PROGRESS from an emotional Easter
& HJC ; "the REBEL cause" ?
& HJC ; "the REBEL cause" ?
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This IS the "Spirit of OUR REd SOUL! ; Pepe & Brad! |
Kenny Dalglish admitted reaching the FA Cup final felt sweet after a difficult few weeks for the club - but insisted once again that his side was a work in progress.
Continued from part 3..... Question 15 …and comments about FSG/Lfc "bored" ;) see all FOUR parts
- Damning condemnation of F.S.G & Henry-Werner
The so-called "owner" of Lfc John Henry didnt turn up at the Hillsborough memorial but his partner - chairman" Tom Werner (media 'expert") was in Lp the week before to sack the "football Director"; Comolli , who , whilst I didnt particulary like or want the man (why couldnt we have kept Rafa? with Kenny to share responsibilities?)- because the yankers are scared of them?) ...well know scouse-celebrity Frank Carlyle and other friends discuss...
Frank C.>Can't really believe that Liverpool Football Cub's owner didn't attend yesterday's semi-final, and most importantly failing to attend today's Hillsborough service!! Disgraceful....
Carol Barnbrock Morris> Money making business men Frank!! Sit in their Ivory tower counting their money!! No heart and no compassion
Caz Whitfield Loftus >don,t need them anyway frank the people who really count and who we care about will be there and thats all that matters
Tony Healy> yr right frank very disgraceful
Jacqueline Armstrong> a football team isnt the owners - it's the community of fans and players working together.
Alexandrei Zakharov >It's best that they didn't turn out in reality Frank. They're obviously so out of touch they'd be there for all the wrong reasons too
Moe Connely> Frank ,we'll be there, and we are the ones that matter, some peopledont understand respect.
Leigh Folley> typical yanks all they care about is money & themselves. what a disgrace
Anthony Oneill> That's wrong, shocking news.
Beryl Griffiths> terrible terrible --what a disgrace to our beloved Liverpool repremand, me thinks !
Jamie Williams> Shame on them Frank - disrespectful attitude by the owners
Andy Hudson> as a blue, i think this is so wrong......may the 96 rest in peace...
CHRIS>they dont own our club Frank, they just hold some paper ;)
Martin Quirk> We own the club, Frank, they're just key-holdersFrancis Lawton Boston Red Sox had their opening game of the baseball season in America. The owners attended the opening game ceremony in Boston. They came to Liverpool this week and flew back on Thursday. Apparently, they donated to the Hillsborough fund. At least one of them should have attended the Final and the Anniversary today..but lets see who did attend first before we make our judgements..
Frank Carlyle Opening game in America! We had a semi-final against our City's main rivals, they were already here to sack Comolli and flew back! No, I'm not having that Bobby mate, we couldn't have had a finer time to show the owners what this City's all about! And with Hillsborough today, John Henry and Werner should attend, it's disrespectful. They still don't know the City's psyche, and they never will....
John Harrison I was told they're thinking of pulling out of the club don't know if it's true or not?
David Brown> I'm not that bothered, because I'm not surprised, and although I certainly don't want to make any excuses for them, I think yanks are a bit mad like that - and they won't reaslise they've done anything wrong - which again, doesn't excuse their ignorance. As you say though Frank, they were already here, and could have stayed an extra few days, to show their respect, and see what Hillsborough and the club means to our great supporters. I won't lose too much sleeep over the yanks. Owners will come and go, but the club and our world class supporters will always be there. J4T96. YNWA
Francis Lawton David Moores attended every game home and away, he never missed anything regarding LFC.....then what did he do? He sold us down the river to 2 charlatans who nearly brought our club to bankruptcy and demise. Why did he do it ? Because ...
John Colfar> Red sox were having a little game of rounders or something , how they could miss out on a great day at Wembley is beyond me
20 hours ago · Like · 1
ChriS > IF they wanna pull out give Supporters the share options! if ever there is a club that deserves to be in supporters hands ; its OURS!
REdNET: REdS v blues & TRUTH v Lies...
Neil Singleton> Agree totally bobby, in all the cowboys rein. Considering he was supposed to be inconsolable he never once tried to put his money back in?
Francis Lawton> I agree that we, the supporters, should 'own' the club. I like the Barcelona 'model'. At the end of the day owners like Fenway, are business men. Business men are in it for profit & glory nothing more. Baseball in the USA is a massive sport on a par with Football in this country. If Fenway, owners of the Boston Redsox, never attended the Redsox opening game ( It's a big occasion in Baseball ), the Redsox supporters would be saying what we are saying here !! However, ONE of them should have attended the semi yesterday & the anniversary for the 96 today !
Chris> agreed, Like Barca we have several million fans worldwide, its defo do-able ! I said at the time the previous fraudsters were there that we didnt campaign in the right way to get shares, it should be done BY Lfc not SOS or any outside institution
- Neil Singleton> We need to be getting into Asia big time! That's we're the money is, china a billion people, broadband as fast as us turning the tv over! If 100,000 of them payed a £1 to watch the match on laptops, phones.. There would be no one to touch us commercially
- ChriS> East-west Invest Ursun Ayres is into Asia...but what did he do during the "war with G & H" WE have to identify what is good for Lfc (not for the sponsors..for me Ayres is too close to the money men...) they love him..
- Tommy Batty> they are yanks ffs Frank,they want a return on their money,f*ck em,YNWA, Brian Duncan> thats unbelievable he should have been there shame on u j.w h.
- Steve Harper This weekend should be one for remembering the '96,celebrating beating the blues.Seems to be more in the papers about horses dying,Lets save the moans for another day,We have enough other people to have a go at us,dont get the Mail but read a article by patrick collins in todays paper on yesterday's match,it is clear this man has a problem with Dalglish and LFC.
- Marie Buckley> Disgraceful indeed excuses!!! Carla Hanratty Langstaff> Pretty poor that, must not relise how raw it still is. X JFT96
- ChriS>Marie, the main "enemy" is Apathy as much as the money men who try to buy our Soul, how many protested against G & H considering how many claim to be fans?,., therefore the concept should have been (by S.O.S/SLfc or in fact the board of LFc in "administration" ..ironic that fans were worried about being penalised by 9 points by the League yet we almost got into relegation battle with "woy" !!) its should have been "explained" to buy shares not just as a "protest" but to save the club long term, theres nothing to stop FSG selling it on, when it suits,to whoever they want to and its a GOOD investment IMO, G & H got it RIGHT when they claimed that the club is worth a billion, it is PROPERLY managed!! 7 million + punters is a massive global sales network IF LFC products were properly marketed through supporters networks worldwide, I live abroad and see just how clever some people have been with barca products..etc I dont live in Lp i am also regarded as Alien so i am considered "cranky" yet no-one has been able to argue against my logic, good luck frank, naybe cu again this year (yr welcome in Monty!!!) ;)
- Kevin Melia> If they think they can buy my respect with the £300million they put into the club – well they’re right! I can live without lip-service passion. They certainly put their money were their mouth is. But I guess you can always find something to bring to everyone’s attention and moan about. Their absence should have been left unreported – it’s not relevant, and may cause unnecessary heartache for relatives of Hillsborough victims. ·
- Steve Harper great comment kevin, we had a great victory,the people who needed to be at the service were there ,think hicks and gillette got booed for attending.
- Ray Thomson> You don't know all the facts Frank...ChriS> No Kevin, it may not have needed reporting, but U will find in coming months its one of many aspects worthy of investigating the motives of FSG/NESV and their very slick "PR" including the fans 'committee" which is completely toothless and appointing Karen Gill a simple way of keeping any "dissent" distanced as they dont expect any critique that way, and btw it was 200 M. the the other (unreported) was secured by CREDIT Anfield statdium and Melwood, even G & H didnt do that, dont forget iit was the same broker who brought them to LFC as introduced G & H and...for me damning they only reacted to removing G & H / Purslow's poodle Hodgson when 10,000 didnt turn up at Anfield January 2011... Yes Ray, its possible that Frank dont know all the facts, but as yet no one does..thats going to change...
- Marie Buckley > Why are we surprised...........the Americans only recently heard of 'soccer' and it means little to them, the have their own 'world series' of baseball, the national sport for Americans only.............FSG & co, like all yanks only bought LFC to make money, nothing else, so don't have any illusions it means any more to them. When they decide (which might be sooner than later) that the "brand" isn't a money spinner for them, then they will up sticks and sell to anyone who pays the highest price. Where's the promised Stadium !! Stalling on it now far too long, so guess its not going to happen. They don't see the big picture at all, for without a capacity stadium the money won't come in: businessmen ????
- Marie, the main "enemy" is Apathy as much as the money men who try to buy our Soul, how many protested against G & H considering how many claim to be fans?,., therefore the concept should have been (by S.O.S/SLfc or in fact the board of LFc in "administration" ..ironic that fans were worried about being penalised by 9 points by the League yet we almost got into relegation battle with "woy" !!) its should have been "explained" to buy shares not just as a "protest" but to save the club long term, theres nothing to stop FSG selling it on, when it suits,to whoever they want to and its a GOOD investment IMO, G & H got it RIGHT when they claimed that the club is worth a billion, it is PROPERLY managed!! 7 million + punters is a massive global sales network IF LFC products were properly marketed through supporters networks worldwide, I live abroad and see just how clever some people have been with barca products..etc I dont live in Lp i am also regarded as Alien so i am considered "cranky" yet no-one has been able to argue against my logic, good luck frank, naybe cu again this year (yr welcome in Monty!!!) ;)
- Frank Carlyle> Hey Ray, the only facts I want to know is RESPECT!!!!! The owners were here to sack a couple of people, they knew about the service for the 96, yet didn't show up. These people are owners of my football club, and we need owners who are fully committed to our club for the good of it. We certainly don't need part time owners that pretend they've got a vested interest in our supporters... They haven't, simple as that Ray, simple as that. They showed a lack of RESPECT for the club and the 15th of April.... These are the facts I need to know about....
Joe Halligan > Can`t believe this, this was an oppertunity for the yanks to come together as one with ourselves, they could at least put out a msg on LFC T.V explaining their absence???
Ray Thomson> Frank these guys are not sport fans they are not interested at all in Liverpool and the people who tragically lost their lives they are steely eyed businessmen who use the tax loopholes in football to make their fortunes...It's just numbers and could say the Rupert Murdoch's of sport...and that is a major downfall in football today it's not a game of footy's all about the money...
ChriS > Ray, its the fault of the public who swallow it... our club must fight to avoid becoming like the rest...
Marie Buckley> Believe they are supposed to have donated towards Hillsborough.............and of course the mega-rich think that is all thats necessary, throw them a few bob there.......their answer to everything........
Phil Seery> I can, no passion for the club or it's loyal supporters, I love the banter, but the line has to be drawn somewhere. It is a disgrace.
ChriS > Frank, I love Liverpool community & (most of) the Liverpool people..however my warnings 2 years ago were virtually scoffed at ; that we were being "fooled twice" and should claim OUR club at that time, 9a unique moment that may not come again) not only was the Moores/G & H sale 'wrong" the disaster that followed was so bad that PPL were willing to accept almost any "new owners" to get rid... Letting the bankers bring in conman purslow and a chelski chairman to oversee a sale (which only had "one forseeable outcome") with Ayres allowing Rafa being forced out in favour of english poodle hodgson , a global entity called Lfc WAS sold "cheap' to NESV , who were clever enough to see what G & H hadnt done and made a slick PR campaign to 'court" some ex-players bloggers & fan groups ...but lets be clear its been OBVIOUS the "american way' with all its dirty tricks thats been allowed into our club, by our fans own naivety & apathy, by not fighting to keep Shanks' Liverpool way...and there are many ppl in the Lfc "office" who still need cleaning if we arent to be 'just another moneyball club"...lets not be "surprised" that FSG are with the establishment (media is their power-broker) they wont side with our "rebel causes" such as HJC etc...
ReplyDeleteah Jimmy, to an extent its a nice article, but gives you away too, you see I take issue that ManU have given their followers more joy than I have had SUPPORTing Liverpool teams in the last 10 years!!! for Crazies like me , its not just about the game or the result, its about being the "holy trinity" the feeling of being ONE with team and manager, win OR lose.. a FEELING that only Rafa & Kenny have brought to me in the last 20 or so years, although I followed the REdS since the days of Shanks..
I have lived abroad half my life and in some ways makes me more appreciative of what is UNIQUE about us,,,and it certainly not only what happens on the field..
Although "come backs" are great to witness, anywhere, The "Champions League" is another of what Rafa calls "the Lie of Football" (or that Footy is a LIe!) how many CHAMPIONS play in that competition.. I think no club should qualify UNLESS they HAVE at least in their history been champions..
anyway, many a time fellow supporters have come back from an "away" (or even a return weekend trip to our home town ; Liverpool) and said " great weekend , or great trip, shame about the game" ..
i recently brought over 3 young "Balkan REdS" to a game v ar*e-nal (I in edited that because your system is "sensitive" ;) ...we lost the game (robbed) and the lads stuff bought at the LFc shop got nicked, BUT we were all agreed that we had a great time and they experienced their dream... these 3 understand what Shanks meant...
very few of the sky-washed "fannies" who only watch on Tv or understand footy from video games etc ..REALLY understand what is SO special Wonderful and Unique...
Soon after I started Supporting the Liverpool team (with Shanks as manager) we went though a period of 6 seasons with no trophies, during that time WE won a "best behaved supporters" trophy from the league..
"Cup Team" ? i dont believe it and dont believe we are anything other than a consistently succesful club thanks to Supporters & (certain) managers & players mentality that has kept us within the TOP EIGHT teams in the League since 50 Years!
why dont you tell the "fannies" that!!
ChriS ;)