the point i am trying to get across that they look good because there are no other major forces ineurope at the moment,,and what has been true ... See more - ChriS SmiTH p.s. dont attacxke the messaenger ,engage in debate, ;)
- ChriS SmiTH u could use the example today, our kids @ everton's youth, our lads have ben playing "barac style" all season...are the blues lads worthy of 4-0, maybe ,but, TBH the blues lads showed more determination..and thats why barca look good..until a team "roughs them up" with no referee protection or media BS hyping them up.
- ChriS SmiTH ChriS SmiTH hiiya david (wah) yes I had a few bevvies last night with the locals, and was being DELIBERATELY provocative after reading some of the typical over-exagerated hype of media/pundits(so called experts who never managed a succesful team in their lives) the reality is that barac look good at a tie when there are NO other challengers, the rest oof the teams in europe are average Lfc damaged by the fraudulent yankers, just getting sorted now with kenny, arsernal pretty footy but no fight in them, chelski, too many over the hill prima donnas too, the mancs with probably the worst football they have had in 20 years may yet win the league!(you lot might have beaten them saturday with luck and a decent ref, too many teams lay down before playing at ot!) inter , AC milan? real madrid, sometimes, but..niothing special.. the people at the beginning of the season were going mad over rent boys saying chelski would walk the leagfue..just all too ridiculous the way the fickle media and the sky-washed fans ..have no opinion of their own, and just sway from one exterem to the other..have a nice day! :D
Pasted from <> every picture tells a story need for words (slideshow)
ChriS SmiTH> there are more than 5 MILLION people registered as "Lfc fans" on FB, if we had been able to organise these (and I apprecaiate some are kids or "occasional" fans we could have bought the club for about 50 quid each!!
I believe we should mobilise the "informal membership" of the Global REdS and state OUR claim, including ALL supporters groups, individual fan clubs, facebook groups that claim to be supporters or fans of Lfc , whether official or not…
my proposal would be to push the club to issue MATCHING shares that we can obtain to an equal value over the next years thus ,say by 2020 or thereabouts we would obtain a 50/50 status...tje benefits are numerous , for all concerned..
extra revenue,
each member (shareholder) can be an " enthusiastic salesman" of our products
a massive development ; considering Lfc facebook registered 5 million + "fans" to acheive an equal status would cost an average of only 60 euros each "do-able" even for the poorest communities..?
Why not?...encourage your favourite Lfc group (offcial OR unofficial) to participate OR join…
before anyone says ..that cant be done", or we dont do it that way" or
"there are rules that confine what we can support" ..I will walk away from U all with some words of Inspiration....
to leave you on a „high"? ;-)
„ Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their mind, wake in the day to find that it was vanity. But the dreamers of the day are dangerous people, for they may act out their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible." -- Lawrence of Arabia
„A very great vision is needed and the person who has it must follow it as the Eagle seeks the deepest blue of the sky." Tashunkewitko - Crazy Horse
In the Interest of Sharing: ..the best classroom in the world is at the feet of an elderly person. ... the best teachers are children. From „Jim „
- "Vision without Action is merely a dream. Action without Vision is passing the time. Vision with Action can change the world!"
- "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter" - M L King
- "Do not be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better. What if they are a little coarse, and you may get your coat soiled or torn? What if you do fail, and get fairly rolled in the dirt once or twice. Up again, you shall never be so afraid of a tumble" - Ralph Waldo Emerson
"To be yourself, in a world that tries, night & day, to make you just like everybody else -is to fight the greatest battle there ever is to fight & never stop fighting"- Cummings
-"Do what you can, with what you have, with where you are" - Theodore Roosevelt
- "Don't let school interfere with your education" - Mark Twain
- "The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence whatsoever that it is not entirely absurd; indeed in view of the silliness of the majority of mankind, a widespread belief is more likely to be foolish than sensible" - Bertrand Russell
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