Catch up with previous SUPPORTERS CLUB logs SCLOG: REdNET bootroom updating,,, winning at home whilst away v bullox ; away at wolves & "nationalist BS pause" (
and ;/2021/04/support-true-rebel-reds-team-v-royalist.
from 2 years ago: 2019/03/update-hating-pause-pre-spurs-and.
its co-incidental that Rafa has his birthday the next day after the fateful april 15th , his wife as well as Benitez supports many community & charity initiatives in LIVERPOOL as his family still live there..
an empty Anfield ; not many supporters in & around raising the energy?
SUPPORT OUR TEAM & 96_??????
MY YOUTH was the best ;
" 77 ; STAR WARS arrived in the cinema , "night fever" and disco dancing (yes i can) & LIVERPOOL won the first European CHAMPIONS trophy... to close , with a good night & sweet dream message to anyone who "gets it" tonight. NOT from "night fever" (but of the same era)
... dedicated to OUR TEAM this night ..and all TRUE REbEL REdS, worldwide ... YOU NEVER walk ALONE! and of course in memory of 96 brothers & sisters ..on the 15th April... 210414 ... Pre LIVERPOOL v royal MAD-rid! .. .. Y N W A with hope & best wishes to all TRUE REbEL REdS! SUPPORTING our TEAM at ANFIELD ...
updating CAMPAIGN ; /2021/04/support-true-rebel-reds-team-v-royalist.
Freedom e UNION NOW = F U N v F U B A R #J4t96_32yrs
Christopher Richard Smith from LbiRD_REdGEMnetApril 15, 2018 at 4:08 AM (first posted 6 years ago...) i80415
.... only this on my mind and in my heart this morning,.. thanks for your words ... it helps on this day, 15th April 1989 , and 15th April 1995 i also "died" (coma) so its never going to be forgotten....
for 97 reasons!
150415 YNWA J4t96 = JUSTICE for the 96 .. Justice for ALL
"26 years passed since that day
Cant believe that they did not pay
for the slaughter of 96 brothers & sisters RED!
their spirit ALIVE in me, though their bodies long dead
* "Justice delayed is justice denied..
Over & over this I have sighed..
every day people are abused
by government officials, like fodder are used"
^ Everywhere I go see see the same
who are the the ones to blame?
you the people who wont stand up
they arrest us, block us and such"
* So when will you have your day?
when will you stand up and say..
enough of the corruption ,
enough of the same
, its our world, not yours,
its OUR "beautiful game" CS150415
LIVERPOOL 0-0 royal MAD-rid ...
Liverpool 0-0 Real Madrid: English champions dumped out of Champions League ( match ANALysis.. the knives are out!
more pundit BS at;
TRENT had a go...
