v Rafa 's black & whites...
always weird since he was , still is, OUR Rafa, to have him manage an opposing team, it was a test when he came here whilst on temp duty at chelski, but tomorrow it feels so similar to the time when Kenny brought Blackburn to Anfield, a mixture of emotions, yeah Lfc want 3 points, just get them, no more no less, but even out gunned, give respect to the man; BENITEZ..
As Lfc tv , TAW, TIA, echo & others BIG up Juergen's record this season... calm down, he still hasn't won a major trophy ; I mean not only for Lfc ( sorry I dont rate the bundesliga... )
... I repeat ; I LIKE the man, BUT ..he is not yet "one of the best in the world" ... and he is an EMPLOYEE of the USAcorp infestors; he is not in charge... shown so clearly when his claim of "no january leavers" was blown apart by the sale of the (talented) brat to Barca
Much is alo made of a fully fit squad, apparently down to "brilliant rotation" by JK ; stated by the same the hypocrites who virtually crucified Rafa for rotating... players (and he had NO boardroom backing) they now praise Jk...!
but some of the NINE drawn games , this season , may have been won, had he "pushed the strongest team out" to start each game... ? who knows? ... however , I feel its a similar problem in the boardroom, they wont go far enough to be sure Lfc have the strongest team available, when they can make a few more dollars, and raise the asset value of Lfc , as a "biz"
Jk pre match: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTn82Bl4F70
Rafa pre match @ Newcastle earlier this season (1-1) ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FrkmXcUlvA ...
v wham 4-1 , well done, even without top form Lfc comfortable, even with a slow start,,,,
REdNeT (from DC)
Liverpool 4 w ham 1 ... moyes had the away defence well drilled early on
and a mixture of stout defending and missed chances kept it @ 1=0 half time,,,
as shots on target were apparently 3 each , now Can starts to use his head for more than a hairdressers model...
/// 2nd half Lfc more fluid and lad JK did not make any defensive subs..an off form MO still got his goal
... incisive pass from Can gave Firm the 3rd, and Firm and Robbo combined well for number 4 ,
Can losing possession allowed w ham in for a consolation in between ,
although Karius had already saved 2 .in 1st half... (Arnautovic) ..
good result,,,, however as I watch the tv show the league table, i cannot help thinking ..
"I am 10 years older and I should be happy for just returning to 2nd place? "
JK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tveOvTvohxQ
Previously.... 2018/02/rednet-bootroom-update-are-you-boring ... for those who confuse being "bored" with being "boring" :p
________________________________________ one view... which does NOT INVESTIGATE how 300Mil was paid, (to "acquire Lfc from the former sharks by the current sharks" who actually received the payment , and what method was used, (clue it wasnt paid in "cash") https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ht_wcv5aXAU and still after 11 seasons of USAcorp , only one 2nd class trophy to show... (and they sacked Kenny for that!)
silly interviewer , "its only a game" shows how little some sheeple know.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbMMvM5b6uo ...Shanks! ...who by the way comnbined "pass & move" applied TWO CBs and "hounded" opposing players (watch the REdS (Shanks & Bob teams followed the method) between 1964-1984.. especially in europe where opposing sides were used to having time on the ball (JK is lauded for something done 50 years before! )
...but he coaches this well (watch his training...explained here.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvUxn0_7N_s & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5iraZhfpsPo )
counters highlighted here;
more to discuss @ facebook.com/pg/REdNET.Sclog
The REST of the world,
and stuff we discuss in "our bootroom"...
but first ..Frankies highlights,,,
blame the sheeple... #noneoftheabove is a worthy banner to associate and anon too,.
...... but fear rules even the keyboard warriors who are scared to take responsibility... and those in power know and use that.
.....the names change, the location changes but BS reigns supreme, i have experienced many different cultures, but behind the cultural camouflage, are the same villains , and sheeple, but fewer and fewer heroes who will stand up purely because its what needs to be done, , and for no other reason!
Wish they would give me facilities to make such a good film about footy; ..........(my :field of dreams; still waiting for them to come; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SB16il97yw )
and one of the best ending and soundtrack (Jackie Brown)
Mommy-fakers news (MFN)
local: ironic question,,, why would a old fascist, throw a grenade at a fascist government (USAcorp embassy) ??
more irony by "Jon Pie" ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0L3u6vIr-Q and his latest ; (backstage) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpTY_N4qOAc&feature=push-u
A REMINDER of what fascism brings ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zlmg0yzxKvQ (Ms Sarajevo)
and an urgent appeal from a father...campaign/en/free_ahed
blooged! :)
Support : rednet-alien.blogspot.com/2012/06/y-our-alternative-live-r-pool-footy.html
a bit of Shanks truth... " without natural enthusiam you are nothing" ... https://vimeo.com/156434629 there seems be be a whole lot of NOTHINg in the modern "new world order" of US infestors and the "american nightmare"